Centre for International Education and Global Partnerships


International education is growing at a raid rate, where the students are migrating from one country to another in order to access effective educational system, fruitful course structure and other facilities such as training courses and professional skill development activities. The report is about international business management where Red River College aims at expanding their business in the African countries and target the major growing countries in the African continent in order to retain more students for the college. The International Education and Global Partnerships (CIEGP) department of Red River College (RRC) targets to attract the students in the African countries where there is great migration rate of the students for the universities abroad such as Canada, USA and UK universities. The students are looking for the best coursework and professional skill development training programs in order to achieve their personal career goal and professional success in near future. The study helps to target the effective African countries where the RRC can expand their business for successful expansion of the college in near future. The study also explores the marketing strategic planning where RRC should focus on the marketing tactics to promote their educational courses in the African countries so that RRC would be able to achieve success by retaining more international students in Canada.


Countries in Africa suitable for RRC

Africa is the second largest and second d most popular continent after Asia, is about 30.3 million square kilometres. 16% of human population of world belongs to Africa and it covers 20% land of the world. The continent has over 1.341 billion. There are various countries with high growth and economic development where the RRC College can expand their business for long run success. It is fruitful for RRC to expand the business in the African countries, where there is large population group as well as high economic growth so that it would target a large student pool for the college in Canada.


It is the African country with 8.5% GDP growth and FDI growth hits 27.6% in the year of 2017. The country is also attractive for the foreign investors as it has already high foreign investment where the individuals are engaged with the production, manufacturing and service industry. Supporting sustainable solutions and boosting the technological infrastructure are the major strategic planning of the country to promote the international trade affairs. The country is hereby one of the effective place, where RRC would be able to expand their business and attract the students for the college (CNN, 2018).


Ghana is the western African country with high range of resources. It is the second largest producer of gold, and suppliers of diamond and oil. The country is effective for international trade with effective tariff and quota legislations (Adegoke, 2019). The international trade is increasing in Ghana and it has 6.3% GDP growth which is attractive for the foreign investors to invest in the country. It is the second choice of RRC to expand their business in Ghana so that the college authority can retain the students and approach them with high quality educational courses as per their educational background and personal interest.

Nigeria is one of the largest growing countries where the literacy rate is high and the students refer to choose the college in the foreign countries for better educational activities. The GDP growth rate of the country is about 6% and the increasing numbers of students choose foreign colleges for getting higher studies, training facilities where they can improve their personal and professional skill in near future to fulfil their career aim (Adegoke, 2019).

Rationale of choosing the countries

The African continent is effective for the international businesses for opening their business in the countries in African continent and there are many opportunities which further attract the foreign investors to invest in the countries. One of the major scopes to expand the International Education and Global Partnerships (CIEGP) of RRC is that the above mentioned countries have high population growth where the individuals are interested to have effective education and improve their skill set for achieving professional goal. The countries are also efficient to contribute in different industries such as food, beverages, pharmaceuticals, financial services, healthcare, and education. The education system is also growing in Africa and the students prefer to go abroad for better educational opportunities (Adegoke, 2019). The student migration rate for the international universities is also increasing at rapid rate and thus the countries are suitable for RRC to expand their CIEGP and ensure effective retention of the international students. The above mentioned countries are industrialising at a rapid rate and it is also effective for the RRC to expand their business in the countries and promote the educational courses successfully for effective retention of the students. More than 10674 students in Nigeria migrated to USA in the year of 2018 and more than 3055 students migrated to USA in the same year for higher education and from South Africa, there are 1813 students got permit to access education in the USSA, hence, Africa continent is one of the effective place where RRC can expand their business and promote their educational courses (CNN, 2018)

Market research

The Canadian educational system is good and it has effective structure and educational courses which attract the international students. The Canadian colleges are also effective for the international students to provide effective facilities for the accommodation and food as well as there are efficient educational staffs who deliver high quality education and training to the students. As per the figure below, the Canadian educational system is also growing at a rapid rate and the international students are migrating to the colleges and universities of Canada in order to access the latest education and training courses for achieving their future career goal (Smith & Fernandez, 2017). The graph reveals that, the percentage of permit holders in the Canadian universities is increasing at a increasing rate which further improves the quality of the education of the Canadian colleges where the teaching professionals focus on delivering high quality education and training to each student as per their educational background and personal interest and future aim (Tippett & Milford, 2019).

Tippett & Milford, 2019)

(Source: Tippett & Milford, 2019)

Thus, it can also be stated that, RRC has the capability to expand their business in African countries to promote the educational courses and maximise the activities of CIEGP. On the other hand, the African students are also likely to access education from the international universities and there is high migration of the African students in the Canadian colleges and universities. There are more than 25000 students in Ethiopia going to Canada universities and colleges for higher education and scholarship. On the other hand, the students in Ghana also choose Canada colleges and universities for higher studies and getting scholarship for better educational programs and training. Nigerian people are the most, who prefer to migrate to Canada for higher education. Approximately 12000 students in Nigeria got study permit for the education in Canada. Hence, the countries are effective place, where RRC can expand their business and promote the educational courses for attracting more new skilled student’s pool for higher education and scholarship (Craft, 2018).

Key educational agents in the countries

There are educational agents in the African countries with whom the head authority of RRC can context and develop strong bonding and corporate relationship for promoting the organisational courses. The agents such as Adventus Education Pty ltd, Northern (The) Consortium UK Ltd (NCUK), Rutega Education Services and OAA study are efficient to set effective quality standard of education and promote educational activities in the countries across the African continent. RRC has the scope to context with the renowned educational agents for promoting their business and conduct the international business operations efficiently (Mouchipku, 2019).

Key stakeholders in Africa engaged with education

Other stakeholders of the African educational system are also laying a crucial role in promoting the educational activities and in this regard, it is necessary for the international educational institutions to manage the stakeholders and develop strong collaborative practice for entering into African economies for better establishment of the educational institution like RRC. The CIEGP of RRC aims to maximise the student retention from the African countries so that it is possible to increase the numbers of migrant students and give them study permit as well for long run educational system (Moore et al., 2016).

Suggested marketing strategy

CIEGP of RRC must develop effective marketing strategic planning and in this regard one of the major strategies is to design the educational coursework to attract the students. The college must develop educational magazine and portfolio to advertise the available programs in CIEGP. The college also needs to set effective fees for the educational programs and additional training available in the college so that the students can access the education at effective cost. In this regard setting the rice efficiently as per different educational programs is mandatory for RRC to promote the educational programs. Apart from the portfolio for educational courses available in CIEGP, the RRC College also must focus on differentiation in the courses so that it can target the students from variety of educational background, such as science, business management, computer programming and others. RRC needs to enhance collaboration and market communication with effective cooperation with the above mentioned educational agents which is effective for RRC to promote their educational coursework in target countries of Africa. On the other hand, CIEGP of RRC needs to distribute the leaflets among the students at different educational institutions as well as set the criteria for getting scholarship for the students. These two marketing strategy would be effective for RRC to attract the students for getting scholarship as well as get effective information through the leaflets about the available educational programs of RRC as well as course structure, fees and timing.

Education fairs

There are several educational fairs in Canada which promotes the educational courses and training program available in the colleges and universities. In this context, the fair such as World Education Fair Canada (WEFC) is a venue to meet with a huge numbers of schools, public colleges and universities in Canada. The higher secondary schools and colleges are also participating efficiently to promote their educational courses and training programs as well as the scholarship program for the migrant students. Canam's Global Education Fair 2020 is also effective where the colleges of international countries are also interested to participate to maximise their educational standard and redesign the course work and scholarship program for better future (ICEF Monitor, 2019).

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Safety precautions

The Canadian colleges and universities provide effective scholarship program to the international students. They are also concerned about maintaining safety measures for the students. The flight management, effective international collaboration as well as the accommodation to stay and food arrangement are also under safe and secured environment where the university staff and the responsible person in the colleges are taking care of the students and manage their safety at the college premises. Continuous monitoring process, data protection, as well as safety at the premises are also maintained efficiently by the college authority (Salihu, 2020).

Local African associations

There are local associations in Africa, where the RRC can context them and access more market information for successful establishment of their institution in the target countries. In this

University are the three major local African associations for enhancing collaboration and communication where RRC can expand their international business and promote the educational courses in the market efficiently to target the students for higher educational studies and scholarship. The foundations are also effective to conducting market research and cooperate with RRC in near future for sharing the effective information about African educational system and the number of migrating students in Canada (Zhang & Smith, 2017).

Conclusion and recommendations

RRC is capable to expanding their international business in the three counties of Africa, which are Ethiopia, Ghana and Nigeria, where the most of students are trying to apply to international college and universities for higher studies. The numbers of migrating students from these three countries of Africa to Canada is high and these are the suitable place for RRC to expand their educational system successfully. The suggested marketing strategies are also effective for RRC to promote their educational program and along with this, RRC must arrange educational campaigning both online and offline for better access of information about the market and collaborate with the key educational agents and association for better performance and attracting the new generations for higher studies and scholarship.

Reference List

Adegoke, Y., (2019). Africa will have some of the world’s fastest-growing economies in 2019—and a looming debt crisis. Retrieved from:

Craft, A., (2018). International developments in assuring quality in higher education (Vol. 6). London: Routledge.

ICEF Monitor, (2019). Canada’s foreign student enrolment took another big jump in 2018. Retrieved from:

Moore, C.L., Wang, N., Johnson, J., Manyibe, E.O., Washington, A.L. & Muhammad, A., (2016). Return-to-work outcome rates of African American versus White veterans served by state vocational rehabilitation agencies: A randomized split-half cross-model validation research design. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 59(3), pp.158-171.

Mouchipku, M.V.Y., (2019). The employability of humanities graduates in South Africa: the perceptions of recruitment agencies (Doctoral dissertation, University of Johannesburg).

Salihu, M.J., (2020). Agencies Governing the University Education System in Nigeria: An Examination of their Administrative Powers, Conflicts and Advocacies. ATBU Journal of Science, Technology and Education, 7(4), pp.231-239.

Smith, W.C. & Fernandez, F., (2017). Education, skills, and wage gaps in Canada and the United States. International Migration, 55(3), pp.57-73.

Tippett, C.D. & Milford, T.M., (2019). Science education in Canada: consistencies, commonalities, and distinctions. Berlin: Springer.Zhang, D. & Smith, G., (2017). China’s foreign aid system: structure, agencies, and identities. Third World Quarterly, 38(10), pp.2330-2346.

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