Evidence-Based Practice Approach

Part 2

Assessment of Employee Turnover Cost

Employee Turnover Cost

As per the above table, the employee turnover cost production department of the company was highest in the five years as compared to other two departments of an organisation (Mihas, 2019). In the context of turnover cost in the administration department, company recorded highest expenses. However, the department of drivers and production recorded the highest turnover cost in 2020. For businesses looking in place to address such issues, seeking business dissertation help can provide the most valuable insights and strategies so that you can mitigate turnover costs efficiently.

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As per the above table, the production department contains the highest percentage of turnover cost in every year within the last five years. In 2016, the percentage of turnover cost in Administration, Drivers and Production is respectively 6%, 33% and 61%. The administration department has recorded the stable growth in the turnover cost during the period of 2016 and 2020. However, driver ‘department has found a significant ups and down in the percentage turnover cost that was highest in 2016. However, the percentage of the employee turnover in production department has been floated between 61% to 74%.

2.2 Review of Data Provided in Case

With reference to table 1, the maximum number of participant considered the poor pay as the most critical element that influenced them for leaving the job. In similar way, the limited reward incentives has been termed as the most important reason that encouraged the staff turnover. Furthermore, the pursing the another career option has been addressed as an important driver of employee turnover within production department that was selected by 82 employees who leaved the company. Moreover, the lack of flexible working has also preferred by more than 68 participants that drives the turnover of employees within the production department (Bergin, 2018). Moreover, 52 individual stated the aggressive nature of manager and inappropriate working as key driver for leaving the business entity. In similar way, 45 participants did not find any excitement in their job profile so as they Left because the work was boring or monotonous. In addition to that, the 38 participant selected the option of inappropriate working hours and lack of social as the key driver for the leaving the job from the production department. Apart from that, the conflict with other employees was also considered as key reason by 34 employees for leaving the organisation.

The table 2 in the case presents the responses of employees associated with the Payroll department. In this context, the highest 17 employees left their roles because targets set by their line manager were unachievable because high targets create difficulties for them and it also enhanced the stress level for them. Moreover, 12 employees were left their job because the work was boring or monotonous and workers were not found any excitement in performing different job roles (Dwesini, 2019). In addition to that, the higher education was also considered as the key reason for job leaving by 8 individuals. In similar way, the 7 employees were left the job because their manager was aggressive and difficult to work with. Therefore, multiple factors were played a critical for motivating employees to identify the new job opportunities. In the context of contemporary business environment, HR managers have to consider various elements of the business planning and personal management to achieve the business objectives in an efficient manner.

2.4 and 3.2 Recommendations to reduce employee turnover and rationale in decision making

The given organisation faces high level of staff turnover within the production and payroll department. In this regards, some recommendations are suggested below through which an organisation can reduce the employee turnover:

The management should consider fair salary, rewards and incentive policies. In this context, the business entity has to consider the appropriate salary structure and incentive system with reference to job roles and responsibilities. It plays a critical role in meeting the expectations of employees in terms of financial rewards in an efficient manner that could reduce the turnover of employees (Mohammed, 2020). This is because appropriate financial rewards support employee for attainment of their basic needs. This approach will increase the productivity of the employees in different job roles and business operations. It plays a critical role in influencing the overall business profitability. However, some financial rewards increase the business expenditure but the business entity would find long term positive outcomes.

The business entity should establish an appropriate organisation structure in which employees would find achievable targets from the supervisor. It would play a critical role for controlling the aggressive nature of supervisor. In addition to that, company should establish an appropriate communication system between the employees and management so as employees could convey their issues about the skills and target related issues (Okae, 2018). In addition to that, an appropriate communication system would be found very effective for employees through they can convey the information about the inappropriate behaviour supervisor to top management. These factors would be found very effective for lowering the turnover of employees. The selection of an appropriate business communication system will increase the business expenditure. However, it would enhance the effectiveness of the corporate communication and it would streamline the different business operations and transformation of information at different level of organisational structure.

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With reference to the exit interview of employees, it found that the lack of flexibility on different job roles with lack of appropriate opportunities for career growth have been addressed as key driver of high level of staff turnover in different department. In this regards, the management should manage the appropriate job rotation with flexibility so as employees would find the new experiences on the different job roles(Dwesini, 2019). In addition to that the business entity should facilitate appropriate opportunities for career advancement through training and development because new skills among employee helps staff members to assess new career opportunities related to career growth. The increase the level of job rotation will increase the additional training cost to the company. It would leave the both positive and negative impact on the individual productivity of staff members. In this regards, companies consider both on the job and off the job training approaches.


Bergin, T. (2018). An introduction to data analysis: Quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods. Sage.

Dwesini, N. F. (2019). Causes and prevention of high employee turnover within the hospitality industry: A literature review. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, 8(3), 1-15.

Mihas, P. (2019). Qualitative data analysis. In Oxford research encyclopedia of education.

Mohammed, T. (2020). Strategies for Reducing Employee Turnover in Small-and Medium-Sized Enterprises (Doctoral dissertation, Walden University).

Okae, B. H. (2018). The effect of employee turnover in the hospitality industry: Quantitative correlational study. International Journal of Learning and Development, 8(1), 156-183.

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