Creative Construction Business Plan

The business plan developed is within the construction industry linking with the creative industry. Given the continued development of residential as well as commercial estates within the UK and across the world. The need for decorations in terms of wall paintings, clocks and other hangings presents business opportunities to a different the creative industry which highlights the basis of the business plan.

This includes provision of original as well as print paintings to commercial and residential estates in large scale for in built decorations which improves the interior of the house in turn increasing the market potential. Dam and Teo (2019) highlights five steps to the design think process which will be used to analysis the business plan. This include: empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, and Testing and feedback.


Dam and Teo (2019) highlights five steps to the design think process which will be used to analysis the business plan. This include: empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, and Testing and feedback. A quick thought and evaluation on house decorations. The ease and creativity required to ensure the maximum optimization of space is still a big challenge especially in the fast developing economy and construction industry.

A quick observation and analysis especially among my course mates highlight a general lack of decorative objects such as paintings within their home walls and even in newly constructed and finished housing project. Key in this area especially is the recent rise in trend of development of the gated estates containing furnished and decorated houses ready for tenants. This calls for the need of paintings and other decorative products in large numbers providing a business opportunity in the construction industry for the creative industry.

In defining the business opportunity and highlighting the actual problem to be solved a number of quick research tasks were carried out. Evaluating the percentage of individuals that would prefer original and print paintings within their homes for decorative purposes. A study among developers and real estate agents with regards to whether they would take up paintings in large numbers as effective decorations for their developed multiple units in the gated communities.

Both these studies highlighted a possible opportunity in supplying both original and print paintings for the decorative purposes highlighting the design think idea developed. Among the alternatives developed include:

Provision of original paintings to the tune of 100 paintings a month

Provision of 50 original paintings and 50 prints every month

Provision of print only paintings

All these include stretching and installation of the paintings in appropriate spaces within the house units developed.

Having developed the gap and highlighting the scope of work needed for the effective functioning of the business idea and plan, I formally developed the plan for the business. Through an artist’s studio space housing up to 5 artists, 100 abstract, simple and attractive paintings which are appropriate, captivating and inspiring for people of all ages can be produced. This can be done within a 30 day period thereby enhancing monthly delivery of 100 paintings to different construction managers across the industry and country highlighting a viable business plan.

The prototype development stage included the development of the first 100 pieces and presentation of the proposal with a catalogue of the produced pieces complete with their installation mechanisms and the aesthetics after presentation. This will proceed to the testing phase where the proposition is presented among various panels of construction and real estate managers.

Polishing of the business plan with clear description and analysis of the expected workload as well as expected delivery times and highlighting the prospective construction companies to approach also highlight a significant aspect of the eventual success. The idea has been widely applied in low scale by only a few of the population in London who are artistic or have the eye for art as a possible decorative product in their houses and office spaces. Pictures of such set ups will include the contents of the portfolio for presentation to demonstrate the added quality of the interior spaces as a result of original crafted paintings.

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However the studio effectively procured spaces in such developed estates to carry out the testing of the Idea. This includes the installation of the finished housing units along with other in built services and marketing these to the consumer to receive feedback. Among the real estate for the estates in question highlight a significant appreciation by the potential clients of the painting and decorative efforts put into the houses and a couple even highlights being able to sell the house on account of the additional decorations which the clients loved.

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Eventually how good the portfolio is, as well as proposal made and presented to the prospective clients determines the potential of the business plans success. Regardless however the need for decoration in houses and the continuing growth and development of the construction industry guarantees the business viability and eventual success.

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