Data Personalization for Concrete Solutions


The enormous data that is created and by individuals subjects a massive number of possibilities for services and applications. For personalization of data arrive as a meaningful manner to metastasize information it is as a result of the combinations of data, services and applications blow ups. Thus presenting it in a meaningful manner to users taking into account about the personal characteristics of every user or features of groups of customers and the desiderated properties of the chosen information, for instance accidental discovery, indemnity and heterogeneity (Hofacker, 2018). In this report, the focus is to address the features and global significance of data personalization, assess Concrete Solutions opportunities and challenges posed by data personalization, an explanation and analysis on how the company will address data personalization that are relevant to the mobile app. The Business information system strategy chosen and finally explain the theory applied to justify the choices made for Concrete Solutions BIS and how the theory was applied.

Task 1

Data personalization can be defined as information about the users used so as to deliver content to them at just the right moment. At its center, according to Košir et al. (2011), personalization is liberating value to an individual at just the right time. It has originated from a long evolutionary process speeded up by the rapid growth of the Web as well as the dominance of handset electronic devices. The Web or rather the Internet has fostered individuals and organizations with different objectives and features to route an ever-flourishing amount of data as well as online services. In this context, personalization of data provides a meaningful way to sort out choices as ell as present these choices to clients taking into account their personal or group features. Personalized is characterized by interaction with the clients via software or content in a manner that creates them feel that their interests are being considered reviewed by Miele et al. (2014). Hence organizations such as Concrete Solutions will develop content for personal users via the application or website depending on their features as well as preferences. These content and preferences are gauged via data that is collected analyzed in an automatic artificial intelligence. Anshari et al. (2019) outline in their study that personalized data is also characterized by the ability of the organization or company able to predict and track clients buying behavior. In addition, demographic, psycho graphic as well as buying preferences are plethora of channels overloading the data, then channeled to the clients and are capable to attract client’s interest, even when all other information hits them but get ignored, thus the personalized data talks to them direct. The emergence of e digital age has heightened expectations of consumers for contextual, convenient and relevant acquaintances to unexpected elevations. As plainly outlined by Košir et al. (2011), the significance of data personalization to the world is that clients have become accustomed to getting what they want, and they are inclined towards the brands that identifies them as individuals at every stage of their journey as they consume products and services.

Task 2

Organizations are adopting data personalization approach so as to get to their clients. So, they source information by looking at the addresses personal apprehensions and begin campaigns via emails with a personal tone, hence organizations such as Concrete Solutions stand a chance to benefit in the following ways; First, the basic benefit of data personalization that Concrete would stand to benefit from is conversion. This is when the company uses applications and company websites such as Concrete Solution App, which is a mobile application to market its products and services, its content will determine how its clients in the United Kingdom will respond identifies Tossell et al. (2012). This is as a result of huge number of individuals are already weary and sick of receiving comprehensive content that is apparently disbursed to so many other clients, and they usually ignore that data since it does not relate to their needs and wants from organization. However, when these clients receive data from the app and open them, they would receive content that is of there preferences, then they may be encouraged to visit the company’s website which may include buying, and it is because when the company becomes personal with their content, they invite the customers to check out something of their interest before checking other companies in the same industry. Secondly, to the organization, contacting clients directly, there is a form of sincerity behind the content since the company appears to exert some effort to reach to the customers. The moment clients download the Concrete Solutions app into their handset, they are developing a form of relationship wit the organization, and the company is able to know its clients quite well. So, according to Turner and Turner (2013), when clients realizes that the organizations know them personally, they can bring along a lasting business relationship and refer their friends, acquaintances and other business partners to the organizations, thus growing its clientele. Thirdly, the organization also develops loyalty, whereby the data personalization converts and create trust. When an organization; Concrete Solutions adopts the data personalization approach, it starts by targeting clients by showing them that it can be trusted, then these clients become regular customers argues Anshari et al. (2019). These clients will keep on coming back not only they are satisfied with the products and services Concrete Solutions is offering, but also because they are comfortable doing business with the organization as though they are friends to the organization whom they have known for long. Therefore, the ability of Concrete Solutions to develop an app and a website that fosters user engagements while setting up a client support framework that creates feedback would foster loyalty to the organization. However, there could be overwhelming opportunities for organization to enjoy from data personalization, it also poses challenges equally, and these challenges include; Fourthly, Toch et al. (2012) researches that there exist discrepancies during analysis of the data collected from the clients and attain a bird’s eye view of what is going on in the organization’s marketing of its products and services it offers. In this case, the comportment of the clients, if they act towards the organization’s call to action, it would require the organization; Concrete Solutions to base its analysis from categories and segments. Analytics are more or less general rather than personalized, and it can be challenging for the organization to monitor the manner customers conduct themselves using analytics, Thence, the end result could be distorted image of the content you try to provide to its clients. Lastly, data personalization requires the organization interact with its clients at a personal level. In a case of Concrete Solutions that intends to outsource the UK market, which is a large area, the truth is that can call for more time and energy spent to reach out to distinct person in front of different individuals. Vallée et al. (2016) argue that if there could be a little or more automation involved, then it has to be managed and specially made independently, which is time consuming. It is all about personal touch and not artificial intelligence, where Concrete Solutions Company has created a mobile app meant to attend to all its clients, but there is no way it can be truly personal without putting the energy and time to meet a vast and varying needs of UK clients.

Task 3

Concrete Solutions Company is a retail construction company in a very dynamic sector with great potential to grow in the United Kingdom. The company has chosen to incorporate a mobile and personal computer application known as Concrete Solutions App that will be linked with the company’s website where clients will be placing their orders online, make payments for their construction services and products such as bricks, flooring, painting and so many other products, will view stock available in their warehouses, track deliveries, cancel or return orders, as well as connect to the company’s virtual sales advisors. The objective of the mobile and personal computer application is to access a wider market, compete with the company’s competitors within the market, provide a transparent process to its stakeholders, assist its clients to identify the right products and services, boost its marketing as well as reduce expenditure on physical advertisements. In addition, via the artificial intelligence incorporated in the system and linked to the application, there is will easy monitoring of sales, spending patterns of its customers, simplify stock analysis, communicate with its customers in real time and foster resource management, that is, human resource, logistics and financials that will be promoted by personalized data from its clients. Mole (2015) argue that the need for value exchange from data personalization is as a result of a concern from the customers that know that organizations require their data for their brands, which has driven brands to deliver more targeted experiences to individual clients and the resultant is the baseline expectations. But then value is attained in different forms, which relies on the sector and segment and in most cases, it goes all the way to people. Arguably, there is no need for an organization outsourcing clients’ data to go beyond the call of duty to acknowledge clients’ generosity when they exhibit and candidly and acquiesce to the application of their data. After all, clients’ data is how they access products and services in the first place, they cannot accept deliveries without offering names, addresses that are equally vital according to a review by Taneri (2020). Although to a greater extent business with nothing to physically deliver to clients and with lack of apparent intention to address clients by name are looking for these personal data and even more. So according to Carter of Acxiom (Mole, 2015), if a company like Concrete Solutions delivers practical and meaningful benefits to individual clients via intelligently and creatively sourcing back the personal data clients consented to share, there would be more value exchange for personalization of their data that they would obviously link with the product or service. It can be achieved via the Concrete Solutions App, where coupons, provision of loyalty cards can be provided for a seamless omnichannel encounter from the company. In addition, clients’ admissible utility is spontaneous settlement of payments, there should be no searching for cards because the Concrete Solutions mobile app enables quick payments of products and services, there followed by quick delivery of services and products to the clients, then it would also foster value exchange for data exchange argues Krafft et al. (2021). It is enabled by the company ability to move to Internet of Things (IoT) with the digital barista, it would enable the organization to bring about emotional dimension back to the clients’ experience.

The trust between a client and a brand is equally vital as any other relationship and even more vital that personalized data of clients is outsourced to benefits the brand identified by Bleier and Eisenbeiss (2015). When an organization is capable of creating a genuine, truthful linkage with the clients, then an improbable thing occurs; it develops brand loyalty, and this linkage offer the basis of a client-brand trustworthy relationship. How then can Concrete Solutions Company develop customer sentiment in its brand in the wake of data personalization. Now that the company has a mobile and personal computer application, it is vital that it chooses to be available for its clients as well as allow them to interact with the organization. Clients normally have questions, and in cases where there is lack of response towards their concerns, or there is lack of timely responses, then the company loses its credibility research by Park et al. (2012). Therefore, Concrete Solutions should provide support staff to monitor clients’ interactions via the mobile application forum where like-minded entrepreneurs will interact, such as use of virtual sales advisors and connecting with clients at rea time annual event would not only promote trust between the company and its customers but also grow the company’s online ventures. Through customers reviews over the Concrete Solutions mobile and PC application, the company will be able to identify its strength and weaknesses. But how will the company foster trustworthiness during bad reviews? Well, it is significant for the construction company to be transparent about its strengths and weaknesses. In a case where there were discrepancies in its operations, then it is vital for the company to take the lead to secure enough and guide the operations towards the right direction, even if that act means boosting the competitors’ bottom line. Again, the use of data personalization to boost brand into the market would raise concerns among customers, but it can be fixed if trust is created by fostering value exchange for data personalization. It is attainable whereby the company puts the client first and not is brand or revenue according to an Acxiom Review on Value Exchange from Data Exchange by Mole (2015). Normally, customers are aware when the organization focuses only on its brand or revenue increment by use of their data, and it does not create a long-lasting trust or even foster repeat sales. For instance, Concrete Solutions Company could provide services and products to clients on credit, if these customers have fallen short of their payments. Yes, the organization could miss out of revenue opportunities, but on the other end, it is developing lasting trust in the process. The data collected by businesses raises a lot of concerns among clients and visitors to the business websites and applications. The concerns are naturally about what happens to their personal data, how it is stored, who has access to it, and what safeguards are in place to protect their privacy point out Truong et al. (2019). Therefore, it is important for Concrete Solutions Company to adopt the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), a very important data protection legislation that governs the collection, application, transmission, as well as security of information collected from residents in the UK and other twenty-seven member countries of the European Union. In addition, data subjects must be allowed to provide accurate, specific consent before collection of their personal information. Truong et al. (2019) emphasize on personal information entails data obtained via use of website or app cookies. Some data in several instances is not regarded ‘personal data’ in a country like the United States of America like user’s computer Internet Protocol address which is regarded to be personal information according to the GDPR. In case of data breaches, the company will be required to notify supervisory authorities and information subjects; clients within the first three day in the even of information breach affecting users’ personal data in several instances.

Finally, Truong e al. (2019) add that a company is supposed to assure its clients that it is aware of Data Subject Rights, and supposedly be communicated to the customers in a definite, simple to access privacy policy on the company’s application and website. These rights should include; right to be informed about the collection and use of their personal data when the data is obtained, the right to access their data, the right of rectification of the personal data incase it is inaccurate, the right to erase personal data from the systems, the right to restrict processing of their personal data, the right to data portability or transferred from one electronic system to another safely and securely and finally the right t object on how their personal information is applied for sales, marketing or even service-related purposes. By adoption of personalized data by Concrete Solutions Company will not only increase its brand sales and increase revenue, but also bring about social change in the UK market. Through value exchange for data exchange, the company will be able to inform their decision making and strategy, purpose-drive can feel empowered to make a difference in the community such as provision of better housing to the UK residents in which they source their clients according to Chang et al. (2014). Being a retail construction company, personalized data will allow the company to identify issues regarding housing, and other environmental effects their material and services affect and improve on how its products and services. Li et al. (2017) state that business will have to strategize on working towards improving the quality of the products and services that are environmentally friendly but also provide mutual benefits to the business and its clients. The construction sector has been identified that it contributes about a hundred and ten billion pounds a year to the UK’s GDPR, and that is without the addition of the data personalization that is well informed, guided and monitored via the GDPR. The strategy if adopted the company would have immense effect on the wider market increasing on the revenues and consequently on the UK’s GDP according to studies by Richter et al. (2017).

Task 4

In a study by Saniuk et al. (2020), Industry 4.0 concept depicts the aspect of sustainable consumption patterns, which is a scheme of consumption precisely connected to the aspect of sustainable growth, adapted towards long-term socio-economic objectives, specifically in terms of definite environmental effect. The theory focuses on measures and assumptions that look at sustainable businesses promoted by clients and further looking sustainability and tenable production and consumption are vital to promoting conducive environment by protecting the environment specifically by the construction sector as well as improving the lives of people as well as prospects for all individuals. Businesses have developed AI that is capable of impacting on personalized production for consumer satisfaction and tenable utilization, specifically in the era of the growth of the Industry 4.0 according to Torn and Vaneker (2019). It means that the need for more study in the field of personalization of production and consumption of industry 4.0, the influence of personalized products on the anticipated client contentment with the purchase and use of those goods and services, consumer engagement in the development and design of the products and services researches Kumar (2007). However, there are several studies that have identified that there is lack of recognition of the effect of data personalization and personalized product on attaining high levels of tenable consumption argues Venasen (2007). It is linked to better acclimatization of the business as it markets its products and services to the clients’ anticipations, greater returns and satisfaction with the purchased product or service as well as there is longer product life cycle. The hypothesis of the industry 4.0 theory is ‘a high level of personalized data and product personalization influences a high level of client contentment with the purchase and consequently make sure tenable consumption.’ Therefore, the theory tries to analyze client’s preferences for purchasing personalized products and services provided by providing the means for industry 4.0 concept and attain tenable consumption and production. The most vital successes of industry 4.0 theory to businesses according to a review by Baranauskas (2019), include;

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High levels of clients’ satisfaction with the purchase of personalized products outsourced from personalized data from clients It demonstrates the positive effect of personalized data and products on feasible consumption Through Ai medium of data exchange, there is examination of clients’ expectations as well as preferences for personalized production in the framework of the advancement of Industry 4.0 approach The theory also demonstrates the position of engagement of customers in the process of acquiring and providing personalized goods and services It debunks on the significance of fostering the Industry 4.0 theory for sponsoring continual consumption-oriented consumer behavior.

The current modus operandi that is geared towards a higher level of interaction between the company and the consumers, whereby, by sourcing personalized data from clients, it allows businesses to make firm decision on the marketing mix that is appropriate for the clients. It is as a result of consumer being involved in the development process of products as their data are being sourced to determine the kind of products and services to be oriented towards them as researched by Torn and Vaneker (2019). Therefore, it can be determined that the interaction between the consumer and the business via the internet get stronger, as businesses learn to reduce production cost by customizing products to fit clients’ preferences in relation to their online information they access. Effective application of personalized data by businesses to produce personalized products, services, as well as marketing communication can sponsor client loyalty and retention by meeting their hidden needs. According to Koren et al. (2015), this personalization scheme can be a repetitive method to several clients subsequently, resulting to mass personalization, however, the product would require to be flexible and constructable, since not only the final product, but also the basic design packaging should be able to discern to meet specific personal choices. Therefore, the Industry 4.0 theory that sponsor mass personalization, acquiesce to attain viable consumption in quate an expansive context with high regards of end-to-end engineering across the whole life of the product, horizontal assimilation traversing the whole value development connection, and vertical amalgamation and connected production framework as well as substantial capital attachments as viewed by Chellappa et al. (2014). This broad view of the Industry 4.0 theory grants allocating the essence of personalized products out of clients’ data in feasible production and consumption in organizations, supply chain, societies as well as economies.

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Businesses capable of investing heavily on advanced marketing capabilities, and this entail use of personalizing social media communications, Internet Protocol address customization, related content personalization as well as account personalization, will assist in attaining enhanced response rates from clients that can capture client’s attention and heighten their spending and loyalty. Concrete Solution Company, a retail construction company in the UK has invested in developing a mobile and PC application whose sole purpose is to promote its growth in the UK market, must use data personalization essential for its business strategy. Increased efficiency can foster value exchange, trust can be promoted by protecting clients’ personalized data, which also must be consented before use as guided by European Union GDPR. Effective application of personalized data could promote business sales, compete fairly with other competitors in the UK market, access wider market, meet better housing facilities by identifying specific needs of customers, and increase on the UK’s GDP. Data personalization has been hypothesized by the theory of industry 4.0 that places the importance of personalized products, sustainable production and consumption in businesses like Concrete Solutions, the supply chain, societies and economies.


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