Business law (or commercial law) is the branch of legal studies concerned with governing the activities, rights and conduct of both businesses and individuals engaged in commerce. Contract, corporate and intellectual property law all fall under its purview. Business law seeks to provide an umbrella under which transactions, disputes and compliance with legal standards within the business world can take place. Business law plays an integral part in shaping relationships among businesses, their stakeholders and government bodies; encouraging fairness, transparency and accountability within corporate environments. Understanding and adhering to business laws are vitally important for entrepreneurs, business owners and professionals operating commercial businesses as they enable effective navigation of legal terrain while mitigating any possible legal risks that might exist in any particular legal landscape.
Dan operated a business providing statistical analysis in the financial services sector. Eve and Fred have both worked for Dan for three years. They were both described as self-employed and both pay tax as self-employed persons.
View More >>In the first instance, Sergio promised his son Alexander that he would give him 5000 pounds if the son abandoned his career as a chef and qualified as a solicitor. The issue of law arising out o this set of facts is whether there was a binding agreement between the Sergio and Alexander.
View More >>This essay discusses the characteristics and purpose of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). The ECHR has been incorporated into UK law by virtue of the Human Rights Act 1998 (HRA 1998).
View More >>The school of thought espoused by economists such as Milton Friedman enshrines the principle that profit is the only concern of an organization and thus profit is the main, or only driver that need be of concern
View More >>Even though, Mr Smith and Miss Carmichael do not have any formal partnership agreement, they are partners in the business. The Partnership Act 1890 is applicable here to determine whether a partnership exists. Section 2(3) provides that if a person receives a share of profits from the business, it demonstrates that they are in a partnership. Thus, the fact that they have been carrying on the business is a proof that they have been sharing profit and hence, partnership exists between them.
View More >>Anti-competitive behavior refers to a business that makes an unusual behavior of a business owner to operate in the market for selling products or services for own benefit. In other words, anti-competitive behavior involved anti-competitive activity that a marketer is liable to pay penalty for breaking of rules under the regulation of Competition Act 1998 of Articles 81 and 82 ( 2020).
View More >>The emergence of the internet as an electronic market place and the rapidly growing number of internet users has significantly
View More >>The United Kingdom works on a legal system that functions solely on Constitutional conventions and other sources that do not have its origin solely on a legal base. The UK being a common law country depends highly on laws decided via cases which are known as Judge-made laws, or gives birth to the doctrine of Precedent. The Precedent or the judge made laws are collected subsequently over the years and finally functions as a rule for deciding cases that may arise in the future. Along with constitutional conventions, the Doctrine of Supremacy or Sovereignty which is basically laws enacted by the parliament might also gain privilege over Common laws. However, it can be well established that common laws are pivotal to the judicial system of the United Kingdom and therefore carries stark differences to other sources of law;
View More >>Fashion industry in modern business world has grabbed a strong market position in global business platform. Marketers needs to use right leadership and management style to hold their competitive position in international market. Through using relevant strategies and proper
View More >>Travel and tourism sector is the most dynamic sector these days. People are moving from one place to another as they have access to pleasant places, and information has been disseminated regarding the specialties of various locations
View More >>The Companies Act, 2006 is a comprehensive legislation governing the companies regulating in the United Kingdom. This legislation is the fruit of a deliberation over a period of nine years making it a structured document and easy to implement.
View More >>The business run by Joshua Obieze and Lexi Martakis by the name of Kardioda Research, known as KR, hereinafter, deals with developing and improving already existing medical devices in the market. KR, particularly
View More >>As it has been dictated by the abovementioned case study herein, Fine Coffee Imports Pty Ltd., attended a virtual trade fair in the month of May, 2020. During the abovementioned meeting, Ms. Jaynes on behalf Fine Imports Pty Ltd. interacted with sales representative of Columbia Coffee
View More >>The United Kingdom primarily functions of a system that abides by conventions and derive its sources largely from the common
View More >>There are three options available to Jon, Josh and Peter with regards to their online retail business of hobby products
View More >>As we had the previous discussion regarding Mark Maskell being concerned about the potentials risks involved with incorporating a company, I shall herein clarify further details regarding the same and what could be the potential risks in changing the status of a company from partnership
View More >>Molly Rashid can avail the Business Asset Disposal Relief in the form of tax at 10% on the gains on qualifying assets only when Molly meets the necessary conditions. Molly was a non-executive director from May 2007 to December 2020. This means she meets the minimum 2 years qualification of being an office holder in PS. In addition, PS is a seller of extreme sports equipment, which is not a non-trading activity. Since Molly meets all the qualification, Molly can avail the business asset disposal relief.
View More >>Unfairly prejudicial conduct in a private company can take many forms, including mismanagement, misappropriation of company assets, taking financial benefits from minority, exclusion from management
View More >>Entrepreneurs can claim relief from CGT when they make gains out of selling their business, so that they have to pay a lowered rate of tax (10% on the first £1 million gain). This is applicable in the situation that the owner of the business owns the business as sole trader or business partner with ownership of at least two years. Furthermore, the company's
View More >>Business environmental analysis is effective for the multinational corporate brands to analyse the market to operate and ensure future suitable growth of the organisations (Yatsenko and Dmytriyeva, 2018). The aim of the study
View More >>International business is good for the organisations to retain the international students and expand the educational institution around the globe. RRC at Canada is one of the successful institutions for higher studies and there is strong student base who come for better educational opportunities and training at RRC
View More >>The assignment in the current regards works on understanding the rules and regulations operating within the tribunal bodies. The research report thus works on analysing similar case studies and evaluate the same for providing basic recommendations.
View More >>One of the defining features if our current geopolitical moment is increased global interdependence. Across the globe, currently we have been witnessing unprecedented
View More >>This entry relates to an easement. An easement is a right that arises from another property. In other words, it permits certain kind of use of another person's property such as for rights of light and air. Easements arise
View More >>The parties are conducting their fund management business in the form of an unincorporated Partnership. For an unincorporated Partnership, two or more people are required to set up and run a common business with the view to earn profit. It can be set up without a formal agreement,
View More >>This essay is based on a scenario involving QLT Ltd and BIA and contains advice to QLT Ltd on their legal position in connection to certain claims against BIA for breach of fiduciary duty owed to QLT Ltd.
View More >>The United Kingdom Combined Code of Corporate governance, also referred to as simply “the code” is perceived to be a global model for good corporate practice. The flexibility of these policies allows the business to apply them when favourable to the organisation, or explain why they did not use the policy, in cases where management deems this policy to ineffectual.
View More >>An act of negligence occurs when one has a duty of care when there is a breach of that duty, when there is causation and when there is harm (Beever 2007). Here, the shopping center had the duty of care to minimize any risks of harm that shoppers might be exposed to but did not exercise this duty by keeping the floor dry or warning about the wet floor. The breach of duty by not keeping the floor dry caused Gordon to slip, thus satisfying the causation principle.
View More >>The Berle-Means thesis was stated in the essay “The Modern Corporation and Private Property”; the thesis is that where the ownership and control in a limited company is separated, the owners depend on the board of directors to represent their interests but over time the supervisory role of the shareholders is diluted and rendered ineffective leaving the directors with the final say.
View More >>The business environment is rife with so many issues that ought to be considered by its Board of Directors and other stakeholders to realise sustainable development. Some of those issues are corporate governance, insurance laws, environmental conservation, regulatory and legal framework.
View More >>The issues that are involved in the case scenario revolve around the incident of bribe giving by a business consultant on behalf of the company, Tech Solutions Plc. Tech Solutions Plc appointed Bob Webb as an intermediary business consultant to facilitate the expansion of its business in three countries, including Brazil. In the process of such facilitation, Bob Webb paid a bribe of $5000 to the Brazilian authorities who demanded such payment as a facilitation fee. The overarching question that arises from this is whether Tech Solutions Plc can be held liable for this offence of bribery under the provisions of the UK Bribery Act.
View More >>This coursework will critically evaluate the appropriateness and effectiveness of the United Kingdom’s legal framework as well as enforcement policy combating tax evasion. It will start by providing definitions, then move on to deliver different types of tax evasion (TE) with their extent as well as draw a connection to the quote provided. The main focus of this coursework will consist of looking at regulatory bodies primarily HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC), issues and perhaps need for reforms which will be provided under the recommendations.
View More >>A valid contract is formed when there is an offer and acceptance of the same for consideration by competent parties with an intention to be legally bound. Contents of a contract include terms set and agreed on by parties which may be express, implied or both. Therefore parties may find themselves bound by expressly agreed terms as well as those implied by customs and usage in the relevant trade.
View More >>Business law is considered as the body of legal practices that are related to the functions, activities, relations, rights and conducts of individuals and businesses associated with business activities like trade, commerce, merchandising, buying, selling etc. Business law can be practiced in both public and private ways with the association of civil and other laws.
View More >>Negotiation refers to a process in which individuals or parties discuss an arrangement or process that would benefit all parties involved. The most common example of negotiation is purchasing negotiations which are a key aspect of business negotiations (Fisher et al., 2011). Regardless of any type of negotiation, there is a need to establish objectives in advance, which helps create a favourable outcome.
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