Change Management Models In Business


Change management is one of the essential activities that help the business to create and implement the new organization and also in designing new methods of the working process. It can be defined as the concept through which employee management is done efficiently. It can be defined as steps that are being followed by a group of members in a team to get a better outcome or result. The different types of change management models that can be applied to an organization are "Lewin's change management model", "Mckinsey 7-S model". "Kubler Rose 5 stage Model" and many others.


Application of change management model from a business perspective

The "Kubler-Ross change model" basically deals with the 5 different stages of grief that are "denial", "anger", "bargaining", "depression" and "acceptance". It is one of the effective change management models that can be applied to get the best outcome in business. The primary motive of this model is to explain how a person reacts while accepting these changes in management (Cameron and Green, 2019). There are some issues in business-like despite having the facility of getting the team-management application, the staff is using normal spreadsheets for activities. Thus the manager of an organization will need to guide and trained the team at the right time so that these "counterproductive" problems shall never get happened (Cummings et al. 2016). According to the theory of "Kubler Ross" the members of a team have developed defensive behavior to adopt any changes. Thus, it is the responsibility of a team leader and manager to understand what is creating resistance and how it can get overcome.

The five different stages of change-curve that can be applied to guide the team in business are defined as below

Stage 1: Denial: The first resistance that will occur once the change model is initiated in business are the members will be in shock and they will deny thinking that they cannot adopt these changes. The manager at this stage can help employees understand why the change has occurred. The reason for the changes through face to face interaction with each individual of the team (Bordeleau and Felden, 2019).

Stage 2: Anger

It is the most critical stage of the model in which there is a chance that after realization some member accepts it or some get angered. Thus the manager needs to listen and understand what is the objective of them, and then make them understand that the time will pass away and it is better they should accept it for a better future.

Stage 3: bargaining:

Once the anger stage gets clear the staff starts thinking that whether they will be able to fit with it or not. Thus the manager must be free to this suggestion and provide clear and good expectations. The training can also be a crucial factor that can help in this model.

Stage 4: Depression

At this stage of the model the employee might start thinking that there is no way out and they have to be a part of change management. Thus, they feel depressed and here the manager needs to motivate the team with good feedback and reward needs to be provided.

Stage 5: Acceptance

This is the final stage of the model and here the team members finally accept the change and start working on it. Therefore the manager must encourage each staff and share every bit of success with them (, 2020).

Change Curve Model

Impact of change in response to the issues faced by business

The issues that most of the business faces like team management can get improved and the organization can get optimal results. Like for example if the team management software like “ERP” and “SAP” is used in replacement for spreadsheets, then it will save lots of time for business to cover all the tasks. The team leader can provide better guidance through appropriate training from basic to advanced level and encourage each to participate in it. The changes that are identified through the theory of "Kubler Ross" are linear and the person who is in the acceptance stage can move back to the anger stage of the model. Thus, it is not considered to be constant, but the curve of change gets changed every time (Long et al. 2018).

Kubler Ross  Curve

The contribution provided by the person leading the project.

The team leader or the manager plays one of the key roles in adopting this change model in business. They encourage or motivate employees throughout the stages and provide them a proper direction to work. The staff while denying to accept the changes can leave or the organization might get in trouble at that time. But the team leader is responsible to provide them guidance and make them understand how it will benefit them and the organization.

Assurance of the person's inefficient running of the business.

The team member can assure the measurement of how many goals are achieved by the business and whether it is done on a deadline or not. The staff can start utilizing team management software and it will help in submitting the task within the deadline.

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Reference List


Cameron, E. and Green, M., 2019. Making sense of change management: A complete guide to the models, tools and techniques of organizational change. Kogan Page Publishers.


  • Cummings, S., Bridgman, T. and Brown, K.G., 2016. Unfreezing change as three steps: Rethinking Kurt Lewin’s legacy for change management. Human Relations, 69(1), pp.33-60.
  • Bordeleau, F.E. and Felden, C., 2019. Digitally Transforming Organisations: A Review of Change Models of Industry 4.0. In Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Information Systems.
  • Long, T.B., Looijen, A. and Blok, V., 2018. Critical success factors for the transition to business models for sustainability in the food and beverage industry in the Netherlands. Journal of cleaner production, 175, pp.82-95.

Websites, 2020, Change management coach, Available at: [Accessed on:20.03.2020]

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