Ethical Considerations in Professionalism

Executive Summary

It is observed that ethical considerations are associated with a variety of work process and breaks through the moral values of each member in-charge. There are systematic observations seen for the management of services and gaining estimated control over a situation. Professionalism, is vital for business dissertation help, is associated with each system variable and it counts on a strategy of international business goals. However, lack of knowledge and business controls is included in overall ethical fail inside organization. Here, Robin’s case study is considered and ethical operations are estimated.

Ethical considerations

Ethical considerations are important in today’s world as there are plenty of people that are surrounded by unethical systems and unknowingly they are becoming prey to misbehaviors done by other people. It is important to organize the controls inside an organization to gain maximum benefits. Employee ethics is one of the largest issues in today’s world. It is important to have self-trust and work on honesty-based formulas to gain success in life. According To Okoye (2019), there are people that are engaged inside in complete authenticity, and some people that do not engage in ethical aspects at all. Ethical considerations include informed consent on a particular work process. Voluntary participation in work is also associated with such cases of analyzing anonymity. Relevant components are assessed as there is incompetence observed inside evaluative assessments. Communication of results is associated with generating appropriate human concerns and refrain a person from bad deeds. Right and conduct of work and moral activity generation are included in ethical confrontation.

In this case, Robin's case study has been considered and is associated with the factors of getting the right direction in life. Ethical consideration is something that is associated with major six components such as antinomianism, situationism, conflicting absolutism, and generalism, unqualified absolutism, graded absolutism. Having the right set of food choices, ethical considerations are important in any person's life. As explained by Farrell et al. (2020), there is just the right set of rights and virtue analysis done in Robin's case. Being vegan is something that relates to the internal choices of a person. After coming across a documentary that processed extensively with animals as eating and food choices, Robin had decided to give up cruelty on animals and go for a vegan diet. Now, there is nothing wrong with this case until the doctor suggested robin reconsider the vegan diet during her pregnancy. Deontology and virtue of ethics are associated with an engagement of religion and command theory. One must choose to behave in an ethical manner for taking internal guidance of work and employ ecological aspects of moral principle development.

Quitting vegan and feeding the child animal protein once it moves towards solid food was the suggestion given by the dietitian. According to internet publishing, it is okay to go on a vegan diet during pregnancy as long as the person is taking her prenatal vitamins on time. Vitamins and minerals should also be taken on time to avoid any sort of health issues (Brand, and Blok, 2019). Medical ethics is based on confidentiality, informed consent, and management of interest conflict. In both of the case studies chosen, it remains undiscovered of the facts, as there are no ethical system design and appreciation done initially. The sake of managing ethical dilemmas is organized within the systematic evaluation of people's safety. Hence, it is necessary for pupils to study the code of ethics at an early level to understand the difference between right and wrong.

Ethical system in case of Robin’s vegan diet management during pregnancy

A mother is always concerned about her child's health benefits. Now, if there is ethical nature engaged inside this process then it might not gain as much support as it should be. A normative ethics and meta-information content is applicable alongside applied ethics as there is crucial discussion made regarding morality management. In order to gain morality, there should be an identification of common challenges and command theory. According to Okoye (2019), human creation of work and loading essential components are essential in Meta-ethics management. Metaethics requires self-constructed and independent theoretical adjustments to be done via the perspectives of inter-related values and normative management of data. Metadata concerns are associated with normative ethical theory management. Some ethical factors are associated with aspects such as contractual theory and it leads to social component management along with moral relativity aligning. In this case, the obstetrician's medical considerations and theories are required to be cross-examined. There exist an entire set of social-ethical standard management for including case passive principles. A stepwise approach in the decision-making process is not considered which leads to unplanned activities. Facts, laws, and principles are implemented through a possible set of actions for highlighting ethical issues. This case study highlights a common issue of imposing own thoughts without proper knowledge of a set of persons.

Ethical system in Johnsons

It is observed that Johnson and Johnson is a highly known company and it is associated with big shot names and usage of chemicals. Johnson Company is seen to be using a chemical called Tylenol. Overconsumption of these chemicals results in death as extra strength is not always controlled. It resulted in the death of a 12-year-old girl in September 1982 (Schwartz, 2017). This was followed by several sets of nationwide panic and J&J had to suffer a loss of over $100 million in a year. Brand value loss was also seen for J&J. This had come across as one of the largest controversies in this era. Acetaminophen poisoning is settled for a practical appreciation for customers. Customer Safety was not prioritized by this organization, which leads to moral-ethical inappropriateness. In this case, there are differential objectives seen for performing and managing ethical discussion groups. Consequences are observed in terms of evaluating the goals Order Now and operations inside a company and finding the primary initialization of customer safety. In Robin's case study, none of the doctors could force a person to follow a diet that is non-vegan even if the person is pregnant. In the case study of J&J, there is not much use of professional ethics as people are dying because of company-derived medicine. Principles of business ethics are associated with complete management technical standards (Farrell et al. 2020). Comparison and contrast of two ethical standards result in lack of professionalism and another one refers to forcing a person into consideration of a food habit. Food habit is a subject of choice for each individual and ethical dilemmas should not be there. Standards are associated with making systematic decisions and the creation of sustainable choices altogether.


Schwartz, M.S., 2017. Business ethics: An ethical decision-making approach. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons.


Brand, T. and Blok, V., 2019. Responsible innovation in business: A critical reflection on deliberative engagement as a central governance mechanism. Journal of responsible innovation, 6(1), pp.4-24.

Farrell, T.W., Francis, L., Brown, T., Ferrante, L.E., Widera, E., Rhodes, R., Rosen, T., Hwang, U., Witt, L.J., Thothala, N., and Liu, S.W., 2020. Rationing limited healthcare resources in the COVID‐19 era and beyond: Ethical considerations regarding older adults. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 68(6), pp.1143-1149.

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