Effective team working and communication process are two most important aspects in any professional field. Effective team working is the process of working in synergist manner with cooperating with colleagues, staffs and higher officials. Effective communication is transparent as well as useful interaction with surrounding people in order to maintain systematic flow of information. This assignment is going to represent a portfolio of evidence, in which it will be discussed that briefly analyse the communication and team working that the student has experienced in own workplace, seeking business dissertation help when needed. In addition to this this assignment is going to use relevant theories and models of effective management and communication for analysing what student learned about effective commination and team working.
I am a student pursuing post graduate degree on business administration. I am working in the university workshop on the new project that has been assigned to my team. I am highly enthusiastic and motivate individual, with full of positive thoughts. I am a straightforward person with justified principles and ethics. I am also a listener and robust learner.
I have the following skills:
Strong communication skill
Good team working skill
Strong written and verbal communication skill
Strong interactive skill
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Team work is important for any organisation in order to enhance organisational productivity as well as organisational success. In my workplace, I use to work in different teams, which assist me to understand the importance of cooperative working environment. As stated by Cameron (2016), teak work is based on some useful strategies and principles which are associated with organisational ethics, culture and sustainability. During working on the class projects, I have gone through implementation different strategies in order to adapt me into new team. One of the most of important strategy in this aspect, is maintaining clear communication with colleagues. According to Cameron (2016), effective communication is associated with systematic flow of important information within the group which assist each team member to execute, analyse and understand task objectives. Another strategy that I had learned in the workshop is building up respect and trust within group. Maintaining trustworthy relationship with e ach team members si important for managing cooperation and synergistic relations with colleagues and team leaders. Moreover, maintaining trust within group is important to make sure that entire team will work on the common organisation goals in synergistic manner rather than focusing on their individual goals. In my workplace, the team leaders used other important strategy such as cultivating socialisation and setting particular goals. As stated by Bailey et al. (2018), socialisation assist team members to get important information about the outside world, competitive market and international business agendas. Through socialisation process, my team leaders were able to increase the respect, mutual trust and understand within eth team members. According to Clarke and Forster (2015), setting particular goals for eth entire team, leader can make the team more focused and responsible for their common organisation goals. During workplace, I had faced little issues in understand the objectives of team, as I was transferred from one tea to another. In this aspect, my team leaders of new team and the team members support me to understand actual agendas set for the entire team. Through cultivating transparent communication with my colleges, I was able to resolve any team related issues. In my workplace another important strategy that AI and my team mates use during eth work is active participation of each team member into the overall decision-making process. As stated by Bailey et al. (2018), in order to maintain effective team work, it is important that all team members will be allowed to take part into the overall decision-making process. In the workshop, I and my teammates were allowed to represent our individual views about the task, project objectives and team related issues.
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Effective team working is associated with useful communication within the group, which assist each team member to have clear interaction with one another in terms of sharing views, decisions and issues. In the workshop, I use to understand the importance of team working process and the communication, through maintaining strong communication with my team leaders and colleagues I was able to solve any task related issues or team related problems. In this context Körner et al. (2016) mentioned in their articles that, effective communication and team working are inter-dependent factors which act as drive force for any team. While working in team, I had to faced some difficulties in maintaining proper written communication such as forming any report on eth team objectives or making ay application for setting organisational goals. My team members and team leaders assist me about how to use simple English and small sentences in order to make meaningful document that can be understood by anyone in the team. According to Clarke and Forster (2015), team working assist the team members to build trust, respected and coordination among them. I and my team mates share our thoughts, decisions and interest about organisational objectives, project completion and career goals. On the contrary Robinson and Payton (2016) argued sometimes team work create some conflict among eth staffs, which can harm the overall organisation productivity and overall success. During working in the project, I had also faced the conflict with staffs within team, which not only affect the overall working process of the entire team but also damages the good relation among the staffs. As stated by Fox and Reeves (2015), through maintaining effective communication, clear interaction and sharing the use of each issue, it is possible to solve the conflict within team. In order to solve issues within team, my team leaders use to conduct meeting with all staff, in which we shared out thoughts, reason of issues and decisions regarding the resolution of each issue. Through useful communication and team working, I understand how to maintain perfect balance of work. Moreover, working in different team assist me to analyse that how the mixing up of different views, decisions and suggestion from different team members can form a better organisational strategy that can drive the organisational success.
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Through working into different team in the university workshop, I have gathered strong knowledge and experience about team working and communication, that can assist me in my future career. I have improved my verbal and written communication skill, through working with different team members. According to Robinson and Payton (2016)., team work is not only associated with improving adaptability of staffs but it improves the interactive skill of the team members. Based on the Tuckman’s Theory on Team work, four stages ae associated with activities and behaviour id team members when they are introduces into a team. Based on this theory I have passed through the four stages, which are forming, storming, norming and performing. In the first stage, when I was introduced to new team, I was feared of any conflict or bad impression. According to Fox and Reeves (2015), through understating each other’s views, team members can maintain strong coordination among them. In second stage, I gained access team’s objectives, team member’s views ad their activities. In the third stage, the norming stage, I was assigned wit roles and responsibilities in order to maintain eth physical production of work. In the last stage, the performing stage, I was able to complete adapt myself with the team’s objectives ad working process. According to (0, adaptation into new teams is associated with several factors such as better communication, team member’s support, coordination among eth staffs and clear system of information slow. Based on the Belbin’s Theory on Team Roles, team members have to deal with different roles within the groups such as coordinator, evaluator, shaper, resource investigator, implementer, team worker and motivator. In the workshop, I have played all these roles with proper implementation into practical field. According to Burgess et al. (2016) team members need to be good motivator and implementer, who can set new as well as innovative objectives for entire task and implement them into practice accordingly.
In the workshop, I have also developed my interactive skill, which develop my verbal, non-verbal and written communication skill. Based on Communication accommodation Theory, there are two types of styles for communicating witi9n group such as convergence and divergence. During the project management work in the workshop, I had used both the convergence and divergence styles of communication. According to Ambrose-Miller and Ashcroft (2016), convergence is the integration of opinion, thoughts and decisions of people from different background within a group, which enhance eth productivity of entire team. I try to listen and implement the relevant decisions and strategies of different team mates and converge them into single piece of decision or strategy that would be fruitful for the entire organisation. On the other hand, Burgess et al. (2016) argued that divergence is the important communication style which brings the innovation, new thoughts and modification in the existing techniques and working process. During working in different teams, I had come across diverse decisions and strategies taken by different team leaders which enhance my knowledge about manifold techniques and work strategies that are important for dealing with any organisation issues. Based on Symbolic Interaction Theory, is another important communication theory, which shows the important of using symbols, non-verbal signs and behaviours in order to communicate within groups. In the workshop, I had also attended the training on non-verbal communication, in order to c0omunicate with disabled staffs. Through this process I am able to understand that how I can make effective interaction with disabled staffs in order to convey my massage to them/.
The overall analysis of what I have leaned through working in team and conducting effective communication with team members in the workshop, assists me to evaluate my new and existing skills. According to Pickles et al. (2016), working in team helps individual in developing decision-making ability, problem solving skill, communication skill and inter personal skill. As I had to work in different teams, it assisted me to develop my adaptability into any group. It also enhances my patience, presence of mind and analysing skill. I have also developed problem solving skill, with using perfect reasoning ability and critical thinking ability. As stated by Burgess et al. (2016), effective communication in workplace, assist people enhance their ability to co9nvey right massage to their colleagues at right time mand place. I had developed verbal and non-verbal communication skill, during working in team, which assist me to interact with all kind of staffs without facing any issues. Moreover, I have gained knowledge about different communication styles such as divergence styles and convergence style. Moreover, I also understand that what type of communication needs to be used in particular time. Therefore, the overall analysis process, assist me to shed light on my existing skill that I shaped during working in workshop and the new skill that I have gained during working in different teams.
As stated by Greenhalgh et al. (2017), deployment and practical implementation of experience is important for better utilisation of skill that have been gathered throughout learning process. In university workshop, the skill and knowledge I have gathered through working in teams, assists me to deal with any organisational issues in the future career. Through using eth communication skill, critical thinking skill, decision making skill I am able to solve different project related issue and team related problems. Through practical application of my skills that I gathered through team work and using effective communication within team, I am able to analyse any work-related issues and deal with the changing objectives as well as organisational needs
By discussing the portfolio of evidence, it can be concluded that, team work and effective communication are important for organisational success. Moreover, through working in team, individual can develop skills and knowledge that he or she can use into practical filed. Team work I associated with strong communication skill which assist individual to developed the interactive skill which assist them in their professional field.
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