Professional and Academic Devlopment


This study is going to summarise the given article “Risk factors for incident falls in older men and women: the English longitudinal study of ageing “written by Gale et al. (2018). This articles is about the risk of falls in men and women and its prevention for promoting healthy lives for them. This research paper presents a cross sectional survey in which 3298 people aged >/60 years are selected for obtaining the primary data on their experiences and perspectives regarding the differences of risk fakirs falls in women and men. This article found that, recurrent falls in both men and women are associated with many factors such as physical health, comorbidity and disability. The findings of this articles shows that as compared to women, men are vulnerable to recurrent falls as they are more likely to suffer from comorbidity, immobility and blurred vision. For those seeking guidance on related research topics, healthcare dissertation help can provide valuable insights and support.

This study first summarise the findings of the article. Then this study will reflect on the own roles in healthcare practices in relation to the findings of the selected research article. Finally this article will present the usefulness of the exercise in developing own professional and academic skills.


Selected research paper:

Gale, C.R., Westbury, L.D., Cooper, C. and Dennison, E.M., 2018. Risk factors for incident falls in older men and women: the English longitudinal study of ageing. BMC geriatrics, 18(1), pp.1-9.

Brief smarmy and review of the selected article:

The research paper by Gale et al. (2018) aims to determine whether the risk factors that are associated with the history of falls are sex specific and different in women and men. As mentioned by Thiele and Dunsford (2019), falls can be considered as the major cause of injury in people aged 65 years and above. Gale et al. (2018) mentioned in their research paper that falls of both men and women result in many incidences such as hospitalisation, loss of independence, immobility and disability. This research paper mentions that, there are several risk factors of falls in men and women which different according to gender. These risk factors are, comorbidity, depression, high level of pain, poor physical functions, disability, vision related problems and mental health. According to Gale et al. (2018), although all these risk factors that are responsibly for falls in order people, the relationship between comorbidity, pain and poor physical health and poor balance in older people and the history of recurrent falls differ significantly in women and men.

This research paper by Gale et al. (2018) mentioned in its findings that, as compared to women men are more likely to suffer from comorbid, poor balance and high level of disability which makes them more vulnerable to falls. Poor body balance, lack of strength in bones and joints and mobility make older men more vulnerable to recurrent falls (Naboychenko et al. 2020). Gale et al. (2018) suggests in their research paper that, in case of women, psychological distress, depression, never being married and incontinence play crucial roles in enhancing the vulnerability to risk of falls. This research paper also highlights the facts that as pain is the potential risk factors of incident falls, which is more prevalent to cause recurrent falls un men as compared to women.

By analysing the research pepper by Gale et al. (2018), it can be summarised that, although there are many risk factors that are associated with history of falls in women and men, some risk factors are sex specific. These risk factors are disability, pain, comorbidity, poor balance and depression (Jefferies, 2018).

Demonstrating the relevance of the selected article:

The selected article is highly relevant to my future roles as nurse in enhancing my professional skills regarding manging the health needs of patients suffering from recurrent falls. Under NMC (2018), while it comes to managing ethereal a wellbeing of older patients who have high risk of falls, nurses must have clear knowledge on the type of risk factors that are strongly associated with incident of falls. The selected research paper by Gale et al. (2018) provides me the opportunity in understand how different risk factors of falls differ significantly in women and men. From this selected research articles, I have learnt, that how depression, physiological factors, incontinence and unmarried condition can enhance the prevalence if recurrent falls in women as compared to men. Based on the concept presented in this research paper, as a future nurse will conduct proper falls risk assessment of older patients to determine the sex-specific risk factors for both women and men. Moreover, by applying the concept presented in the research paper by Gale et al. (2018), I will conduct effective falls risk prevention strategies such as an effective pain management technique for older men, walking training to men and women for improving their mobility, enhancing the self-management skill in older patients, providing psychological support to older women and treating the comorbid condition of male patients.

This research paper by Gale et al. (2018) makes me learn that in my future workplace as a nurse I must conduct a clear and concise communication with patients and colleague to maintain a transparent information delivery system. While implement any fall prevention strategies for any particular patients a direct and clear communicate is crucial that will help me to get a clear picture regarding the pain, balance related issues and the choices for treatment for patients (Rahmatillah and Desiana, 2019).

Discussing the experience in undertake the exercise in using the structured reflection.

In this section I will reflect on my experiences on working on the literature review during tis module by using Gibbs (1988) reflective cycle.


During working on the literature review throughout this module, I have searched for many relevant articles by using online database. Here I have used CINAHL MEDLINE, PubMed and BNI for selecting the relevant literature (Jefferies, 2018). During the start of this module I have faced difficulties in understanding the topic which put me into trouble to search for relevant research papers. I also face problems in understanding which online database system would be relevant to search for appropriate articles for this literature review. In this context, I have discussed these issues with my lecturers and team members which helped me a lot. My lecturers provide me clear information regarding how to start the literature review and what are the procedures for retrieving appropriate research papers. My team leader and team members are also very supportive who assist me to choose the relevant research article by using the right search terms.


While working on this literature review, I have realised that I need to improve my communication and interactive skill which would enable me to maintain transparent information delivery on the topic within the team. As mentioned by Thiele and Dunsford (2019), effective communication is important for conducting a good team work. I have identified that I need to develop my knowledge on applying different relevant theories in relation to the topic. Moreover, I also identified that I need to improve my skill in presenting argumentative discussion while critically analyse any literature.


The module is full of opportunities for me which makes me able to develop my academic and professional skills. However there are both the positive and negative aspects module which impact on my decision making and learning. The major positive side of this module is highly informative to me that supports my professional development by enhancing my knowledge on conducting literature review, search strategy and data analysis. Additionally this module is effective for developing an excellence resilient skill as well as team work ability that enable me to work collaboratively with team members (Rimmer, 2018). The negative aspect of this module is the risk of team conflict that makes all the team members to face trouble in achieving team’s goals. Some of the team members are not robust and lack cooperative approach which makes our team to face difficulties to work synergistically. Despite all these challenges, it needs to be acknowledged that this module in highly supportive towards developing my academic and professional skill such as teamwork, time management, resilience, decision making and problem solving skill


Throughout working in the module I have learned how to work collaboratively with team members to achieve team’s goals. I have also developed good understanding on literature review and the process of reviewing and comparing the previous research papers on the topic. This module enables me to learn how to use search engine and the key terms on the online database system to retrieve relevant research papers. I have also learned how to deal with any kind of problem and critical situation who working in team.


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From the overall discussion, it can be concluded that, this module is highly useful in developing my professional skill and abilities as future nurse. Throughout this module I am able to choose the right and relevant literature which promotes my professional development.

Action plan

I have developed an action plan under which I will work on developing my in-depth knowledge on application of relevant theories and critical discussion. In this context I will improve my reading habits for different online and off-line articles on current topic and will obtain clear understanding different theories.

Reference list:

  • Grit, R., 2019. Managing your competencies: personal development plan. Routledge.
  • Jefferies, K., 2018. A Personal Leadership Development Plan for Black Undergraduate and Graduate Nursing Students. Nursing Leadership (Toronto, Ont.), 31(4), pp.57-62.
  • Lejeune, C., Beausaert, S. and Raemdonck, I., 2018. The impact on employees’ job performance of exercising self-directed learning within personal development plan practice. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, pp.1-27.
  • Lingsma, H.F., Bottle, A., Middleton, S., Kievit, J., Steyerberg, E.W. and Marang-Van De Mheen, P.J., 2018. Evaluation of hospital outcomes: the relation between length-of-stay, readmission, and mortality in a large international administrative database. BMC health services research, 18(1), p.116.
  • Naboychenko, E.S., Vershinina, T.V. and Noskova, M.V., 2020, May. The Role of Medical Education Digitalization in Transformation of Medical Assistance Paradigm of the 21st Century. In International Scientific Conference “Digitalization of Education: History, Trends and Prospects”(DETP 2020) (pp. 365-368). Atlantis Press.
  • Rahmatillah, D.D. and Desiana, P.M., 2019, July. Developing Employee’s Competency through the Implementation of an Individual Development Plan (IDP) for Isra Presisi. In Asia Pacific Business and Economics Conference (APBEC 2018). Atlantis Press.
  • Rimmer, A., 2018. How do I prepare a personal development plan?. Bmj, 363, p.k4725.
  • Shaheen, S. and Hameed, M., 2020. Personal Development Plan (PDP). Middle East Journal of Family Medicine, 18(4).
  • Stewart, J., 2016. Personal development plan. In Encyclopedia of Human Resource Management. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
  • Strömgren, M., Eriksson, A., Bergman, D. and Dellve, L., 2016. Social capital among healthcare professionals: A prospective study of its importance for job satisfaction, work engagement and engagement in clinical improvements. International journal of nursing studies, 53, pp.116-125.
  • Tattum, D. and Tattum, E., 2017. Social education and personal development. Routledge.
  • Thiele, T. and Dunsford, J., 2019. Nurse leaders’ role in medical assistance in dying: a relational ethics approach. Nursing Ethics, 26(4), pp.993-999.
  • Utting, H., 2017. A case for a personal development plan. Planning News, 43(2), p.26

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