Addressing Business Hurdles


A business always comes with some issues and problems that are to be overlooked easily in this paper. These issues are generally negative for the business perspective and to gain a positive aspect for the future. These issues are globalization, price, profits, Market values are to be gained and thus these issues are to be resolved in this scenario.

Issues in the business

Business and market value are various times being affected by the risk that is faced.

These are generally referred to as issues in business.


These issues are required to be encountered properly so that business can be processed properly and a good infrastructure can be gained easily.

SN: Business issues are challenges and milestones for the market values. The goals and strategies are generally affected here in this case. Customer loyalty, employee satisfaction and several others are great examples. The results processed are negative and progress is highly required.

Type of issues in Business

1) Uncertainty:

•It is uncertain and any downfall in business can be encountered easily.

•Uncertainty can be seen regarding:

a) competitors in the market in the same profession.

b) economy of the country

c) market values and the business structure that is seen in this phase.

SN: The issues in the business are due to uncertainty as that cannot be predicted or restricted. The uncertainty can be occurred due to the economy of the country or natural clauses or market competition. Long term planning or short term results are affected here in this case. Business value and ethics can be easily diminished here (Olayemi, 2018). Leaders and managers are generally affected by these uncertainties. Natural calamities can be a hazardous one for the business. A sudden fall of the economy or the business value can be observed here easily. A global economic and market uncertainty are easily available here. An unbalanced market and business can be observed here.

Types of uncertainties

•Cost uncertainty can be seen.

a) Uncertainty regarding the cost of manufacturing and production.

b) Different products cost are generally uncertain

•Uncertainty of labor or inefficient labors.

a) Their efficiency and working skills are uncertain for the organization.

b) No cooperation by the employees is an uncertainty.

•Uncertainty of profit or the gains that can be made.

a) Cost and revenue are uncertain.

b) It's not sure about the business.

•Uncertainty of demands and gains for products.

a) decision making and strategy becomes uncertain

b) Management and demand table preparation is seen uncertain.

•Environmental uncertainties and uneven climatic conditions.

•Uncertainty regarding the price of goods and income.

SN: These uncertainties regarding the business are seen to be occurring in many forms such as cost, internationalizing, profit gain and many others. As discussed the uncertainties are related to the cost, pricing, profit, globalizing, internationalization and the natural calamities that can be occurring in the future. Employee and labor are also uncertain in this scenario because the unskilled ones are not selected for the companies.

2) Globalization

•New foreign culture and establishing a new business can be a milestone.

•Designing and gaining a new business structure so that a good competition can be established here.

•Tariffs and extra VAT that are imposed can be an impactful one for the business.

•A proper team member as well as human resources are required for running the organization properly.

SN: Encouraging business across the border is highly required here. A new business culture is not easy to cope up with (Djelic, 2018). These require additional tax and tariffs.

3) Innovation

•Innovative and new ideas are required or else tasks cannot be enhanced in the future.

•Big innovations are seen for the struggling companies.

•Employees are motivated and inspired by this methodology.

•No customer connection.

•A collaborative teamwork is required in this case for the good business structure.

SN: As the customers always want something new the organization must focus on building new ideas and innovating new products that are useful to the people (Cherifi, 2018).

4) Technology

•Tools and technologies are required for gaining a good business structure.

•Next-generation technology is required for the competitive advantage.

•Governance and management of risk are seen over here.

•Management of resources and infrastructure is possible through this process.

SN: The organization with advanced technology faces fewer issues as compared with the organization that lacks technology (Laudon, 2016).

5) Diversity and complexity

•Diversity establishes disagreement between the group regarding any topic.

•The economy is seen to be complex.

•A narrow view of leadership and other qualities can be seen here.

SN: Diversity and complexity are seen to be a disadvantage for the business and the organization. These are to be focused and shot out properly in the organization. Business model design and other formations are seen to be in complex hands for business (Kapoor, 2017). A better-thinking capability can be easily gained by this issue here.

Potential solutions


Time management

A good team

Cash flow arrangement

A good analysis for competition

SN: These business issues have a prior solution also to overcome the issues faced. If the problem persists then the solution is also there and it will be applied to solve those problems.

There are following methods to overcome those issues in business:

Planning: Good planning is required before the start of any business. These plannings are required to make a good outcome for the business (Haseeb, 2017). Planning for the team, business model, organizational culture and others are required to be done so that a proper business structure can be gained for the future.

Time management: The time regarding the job should be allocated properly and must be utilized in the best way possible.

Cash flow arrangement: The business house can be mainly controlled with proper cash flow management. If the Cash inflow and outflow are properly maintained then the issues that arise in the management will be reduced and proper information will be passed to the upper management. The correct information will help in making the right decisions.

Analysis of competition: If a company has a good customer base then it will always have a high compression. If the organization will have correct information about its competitors then it will take necessary steps to beat the competition and come to first place (, 2019).

Personal View on those business problems

•It can be understood that all organizations require a good business infrastructure.

•Good management and strategies are easily seen to be followed in the business issues that occur.

•As described the issues such as labor, globalization and uncertainties and various others are highly required to be handled in the organization.

•Not keeping up with the new market can be an issue for the organization.

•Cash flow can be the constraint and can be an essential one for the barrier of growth and raise of business.

•Systems and the enabling of new technology can be a useful one for the company to gain a good structure here.

•Inefficient and unskilled labor is not required for the organization and business.

SN: The recommendation on how the business issues can be solved is given as the organization must make proper use of resources and time. Good strategies must be followed. Information about the internal system and external market must be updated. The cash flow system must be properly maintained with good technologies.

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Thus it can be concluded that the business comes with various issues and risks in the organization. These issues are generally in all the parts such as globalization, employee, time management and various others and are required to be focused on them properly. The solution regarding these issues is discussed here in this paper.

Reference List

Laudon, K.C. and Traver, C.G., 2016. E-commerce: business, technology, society.[tech

Olayemi, O.O., Okonji, P.S. and Oghojafor, B.E., 2018. The Influence of Competitive Aggressiveness and Environmental Uncertainties on Business Performance in Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Management Sciences, 18(2), pp.111-122. [uncer

Djelic, M.L. and Quack, S., 2018. Globalization and business regulation. Annual Review of Sociology. [globa

Cherifi, A., Gardoni, M., M'Bassègue, P., Renaud, J. and Houssin, R., 2017. Knowledge management and eco-innovation: Issues and organizational challenges to small and medium enterprises. The Design Society.[innovation

Kapoor, R. and Agarwal, S., 2017. Sustaining superior performance in business ecosystems: Evidence from application software developers in the iOS and Android smartphone ecosystems. Organization Science, 28(3), pp.531-551. [diversity

Haseeb, M., Hussain, H.I., Ślusarczyk, B. and Jermsittiparsert, K., 2019. Industry 4.0: A solution towards technology challenges of sustainable business performance. Social Sciences, 8(5), p.154. [solution for

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