Exploring Leadership Approaches


This assignment is going to shed light on different approaches to leadership. There are different leadership styles applicable that manage different components of a company and engage in better innovation of people. The leadership in an organization needs to be competent in terms of gaining attention and extraordinarily performing in the market. There are broader areas considered for transformational leadership and situational leadership. All styles are having the benefits of transforming the local business into exceptional global components. Learning on constructing and execution contributes to overall personal development. The leadership theories engage in the emerging application of new product development. The ethical values and strategic analysis of this style are going to be presented here for the leaders seeking business dissertation help.

Leadership styles description and evaluation of the impact


Leadership styles are identified to be of two different types and these are transformational and situational leadership. Transformational leadership is a particular style that encourages employees to get inspired and motivated for innovation and creating changes. A strong sense of corporate culture is developed within employees for creating ownership and independence in the workplace. Transformational leaders engage in the delivery of high-end values and take appropriate decisions in completing the assigned jobs (Boyd et al. 2017). Looking for future solutions is done through these mentorship and training components. This concept was started “with James V. Downton in 1973 and expanded by James Burn in 1978”. The success factors were measured through application industry standards and fast-paced industry variant development. The companies are growing exponentially with the development of innovation and positive thinking. Moral standards are exemplified and it is encouraged by others.

Providing coaching and appropriate mentoring is associated with cooperation and communication inside organizations. Allowing employees to foster ethical work standards is essential in terms of priorities and standards. The IT industry is associated with innovation and the development of strong leadership components. Some examples of transformational leaders are Jeff Bezos, who has created Amazon. "Insider and outsider" status make him the most successful leader. The E-commerce industry has been highly transformed through the years and there are several competitors identified in the market. Hence, the creation of success stories is observed within the significant engagement of leaders. Microsoft, Donone, Apple are examples of organizations that follow similar types of styles (Iansiti, and Lakhani, 2020).

The situational style of leadership is associated with the encouragement of leaders to take stock of their team members. Weighing the variables in the workplace and choosing appropriate styles for fitting the goals and circumstances is associated with situational leadership. Leaders are no longer leading the positions of a sole power holder with this style. Skills that need to be considered are diagnosis, flexibility, and collaborating with performance. Situational theories argue that to become truly successful, the teams must be adjusted and competency levels should be judged. Situational leadership changes continuously to meet the needs of others based on the below-mentioned situation such as:

Telling and directing

Selling and coaching

Considering development level

Participation and supporting environment

Delegation of employees

Selling and coaching

The example of situational leadership is applicable within the design and management if frequency changes occur in a particular domain. The team's strengths and weaknesses are changing as well. Adjusting the management styles for adopting each situation or task and managing the needs of team members is essential (Zeng, 2018). “One size fits all” is an absolute myth and according to the needs, one has to change the leadership styles and adopt new perceptions. Task maturity for the people that are leading a person or team is at hand. Some list of advantages of situational leadership:

Increasing the awareness of leader

Boosting the training routine

Creating a comfortable environment for workers

Development phases are taken into account

Recognizing the need for flexibility

Both the chosen leadership styles are focusing on self and team development. Strategic thinking and acting accordingly is necessary. Ethical Practices and civic-mindedness are also observed. Innovative improvisation of practices is also in need of operations.

Impact of leadership on strategy, ethics, and values

The impact of leadership on strategy, ethics, and values are identified in terms of organizational success and affecting employee motivation. Tolerance and generating a harmonized culture are important. Building loyalty and trust and empowering the performance of employees are essential. Consistent performance and compelling evidence are applicable for within uses of appropriate strategies (Boies, and Fiset, 2018). Leadership matters the people’s commitment at work. Overall ability to perform beyond the ordinary is associated with leadership. Organizational leadership is associated with human and economic forces. Regulatory measures and cultural factors are affecting the overall teamwork and structure. Emphasized process of motivation and teamwork is applicable for keeping the project moving towards completion.

Leadership is required to focus on specific goals and sharing objectives through a particular agenda. Participative management often settles objectives of team collaboration. Personal differences are seen that focus on problems and under a manager’s supervision extraordinary team performances is observed. The team's goodwill is essential for creating synergy and intangible ability development. Leadership is not always necessary about titles, positions, and flowcharts. Influencing one another and promoting cultural creativity are defined as important elements in global leadership. A focus should be given to leaders' associativity. High functional teams are also engaged within (Bush, 2019). Inexperienced leaders need to focus on a certain variety of work. As a personal opinion, it can be stated that management is working with the inspiration generation of workers.

Employees will only apply values and ethics if they see that their higher authority is applying them. Problem-solving modules are supposed to be engaged. Time management and ethical positioning of work are delegating the concepts of leadership and teamwork. Overall progress is monitored for keeping them on track. Effective leaders focus on teamwork and the creation of collaborative goals. Diving in groups and assigning particular work is important to manage organizational efficiency (El Talla et al. 2018). SWOT technique is identified as a popular one to promote cooperation between people. Leaders are required to be tracking the progress of each member in terms of cultural and organizational development. Multiple channels are associated with promoting cooperation and clarifying the goals of life. Elicit requirements are indulged with the creation of trust and expertise between participants of a process.

Benefits and limitation of each style

The two leadership styles are having two different benefits such as:

Transformational leadership advantage:

Quick formulation of cooperative visions

Creation of enthusiasm

Engages the total mind of a person

Lowers the turnover costs

Creating and managing changes becomes easier

Employee morale is promoted through better communication

Employees are given freedom and unite with a common cause

High-quality service is provided with employee satisfaction

Individualized consideration is also observed for the support and engagement of leaders. Direct recognition of the unique contribution of followers is important. Transformational leaders have a clear vision and they are enabled to articulate it to followers. Leaders are experiencing similar types of passion and motivation while they can fulfill their dreams (Garfield, Hubbard, and Hagen, 2019). Transformational leaders serve as individuals and their conceptual ideas are presented. The management of essential components through a chain of activities is often done. Some disadvantages of this leadership style are:

Negative outcomes such as wrong decision making

equires constant and consistent feedback failing to which leads towards company damage

The transformational people might not get support from people inside the organization

Results in employee burnout

Lack of focus is and losing the track of work is important (Goldthau, and Sitter, 2019)

Restricted applicability in specific circumstances and dependency of people is often observed

However, in the case of situational leadership the advantages are identified as:

Recognizes the need for flexibility

Boosts the training routine of people

Increase the awareness of leaders

Comfortable environment of workers

Helps teams to work in better condition

Successfully assessing the leadership components of a person

A flexible approach is observed towards leadership

Socio-economic support for subordinates are observed

Understanding how far people will go for their achievements is important as well (Harris, and Mayo, 2018)

The current organizational situation is analyzed and based on that decisions are taken

Countering volatility is important for managing the workplace

Uncertainty in terms of performance consistency is achieved

Situational leadership beats ambiguity for making success achievable

Some disadvantages are identified in terms of:

Immediate rather than long term needs are focused on

Ineffective “in task-orientation” environments are observed

Leaders are not provided with enough information

Based on the level of skills of the leader

Strong criticism is not applied

Both the styles are identified to be effective in their ways. The strong positional power is applied to the leaders and circumstances of the organization. There are direct, supportive, and participative and achievement is seen within leadership components. Situational leadership is based on the notion of the leaders that each situation is faced. Strategies that best suit the task are important (Janićijević, 2017.). The best answer for leadership style is associated with hands-on helping the team. To assure the components of leadership a commitment towards the mission is observed.

Changes in own leadership styles

My leadership styles are being affected largely as I have come across new elements of leadership components. The democratic style is useful while guiding a group towards the commitment of their mission. Lower morale development along with higher quality work can be gained using a change in leadership styles. Organizations are successfully adopting the new environmental changes that are creating individuals' confidence to be creative and analyzing problems and solutions. Implementing specific alignment and collaboration with managers are the most important aspect of leadership style (Paletta, Alivernini, and Manganelli, 2017). Analyzing overall benefit in my opinion is possible by leaving an impact on an organization's culture, structure, and strategy. Leaders are manifesting themselves for a variety of transpositions. A positive state of mind is accelerated as radical transitions are allowing desired changes to be collectively guiding the leaders. The systematic changes are allowing leaders to provide a positive state of mind.

I have learned that transformational leadership pushes the boundaries of a particular person and helps them gather information on the identification of challenges. The specific alignment is associated with going beyond the limitations of a person. The most important values and beliefs are applicable within the significant change creation in the workplace. Significant improvement in performance and designing the whole system of work is facilitated (Park et al. 2018). The organization creates walls and barriers that help developing employee operating systems. Inspirational motivation and intellectual stimulation are applicable in this process as I move forward to the process of encouraging people to work more. Outgoing personality and positivity and awareness about people is motivating the different people to relate an individual performance. I focus on the effective utilization of tools in leadership and management. Idealized inspirational motivation is important for kick starting the organizational business. Attitudes are reflected as a transformational motivator. I believe in the emerging growth of business and taking actions that reflect the crucial development of the organization. My team should get adequate support and supremacy in terms of managing the organizational components.

Ethical leadership is effective for any organization. However, under some gruesome circumstances, this leadership style is deprived of the complex workgroups. Idealizing the priorities and creation of a sustainable component is essential while working in a group. Managers need to put forward the concepts of leading and working in groups. The curious people need to get enough positions for growth. An integral part of the leadership model is helping most of the concerned authorities to seek growth opportunities. As a part of the progress, I find that my values and concepts have been changed (Prestiadi, Zulkarnain, and Sumarsono, 2019). I am becoming much more responsible and analyzing the negative impact. Managing corporate customers are not an easy deal and it takes a lot of hard work and practice to become capable of impressing.

Effect of learning content in strategy for personal development

Thinking in a rationalized way is important in terms of understanding the personal and professional impact of growth strategy. Employees are the ultimate resource that is contributing to the health and well-being of companies. Without support from leadership, it is impossible to engage in the execution of corporate strategy. The key components of an organization are essential as it helps in the development of organizational redemption.

Crafting is helping personal development by associating with qualities of concerns. Individual consideration and intellectual stimulation are inspiring and it idealizes the influences. Each factor is required to be essentially managed in the workplace as transformational leadership. Crafting is included in team-building games. A personal development plan template is associated with achieving the important goals and listing out the specific components. Strength and weakness are also listed out in the aspects of development. Listening to cooperative customers and giving them adequate services are done (Rudolph, Murphy, and Zacher, 2020) Interpersonal communication is developed using the crafting technique. Beating the ambiguity in system performance has been identified. In my case, essential achievement of goals and development criteria of the same is applied. A person has to establish employability and awareness and improve the quality of life. PDP is a lifelong process that sets the goals of life. Analysis of improved components is creating a course of action. The later stages of the PDP are boosting morale and build upon quality enhancement. With the use of job crafting, employees are proactively making their work engaging and meaningful. Overall participation of managers is helping to prevent any discrepancies.

The difference is created as job crafting is helping managers to gain an appropriate understanding of the performance of workers./p>

Execution contributes to personal development by creating an appropriate channel of relation with higher authority. Developing relevant skills in my personal as well as professional life is quite important. I have understood that planning is not enough and it requires more focus on the execution of the methods. Projects help in self-improvement and self-help. Refining the concepts of personal development is associated with a complete execution of models and expressing the components. Doing a stress-free exercise is sometimes important as it helps in the identification of best-in-class virtue. The different characteristics encompass development scenarios. There is extraordinary appreciation observed on the creation and incorporation of learning through day-to-day activities. In the case of a child, the level of development is essentially starting at the initial position. The team development infrastructure is managed while exercising the newly learned methods are activated (Rudolph, Murphy, and Zacher, 2020). Team member's aspirations and development infrastructure is incorporating tailored thinking. The improvisations made on a certain person are expected to get indulged in the work priorities of each involved entity. Forming raw materials of work and individualized components, in general, are taking part in the development of effective team-building properties.

Application of Global business strategy and leadership theories

In global business, the application of leadership theories is important as it engages in the complete encapsulation of effective personal development. Global business strategy is engaging in transformational leadership. Students need to get educated as they might encounter different challenges while working inside a company. Goals and constraints are formalized and different efforts are given for the optimization of records is important. The theory of behavioral management engages in associative learning and extraordinary performance building. Application of military concepts and frameworks are important for growth-share matrix development (Steenkamp, 2019). A conceptual framework always gives an appropriate idea of producing organizational studies and operations. In a contemporary era of strategic management, organizational performance is being concerned. There is literature focus given on leaving an impact in the organizational evaluation of components. The limitations of research components are focused on dynamic, uncertain, and interactive work.

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The future of the company requires to be defined and dedicated. A future situation is analyzed as per consideration of principles, beliefs, and rules of regulating organization management. The general strategy is to apply transformational leadership and appropriately allow resource management. Transformational leadership in the global index has incorporated an execution of services. The natural process of recognition and creating strategies for individuals has been important to analyze. The future is enabled by systematic improvisation. Elimination of wrong information in the environment is effectively leading the way of business growth in bigger aspects (Steenkamp, 2019). Some surroundings complement the general strategy of client management in mass employment areas. Strategic management is implying the formulation and implementation of objectives that are applicable for local communities and providing the opportunity to develop.

Sustainability is an important issue that has to be focused on while an action plan is generated. Market weakness and threats are found to be indulged in business optimization. Simple, coherent, and long-term goals are required to be engaged in serving the needful. Specific transmissions are managed by indicating the performance and innovative capacities. Transformational leadership is important in the global business domain as it emerges in the conceptual breakdown of social degradation. The CSR responsibilities are required to be undertaken. The positive impact is noticed among societies for managerial optimization. The managers have to look forward to new and aspiring candidates in their offices.


Leadership theory in general is more focused on the development of employees as well as organizations. Models are emerging as the improvisation of practices is done. Both the models are applicable in organizational settings. Situational understanding and incorporation of business strategies are required for the strategic analysis of elements. Here, self-evaluation on how leadership is leaving an impact on effective management is discussed. There are simplified applications of strategies discussed. The relevance of research can be judged through associative learning and the development of standards. Both situational and leadership theories focus on the elementary analysis of components. Concepts are merged into practices and therefore development in person is generated. Finally, the situation can be described in terms of the results gained from different components of theories.



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