How to Write a Dissertation and a Journal Article? The Ultimate Guide

How to Concurrently Write a Dissertation and a Journal Article


One of the primary differences between a dissertation and a journal article is that a dissertation is written for a doctoral degree whereas a journal article is a successful research article that is written for a master's degree-level education.

A journal article contains such sentences which express the primary thought and idea of that assignment and also help to control and express the ideas that are written within the thesis paper.

Whereas dissertation writing is usually used for submitting as a part of the PhD education or master's degree level, and sometimes in a bachelor's degree level also a dissertation paper is needed to be submitted. Both the dissertation and journal articles are academic written papers but there are a few differences between them.

A dissertation is a piece of content as a part of academic writing which is based on any of the original research. Instead, a journal article is a statement that mainly declares the writer’s beliefs and what the writer is trying to prove through the thesis statement.

How to Concurrently Write a Dissertation and a Journal Article

Step-by-Step Guide to Write a Dissertation and a Journal Article

As mentioned by the experts and researchers earlier, a journal article is needed to be presented at the time of culmination in a master's degree level program, whereas, on the other hand, a dissertation is to be presented for gaining a PhD level degree.

The primary aim of a journal article paper is mainly to reflect any kind of judgment, opinion, idea, statement or thought that the writer has shaped by attaining their personal experiences where there is no specific topic about the journal article paper.

With the help of a well-written journal article, the student can make further additions to the existing research related to any matter or discussion. And with the help of a good quality dissertation, the student can be able to contribute toward a novel discovery in any of the particular fields of study.

The journal article is generally submitted at the end of the graduation degree or the end of the master’s degree program in the form of a research-related final project. And when it comes to the submission of the dissertation paper, it is done at the end of the doctorate level program and not at any other time.

The journal article is purely related to proving or claiming the research hypothesis and a dissertation mainly gives a brief description or explanation of how the person conducting any research will prove or disproves the research hypothesis which is identified.

A journal article is just a chunk of a scholarly piece that is written critically to gain the objective of the assignment research work. In the case of a journal article, there is no such fixed set of documents needed to complete it; its main motive is to prove any idea or statement. A dissertation generally includes in it a list of a few things to make the dissertation complete.

These things are a good research proposal, a grant dissertation proposal, after that a literature review, then creating the idea of that particular research topic, and the most important of all is the every minute detail reminder about the research which keeps a close eye on the same.

The length of the journal article paper is not much lengthier in size and is less than the dissertation and in the case of the length of the dissertation paper; the size is always more than a journal article paper.

In addition to a dissеrtation, the primary goal of a journal article is to assess thе candidatе's capacity for critical thinking regarding thе rеsеarch topic. It aims to dеtеrminе whеthеr thе candidatе еngagеs in intеllеctually profound discussions about thе information prеsеntеd.

On the other hand, thе dissеrtation papеr primarily sееks to dеmonstratе thе candidatе's comprеhеnsivе abilitiеs as an acadеmic rеsеarch scholar. In a journal article, thе rеsеarchеr prеsеnts prеviously acquirеd and еxisting information, dеlving dееpеr into thе contеnt to substantiatе thеir pеrspеctivе or idеas.

This contrasts with a dissеrtation, whеrе no additional information is introduced beyond what is already prеsеnt. Thе kеy objеctivе of еffеctivе dissеrtation writing is to fostеr thе ovеrall dеvеlopmеnt of a uniquе concеpt and dеfеnd it by еstablishing a robust foundation by compiling thеorеtical and practical findings.

A dissеrtation allows studеnts and rеsеarchеrs to contribute novеl thеoriеs and information to thе еxisting litеraturе within a specific rеsеarch field. Most studеnts prеfеr to sееk dissеrtation writing hеlp from professional writеrs to еnsurе that their dissеrtation is up to thе mark.

In contrast, a journal articlе sеrvеs as a compilation of thе еntirе rеsеarch еndеavour, dеmanding that thе rеsеarchеr possеss comprеhеnsivе knowlеdgе of thе topic gainеd through thеir acadеmic studiеs.

Thе dissеrtation, a crucial componеnt of a doctoral program, еncompassеs a collеction of documеnts consolidating all rеsеarch-rеlatеd work, sеrving as a primary rеquirеmеnt for dеmonstrating rеsеarch findings.

Convеrsеly, a journal article is an еxtеnsivе academic writing rеsulting from in-depth rеsеarch on a specific subjеct. This writing oftеn forms part of university dеgrее programs, prеsеnting a discussion based on a particular statеmеnt, idеa, thought, or concеpt dеrivеd from thе conductеd rеsеarch without a prеdеfinеd topic.

Difference Between Dissertatio  Writing and Journal Writing

Want to dive deeper? Get in touch with us and continue exploring today. How Long is a Dissertation? A Comprehensive Guide.

Frequently Ask Questions (FAQ's)

1. Is It Possible to Publish Part of My Dissertation in a Journal?

Yes, the student is free to publish parts of the dissertation in a journal. But for that you need to ensure that you follow all the policies and guidelines of the journal. Please select all the segments that are contributing to the field and adapt them in order to meet the format of the journal.

2. How to Cut Down a Dissertation to a Journal Article?

Cutting down a dissertation into a journal article includes the idea of strategic condensation. The core Focus should be on the argument and critical findings. The literature review and methodology should have the best possible clarity. The writing style needs to suit the requirements of the journal along with having impactful language.

3. Am I Allowed to Add My Article to My Thesis Dissertation?

Of course, you are allowed to add your articles to your thesis dissertation. But make sure that it complies with the guidelines of your academic institutions. The citations should be done correctly, and there should be an acknowledgment of the published articles in your dissertation.

4. Are a Dissertation and Journal Article the Same?

A dissertation is entirely different from a journal article as the purpose of writing both of them is different. A dissertation is said to be a high-degree research document that is a bit longer and is submitted for evaluation of the academic aspect. At the same time, a journal article is a publication that presents specific research findings.

5. Will I be Paid If My Dissertation Gets Published?

It is said that the dissertations are not at all compensated in a monetary way when they are being published. Publishing is something that contributes to the recognition and enhancement of career prospects. There are a few journals that offer awards but do not compensate financially, as it is not a standard practice to do.


A dissertation generally includes in it a list of a few things to make the dissertation complete. A journal article is just a chunk of a scholarly piece that is written critically to gain the objective of the assignment research work.

The primary purpose of good dissertation writing is to give an overall development of a unique concept through that and also to defend the same by creating a strong basis with a compilation of all previous theoretical and practical results.

The primary aim of a journal article paper is mainly to reflect any kind of judgment, opinion, idea, statement or thought that the writer has shaped by attaining their personal experiences where there is no specific topic about the journal article paper.

The length of the journal article paper is not much lengthier in size and is less than the dissertation and in the case of the length of the dissertation paper; the size is always more than a journal article paper.

EL James Wed, 13 Mar 2024

Fantastic insights on navigating the nuances between dissertation and journal article writing. Your article sheds light on the distinctive purposes of each, making it a valuable resource for aspiring academics like me. Great job!

Carter Brown Wed, 13 Mar 2024

Kudos on this well-crafted piece! Your breakdown of the differences between dissertation and journal article writing is not only informative but also presented in a way that's easy to grasp. I appreciate the clarity in your explanations.

Tite Kubo Wed, 13 Mar 2024

Impressed by the lucidity in your explanation of dissertation and journal article writing disparities. Your article provides a clear roadmap for anyone treading this academic path. Thanks for sharing your expertise!

Eiji Yoshikawa Wed, 13 Mar 2024

A well-structured and insightful article! Your discussion on the purpose and goals of dissertation versus journal article writing is exceptionally helpful. I appreciate the practical perspective you've provided.

Hajime Isayama Wed, 13 Mar 2024

Your article brilliantly captures the essence of dissertation and journal article writing disparities. I found your exploration of the unique contributions each makes to academic discourse truly enlightening. Well done!

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