Gamification in Health and Wellness: A Motivational Approach

Value chain analysis

Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation

“Intrinsic motivation involves performing a task because it's personally rewarding to a person, which can be the most vital aspect addressed in business dissertation help. Extrinsic motivation involves completing a task or exhibiting a behavior because of outside causes such as avoiding punishment or receiving a reward". In both these cases, a person is gaining rewards as well as health benefits. "Examples of game dynamics include appointment, behavioral momentum, feedback, progress, time pressure, and certain abilities that game avatars can develop." Now at this point, Game mechanics can be described in terms of playing a board game and being able to move an amount of space based on probability distribution generated by a pair of dice. The inspiration behind collaboration, sharing, and interaction becomes important in game mechanics (Bhargava, Bafna, and Shabarisha, 2018). The goal is to engage with consumers, employees and provide them health benefits. Giving people motivation on becoming healthy is important as exercising gives mental peace as well as protects them from several diseases that might occur due to excessive exposure to computer-based work. IT people and the technical developers are mostly facing such issues since they are working for long hours while sitting in the same place. The value element analysis is presented in terms of the following model:



Attending 10 days a month and exercising whilst playing for 45 mins, earning 20 loyalty points - £5 off the one-month payment. Moreover, there exists 15 days in a month £7 off. A potential strategy of 20 days a month - £10 off is observed as a part of managing gyms profit and consumer's health. In this way, a strategic improvement will be observed for the gym’s organizers and there will be a profit observed for the people participating in this process.


Exercise bikes and elliptical trainers have adjusted tablets with pre-installed games are additional attractions that are mostly advertised for business development (Jones, Demirkaya, and Bethmann, 2019). A person has to enter the unique registration id while starting to exercise and by exercising and playing games one can gain points. For example, if a person exercises for 30 mins the gained point is 1. Similarly, the exercise time increases to 45 and the amount gained becomes 2. In this way, consumers can gain up to 5 pounds off their monthly payments. Such an offer is lucrative and provides adequate business support.


It is identified that with an approach of reward giving, the gym gains regular customers and unique features to promote. The play and exercise concept is new in the market and it has not taken much to gather the operational market (Fernandez-Stark, and Gereffi, 2019). An advertisement is favored for the gaming companies through the displaying of equipment. Moreover, customers get their health benefits and become fit as per their wishes.

Business analysis

Operation of gym and profit engaged

There are vast numbers of people signing membership and not attending the sessions. The criteria to exercise and play and win loyalty points. In this way, the gym will be gaining profit as well as the people who join the gym will be able to develop their health support (Flanagan, Lepisto, and Ofstein, 2018). However, early cancellation is expected to leave an impact on the gym's overall profit generation since the equipment will be set up according to the needs and the number of people who sign up for the process. A negative impact on the gym will be observed if the customers are satisfied with the services. The operations are expected to become improved in terms of adding new elements within the gym and creation of policies like no discrimination between men and women can become beneficiary.

Health benefits

The health benefits of a person after joining the gym can be explained in terms of:

Weight Loss aid and prevent from gaining excess weight

Combats with certain health conditions and diseases

Promotes better sleep

Improves mood and boost energy

Improves concentration and provides positivity

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The people who are smart and health conscious are expected to grab this opportunity since they will be entertained while shedding some extra kilos on the tae mill. The fun of exercising will revive within this gym and gaining rewards points.


Here, a value chain analysis based on the value of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation is presented with the use of elements such as operational, business, and strategic to give an idea on how the project of "Play out your Membership" is going to work. The health benefits of exercising and the gym's overall business improvement by giving regards have been discussed here.



Bhargava, A., Bafna, A. and Shabarisha, N., 2018. A review on value chain analysis as a strategic cost management tool. International Academic Journal Of Accounting And Financial Management, 5(1), pp.80-92.

Fernandez-Stark, K. and Gereffi, G., 2019. Global value chain analysis: A primer. In Handbook on global value chains. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Jones, L., Demirkaya, M. and Bethmann, E., 2019. Global value chain analysis: concepts and approaches. J. Int'l Com. & Econ., p.1.

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