Exploring Business Opportunities in Architecture

Business medium

In this part 20 architects are trying to open a small business that means it is a kind medium scale business. There are various business orientations that can be seen for implementation here. Some of them are interior designing, existing condition surveyor, 3D modeling devices, construction services and various others. In the interior designing business dissertation help the construction and creation of a healthier environment are seen in this part.

The research, coordinating projects and communication are required for the orientation of this work by those architects. Other residential and commercial designing are also seen to be an important aspect of this one here. Then comes the modeling service in which the shaping and designing of various objects are seen possibly. 3 D production and software creations are all seen in this case easily for the business orientation (Iswari, 2019). The other services are also present where these architects can work and proceed for the business orientations.

Then later after starting any of the businesses as proposed here they are required to come with more innovative ideas so that their business can grow in this so easily. They are required to establish a brand for their customers to reach them. A small business association is required for them to carry the work properly. Visual elements for the work are being processed properly. Then the trust and credibility are required to be oriented on those customers by them. The type of information and message that is being sent to the people must be properly oriented. Building trust is then highly required in the organization. Company services and products are required to present in an ethical way so that they can attract the customers available in the market. Business interactions among the organizations are required to be initiated properly so that a good business environment and connections could be formed here. The business environment is to be created properly so that the customers and the clients can be benefitted by their work (Zapata, 2019). The first priority must be customer satisfaction and reliability for them.


In this case the three friends, who are beauticians, have good career options. They can first start their own business in a boutique. They can choose their career as a beautician. Client's appearance through their care is being enhanced. Makeup artist jobs can be seen to be followed by them. Cosmetologists are experts that can be seen to be working for issues that are related to skin problems. They can open their own saloon and work as beauticians for beautification. The TV and film industry are also there in which the beauticians can work. Departmental and fitness clinics are there in which these beauticians can work and earn a good amount. Opening a business together can bring a good business aspect for them. They have a good opportunity in hotels and saloons so that they can earn a good amount. Working as freelancing can also be seen by these beauticians so that they can be working in weddings and even the stylist. Hairdresser and salon work can also be arranged by them. Influencing the professional work can be presented by these beauticians (Sempel, N., 2019). A large number of jobs are present for these beauticians here. Modelling can also be presented by them in this case for the beauticians. Opening a beauty salon can be a good idea to them. The first thing is to create a good business plan. The local law and regulations are being researched and found out properly in order to give a good business structure in future. Then talking to the distributors and local marketers could be the best idea for them to initiate the business. A solid client base can be created for the business purpose. The most important thing is to open the business in a right location where a good number of customers can be available. A designer and other saloon makers are to be involved in this business so that good business can be oriented here. Then thinking of the clients and customer satisfactions are seen here in this case for a good business phase (Researchgate.net, 2020).

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A lot of small business and market value can be gained for the musicians here. There are many artist jobs that can be implied to these musicians. The recording artist, tour artist, local event artist, wedding band and many other businesses can be good options for the musicians here. If the musician has a good taste of music then the disc jockey business can be one of the best options for the job here. Marketing, promotion and PR can be a good option for the business here. Record label can be a good option also for the business orientation here. An entrepreneurial business orientation can be one of the best options that can be shown over here in this case for the business by the musician. Branding can also be oriented here in this case for the business. Social media platforms are also a good option for these musicians so that they can initiate a good business with them. Streaming platforms and attending these kinds of platforms always can be one of the helpful parts for them (Salo, M.O.I., 2019.).

Getting a good name in business and across the world can help these musicians to earn automatically. Digital and online marketing can be one of the helpful aspects of business for the musicians here. Moreover establishing an app can also be a helpful method for them to get a good business perspective here for these musicians. The fees for using the app can be beneficial for the musicians and the new business perspective here. There are several examples of the business that are being run by the musicians and earning a good one. Some of those examples are Billy joel, Neil young and many others. Moreover, an own music band can be a good marketing aspect in the future of the musician here. Promoting a band and making a good business perspective can be helpful here in this case.

Taran employment status

Taran tried to work as a driver for international and local businesses. As the case study as the job was misleading and Taran was not enjoying his work, so he must be filing a case against such fake ads, that attract employees to work for them. But if they demand any money or the fake promises then Taran must file a case against them. Under section 31 the companies must stop misleading the employer to get them in their organization. If Taran is right then he must not hesitate in taking any actions regarding this fake advertisement. In this current scenario I must suggest that if the job and the employing both are fake then the fraud case must be filed by Taran here (Al Sharu, 2019). It is required to be focused on what are the criteria that were fake and misleading for the employability for Taran here.

Taran is an employee of “Sleek driving Ltd” and is unhappy about the work pressure and work environment. The deals offered to him at the time of employment that were not fulfilled by the company. Various rights and regulations are available for the employee and workers and if they are exploited then filed against those rights can be done.

To understand the situation of Taran and Sleek driving Ltd better the basic three employment rights are to be understood. The three basic rights of any employee are as follows:

Right to know: This right ensures that the workers and supervisors both are aware of the hazards and all the rules and regulations of the company. The right to know everything must be open to all the employees. The coworkers must be assured about the work and supervisors must inform them with all the little details of the work so that there is no confusion in the future. The right to know about the people working in the workplace, equipment used in the factories, materials, the work environment and the process used in the production method (Rogers, B., 2016). It is the right of the workers to be trained before the work is started or any new process is started. All the information about the danger and hazardous nature of work they are involved in must be stated before themself to the employees. The right to know about all the rules and regulations of the organisation must exist. In the given case of Taran it has been noticed that Taran has not been informed about the 30 hours work compulsory and that is an exploitation of his right. The company must have informed him before about the 30 hours work in a week so that the decision of working in the sleek driving ltd has been influenced.

The Right to participate: The right to participate in every activity of the organization and meetings that are related to work according to the position has to be permitted (Barnard, 2018). The members must get full access to attend the meetings so that the information that circulates in the organization must be accumulated in one place and be informative to all. The meetings held by the company or supervisors in the workplace are to know all the new policies and rules that are according to the process. The right is not only to attend the meeting but also to question queries that arise in the mind of the worker. The health and safety of the workers are the main concern and that must be answered by the supervisors and the leaders. The process of identifying and controlling the work environment and work. Taran has to attend the meetings of the work and that is a concern for him. Thus it has to be attended by Taran to gather more relevant information about the workplace and process in which he is involved.

The Right to refuse unsafe work: The unsafe work is being avoided or ignored in this case for the work participation (Colvin, A.J., 2016). Refusing the work where the worker feels unsafe or endangered is a natural one. A detailed process is being required here, in this case to be followed for the safeguarding of the job. The employer's work responsibility is not safe than in such cases that can be seen as an unsafe one for the employers. A reprisal or retaliation can be easily achieved for the employers here in this case. Thus their decision of refusing the work can be beneficial for their job and work. Taran can refuse the work if he feels unsafe or cheated in the workplace. Company has to convey complete information about the delivery work that has been carried out by Taran. Taran works in Sleek driving Ltd where he needs to deliver with his own vehicle (Van Doorn, N., 2017). Taran has to provide a driving license and needs to know how to drive or ride the vehicle in order to be safe. This right justifies that safety of every employee is very important and that must be considered by all the company.

After understanding the rights it can be said that the employees got a good opportunity and enjoyed a right to work. If any of their rights are violated then they have the full potential to file a report against their violation of rights.

They are generally required to follow certain steps in order to proceed their Taran can work in an ethical manner here. Taran has an issue with working 30 hours a week which he was not informed earlier. The right to get informed states that a company needs to inform the worker completely about the rules and policies that the workers have to rely upon and follow. The other issue is related to the meetings that are to be attended by Taran related to work. The meetings must be attended to get the information and work properly according to the needs which have been stated by the right to participate. The active participation reveals the work interest of the workers. If Taran has further issues it can inform the Sleek driving company about the issues arising in work (Researchgate.net, 2020).

Criteria required for the patient to be granted

Patent acts are generally a kind of rule and regulation that is provided by the government for the new invention and innovations. This allows the real owner to take action regarding their real and own inventions. Many of the countries allow a duration of 20 years for this right. Thus it can be understood the need for patenting in different countries. The patenting is generally done so that social welfare and invention can be encouraged (Ali, S.R., 2016). The commercialization of new products and the use of technology will be a helpful part here in this case. These patents generally have an effect over the trade-off provided and the cost resulting from the competitions that persist. Several of the developing countries introduce this concept in order to get proper reforms. The safeguard of new present technology and product can be preceded by this parenting method. The criteria regarding this grant of a patent are required to be understood properly so that a proper knowledge can be gained here. Different countries involve this patenting method, but most of the similar criteria is demonstrated here (Nap.edu, 2020).

The criteria for the patenting are being demonstrated as follows:

It must be related to a certain subject matter and must be an obvious one for the rights. The patentable subjects can be appliances, devices, medicals or many others. The manufacturing or the industrial applications are an important one for the scenario. Various of the biological material or the softwares are seen to be the patentable one. Various of the non patentable subjects are artistics, mathematical algorithms or various of the principles and many others. Thus these patentable or the non-patentable ones are required to be seen before using other's thoughts and requesting for grants in patents.

Novelty: It is required that the innovation must be new and not be fully copied from others. A publicly known resource or matter must not be used for unfair means and for economic values. This novelty is being tested at the date when the file is being patented (Heath Jeffery, 2016). A confidential agreement is also required here, in this case to be signed so that this innovation can be disclosed to anyone or can be shown publicly.

Inventive: This inventive step assures the ‘obviousness’ and realty of the products and innovation. If this innovation is obvious to any skilled one then it is not patentable. Thus it is required that the project must be an inventive and innovative one.

Utility: This innovation is required to be a useful and efficient one for the people. The capability and capacity of the new product is being understood properly so that it can be brought to the market. This invention is required to be capable of specific and credible. The claims and credits are required to be focused here for selling of the products to the public. Patent specifications require the substantial and credible use of the technology.

This innovation must not be used before. A license or the before usage of the product disqualifies its patenting.

Advantage and disadvantage of patent act 1977

The patent act 1977 is composed of 132 sections and eight schedules for patenting an invention (Ploskas, 2019).The patenting itself provides an advantage to the original inventors to protect their invention and safeguard their products. It generally prohibits copying manufacturing and selling the products. Intellectual property rights are being followed by this patent act 1977. Profits as well as various of loss can be seen by the application of this law. A higher return on investment or the enforcement of strong legal rights can be achieved by this action easily. But it also reveals the competitive advantage of new investors publicly.

This patent act 1977 generally provides advantages to the public and the invention they are working on. This act is one of the useful in and prohibits others from copying them. Mainly the intellectual property is being safeguarded here in this part. The protection is gained here for the innovative product of the inventors (Zhang, 2019). This act helps the real owner to file the case against the copying person within a duration of 20 years. An assurance of around 15 years is gained by the help of this act. Two types of filing are gained and those are filing and non-filing. This patent act generally provides an advantage to the new inventors by providing them an elapsed time and thus increasing their value in this invention field. It enforces people to make a particular license agreement regarding their products and inventions. Selling and branding the material becomes easy and more as compared to before due to this act. Publications of the invention are being done by this act. The invention is generally being used by the inventors here. It also has an industrial application where useful materials are only passed and introduced by this act. Various methods of treatment or diagnosis are also presented by this act (Hovenkamp, 2016). It must be understood that this act is an effective one to disclose the matter between the earlier and the new one invention. A proper determination of questions can be seen after the entitlement of the invention.

This act has various disadvantages such as it can be a costlier one. Trade secrecy is being maintained by this act. This act is generally a time consuming one and is generally a lengthier one. Maintenance and cost for this patent is seen to be higher than any other. Competition is failed in this patent case for the invention within the two inventors. Marketing is required for the completion of the invention. A risk to the lawsuits is being seen in this patent methodology. Competitors trying to invalidate here the case of inventions that are possible if they feel it's an advantage to them. Other competitors can try to sue the inventors for the injunction or damages that were made by the original one. The main disadvantage can be seen that after the filing of this act becomes an enforced one on the people who filed it (Business.qld, 2019).

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Reference List


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