Empowering Asylum Seekers


This training programme is designed primarily to help asylum seekers to overcome the barriers they face as a result of living in foreign culture, language, and work environment, including business dissertation help. Trainees should be able to engage positively with the UK job market, and help themselves to develop their self-esteem, personal, and employability skills. Usually, employability skills focus on personal abilities and qualities. This programme is slightly different because it also tackles other external issues, which may cause serious challenges for job seekers. These issues can be cultural, emotional, or lack of knowledge regarding legal and financial systems as well as employment structure and ethics. Therefore, we tailored this training programme to give trainees the necessary knowledge of the system in addition to developing their interpersonal skills.

All topics will engage trainees to work on their own qualities and abilities as a starting point. Later, we guide them how to advance towards getting a job. We will also divide trainees according to their education level. This should engage them more during workshops and training.

The following topics will be delivered in ten training days, using Arabic language primarily:


Self motivation & development plan:

Do I have any potentials, competences, or strengths? How can I invest in myself? Where do I want to be in 5 or 10 years? Why should I look for work?

Employability skills:

What do employers look for? Communication skills, team work, initiative, and self motivating.

Apprenticeship, adult learning, and volunteering:

Involving oneself in work environment that leads to job opportunities, and different routes towards skills development with academic recognition.

Understanding finance and tax system in the UK:

Understand the balance of earning and taxation, learn how to deal with all relevant tax issues, employment law, and what to choose for future work: Self employed, employee or sole trader

Job search & Creating my own CV:

Online profile, job search and interview skills, exploring samples of different unskilled, skilled, and trade jobs, and how to get into the job market.

Step by step guide to Starting a Business:

Set a simple format of a business plan, planning to start my own business, understand the market, and potential funding for start-ups.

Coaching and Mentoring:

We can also offer after-training support. This will be coaching and mentoring all trainees individually. The purpose is to make sure that they can apply the knowledge they gained in this programme, and also support them for their first attempt to engage in job search and become financially independent. In a period of two months, each trainee will be given four remotely mentoring sessions, either over the phone, email or skype, each session being 30 – 60 minutes, and a full record will be provided to trainees including sessions planner and progress.

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Programme fees:

Our original fees for this type of training are £xx per day for the group. We are happy to offer you an introductory price with 35% discount, and once you are happy with our service and would like us to train more groups, then we will be happy to offer you 25% discount on the original price.

Additional fees for coaching and mentoring: £???? per day for the group. No discount applied.

If the training location is more than 100 miles away from our company address, additional £70 apply for a hotel accommodation per night.

Fees should be paid no later than 10 working days after completing each group training.

You will provide and arrange for the training room, projector, and PCs for some sessions.

All hard copy materials will be provided by us for all trainees.

disclaimer :-Our assignment samples are intended strictly for reference purposes, and we do not provide finalized assignments. However, we encourage you to use our work as a reference to enhance your learning and understanding of the subject matter.

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