Shattering Stereotypes: Exploring Gender Progression in UK Supermarkets


The research aims to provide a clear overview of the gender division in regards to progression within the U.K. supermarkets (Haile, Emmanuel, and Dzathor, 2016). an understanding of the possible facilitators of women's progress and barriers to a critical overview of the policies existing in the supermarkets that employees can implement to ensure successful removal of the potential obstacles, ensuring healthy competition between both the genders. For those needing assistance, UK dissertation help can be valuable in navigating these complex issues. There exist several ways of measuring the level of progression. The existing research not only works on moving up the occupational hierarchy but also any change in job resulting in better pay and a high level of security. The concentration of the research is loosely based on vertical segregation and levels of responsibility opposition. Investigating the perception of both genders concerning the organization's various diversity and progression is of prime importance (Islam and Jantan, 2017). The discussion related to gender diversity, within the domain of corporate governance, there has been limited spotlight, and it is for the same reason women are often underrepresented in the U.K. corporate organizations. In the last decade, the number of females on the boards of giant companies has increased to 12.5% from 7%, while the executive board positions remained at 5.5% (Ganiyu et al. 2018).

The term glass ceiling was coined almost two decades ago, combining workplace attitude and inflexibility limiting career options in women while men are blissfully unaware of it. The striking trend of the data is the fact that men are less likely than women to understand any of the possible various gender diversity and progression of their female colleagues. Balancing work and family is the most significant barrier for both genders. However, women recognize this at 82% more than males who are at the level of 54%. (Ganiyu et al. 2018) Additionally, some female workers feel tired of the constant battle of fair behavior in the workplace, especially while choosing to maintain a work-life balance or expecting flexibility within the workplace. For women who successfully maintain a work-life balance and work within the available flexibility, they are often subjected to a lack of support from the senior management for the development of promotion (Patwardhan, Mayya and Joshi, 2016). It is for the same reason the research works on investigating the possible barriers at the workplace leading to lack a promotion from supervisor to manager within the U.K. supermarket for the female employees


Literature review

As mentioned previously, women are now working in supermarkets and getting fruitful in the regulating position just as having a family (Donnelly et al. 2018). These ladies have work and are profoundly devoted to professional advancement before having a family (Parkinson, Duncan, and Archer, 2019). The prime issue for female associates encountering difficulties is when they work on attempting to accomplish a position of authority in the retail part. There can be a progression of snags in their manner of doing their headway because of contrasts in sexual orientation. Ladies battle with second era sexual orientation inclinations that emerge from a social conviction about gender combined with work environment practices and association that accidentally or intentionally favors men (Cooper, 2019). There are a few things that are talked about as a prime purpose behind ladies being not ready to advance in retail the board. Separating various obstructions for the movement of ladies the situation of director to supervisor

Family life a barrier for climbing the corporate ladder of promotion

Moms are frequently seen to be less given to callings than non-moms, fathers, in the interim, can't see similarly fit as men without youngsters, however interestingly committed to work (Howe-Walsh and Turnbull, 2016). Depict the referenced display as the parenthood punishment and parenthood reward without remembering the challenges related to kid care and parental leave that can impact the female laborers. Women are experiencing an introduction to a career feast problem while going back to work (Carvalho et al. 2018). If women wish to secure a position of supervisor or similar senior management roles, then the work tends to become overbearing, leading to less time with family. Female employees often lowered themselves to the junior ranking, settling at lower payments for maintaining work-life balance (Islam et al. 2018). Women tend to work as part-time employees for managing both family and profession. However, managerial positions within the supermarkets ask for full-time employment making the women unable to contest for such positions (Tate and Arshad-Mather, 2018).

This is not because senior jobs failed to be implemented compliantly, senior managers state the few traits of the job needs to be undertaken more flexibility than they currently are (Wilson, Broughan and Hillier, 2017). The supermarkets operate within the retail sector 24/7, and so it is practical the flexible arrangement can be evaluated at the management level. Women in contractual positions are a major disadvantage as a manager as senior employees are looking for female colleagues to work full time, and women often feel exhausted by the battles in the workplace (Axelsdóttir and Halrynjo, 2018). This is a part-time women worker joining the retail sector who is not noticed as they are subordinates. Hirayama and Fernando (2018) suggest that women are subjected to barriers in the retail sector after having children, and also in other sectors as women, we find it difficult to comprehend how they will feel after transitioning into the role of a mother. One cannot assume that the retail sector is not flexible to the needs of the female employees there, so they do not let them share the job. With proper in-depth research, one could see whether or not there is flexibility within the retail sector for the women employees in senior positions. Both women and men at the senior level need to accommodate family responsibilities more than the people working at subordinate levels (Henkel, 2017). The segment of women not receiving managerial position leads to the next step of discussing the possible barriers of child care

Childcare affecting women’s promotion to supervisor levels

Being flexible denotes the important component for the employed female employees who have the provision of part-time work. It is highly challenging to find a perfect child care organization, and most of the time, it doesn't happen. Henkel (2017) post a series of example with children necessitated responsiveness attention for the following:

The nutritional necessity in a child differs with age.

Children tend to become sick and need to be prepared for school.

Children time and care to be looked after

The level of inclusion for a female worker has developed fundamentally. Several ladies work for monetary causes, yet it could be kept up that there are a few ladies who were for cultural reasons and not for fulfilling money-related needs. Scarcely any female workers are sick of being at their homes and need to advance as far as their profession. Notwithstanding the compensation for the working moms, significant in a few families, social business administration is not alright (Latchanah and Singh, 2016). There is an expanding feeling of blame among vocation situated moms started by the intricate and conflicting sentiments of maternal indecision. If a woman wishes to have both career and family, the need to miss out on their maternal instinct is instilled by existing social perception. Xiang and Ingram (2017) witnessed that employed mothers are constantly subjected to health issues due to work and family responsibilities. Families with more than one child find it increasingly difficult to bear the situation when both parents have to take a leave of absence from their profession, especially when the caretaker is not doing well in terms of health.

A business may select proper employees with child care services within the workplace, demonstrating that great help to working parents cannot afford private child care services. Proper child care services are vital for allowing the working mothers to have better work performance and progress in their careers Dashper (2019), formulated a series of choices in the childcare as follows:

Meeting services offers near program for the preschool children.

Provision of school daycare from 9 a.m. to 5:00 p.m

Babysitters of the children during the evenings

Glass ceiling in the corporate world

The status of women within workplaces improved in the last few years; however, the advancement has been really slow in certain cases (Duckworth et al. 2016). Management is an obvious case where women are competing aggressively for creating an impact on managerial positions. Awareness relating to the importance of gender diversity within the workplace has improved, but women agree that they have limited access as compared to men in senior roles (Burke, 2016). The possible ways were women to remain proactive and put themselves forward for managerial roles. However, the glass ceiling is a potential barrier so indirect that it is translucent and still strong and highly effective in advertising women from climbing the corporate ladder (Sarwar and Imran, 2016).

Shockingly there stays wild discussion about the presence of discriminatory limitation in spite of all the above mentioned. It is simply the lady putting limitations other than having the conviction to stay confident with respect to the movement. Anyway it was seen that the field is inconsistent and review found that ladies are more averse to put themselves forward for the situation of chiefs (Haile, Emmanuel, and Dzathor, 2016)

The greater part of the members proposes that they don't have similar access to prove when contrasted with the male partner with regards to the accessibility of board positions. The explanation behind this uniqueness can be ascribed to the interlocking directorship, more grounded systems, and better contacts accessible to the man (Islam and Jantan, 2017). Ladies overseeing family spending plans may develop as better directors because of their inalienable capacity to perform multiple tasks and oversee money related spending plans combined with the need for the setting of assignments (Okeke, 2017). Then again, a typical attitude of the two ladies and men to be defeated is that the situation of administrator is sunlight based plan for men this is because of men seen as essential providers which are less in the present work advertise and having these inborn ascribes to oversee and lead the workforce. Ladies are exposed to the event of men being advanced quicker. while taking a gander at the chain of command of retail division senior retail the board position is frequently held by ladies, and it is essential to manufacture the correct sort of system that further aides in building up the contact dissecting the movement of female representatives through the company pecking order (Donnelly et al. 2018)


Coaching for ladies in the retail segment can prompt different forestalls movement in the association, as tutoring is utilized for arriving at the retail the board jobs (Lamberti et al. 2018). Associations will, in general, tune in to the experience of ladies coaching, bringing about the lady to be less paper and pass up a great opportunity the enormous open door administrations voyaging abroad (Cooper, 2019). Ladies are exposed to boundaries with regards to senior-level retail advancement, including constrained accessibility of social help and upkeep to manage them through the company pecking order (Lamberti, 2018). So as to be an effective store administrator, it is critical to create associations and improve the current systems with powerful individuals. This is convoluted for female representatives as now and again they are forgotten about deliberately or purposefully over the span of formal or casual gatherings.

Women are often missed out from formal and informal meetings due to the prevailing cultural practices within the organization where women are not taken as valuable retail managers, unlike the men who are vested with immense authority. The same reason women are less likely to be associated with networking at the social level. Carvalho et al. (2018), observe the fact that women feel a high degree of discomfort while developing a network within the environment dominated by men. Networks for female employees tend to become narrower than widen development of scope for them; this is because women are known to network with individuals already know within the organization, making it difficult for developing new acquaintances with other departments (Islam et al. 2018). However, women have the upper hand in traditionally feminine traits that help them in developing relationships with colleagues and clients alike (Wilson, C., Broughan, C. and Hillier, 2017). The female employee has the strength to be pathetic and a good listener than their male counterparts, making them better at understanding the customers and reading their feelings. Women wish to progress in the profession; they need to be aware of the social capital and the ways to implement it for professional advantage. Relationships at the professional level create scope for defending challenges in a career. Women good network with other female colleagues to the use of social intervention and casual meetings linking to the next section of where women within the staff with the possible options of climbing the ladder of promotion and using the feminine characteristics and traits for advantage (Axelsdóttir and Halrynjo, 2018)

Traits, characteristics, and behaviors

The way of leading a team and managing a group of people is different in women and men. Social issues suggest that women and men differ in their leadership skills, and these gender roles are clear in understanding the characteristics of management and creating a barrier to female promotion within the retail sector (Henkel, 2017). There are two attributes that one recognizes more strongly in men or women describing control and confident tendency, for instance, for independence, self-confidence wearing an ambitious behavior is important for maintaining competitive advantage within the business. The employees, for this instance, operate to achieve the top position in the market, a field greatly ingrained in the male employees (Xiang and Ingram. 2017). Within the employment ambiance, agentic behavior includes competing for attention by influencing others and leading them to make problem focus suggestions. This type of behavior is important within the retail sector as supermarkets operating within the retail sector are highly task-oriented business environments, and employees need to exhibit the right traits to keep the business on a competitive edge.

Characteristics predicted more strongly to women than men describe the prime concern with the welfare of other sources being helpful or affectionate. Unemployment setting communal behavior is inclusive of speaking carefully and not drawing attention while accepting the direction given by others (Duckworth et al. 2016). Females are perceived as caring individuals with impeccable ability to deal with relationships and people that they have developed in the household settings and carried it further to the workplace.

Women tend to exhibit less boss centric behavior as opposed to the men; it is for the same reason women are perceived to be rationally and collaborative in terms of working while men are directive and bureaucratic. So as to comprehend the current boundaries forestalling the movement of ladies in the corporate segment, it is ideal for helping the workers to expel the potential hindrances. The point of the exploration is to give away from the sexual orientation division concerning movement inside the U.K. markets (Dashper, 2019). A comprehension of the potential facilitators of ladies' movement and boundaries to the basic diagram of the arrangements existing in the general stores those representatives can actualize so as to guarantee effective expulsion of the potential hindrances, guaranteeing sound rivalry between both the sexes. There exist a few different ways of estimating the degree of movement. The current research not just takes a shot at climbing the word related progressive system, yet additionally, any adjustment in work brings about better compensation and an elevated level of security. The convergence of the exploration is approximately founded on vertical isolation and levels of obligation restriction (Sarwar and Imran, 2019). Researchers portray the conversation identified with sexual orientation assorted variety inside the space of corporate administration; there have been constrained spotlight, and it is for a similar explanation ladies are frequently underrepresented in the U.K. corporate associations. In the most recent decade, the quantity of females in the sheets of goliath organizations has expanded to 12.5% from 7%, while the official board positions stayed at 5.5% (Duckworth et al. 2018). The term unreasonable impediment was authored just about two decades prior to consolidating working environment demeanor and resoluteness constraining vocation alternatives in ladies while men are willfully ignorant of it. The striking pattern of the information is the way that men are more uncertain than ladies to see any of the conceivable different gender orientation, decent variety, and movement of their female partners. Adjusting work and family is the most critical hindrance to the two sexual orientations. Anyway, ladies perceive this extremely well, 82% more than guys who are at the degree of 54% (Duckworth et al. 2018). Also, some female laborers feel sick of the consistent clash of reasonable conduct in the working environment, particularly while deciding to keep up a work-life balance or anticipating adaptability inside the working environment. For ladies who effectively keep up work-life equalization and work inside the accessible adaptability, they are regularly exposed to the absence of help from the senior administration for improvement of advancement. It is for a similar explanation the examination chips away at researching the potential boundaries at working environment prompting do not have advancement from chief to director inside the U.K. general store for the female representatives (Henkel, 2017)


On the basis of the literature, it can be conclusively stated women intentionally or unintentionally undergo a series of challenges that make it difficult for the woman to climb up the corporate ladder of promotion, reaching the position of manager. However, with the implementation of change and certain flexibility, there remains a chance of ensuring that the women are given the promotion they deserve. Most importantly, the promotion should be based on professional skills and not on the responsibilities undertaken by the candidate outside the profession.


The research team for the study made use of a multidisciplinary approach consisting of Human resource specialists and retailing, providing a broader perspective on the employment issue and backed up by an interdisciplinary approach supported by Ilvig et al. (2018), as a proper way to move forward in retail research. Additional encourage the implementation of quantitative and qualitative methods used in understanding the experience of the women working in the British retail industry with the aim of establishing the possible factors that encourage a limited career progression. Small retail organizations play a major part in retail retailing industry Saxena and Kawitkar (2017), a qualitative study in terms of employment can be incorporated on the advice of agencies working with smaller enterprises. A questionnaire was developed by the researcher and completed by the staff working in several retail outlets. The participating stores are flagship stores with outlets in cities and towns chosen for their unique labour market characteristics. The mode of data collection implemented in the research included responses gathered from the manager's supervisors and assistants. The areas explored in the current research are inclusive of the reason why they worked in retail there possible working arrangement family circumstances career aspiration and histories (Lincoln, 2017). The research also works on understanding the importance of career training progression and development as well as the elements of the retail job said that they dislike or like. The sample was chosen for accommodating various patterns of working and age with proportional responses collected from both staff members irrespective of their gender. Out of the completed questionnaire, more than 74 % of the responses from women just over half of the homework as a part-time rise to 79% with children under the age of 10 years. Most of the interview is web female working as a sales assistant age 30 with children. Roughly a quarter of respondents had trade union membership.

The interviews were carried out with employees and managers as respondents being asked the same questions as those posted to the employees working in a giant retail organization. The sample includes a hundred women working in different positions within the retail sector of the U.K. The research works on understanding female career progression from supervisor to manager within the U.K. supermarket (Ilvig et al. 2018). It is for the same reason women are chosen with more importance to the research for understanding the possible existence of a glass ceiling within the retail sector. The ethics in the mentioned research methodology includes informed consent. The participants are made well aware of the research team and the objectives and the possible outcomes. As research makes use of human participants, it makes sure that none of the participants are harmed during the course of research. The participation is to be wilful, and the data gathered from the research will not be used for any other purpose other than conducting the research. As per the data protection act, the data needs to be kept secure and used for the purpose of the research without revealing the identity of research participants (Kilpatrick et al. 2018)

The study set out to identify the possible factors limiting and supporting the progression of a female career within the supermarket or retail industry from the perspective of both the employee and the employer. The additional research works in identifying the possible labour market issues that could influence the promotion of the female employees from the position of the supervisor to manager within the U.K. supermarket (Segovia-Pérez et al. 2019). The researcher additionally clans design in such a way to consider the possible extent to which company policy is supportive enough to enact the incidence of female promotion. the areas where rightly explode while considering individual characteristics such as qualification age gender disability ethnicity as well as professional and personal circumstances like their personal or professional agreement

Findings and analysis

The research revealed the possible factors influencing the career progression of women acting as per the complex and dynamic interaction of the personal and professional related factors. The following is at least one of the key areas appearing to have an impact on women's ability to progress in retail stores.

Store loyalty

While working in the rituals was related, very important by female respondents is their high level of commitment to the store where they worked. However, the store loyalty was not as strong in male counterparts as in female. Women have a higher value on the professional relationship with the colleague's management and customers than the male staff. This relates to a certain degree explains the reason why women in research had a strong faithfulness to their professional environment, as1 female general assistant working in the retail sector commented: "a regular visitor to the store and realize what a nice place it was and now that I work here it is important for me to maintain a similar friendly environment. I would like to progress, but at this store where I am acquainted with everyone."

The general preference of female colleagues to remain within the store where they work restated the fact; reliance on public transport to travel to work and childcare responsibilities deflecting the need to be near to home, conflicts with professional responsibilities. Yet the practice and policies of the career schemes in the large retail organization meant that stuff needs to move to the physical retail store for gaining the much-needed progress in career, it is for the same reason women fail to pursue a career within the retail sector.

Working part-time

Compared to the staff working as full-time employees, it was widely recognized by women and men that stop in part-time working with the disadvantaged in terms of their career progression. The disadvantage of a part-time worker in career progression limits the promotion to the position of manager as being a manager is a full-time responsibility that demands assistance all around the clock at probably a 9 or 8 hours of a shift. The possible farewell can be stated as follows: full-time workers are likely to be promoted since a part-time job is generally not regarded by respondents as a career option.

A female part-time manager explains the possible difficulties to which you are subjected to maintain a part-time work here while acting as a manager within a large retail market: "I wanted to join my work after finishing my maternity leave as a part-time employee. However, my company did not recognize part-time workers, and there are many stores hiring part-time workers; however, this has never happened in this store, and hence it was not recognized". Further challenges where experience with the part-time employees highlighted by the researcher respondents with those development events was halted at times when they were not working that could be extremely difficult to combine with the arrangements associated with child care. As moves to the part-timers in the research sample where women had a constraint on career progression due to working as a part-time employee had a disproportionate impact on the career development of the females.

Qualifications and personality

In terms of career progression having the right kind of personality is regarded as an important trade by half of the research respondents. more than 40% of the research in respondents stated the fact having the right kind of personality is more important than carrying the formal qualification and this was rightly demonstrated by a female working within the supermarket as a manager: "the retail organization expects the employees to have impeccable social skills rather than I can work a check out it is more about the personality of the employees and not the qualification."

As per the perception of the respondent's self-belief, assertiveness, and confidence are the personality traits of individuals that need to be present in employees who wish to progress on their career path. Moreover, it was perceived by respondents that the male staffs are likely to cause such characteristics allowing them to look for career options better than the one for female colleagues. The findings additionally suggest that less senior women work on making incremental career steps making sure that they are confident and competent in their current professional role before moving to the next promotion. The team leader for one such retailer explained: "there is a large number of scopes in the market; however, one needs to be prepared and grab the opportunity. I think a lot of females do not want to take the risk unless they are sure of their professional capabilities and what they are doing."

Role models

In the section of the literature review, it was highlighted that female colleague need the right kind of encouragement while seeking career progression. Indeed in places where women got a promotion to managerial positions, they admitted to the fact that personal mental and role models played an important role by providing support through the course of career progression. The advice and insight into the sector of retail management work on setting possible ways of initiating progression. One-third of women admitted that seeing people liking them to make professional progression helped them a lot, as opposed to male employees. one female store manager explains that her career progression was a manifestation of influence brought about by her female mentor: "there is one store manager acting like a big role model and the way she supported me and helped me, resulted in a morale boost during the course of career progression.''

Home support network

Female employees with the responsibility to take care of their kids and families relied on their parents, partners, or other family members to help them with child care. The research found most women working as part-time employees and having children and more likely to work on a weekend, implying that they work on that day as family members working or studying during the week level to support them with child care. This trust independence on family members, especially for the employees at low paid roles, feels to afford the payment of childcare services. In case of female employees, the promotion demanded long working hours for change in working hours a consideration of the demand led to the home support network as recently female supervisor working in supermarket retailer commented: '' I work as a supervisor in the retail supermarket as my mother touches my child from school thrice a week". Working in independent small and medium enterprises retailers or SME retailers

In addition to the possible factors stated above, the research found that for small and medium enterprises independent retailers, there remain certain issues related to the size of the organization having an evident impact on the career progression of a female employee. An old female employee working the sales stated: "there is not a huge amount of movement here so the younger employees can ship to somewhere else for promotion."

However, employees hold the perception that they have more scope to increase their pre-existing skills and responsibility than they would have in larger retail and less likely to be kept specified into one job role. Most of the working in small and medium-sized enterprises were able to execute a list of rose linked with learning stores selling the customers are the needs and fairies man in the stock or even taking care of the merchandise. Providing the much-needed cover could be maintained, small and medium-sized enterprises managers appeared to have a flexible and informal approach than the large retail business to the powers of employees working. This attitude is particularly suitable for the employees who need to take care of the child and family special female employees owning and managing the business.

Types of women

The various components impacting the capacity of the female representative to guarantee movement over the expert let the exploration group partition the female respondents into three classifications according to their profession desires. The main gathering includes ladies who wish to work at the section level and didn't see a craving to seek after a vocation either with the retail business or with managers. This gathering was isolated further into representatives working inside the retail division for a restricted timeframe at female schools or the more established ladies who were not keen on seeking after a particular region, however, whose wages despite everything add to the family salary. The study understands the importance of having a career appears to be vital among women within the age range of 20 to 30 years women under the age margin of 20 years are likely to be studying without exhibiting any concerns associated with career progression and training prospects provided by the employer.

The second group of women enjoyed working within the retail sector and exhibited the wish to remain within the sector. Welcome the possible opportunity to progress to a better job providing requirements of the role can work on balancing their personal and professional commitment. How female employees were subjected to difficulties while trying to maintain a sense of balance. The final group of female employees was successfully engaged in a retail career either as the direct entrance to the retail management pathway or as a result of climbing the corporate ladder while successfully negotiating the factor that could have created a possible impact on the ability to progress, search as the location of the store and their responsibilities towards their family. In small and medium-sized enterprises, independent retailers with typical managers. These were the females who were successful in developing the business as they wanted to exercise freedom and make their personal decisions while exploiting the existing gap within the market.

Domestic circumstances

I was living outside the wish to progress in career for part-time employees, the ability to take care of children when the commonly identified barriers. These barriers are witnessed during the course of career progression among female employees. Of all the domestic circumstances, it is anticipated commitment for child care for the female employees with the children under the age of 15 is a prime constraint irrespective of their employment is part-time or full time. Child care can be termed as a major issue; support from friends and families can influence the working hours. the importance of well-developed support from the family is illustrated by female manager full-time employment to part-time employment without changing a professional position as a manager: "my husband works near me to our house, and I have my own mother staying in the same locality both of them work together and help me a lot without their support it would have been impossible to raise the children while pursuing my career."

The data collected through the course of research revealed that working hours are often pooled to make sure that the children are effectively managed. For instance, half of those reporting on Saturdays with part-time are women with children as their family members were able to provide child care. Women are relying on the partner, as the prime bread earner showed particular loyalty towards the store where they work. The loyalty of the women towards a particular stole arises from the external support they received from managers. This was a characteristic of the female part-timers working in the retail sector. Store royalty towards a particular store would be at odds with company policy while restricting career development as women are reluctant to move stores to progress. Employees promoted to managerial positions are often placed with the expectation to transfer to another location that may result in particular problems for part-time employees when proximity to residence and care for the child with prime consideration. The justification for the policy was that it worked on encouraging a suitable level of staff turnover preventing blocking of the career ladder within the store and introducing new skills that help the newly promoted employees credibility if they supervise newly appointed staff did previously did not work within the past few employees experienced barriers making the change from working as an equal with colleagues to becoming managers of the same colleagues and thus moving onto a difference to or could work on alleviating the issue. However, the result of such demand on career progression of women did not go unnoticed as it was identified by a female manager, stating that: "I could have given peace to my career a lot quicker during my employment course if I was flexible enough to relocate in any part of the country. However, I always had to think about my family, and it was just never the right time for me".

Training and development

Part-time staff realized a particular barrier to the progression, and that was training and development provisions designed specifically for the full-time workers who paid little or no attention to the constraints they faced. Most of the females in the retail sector are part-time workers and reported that training and development were held at odd hours when they were not working or took place in a different location, presenting a problem accommodating the commitments made to the family.

Discussion and Conclusion

The finding current research points to the fact work orientation among females is not between working as a part-time and full time which has been a prime focus in previous research but also between groups of part-timers. The researcher will a significant group of part-time working females were subjected to progression provided they could compensate with the demands of child care and home. Through the implementation of classification provided by Haile, Emmanuel, and Dzathor (2016), women can be termed as adaptive how was the finding revealed that the selected pattern of work was greatly occupied not as per personal preference but family responsibility, which limited the female colleagues more than their male counterparts. Practices reducing gender inequality supported irrespective of the working hours, as Haile, Emmanuel, and Dzathor (2016), founded in the comparative study between the American and European working women.

The current research study was dependent on convenience sampling to meet the research targets set for data collection. The findings indicate that there are a number of integrating factors that can work as a potential barrier in female career progression. The study clearly highlights the fact that several women are victims of gender imbalance within the retail industry and working below the potential as the retailers fail to utilize their workers' talent to the ultimate level. Hence visualizing the current scenario regarding the barrier to career progression for the female retail employees to the position of manager following recommendations can be provided; firstly, the retailers should take a holistic approach and work on developing inclusive career policy that is accessible to both the genders irrespective of their employment type. Secondly, these initiatives need to offer scope for development to not only women concentrating on their career but also to those wishing to progress in their professional life while balancing their personal work. Hence, it can be conclusively stated that retailers need to work on possible alternative career models that are highly inclusive and adaptable in nature (Ilvig et al. 2018). Currently, there remains a gap in flexibility that makes it difficult for female employees to climb the corporate ladder of career progression


The company should work on making major changes in the practices and policies that are as follows:

While connecting employees to external resources such as childcare through resource navigators can help the female employees in balancing personal and professional life and help them in career progression, the retail organization should make use of diversity training or in-person sessions for employees to learn about topics related to diversity and process for improving the existing culture in the workplace. The prime concern in the research institute career development opportunities irrespective of gender bias. Programs can help the employee to develop a strong sense of leadership and management skills, which can further help them in ensuring promotion in the professional field. Each practice has been proven to show effective results in helping women to advance in management roles, and the companies are successful in retaining their women employees across all the areas. However, this practice implemented in retail stores because they left a clear business model for investing in early professional development for a woman employee's professional career. However, Lincoln (2017) argued the fact of investing in women in a particular workforce, especially at initial levels of intangible and clear ways. Companies utilizing resources to ensure career progression among the female employees are seen to outperform their competitive companies while capturing value in multiple ways such as high rates of profitability improvement in team performance and the ability to solve problems by attracting and retaining new talent. Employing the above-mentioned practices may be risky, especially within the retail industry, which has a huge frontline employee turnover as the cost of conducting the business. Despite the fact, 75% of the purchasing decisions in the retail sector are made by women the industry has yet not found a clear way to market brand the business by cultivating a dynamic female work environment

In 2015 IKEA committed to achieving company-wide gender equality with 50% female and 50% male representation at every professional level by 2020 (Hanleybrown, 2019). The leaders clearly calculated the racial and gender equity as prime to the company's performance. To help in terms of accountability against this predetermined goal, the company worked on establishing a diverse task force based on inclusion and gender diversity. The business witnessed significantly increased representation of women in managerial roles. In Canada, Walmart, the CEO, along with the diversity officer, boosted the number of female store managers between 2010 and 2016 by 50% (Hanleybrown, 2019). Implementation of employee-centric policies supports advanced gender equity practices. They were citing the example of Starbucks, which 70% female employees, coupled with a 40% minority increase (Hanleybrown, 2019), help in retaining the woman in the business organization. To several employees in building professional networks, several companies within the retail sector should work on building a mentorship program in precision on the cross-gender connection among the managers and junior staff. Joint retailers can improve a three-pronged strategy providing management training to the retail employees with special attention towards the women employees interested in developing their career (Hanleybrown, 2019).

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However, it should be conclusively stated simple execution of the mentioned practices is not adequate. A few practices intended to promote women managers actually hinder the advancement of female employees of colour because of the way they are implemented. Overcome the possible barriers and systematic factors that technique minorities experience in the workplace; companies could carefully track the impact of service intervention on women irrespective of their individual factors to make sure the interventions are providing the expected level of efficacy for the female employees (Kilpatrick et al. 2018). The evidence-based study suggests that gender equity provides Great value to the business and the companies will take note of the possible evidence practices to address the possible gaps

So as to comprehend the current hindrances that forestall the movement of ladies in the corporate part, it is ideal for helping the representatives to evacuate potential obstructions. The exploration plans to give away from the sexual orientation division concerning movement inside the U.K. grocery stores (Haile, Emmanuel, and Dzathor, 2016). A comprehension of the potential facilitators of ladies' advancement and obstructions to a basic diagram of the arrangements existing in the markets those workers can execute to guarantee effective evacuation of the potential snags, guaranteeing solid rivalry between both the sexes. There exist a few different ways of estimating the degree of movement. The current research not just deals with climbing the word related chain of command yet additionally any adjustment in work bringing about better compensation and an elevated level of security. The centralization of the examination is approximately founded on vertical isolation and levels of duty restriction. Exploring the view of the two sexual orientations comparable to the association's different assorted variety and movement is of prime significance

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