Analyzing Business Strategies and Tactics for Organizational Efficiency


The research topic is to analyse the business strategies and the tactics to run the organisation efficiently. Through this research, it is possible to develop critical arguments about the strategies of the organisation to sustain in the market and expand their business strategically, which is critical for students who are seeking business dissertation help. The study is also effective to understand the tactics of the management team at the organisational context for maintaining human relations for managing the stakeholders of the business and ensure retention of the experienced staff for better management of the business activities. The work based project is hereby beneficial to analyse the business strategic human resource management and marketing context for evaluating the management of the stakeholders and analysing the organisational tactics to achieve future success.


Aims and objectives of the research:

The aim of the research is to identify the strategic planning of the business related to different organisational functions to sustain in the market. The objectives of the research are such as,

To analyse the strategies of the business to sustain in the market

To identify the human resource management strategies to strengthen their employees base

To evaluate the marketing strategic planning for business expansion of Nagel group

To recommend some suitable suggestions for the organisation Nagel group to secure future sustainable development

Rationale of the study:

In the recent era of globalisation, the organisations face difficulties to gain high competitive advantage due to lack of resources and capabilities and mismanagement of the organisational activities. The firms are suffering from expanding their business globally due to lack of proper human resource management, poor marketing planning as well as proper business strategy. Without proper development of the strategic planning of the business, it is not possible for the organisation to expand the business and establish the firm efficiently (Ansoff et al., 2018). Due to lack of management and the human resource and marketing planning, the firms are suffering from gaining market share and thus this study focuses on identifying the strategic planning of the business, through which the organisation can expand their business and establish the firm successfully in the market (Rothaermel, 2016). In addition to this, the organisations also face difficulties to manage their diverse workforce and thus it is mandatory for the company to develop proper human resource management strategy for better management and running the organisational operations efficiently. It is important for the organisational leader and the management team to identify the tactics to expand the business through developing proper strategy and marketing mix planning so that the organisation would be able to establish the operations in the market. This study is effective, where the business strategy and the marketing planning of the organisation would be evaluated for sustainable development of the firm. Additionally, for understanding the human psychology as well as managing the staff for retaining the experienced employees for long run and fir this it is mandatory for the organisational leader to manage them efficient by developing proper human resource management. The study is hereby advantageous to identify the strategic planning of the organisation, through which it would be possible for the companies to manage the stakeholders and improve business performance for long run.

Background of the research:

The organisational activities need to have proper strategy and leadership and managerial support so that the employees can follow the organisational vision and mission and develop effective strategic planning to fulfil the organisational objectives (Schilling and Shankar, 2019). In the recent era of globalisation, there is high migration of labour for which it becomes difficult for the organisational leader and management team to handle diverse workforce and understand human psychology for managing the workers at the workplace. It further influences the organisations to develop effective human resource management strategy for managing the workforce and retain them for long run. The motivational activities, effective business strategic planning and marketing mix strategies are beneficial for the organisation align the business strategy and expand the organisation by enhancing working activities and efficiency of the stakeholders, engaged with the business. The study is helpful to analyse the human resource management, marketing and business strategic planning to provide proper tactics to the firm for effective organisational performance and gaining high competitive advantage. In this study, the organisation Nagel group is considered to discuss the management strategies and business activities, so that it would be possible to suggest some better strategies to the company for managing their business activities in the market. Nagel group is a transport and Logistics Company, which is specialising in the food storage and logistics operations, where strong transpiration services of the organisation is helpful to manage the supply and distribution of the products. It is mandatory for the organisation to improve customer’s services by managing their strong employee’s base and developing appropriate business strategy to sustain in the market and secure future sustainable development.

Literature Review

The business strategic planning is mandatory for the organisation to develop proper tactics to sustain in the industry. Porter’s generic model is effective to identify the strategy. There are four options as per the model, which are cost leadership, and differentiation, cost focus and differentiation focus (Lasserre, 2017). The organisations in the recent years try to focus on cost leadership and products differentiation to manage their business. The strategic planning of the organisation to innovate the service ad maintain proper product portfolio through differentiation strategy for satisfying the customers in a unique way. On the other hand, the cost leadership tactic is also effective to maintain the organisational operations in a cost effective way to sustain in the market and generate profitability in long run (David and David, 2016).

Figure 1: Porter’s generic model

 Porter’s generic model

In addition to this, Ansoff matrix is also effective for the business to strategise the whole planning and maintains the operational efficiency in long run. As per the model there are options such as market expansion, diversification, and portfolio expansion and market penetration (Newburry, Deephouse, and Gardberg, 2019). The organisations try to penetrate new and existing market by product diversification and service innovation and this is the major strategy to restructure the business and run the organisational operations efficiently. The firms in the recent years focus on expanding their business through service innovation and penetrate the new international market so that it would be able to retain the long run customers for the business and maximise the organisational objectives.

Figure 2: Ansoff matrix

 Ansoff matrix

The marketing planning in this regard is also another factor that strategises the business activities and it gives a scope to the organisation to expand their operations across the international markets. The 4P marketing mix strategic planning is effective for the business to expand their operations and secure future sustainable development. The factors under 4P marketing mix are product or service, price, place and promotion (Haider et al., 2017). In this regard, the organisation must restructure the product portfolio and improve service innovation for satisfying the customers and additionally premium pricing strategy is useful to set affordable price for the products or services of the organisational and retain the customers in long run (Deepak and Jeyakumar, 2019). Placing of the products is also mandatory for the organisation to serve the consumers across different markets and the promotional activities are beneficial to promote the organisational products or services in the market and here the major promotional activities are such as branding, sponsorship, social media marketing and email and worked of mouth (Hollensen, 2019). The firm sin the recent years try to utilise quality and fresh raw materials to produce their products and improve their services to satisfy the customers. The product packaging and service quality play crucial role for the organisations to be sustainable in the industry and secure future development. the organisations also focus on proper pricing policy and this is also another important factor for developing marketing strategic planning and in this regard, the organisations try to set competitive price for market penetration and it is known as premium practicing policy where the firm would be able to retain the long run customers and strengthen their customers base for sustaining in the business. On the other hand, the offers and discounts are other strategies of the brand for successful market expansion (Cooper et al., 2016).

Figure 3: 4P marketing mix

4P marketing mix

Apart form that, for placing the products of the organisation, the firms try to strengthen their supply chain and distribution network for developing connections with the stakeholders and manage their customers efficiently. The supply chain and distribution network are important for the organisations to expand their business and place their products or services at the global market. In this regard, the companies try to develop strong corporate bonding with the suppliers as well as distributors by enhancing communication, collaborative working practice and creating values for them by providing them proper rewards and incentives (Borgström, Gammelgaard and Wieland, 2017). High return on investment is hereby beneficial for the organisations to manage the suppliers and place the organisational products and services successfully and this is considered one of the effective planning for successful marketing of the companies. On the other hand, the companies try to promote their products and services in the market. Recently due to digitalisation of the business, the organisations try to restructure the website and contact with the customers through the online and e-commerce acuities. In addition to this, the social media is a platform for enhancing two way communications and social media advertisement is hereby beneficial for the organisations to promote the products and services and attract more audiences in the market for strengthening their client base and securing future sustainable development.

Human resource management is another tactic to strengthen the employee base of the business and improve business strategic planning to achieve future success. In this regard, Herzberg’s two factor theory is effective to develop human resource strategies in the workplace. As per this theory, there are two factors such as hygienic and motivational factors (Seroka-Stolka, 2016). The organisational leaders focus on the motivating the employees by achievement and recognition, developing organisational culture internal boding, work place responsibility and personal growth (Brewster et al., 2016). Providing personal and professional growth to the employees as well as creating the sense of achievements and recognition are fruitful for the employees to be valued at the workplace and cooperate with the management team for better performance. This is effective for the leaders to maintain the human psychology and understand the perspectives of the staff at the workplace. For managing diversity and leading the employees towards achieving future organisational success, the management teams try to enhance communication and improve cooperation which further develops strong binding between them. Developing corporate relationship as well as enhancing trust and loyalty among the staff members is beneficial for the organisations to support the employees and encourage them to perform better (Borgström, Gammelgaard and Wieland, 2017). These are considered as motivational strategies where the leaders become successful to strengthen their employee base and encourage their creativity to perform better and achieve future success.

Figure 4: Herzberg’s two factor theory

Herzberg’s two factor theory

The hygienic factors can be maintained through working conditions, safety and security of the staff, policies and rules, and salary which are mandatory to retain the experienced employees and manage them efficiently in long run (Bailey et al., 2018). The organisations mainly are concreted about managing safety and security of the employees by providing them safe environment work. Continuous monitoring and evaluation of the performance, safety measures at the workplace as well as insurance policies for any accidents happened at the workplace are there which further creates values for the employees. Moreover, the leaders try to improve understanding among the team by developing partnership working practice and improving quality assessment for revising their performance and encouraging them to cooperate for better achievements. The organisational rules such as respect and integrity, managing transparency and accountability, enhancing equality and diversity as well as data protection of the employee’s personal information are also beneficial for human resource management in the organisational workplace (Loebbecke, van Fenema and Powell, 2016). The base wage and salary is another major factor, where the leaders try to maintain minimum wage act and restructure the salary for the benefits of the employees so that the management team cam satisfy the staff and retain them for long run. Hence, the human resource management is mandatory for the organisations as it have crucial impacts on the operations and organisational excellence, where the leaders and the managers try to manage the employees and encourage them for better performance. Continuous motivation and understanding the psychology of the employees are effective for the leaders to create values for them and help them to participate actively at the workplace (Fortis et al., 2018).


Methodology of the research needs to be specific to progress in the study and fulfil the research aim and objectives. In this regard, the researcher tries to choose the research approach which is of two types, deducted and inductive. The inductive research approach is related to the activity, where the researcher collect the data and analyse it fir developing the theories and concept. On the other hand, the deductive approach is when the researcher collects different theories and concepts and analyse the research efficiently to draw proper conclusion through better evaluation. Hereby, it is fruitful for the researcher to choose the deductive approach in this phase to develop proper way to critically analyse the research topic and fulfil the research objectives and aim. Under this deductive approach, the researcher tries to collect the models and theory related to the research topic as well as analyse the data for better evaluation. This further helps the researcher to collect proper information and analyse it efficiently to fulfil the work based project. The theories and models are effective for the researcher to analyse and evaluate the findings for understanding the business strategic planning in the organisation Nagel Group.

The researcher also tries to choose the best possible way to collect data for conducting the research. There are two types of data collection methods, one is primary and other is secondary. In this study, the researcher selects the secondary data collection method where data can be gathered through reviewing the secondary sources of information. The researcher reviews the existing books, journals, online articles and newsletters which are authentic sources for gathering valid information and data related to business strategic management. Apart from that, the researcher is also able to review the organisational website of Nagel group to identify the business strategies and working activities of the company so that it is possible for the researcher to evaluate their tactics and analyse the research topic efficiently. For analysing the data, the researcher chooses the qualitative analytical technique, rather than quantitative method of analysis, and here the qualitative technique is effective to analyse the collected information and conduct the study efficiently. Through the qualitative analysis, the researcher is able to developing thematic analysis, where different themes related to the above mentioned research topic are developed for further evaluating and critical analysis. The themes are effective in this regard to analyse the business strategic planning in the organisational context of Nagel Group as well as evaluate he research topic efficiently.

The researcher is also able to review the organisational strategy to manage their operations and after that it would be possible for the researcher to recommend some solutions to the Nagel group to sustain their business in the global transportation and logistics market. In order to conduct the study ethically, the researcher tries to maintain validity and reliability of the data and information as well as the researcher aims at maintaining authenticity by doing citation of the information taken from journal and online articles. There is no misconception of using the collected data and the researcher does not manipulate the gathered data to maintain reliability of the information throughout the research process for successful fulfilment of the research objectives. In this regard, author’s citation increases the quality of the study and it further helps the researcher to conduct the study ethically without any information mismanagement. Data authenticity management as well as accessing the organisational website and personal information by convincing the organisational representative and getting proper access to their information, the researcher is able to complete the project ethically. Hereby, the secondary data collection method as well as thematic analysis under qualitative data analysis technique provides a scope to the researcher to gather authentic data and information about the organisational strategic planning and evaluate it further fir better critical analysis.

Findings & Analysis

For representing the findings and analysing the gathered intimation, it is beneficial for the researcher to develop thematic analysis, which is one of the best qualitative analytical ways to represent the information and further evaluate the data and information successfully. The themes are such as,

Findings & Analysis

Through the above mentioned themes, it is possible to analyse the research topic and fulfil the aims and objectives of the research further. The themes are mainly the findings of the research and it will be evaluated further for successful analysis of the gathered information.

Theme 1: The monetary incentives are effective to manage the human resource of the organisation

The monetary incentives play a crucial role to manage strong employee base, where the entrepreneurs are successful to fulfil the basic needs and preferences of the individuals in the organisation (DeCenzo, Robbins and Verhulst, 2016). The organisational leader tries to restructure the salary and introduce performance related pay and incentives to perform better. These are the major scheme for the employees to improve their interest to perform batter (Sparrow, Brewster and Chung, 2016). In the company Nagel group, the leader s also successful to manage their strong employees where there are more than 13ß, 000 people at more than 130 locations in 16 European countries. The organisation is a successful firm to hire the strong and experienced employees, which can manage the organisational operational activities. In this regard, the organisational payment policies are strong to create values for the staff and help them to fulfil their basic needs and preferences. Additionally, there are 7000 vehicles to manage transpiration and storage of the food and other grocery products and for this the employees are working hard to manage. The leader and the HR department of Nagel group introduced the performance related pay and incentive for working better and fulfilling the target of the organisation (Chu, Feng and Lai, 2018).

Theme 2: The rewards and organisational culture are beneficial to create values for the employees

The organisational culture plays a crucial role to manage the employees in long run. As per the findings, it has been stated that the business leader and the management team aim at creating good working culture and organisational workplace to motivate the individuals in working efficiently (Armstrong and Taylor, 2020). The management team provides freedom to work and encourage the employee’s creativity at the workplace and this further motivates the staff for better performance. The leaders focuses on fulfilling their commitment towards their staff including the employees, office staff, sales executives and suppliers as well as give the chance of work life balance. Honesty and integrity at the workplace as well as respecting each employee are there which are also beneficial for the firm Nagel group to create values for the staff and retain them for long run. In this regard, the strategic planning such as managing transparency and accountability, developing integrated workplace, improving trust and loyalty and respecting each other are mandatory to manage the workplace culture. It further helps the organisation to manage diverse workforce and create values for the employees (Bratton and Gold, 2017). It is mandatory of the organisation Nagel group to manage the organisation culture for management and strengthening their employee base for long run. Workplace safety and security is also other major factors for managing the human resource, where it is possible for the organisation to support them with proper working infrastructure and give them insurance for any accidents happened during the work hours. The Nagel group is efficient to provide safety and security at the workplace, where the suppliers and the office staff members are under proper CCTV surveillance as well as they get proper safety measures to work securely.

Theme 3: The product and service design provides a scope to run the business operations efficiently

The product and service design is also essential factor for developing business strategy, where the organisation must create product portfolio as well as enhance service efficiency for better management of the organisations (Meyer, Neck and Meeks, 2017). In this context, the organisation Nagel group is efficient to provide high quality services to the clients by providing transportation and suppliers who are efficient to manage the logistics of the food and other items. The organisation is also efficient to manage their operations by hiring 7000 vehicles where the suppliers and the managers are productively handling the whole operational system across different international markets. As per the analysis, it ca e stated that, the organisation is efficient to manage theory service innovation and provide efficient services to all the clients. However, in the recent era of globalisation, it is mandatory to be sustainable in the industry through continuous service innovation and technological implementation and hence the organisation Nagel group members focus on more creativity to providing the efficient services to the business clients. As well as, organisational sustainability must be maintained properly, where Nagel group should focus on packaging style by enhancing green environmental footprint such as adopting paper packaging style, cardboard packaging and using sustainable plastics for better management of the products and services of the organisation.

Theme 4: The pricing method as well as packaging style is effective for the business to establish the business and manage their operations successfully

The pricing method and the packaging style are also effective to maximise client’s value and in this regard, the organisation tries to enhance their operational efficiency through proper packaging and providing logistics services to the clients. In this regard, the organisation Nagel group is also efficient to set effective prices for their services, so that they can retain the clients for managing business (Brewster and Hegewisch, 2017). Strong customer’s base can be possible through pricing policies and thus it is effective for the business to sustain in the market. As per the analysis, it can be explored that, the pricing method is one of the crucial factor in the market mix, which determines firm’s growth and development. The organisation chooses the best pricing method to attract the clients and strengthen their customer’s base in near future. The premium practicing policy helps the firm to set lower price initially to penetrate the market and retain the customers which further develops trust and loyalty among the customers in long run, where the customers are satisfied with the services provided by the organisation at affordable price. On the other hand, the packaging style, managing product safety as well as organisational sustainable practice are also effective which have crucial impacts on the perception of the customers to make the decision for the organisational products and services. Hence, the firm Nagel group in the recent era of globalisation should focus on sustainable practice including reduction of greenhouse gas emission, using paper and cardboard packaging, recycling process adoption, utilising the renewable energy resources and protecting the natural resources of the earth so that there is good brand image and the leader can influence the responsible citizens for making effective purchase decision for the organisational transport and logistics operational services (Baumgartner and Rauter, 2017).

Theme 5: The customer’s service efficiency must be improved over the time in order to manage customers and retain them for long run

The customer’s service plays a crucial role to manage the client base of the company and maximise values for the customers which further helps to strengthen their customer’s base in long run. The organisation Nagel group in this regard is efficient to provide customers services by managing their operations and transportation. Continuous support and developing client based services are must in this industry to be sustainable and run the operations successfully. It is also necessary for the organisation to manage their customer’s base by providing high quality service at affordable price so that more long run buyers can be retained and it is possible for the organisation to secure future sustainable development. As per the analysis, it can be evaluated that, customer service efficiency must be improved over the time for better management where Nagel group can be sustainable in the market for long run. Through this strategy, the organisation can also handle the staff and manage them efficiently by enhancing internal communication as well as it is also beneficial for the organisation Nagel group to manage the customers and give them 24*7 services over the online support system. Moreover, implementation of customer’s relationship management is also mandatory of the organisation to manage strong client base and acknowledge their actual needs and preferences for developing client centred services, where the client’s satisfaction can be maximised well.

Theme 6: The service innovation and technological advancement have crucial impacts on the business activities and operations

Technology pays a crucial role in managing the business activities and digitalises the organisational activities successfully. It further helps to improve innovation and creativity of the organisations where the entrepreneurs can run their operations in a unique way (Chernev, 2018). In this regard, the company Nagel group is also efficient to manage their operations by implementing the latest technology. The Enterprise Resource planning (ERP) is the major technique to handle the inbound and outbound logistics, manage the food and other products, maintains safety and security of the products handle the storage capacity as well as provide high quality transportation services to the customers. Online data base management system and could computing system are effective for the organisation to maintain the stock of the product and provide proper supply to the companies through managing transportation system. The ERP system is also effective to handle sales volume and online receipt successfully. As per the analysis, it is considered as one of the marketing mix strategic planning, which is process innovation and physical evidence, where the organisation must develop the organisational infrastructure as well as renovate the process to serve the customers in a better way. Hence, the business strategic planning as well as the components of marketing mix are beneficial for the organisation Nagel group to be sustainable in the market and manage the stakeholders as well including the staff members, office executives, suppliers and distributors, customers and government as well as social communities as a whole (Kirchoff, Tate and Mollenkopf, 2016). Through process innovation and continuous improvement of the organisational operations, it is possible for the firm Nagel group to be sustainable in the global logistics and transportation industry.

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As per the findings, it can be evaluated that, proper strategic management and the marketing planning including the product design and service innovation as well as pricing policy of the firm are effective to managing the customers. It is also necessary for the organisation to manage their strong employee base by managing human resource policies and creating values for them. Hereby, the organisational activities and proper organisational culture are mandatory for the organisation to sustain in the industry and manage their operations in future. In this regard, the objectives of the research are met through the analysis and evaluation. The first objective is to identify the business strategy and as per the analysis, the business strategic planning such as transportation services, service innovation through technological advancement are effective in Nagel group to sustain in the industry and run the business activities strategically. The company implements latest technology such as ERP, as well as GPS system and CRM which are advantageous for managing the stakeholders and encourage them to perform better. This further enhances technological innovation and creativity of the organisational operational activities for successful establishment of the organisation. The strategies such as monetary incentives and rewards as well as organisational culture and salary, safety and security of the employees are the major human resource strategy to protect the employees and retain them for long run and it meets the second objective. The human resource management is one of the best strategies of the organisation to sustain in the market and retain the experienced staff for managing their logistics operations. The organisation is also effective to provide them proper training and development programs to enhance their skill an expertise for performing efficiently. This further provides a scoep to the Nagel group to maixmise their perfirkmacve and establishes the business strategically. Through this study, it is hereby possible to meet the first objective, where evaluating the strategic planning of the business can be possible by identifying the tactics of Nagel group to be sustainable in the market.

The third objective is to develop marketing planning and in this regard, as per the 4P marketing planning, the Nagel group is efficient to renovate their service, set premium pricing policy as well as placing the goods efficiently within effective time and thus it meets the third objective. Service efficiency is the major strategy of the firm to satisfy the customers and ensure good customers relationship management where the technological advancement as well as continuous support to the consumers is there through which Nagel group is successful to develop strong customer’s relationship in long run. There is loyal customer’s base which is one of the major contributing factors for Nagel group to be sustainable in the market. The fourth is to recommend better solutions for the business of Nagel group and in this regard, it can be stated that, the technological advancement is necessary at Nagel group. The company Nagel group needs to develop innovative services, creating organisational website and provide 24*7 services to the clients so that they can be served well and their requirements can be fulfilled efficiently. On the other hand, the management team must focus on creating suitable organisational culture through managing each employee, enhancing equality and diversity at the workplace and encouraging the staff continuously through providing monetary rewards and non-monetary incentives such as recognition, workplace relationship and bonding and enhancing communication and partnership working, so that it would possible for Nagel group to secure future sustainable development and fulfil the business aim of becoming one of the best transportation service organisation in the global market.

It is also necessary for the Nagel group to develop the business expansion strategy by market penetration. For being sustainable in such a competitive market era, it is mandatory for the organisation to establish heir supply chain and provide green environmental footprint where it can be successful to provide positive brand image in the market across the international markets. It is hereby, necessary for the organisation to penetrate the new international market by expanding their service where service diversification as well as developing customer centred services would be beneficial to serve the customers in a unique way. The organisation must also focus on managing green footprint, by using electric cars which in turn helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and this would be one of the major success factors in the long run where Nagel group can severe future sustainable development by acting responsible. It can also set new example in the transport industry by utilising electric cares for sustainable green supply chain management and it further creates positive brand image in the market. Hence, through human resource management as well as market penetration through developing client centred transportation and logistics services as well as managing green supply chain, the organisation Nagel group would be able to perform efficiently and secure future sustainable development in the global transport and logistics industry.

Critical Examination of Project

Through the project, it is possible for the researcher to develop own skill and abilities to conduct the in depth research on the business strategic management. The study helps the researcher to improved research skill to identity relevant information and gathers more authentic model and concept related to the business management. It further helps the researcher to develop critical analytical skill and searching skill, where it is possible to search the valid information and analyse it properly. In addition to this, the researcher is able to improve the academic skill to conduct the research and choose proper method for completing the study efficiently. The research is successful to develop problem solving skill and decision making skill, where the study provides a scope to the researcher to analyse the existing issues in the business and develop further recommendations for the organisation to develop clear strategic planning to run the business sustainably. The theories and concepts of the business strategic management as well as the human resource management and marketing mix strategic planning are effective to gain deep insight about the business management which further provides a scope to identify the tactics of the multinational corporations to run their business operations in long run. The study is hereby beneficial for the researcher to gain more understanding and improve comprehensive business skill for working with others for contributing positively in achieving future success.

The study is also advantageous for the researcher to gain proper understanding and knowledge about the organisational issues and mismanagement with the stakeholders which may raise difficulties for the companies to manage their stakeholders and retain them for long run. The study provided a scope to identify the strategic planning of the organisations to manage the stakeholders including he employees, managers, customers and government suppliers and distributors as well as the social communities as a whole. For managing the successful business, it is mandatory for the companies to manage the stakeholder and develop appropriate business strategy to achieve future success. The work based project provides an opportunity to gain understanding about working in the organisational context so that he professional achievements can be possible. The presentation and the data analysis activities are also fruitful for the researcher to improve own understanding and comprehensive skill to conduct further in depth research in future. There is future scope of the research, where more data collection and statistical analysis would be done for in depth evaluation of the organisational strategies and work based practice to achieve the future business success. Hereby, through the data collection, evaluation and analysis, the researcher is able to improve the academic skill as well as gain professional skill to participate in the business world and perform better in the organisational context. The researcher is also able to improve own analytical skill and decision making skill further where the study also provides a scope to recommend some suitable suggestions for the organisation to improve their strategic planning for achieving future organisational success. Hence, the decision making skill as well as problem solving skill can be improved through this work based project, where the researcher is successful to critically analyse the situation and identify the effective strategic tactics for the organisations to establish their firm in near future. Critical reflection and knowledge gaining activities during the work based project is good for the researcher to improving personal and professional skill to achieve career success. It further enhances the performance of the researcher and influences the researcher in future to conduct more in-depth analysis on the business strategic management and human resource management which are mandatory for running the organisations in the recent era of competitive market structure.

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It is observed that students take pressure to complete their assignments, so in that case, they seek help from Assignment Help, who provides the best and highest-quality Dissertation Help along with the Thesis Help. All the Assignment Help Samples available are accessible to the students quickly and at a minimal cost. You can place your order and experience amazing services.

DISCLAIMER : The assignment help samples available on website are for review and are representative of the exceptional work provided by our assignment writers. These samples are intended to highlight and demonstrate the high level of proficiency and expertise exhibited by our assignment writers in crafting quality assignments. Feel free to use our assignment samples as a guiding resource to enhance your learning.

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