A Comprehensive Overview of a Leading Global Resource Company

Business organization operations

The choice of organization in this case is associated with BHP, which can be the most significant subject for business dissertation help. This is identified as one of the largest organizations that operate with more than 80000 employees. This company is identified as a world-leading resource company with headquarters in Australia. It has expanded presence to other countries as well as the company primarily deals with oil, gas, and mineral. Operating income of this company is US$14.421 billion in 2020. It has total assets of US$104.783 billion with a net income of US$8.736 billion. It is identified as the largest mining company with powerful production management of iron ore, coals, and copper. This a private sector largely owned within Australia. BHP operations services are associated with the production and maintenance of the workforce. Flexible working arrangements are done as well for the management of alloy-based operations (Stindt et al. 2017). In large parts of the UK, the company has spread its operations such as coal, copper, and iron ore. It is also associated with the largest parts of petroleum selling in Tobago and Algeria. This organization has the purpose of bringing in people and resources together to build up a better world. Best capabilities are achieved along with a long-term evaluation of assets and high returns are gained. BHP also comes with an integrated aim of creating values for shareholders and management of the employee base to the core. It is one of the largest companies that were built in 185 and they are running smoothly still.

Market structure of operation


BHP operates in a dual-listed company structure along with broader management of market shares. The market structure is associated with 4Ps' and they are helping their business grow in terms of seasonality. Market strengths can be identified in terms of global reputation and success. They are having a strong financially stable global audience with a market segment that effectively manages organizational reputation. International brand success development is identified as the primary criteria. The company is affected by several governmental interventions. These results in a poor work structure and performance. Certain accidents can occur to the company that manufactures coal and copper (YAO, and Eugène, 2018). They are following a secure distribution strategy in this context. Political factors affect the trading efficiencies, the production process is indulged with stricter regulatory composition, and fluctuations made for economic scale operation up-gradation. Stakeholders are arranged in a way that fluctuations are affecting overall production

The behavior of organization affecting competitive advantage

Organizational behavior that is affecting competitive advantage is associated with product place and price component along with the promotion of the right product in the right zones. The operation and production process is managed through supreme legal requirement analysis and registration structures are kept updated with informational and financial activity management. Business premise choosing and giving information on critical tasks and communication systems have been seen. Following is an analysis of product proficiency that positions itself as leading production components of gas and petroleum and oil. The places are chosen in terms of moving capability and essential marketing delivery (Ramakrishna, 2019). BHP is identified as a diverse source of competitive advantage.

Global competitive advantages are gained in terms of leaders challenging their potential and making the right decisions of human performance optimization and background delivery. There is gender and age versatility seen in terms of managing the progressive alignment of records. Acceleration of progress is intensified through developing projects in remote areas and creating good leadership values. BHP has created strong business profiles through the generation of online and offline delivery of products as well.

Task two

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Stakeholder: Stakeholders are identified as the party that takes a certain amount of interest inside an organization and affects a particular business. Stakeholders groups are included inside employees, contracts, and shareholders. Customers and governments of Australia are also associated with collaborating and media improvisation. The meaningful investors are identified as Black Rock inclusive. This particular organization shows the company's largest sarees of 6.6%. The vanguard group is part of a major investment of 3.8% respectively. Keystakeholerscan is identified in terms of suppliers, creditors, and debtors of this organization. Primary and secondary indulgence of stakeholders is most affected for influencing business. BHP group's business is developed with a certain non-financial and financial development ratio.

 Earnings and revenues history

Stakeholders groups are engaged via joint analysis of operations and communication management via the use of technology. There is safety and environmental analysis done on social infrastructure management and quality servicing. Regular communication is seen in terms of investments and governance association of employee engagement (Patil, 2020). Local communities and shareholder development are identified as the priority of this organization. Generation of annual meetings and accessing all investment partners is also a part of business operation management. Employees are identified as primary stakeholders and employee engagement programs are created in terms of indulging in:

Regular performance reviews and perception survey conduction

BHP billiton intranet

HEC performance development program participation

Operation based community service engagements

The employee and contractual workforce are located in more than 25 countries. Regular communication from corporate insiders along with planning on investments is associated with appropriate performance orientation of taking external benchmark initiatives in investment management.

Shareholders: BHP Billiton shareholders are identified as a completely significant and diverse group that is involved with Europe, Africa, and North America. High-quality governance is part of this shareholder management program. Specific steps taken to indulge in shareholder management are:

Annual meetings and regulated communications

Access to all investment community through the globalized website

Regular basis of printed and electronic communication is also done

Institutional investors hold up to 49% of the BHP group. Norges investment bank is another most important shareholder of this company with a share of 2.1%. Higher insider ownership is giving the BHP group new heights. 40 million AUS shares are associated with the BHP group and venturing with new-age leaders is important.

Stakeholder Analysis:

This organization consists of shareholders from different locations and needs enhanced community excellence for customer group analysis and business line management.

Stakeholder Analysis Stakeholder Analysis

Employees have associated wage conflicts, stakeholders are largely distributed, and might have a contraction of opinions. Buyers' price and shareholders maximized prices are to be compared. Environmental pollution becomes one of the largest barriers to a social estimation of policies. Interpersonal ability foreseeing problems and management of failure prevention can be impressive in the context of information gathering and delivering sustainable organizational profits.

Task three

a) The chosen organization, in this case, is HSBC. This company is quite renowned for its true identity of customers and management of each factor. The topmost companies that are defining its carrier are associated with Royal Bank. The steady growth of HSBC is a matter of analysis as it gives maximum focus on generating profit ratios (Nyagadza, 2019). HSBC is connected with organizational culture as it gains maximum support through the service and credit analysis departments. Three factors that are important in the current context for HSBC in business environment analysis are:

This organization is facing regular challenges of largest bank emergence in China and the middle east as the competitors are quite stronger

Few revenue generations from the integration of financial markets and poor performance were observed in the "personal finance services" section.

Pre taxation of profits by 50% in a year is generated which ensures a steady growth and requires to ensure a policy that indulges in a steady growth of share prices and improvement in customer remediation along with employee management

HSBC is a bank that operates mainly in parts of Europe. It is also requiring an expansion to the Asia Pacific region and it indulges in continuous development criteria of managing the competitors. Striving through personalized service management is important in this context of financial aspirations and the generation of legitimate informational services under the bank's good name.

In this section, the organizational environment has been analyzed. For this process, a PESTEL framework is utilized and the factors that are currently affecting the organization are associated with high-level performance management. Political factors that are important in the management of HSBC's holdings are:

Political stability and banking sectors economic invasion is managed

Intellectual property protection and keeping customers safe can become an important aspect (Nguyen, and Barth, 2020)>

Tax rates and incentives are associated with work regulatory controls in banks

Wage legislation management is important in terms of attracting customers

Trade regulations and finance Tarif involved within banks for the level of corruption management

Antitrust laws are associated with corruption management in this particular case of HSBC

It can be ensured that HSBC abides by all governmental rules and regulations and has its differential accomplishments for successful and effective delivery of components. HSBC people need to create a stronger legislative development of policies to gain maximum support from the investor and customers.

Economic factors that are leaving an impact on HSBC holding is associated with:

Education and inflation rates are affecting the country

Labor costs are increased along with the productivity

Lack of skilled laborers and work influence is affecting the industry

Economic struggles are largely aligned within the context of creating a better condition for the unemployment situation inside the country.

Social factors in practicing HSBC bank is associated with

Demographic components are anaLyzed and the level of the population is integrated

Health and environmental attitudes are leaving an impact through the improvement factors of industry (Lambert, Wagner, and Zhang,2020)

The product being offered to the industry is moving at a fast pace towards automation

The rate of technological diffusion is associated with financial structure management

A good module of social estimations and the condition of legislative components are highly associated within this company orientation and gaining maximum trust for customers. Secure control and analysis of data and money are required for any banking organization to succeed.

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Legal factors that indulge in HSBC banks overall growth are associated

Discrimination laws aligned with people

Health and safety laws interacting with individuals

Employment laws for engaging in secure channeling

Consumer protection is given to e-commerce people

Renewable energy support laws

Environmental components that might be held responsible for HSBC growth is:

Laws that regulate environmental protection Recycling of used papers and bank slips

The technological factors that can be held responsible for marketing are associated with:

Value chaining in finance sectors

Rate of technological diffusion

Cost structure development inside the banking industry

The banking industry has shifted to 60% operation online. However, this online process is associated with an essential growth intervention and organizational service engagement. Customer satisfaction and generation of under control situations are important in the management of competition with other banks. The two relevant duties of customer services include string branding images and high organization of customer values.

Hence, The identified five factors of macro-environmental growth in SBC is associated with: 1. HSBC needs to focus on legislative components such as serious improvisations of the DPA program. The DPA program is indulged within criminal competency management with US regulators for handling transactions that were related to Mexican drug barons and at least the process turned out to be handling 881 million dollar translation. Expressed significant concerns are typically monitored for operational engagement and compliance management, which are done for avoiding deferred procedures that are coming from bureaucracy.

2. Succession is an important terminology identified in the case of HSBC. It gives appropriate handling of decisions that are associated with internal and external improvisation of assets and operations. The accounts are handling the asset charges of 2.3 tonnes of assets and they are operating in more than 70 countries. Working in customer base development and becoming highly managed in different parts of China is also important for this organization. The issues are with the expansion of business and developing sustainable choice of basking support for the customer by HSBC

3. Focusing on returns as a part of the macro environment has been seen by the organization for superior return achievement on growth objectives and modules (Bruijl, 2018). Bank investors are highly associated with the factors practicing the improvisations that are made clear for shareholder analysis. Equity has slumped below 1 percent in HSBC banking which needs to be focused on for better optimization of components.

4. Complexity regulation is part of indulging in economic growth and carrying a significant approach of business performance.” Pivot to Asia '' company CEO was launched in the year 2005 to regulate the performance in Asian countries and regulate the mode of communication. Size and complexity mediums are drawing back the superlative improvisation of outweighing benefits. Now the issue is to become compatible with the indulgence generating and management of to-do lists. Base capital reformation and management is identified as an important part of this organizational growth.

5. The macro-environmental issues are justified in terms of managing threats of substitution. There is rivalry seen among the current competitors and record profit is generated and optimized. Brand name should reach a large variety of audiences as customers might consider the organization as local and financial performance might be at loss. The global improvisations should be reconsidered in terms of managing the strategic analysis and service is potentially managed for decades.

b) Porter's five forces are important in terms of managing the threat of substitution along with the management of supplier bargaining power. It also includes the concept of managing the bargaining power of customers and the threat of new entrants (Blattner, Farinha, and Rebelo, 2019). It is also important in analyzing industrial rivalry. The process underlies within the five most critical influences that are associated with the national and international domain is identified in terms of using porter's five forces. Five market derivatives are of HSBC are:

HSBC can tackle the supply chain by building an efficient supply chain through streamlining the deals and production

HSBC can tackle the bargaining power of buyers by rapidly innovating new product for customers in terms of savings and future planning

Reduction in the defection of HSBC customer holding and competitive management can be done by being service-oriented than product-oriented. This reduces the threats of being substituted

By building a soluble differentiation design with a competitor can increase the chances of growth and managing rivalry

By building an economic state can be essential in terms of lowering the fixed cost per unit and hence the threat of new entrants can be managed

Task four

Key financial reports

Key performance indicators are associated with the management of customers in financial service in the case of HSBC. Value creation and integration strategies are associated with revenue per client and client retention rates. There is a profit margin generated as average daily attendance information. Average class attendance is identified as a clear option for engaging the delivery of people. Short term and long-term business performance is increased through:

Giving people an opportunity to encourage in floating rate fund for long terms support and analysis

Equity fundings are created in terms of achieving long term benefits for customers

Variation in volatility and asset performance is associated with the factors of performance rising returns of an organization (Aqlan et al. 2020)

Stock market ratios should be analyzed in the case of HSBC

Institutional clients should be taken up as a strategy to gain maximum support on their working

Child education support plans and retirement support plans are identified as important factors of financial growth engagement

Some of the short term goals associated performance indicators are:

Classification of total internal components

Credit information management of most of the customers

Management of environmental factors and giving employees satisfaction of a job

Improvement on communication skills of employees along with improvisation of records

Understanding the facts that customers are investing to get good returns and fulfilling their dreams is important

The operational curves are generated from Hong Kong business almost 22% of deals are finalized and the generation of proper segmentation is done. Most of the investments are recommended as a part of a globally diverse workforce generation. In terms of performance and efficiency, the controls are engaged within an evaluation of information control of auditors and EVA quality management (Agca, Slutzky, and Zeume, 2020). Economic value is added as a part of true economic estimation and accounting principle management. Management of stock market and true profile engagement is associated with value-added incorporation and true communication delivery. HSBC provides a major source of depositing and potential improvisation of investors has been made. Liquidity and asset quality are associated with the management numbers of generating proper EVA.

The current growth reporting is believed to be nonbalancing in both financial and non-financial performances. Growth reporting practice will be improved via the improvement of capital and generating proper value chaining of that module. A limitation is observed within the empirical analysis of components that develop and appreciate expenditure sheets. The balance sheets are not enough in terms of gaining the potential development of componential analysis. The total cost of capital and EVA generation is associated with the management of stock markets. Information should be stored beyond cash flow and high persistent income. Both this reporting can enable a better architecture for this legendary bank.

Net value addition is associated with the accounting-based numbers and earning establishment of certain cash flows. Relative changes in value-added services are associated with a nonlinear and broad spectrum of engagement in the technical concepts. The uses of technicality and online resources in the banking sectors are associated with global marketing and wealth management. Commercial banking is appreciable in terms of corporate value chaining and management of operating expenses. Information security risks are associated with a third party risk optimization and total improvement on the shareholder's performance index. In this world of digitalization, a recommended action for the overall improvement of this business is associated with modeling current objectives and reassuring the IT structure (Acharya et al. 2020). A total development matrix building and execution risk assessment can be improvised within this architecture of total development and data aggregation conduction. Recommended actions are associated with a significant variety of objectives and management of the sublime growth component in online banking solutions. It also indulges within the complexity development and management of products and savings rates offered by the bank. The bank is self-sufficient and needs more focus on the componential delivery of riks. The management organizational data and managemental risks analysis are compatible with the systematic improvement of services that are going to be improved through sustainable change management.



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Bruijl, G.H.T., 2018. The relevance of Porter's five forces in today's innovative and changing business environment. Available at SSRN 3192207.

Lambert, T., Wagner, W. and Zhang, E.Q., 2020. Banks, Political Capital, and Growth. Available at SSRN.

Nguyen, N.T. and Barth, J.R., 2020. Community banks vs. non-community banks: Where is the advantage in local small business funding?. Atlantic Economic Journal, 48(2), pp.161-174.

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Patil, J.S., 2020. Customer Analytics Improves Banks Performance: A Descriptive Study of Analytical CRM among Private, Cooperative and Nationalised Banks.

Ramakrishna, M., 2019. Banks privatization: coercive for development. Indian Journal of Economics and Development, 7(1).

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YAO, S.P. and Eugène, K., 2018. Bank Capital and Credit Supply: Evidence from Commercial Banks in Ivory Coast. Journal of Economics, 6(3), pp.56-66.

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