Reflective Essay on University Module Experience

Reflection is the process of analysing, determining and evaluating own work in terms of identifying own strength and weakness. This reflective essay is going to represent six reflective discussions, which is associated with describing the own skill, knowledge, learning process and strength during the setting. With using the Gibbs’s reflective cycle, learning theory, Kolb’s theory, Erickson’s life stages theory, the essay is going to discuss the personal experience during the university module as well at the workshop. For those seeking university dissertation help, this process can provide valuable insights into improving and understanding one’s academic journey.


I have gained both the negative and positive experience throughout the university module. Through using the Gibbs reflective cycle I can evaluate the overall experience that I have gather during the module. As stated by Potter (2015), Gibbs reflective cycle represents the six stages of self-reflection such as description, feeling, evaluation, analysis, conclusion and action plan. In order to make the proper description of my experience throughout the module, I would like to highlight the team working process. In the first session of my module, I had to take part in debate and conference which is based on team working process. I have experienced both the support and avoidance of my teammates. The positive side of my teammates was they were highly enthusiastic and motivating that assisted me to develop new thoughts and ideas on subjects. On the other hand, their negative point is that they were disagreed to discuss any issues and problems regarding the conference and debate with the lecturers. I had also experience that some of the teammates did not want to discuss their own views and opinion with anyone, which affected the overall goal of the team working. In order to describe the feeling, I can say that I would have to develop my communication and interactive skill in order to discuss the issues with my lecturer. Moreover, I would have t develop proper communication with all my team members in order to share all their opinions and viewpoints with each other so that it would be easy for all of us to achieve the team objectives. I also feel that I needed to share my personal issues with the teammates and my lecturers for seeking assistance from them to make proper bonding within team. At the third stage of Gibbs cycle, I can evaluate the good or bad side of my experience. Throughout the module, I have gathered both the positive and negative experience that develop my strength and assist me to determine the areas of improvement. One of the major strengths of team working during the module is it assisted me in how to adapt myself with a team of different students. Through participating in debate and conference I was able to develop my communication and interactive skills, that is important for connecting with different people. Moreover, group discussion during the conference, assisted me to learn about how to develop the understanding about sharing the value and opinion with different groups of people in order to achieve the common goal. The negative experience that I have gathered in this module is unsupportiveness of some of my teammates. Sometimes, I was unable to understand the topic of debate and no one in the team was interested in discussing the topic with each other. Most of the times, I have to face some conflict and misunderstanding with the teammates in order to establish my individual viewpoint. Due to poor critical thinking skill, I was unable to understand the underlying meaning of different subjects and topics that are chosen by the lecturers for conference and debate. In the analysis stage of this cycle, I analyse the situation that I have experience throughout the module. The overall experience has bought several opportunities for me. Although there were some negative aspects of the experience, then also the experience was great for me. Through the experience, I have gathered proper communication skill, interactive skill and argumentative skill. Moreover, the module assists me to learn about team working and the group debate. In conclusion, I can conclude that the overall experience has developed my inner strength and skills. Moreover, it has provided me with the opportunity to develop my critical thinking and decision-making skill. Sometimes the unsupportive behaviour that I got from the teammates enhanced my own decision-making ability and problem-solving skill. Through using this skill, I have would be able to manage the different issues in my workplace alone. At the actional plan stage, I would like it to discuss the overall planning that I have done in order to focus on my areas of improvement. I have t focus on the analysing skill, which would assist me to analyse the different issues and problems in the setting. Moreover, I have to focus on my written communication skill by practising regular assignment writing that would increase my stock of words and improve my grammar.

During the module, I had to take part in different management project, which was difficult for me to do for the first time as I did not have proper knowledge regarding the process. I have gathered both the positive and negative experience regarding the project management, project development and assignment completion during the module. Kolb’s Learning cycle can be used to describe my overall experience in this module. According to Botelho et al. (2016), the overall cycle has four different stages such as experience, reflect, conceptualise and action plan. the first stage, the experience is full of both the positive and negative memories in my case. During the second and third semester of the module, I have to attend different groups of management student in order to conduct a project. The overall experience of project development and management had bought several learning opportunities for me. I have learned about group work, team management, leadership management and project development process, which would assist me in my future workplace. The lecturers were supportive and helpful for me as they provide proper material and notes in order to develop my understanding of onthe overall project management process. However, I have also faced some negative situation in order to adapt myself with the different team through the third semester. Working in a different group in each semester was highly difficult for me as it develops misunderstanding and lack of boding with the teammates. Moreover, I have poor written and verbal communication during the second semester, which makes me unable to discuss the issues with my teammate clearly. In the second stage of Kolb's Cycle, I would like to reflect on the activities and performance that I had done during the module, that posed a potential impact on my learning and developmental process. in order to get the proper knowledge of project management, project development, different types of assignment writing, I had read lots of books. Moreover, I had made the discussion with teammates and lecturers about my issues in understanding the topic of the project. Although sometimes the teammates were unsupportive towards me, I had developed my knowledge’s through internet and online books. I have also tried my best to adapt to each group in order to achieve common team objectives. However, all times it is not possible due to the different approaches and decision of teammates. Sometimes I have also faced the conflict and miscommunication with teammates, which pose a negative impact of the completion of the overall project at the time. I had learned different books and articles in order to develop my understanding regarding the project topic. Throughout the module, I had focused on my performance improvement and knowledge development that would assist me to deal with any kind of issues in the future workplace. In the third stage of Kolb’s learning cycle, I am going to the conceptualize the overall experience that I have gained during the module. The overall expertise assists me to develop my understanding of project management, team working and group discussion. Moreover, I have learned about team management, leadership and assignment writing process. Throughout the module, I have gained knowledge about how to adapt own skill and understanding with the team management process. moreover, I have gathered the communication and interpersonal skill that assist me to connect with different teammates and my lecturers. Critical thinking ability assists me to make effective decision in order t deal with different issues. Throughout the module, I have learnt about how to use the presence of mind and common sense in order to manage the project as per the current market demand. I have also determined the areas of improvement on which I have to focus, which as the analysing skill and judgemental power. In the last stages of Kolb’s Cycle, the Action plan, I have made the effective planning in order to develop my verbal and written communication skills through practising different assignment, essay and project writing. Moreover, I have planned to develop my interactive skill by taking part in debates and conference that will assist me to discuss different issues with different people. in order to develop the critical and thinking and analysing skill, I would deal with critical projects and material which will allow me to use my knowledge and skill to achieve the target.

In order to reflect on my work experience, I am going to use Erickson’s Theory. In this theory, Erickson has represented the eight stages through which the individual passes and gathers both positive and negative experience. I have gained mixed work experience during working in the workshop. At the workshop, I have worked with different management interns, which had a potential impact on my strength and weakness. During the first phase of my joining at the workshop, I have gone through the stage of Trust vs Mistrust. I was unable to understand who trustworthy in this workplace is. Then as time passes I have gained proper knowledge about the objectives and work process. In this stage, I had developed my interactive skill and communication skill, in order to make the proper interaction with the team members and lecturers in order to gather proper knowledge regarding the project topic. I was unable; to gather the clear knowledge on project devolvement and setting of project objectives. This task posed potential challenges on my ability, which made me worried to achieve the target. In this situation, I had gone through autonomy vs shame. I feel shy and hesitated to discuss any issues with the team, leaders as I thought that it will irritate him. Then I decided to make my own strategies in order to solve the issues. In this case, I have phased sever problem as I did not have proper knowledge of project management and setting of project objectives. My team leaders told me to focus on group activities and decision rather than focusing on individual issues and strategies. During the working in teams in the workshop, I had also gone through the stage, identity vs role confusion. As my team manager transferred me to different team frequently it was difficult for me to have a clear understanding of the job roles in each team. Here I had used my communication skill and critical thinking ability to analyse the work process and roles on my designation. Moreover, I had developed my judgmental skill in order to identify my inner strength and weakness that are associated with achieving a team target.

In order to discuss my work experience, I am going to use the important theory, the Herzberg – Two-factor theory. According to Alshmemri et al. (2017), this theory is based on the factor that motivates the individuals it have good work experience. These factors are the appreciation from team members and managers, good remuneration, positive working environment, safety and security and coordination among the staff's d manger. In the workshop, I have faced both the positive and negative experience that affect my strength and skills. The workplace has full of learning opportunities and positive strength. My peers and the lecturers are supportive and agreed to work in a team. Moreover, I have gained a positive experience regarding working under the multi-professional team, in which I had gained appreciation on my project development process by my seniors and colleagues. The fellowship that I got was also good that made me feel proud to be part of this workshop. Along with all these positive experiences, there is some negative experience that I have faced during the working process with different teams. The workshop had a lack of security and safety for the team member and team leaders. In many times I had found that my notes and the thesis papers were missing from the shelf. Moreover, the management team of the overall workshop was highly argent and unsupportive, Most of the times, all the management students faced severe electricity crisis, which not only damages online files bit also kill our times. In order to solve this problem I have used my strong judgemental and analysing ability in order to analyse overall problems regarding the mismanagement. I have informed the floor manager regarding the entire matter. This process assisted me to develop my commutation and interpersonal skill that would assist me in my future career. During the work process, my project got proper appreciation and recognition from the lecturers and team manager, which motivate me to my skill and knowledge in order to meet the lecturers and manger’s expectations. Moreover, I have gained advance support from the mange and lecturers in order to select the project topic and set proper project objectives, which assist men to get a clear understanding of the project development.

Refection on the group presentation, I like to represent the experience that I faced at the workshop. By using Alderfer – ERG theory, I am going to discuss how the experience can develop my learning ad skill development during the work. I was assigned to work in a team with six students in a project topic. According to Mangi et al. (2015), this theory, there are three main factors that are associated with motivating and encouraging individual at their work. These three factors are existence needs such as safety needs, relatednesses such as appreciation and recognition and growth needs such as personal skill development. I have attended all the lecturers regarding the project presentation methods. Moreover, the overall project presentation process assists me to develop my time management skill, interactive skill and analysing skill. I have worked in groups and shared my underrating with team members in terms of choosing the best process of presenting the slides. Although the presentation process assists me to develop my skill, it had provided a certain negative effect on me. At the time of meeting and conference, most of the students were absent. My teammates were highly irregular about their attendance in joining the conference and debate on the project topic. This also affects my overall performance and expertise. Moreover, due to the irregularity of my teammates, the lecturers were highly disappointed about the performance of my team which made them unwanted to proved any future support and material to the team. When I discussed these issues with all the teammates it created a high level of conflict among us which kill the entire time that we should spend in the project presentation. As stead by (0, inner conflict with the team can assist individual to develop their problem solve and analysing ability. although the conflict provided the negative experience, it had allowed me to put my best effort in order to solve the issues. During this process, I have learned that how an individual can manage team, by adapting himself or herself to the group. At the workshop, I have put my best effort in order to develop a proper slide presentation, which got perfect appreciation. Moreover, lecturers had also appreciated my individual contribution in the project presentation that assisted me to develop my skills and knowledge. Throughout the presentation process, I have developed my skills such as interactive skill, learning behaviour, time management skill, analysing ability, verbal and non-verbal communication skill and critical thinking skill. The overall presentation was a great achievement for me as it meets all my three needs that are described in the theory. The motivation and encouragement that I get from my lecturers and team mated during the process, assisted me to find out the areas of development and weakness such as poor written communication skill and poor judgemental skill.

Refection on the workplace can be analysed by using the McGregor’s Participation Theory, which is based on the fact that motivation and learning in the workplace are associated with own participation. As stated by Kovanović et al. (2018,) if individual is involved in any type of work, he or she would be able to develop the skill, knowledge and understanding. On reflecting my work experience, I have participated in many tasks such s project development, presentation formation, setting of project objectives and team working. In order to develop my skill and understanding about a different project, I had participated in debate, conference and meeting that are conducted by the lecturers at the month end. In the workshop, I also took part in group discussion, team management and leadership management process. Through my participation in team management and leadership management process, I am able to develop my leadership skill, communication ability and problem-solving skill. Based on the theory, people get motivation from work experience, appreciation, recognition and support of the professionals in the workplace. In the workshop, my lecturers and seniors always enlist my names for any kind of project presentation, debate and meeting. Through this process, I have learned how to deal with the different issues regarding managing the team. Moreover, I have also learnt about how to set effective strategies and ideas in order to achieve the target. Although the overall workshop experience was great for me, it had some negative experience. I have faced severe challenges in order to adapt to different teams. Moreover, participation in challenging task sometimes put me in trouble as I sometimes did not have proper knowledge about the task. I have faced some conflict regarding selection of project topic while working in team as each member had individual preference for the topic. Moreover, the team leaders of some groups were unsupportive and they did not make any assistance in order to get proper information about the project topic. Although I get the personal approval and appreciation regarding my work from lecturers and seniors, it develops misunderstanding and conflict among the team members in order to avoid all these issues, I have developed proper interaction with team members that develops my interactive and verbal communication skill. I also focused on managing coordination among the teammates in order to complete the project within deadline, this process also devolved my time management skill and leadership skill. Therefore the overall work experience assisted me to learn new things and develop my skills.

The above-mentioned discussion concludes that self-reflection is process of evaluating; determining and analysing own skill, strength and weakness. Different theories can be used in order to reflect on own experience. These theories are the Gibbs Reflective cycle, Kolb’s learning theory and motivational and learning theory. Through using these theories, it can be concluded that individuals gain both the positive and negative experience that assist them to develop own understanding, skill and strength. Moreover through the reflection process, individual is able to analyse the areas of improvement, in order to improve their overall performance.

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Reference list:

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