This assessment is prepared to analyse, identify and conduct a survey about what necessary things are to be done while any established brand decides to extend its business in any other new market as upcoming entrant. The fashion industry is chosen to conduct where ANOUKI, a Georgian well-known fashion brand is selected for this research and the market where ANOUKI desires to do extension is in the UK market as a pop-up shop in Selfridges, UK. ANOUKI is a Georgian Tbilisi-born designer of 25 years old age and the brand is also a Tbilisi-based brand which was originally established in the July 2013 with Anouki Areshidze as the head designer of that brand. The main focus on the products of ANOUKI is on the feminine wardrobe made in Tbilisi with all kinds of formal, casual, designer and regular types. Apart from clothes, ANOUKI also offers its female customers’ types of designer Ready-to-Wears, branded Accessories and designers female Footwear also. ANOUKI has the confidence that the brand can thrive its best into the mid-high end of fashion to reach new and demanding consumers worldwide. If you require business dissertation help to evaluate ANOUKI's expansion strategy, then you can consider factors such as market research, consumer behavior, and many more.
One thing that makes ANOUKI different from other designer brands is that its designs have the power to re-imagine the feminine tailoring and modern silhouettes creating one-of-a-kind creations based on and crafted in Tbilisi, Georgia. ANOUKI’s customers attracting strategy includes offers, discounts and sales on its products, like for instance in ANOUKI’s every year Summer-Spring collections, ANOUKI brings out its best items out with huge discounts. ANOUKI, its products and yearly collection showcases has also been framed and pictured by the renowned FORUM and VOGUE which gives great push up to the brand goodwill and sales every year. ANOUKI offers an extensive range of high-quality products in all types of wearable from normal clothes to party clothes and formal too with appropriate prices.
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In this report all the suggestions, techniques and evidences that are needed to support ANOUKI’s extension from Georgia to the huge UK market will be showcased and explained to present the reasons and opportunities for getting success. The research is divided into four parts situation analysis & communication audit, customer insights research & concept proposal, integrated marketing communications plan, ethical consideration. All these four sections consists all the detailed information regarding the brand and the market with what are the needs, obligations, restrictions, threats and other information is provided below. The SWOT, PESTLE and Porters 5 force analysis is also presented briefing the details of the brand and the market. In short this report will indulge into the extension of the ANOUKI Georgian brand into the UK market, how it will advertise the extension of their brand within this new country, what the chosen company can do to make their extension plan become successful & what ANOUKI will do in order to maintain the brand identity intact with its originality throughout their extension process in a new market.
ANOUKI is a Georgian and a Tbilisi-based fashion clothing brand which is established in the month of July 2013 where the head designer is Anouki Areshidze who is a 25 years old Tbilisi-born designer. The first store of ANOUKI was opened and started working in December 2013 in Tbilisi but soon it become a “must visit” shopping place for not only the local people but for the foreign ladies as well. ANOUKI presents all kinds of ready-to-wear clothes, accessories shoes (ANOUKI, 2021). ANOUKI’s main target idea is to be “very own” for each of their customers & most significantly not to be a cliché brand and which makes them understand that what could be the necessities for the ladies in any specific moment.
Now ANOUKI is preparing to enter into the UK market by creating pop-up stores within Selfridges, UK. Selfridges will allow ANOUKI to expand since their brand in UK market will reach their target market of ladies especially of young working and corporates including common women too by presenting to them fashionable and trendy apparels. ANOUKI’s position is perfect now to enter in to a foreign market that too in Selfridges, UK since around 62 per cent of women are purchasing both online and from physical stores of Britain and London (ANOUKI, 2021).
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ANOUKI is currently a big name in Georgia and its current internal and external situations says that has the potential to go beyond borders. A brand situational analysis of ANOUKI has been conducted here with several different methods of critical analysis.
ANOUKI is specially known for their sophisticatedly designed formal and casual clothes and for their fabrics too which already took the market of Georgia. They have god scope of holding and expanding in the UK market because according to the National Statistic report the annual expenditure of UK people on clothing has reached nearly around 54 billion pounds in the previous year 2020 (Fashion Network, 2019).
The main motto of ANOUKI is to realise the old ideas about designing clothes from the native countries. They studied designing, styling and consulting of the fashion senses from the world’s top leading universities such as Istituto Marangoni and Accademia del Lusso. ANUOKI’s main idea is to be that brand which has their motive to be “very own” for each of their customer with nationally or international. The brand targets not to be a cliché and understand the necessities for ladies in every specific moment.
ANOUKI's main website is likely their most reliable source of financial stability because it is accessible to anybody in the world, unlike their physical businesses scattered around Georgia. It has been claimed that a brand's website demonstrates to the public what the brand stands for and what it means to buy from it. From the models to the layout, ANOUKI's online presence is straightforward and beautiful, conveying the brand's attitude via consistency and updated trends.
Because the internet platform is where every company receives the greatest attention for their things, products, and clothes, social media is another aspect of the business for ANOUKI. The greatest method to promote all of ANOUKI's clothing kinds and expose them to people is through social media channels, whether it's through new collections or special deals and discounts (ANOUKI, 2021). This platform is beneficial in expanding the company's presence in the United Kingdom. Search engine optimization demonstrates ANOUKI's excellent utilisation and success, and it has been their most effective means of communicating with both existing and new customers who are interested in their brand or in making an investment in it.
In order to know that whether the brand ANOUKI will get fit in to the UK market or not, the current social fashion trends and economic turns must ne researched and gathered information about the changing tastes and preferences of ladies in their buying pattern. ANOUKI has always portrayed a stylish, trendy and timeless brand made for wardrobe full with all the things necessary n every situation and position. There has been a growth seen in the demands of the products and items of ANOUKI and along with that in the UK in the previous year 2020 the revenues of the apparel market are estimated to be and stay there at around 52 billion British pounds (FASHIOLA, 2020). This percentage is of growth in the clothing market is targeted to reach around 67 billion pounds by the year 2026. ANOUKI is currently looking for a showroom partner to present its collection at each and every corner and especially in the Paris Fashion Week every year which showcases all eth brads in its show.
Trend forecasts have offered a clear insight into the manner that ANOUKI may sell inside a distinct market as a female fashion brand that began and is based in Georgia and has not yet expanded worldwide. These trends have offered a complete picture of the insights that go into how ANOUKI will fit into the UK fashion industry. ANOUKI will begin to show off their favourite things that they have developed, designed, and discovered within the ever-changing seasonal trends in the United Kingdom.
This is a rough chronology of the events surrounding the ANOUKI brand extension; as can be seen, the effort is vast and crucial from January to September in order to ensure the pop-up store's success. Each month brings a fresh set of tasks that must be completed in order for the following month to operate well; this timetable lays out what must be done in order for that to happen.
This study informs our brand's strategy for attracting the ideal customer. These findings will undoubtedly reveal the sort of customer that ANOUKI is hoping to attract, which is highly likely given the brand's location in London and England, as well as the brand's pricing. By setting up a pop-up shop in Selfridges, ANOUKI will be able to reach a wider audience. With ANOUKI's expansion into Selfridges, the idea has a tremendous chance of becoming a major hit in the fashion industry.
A full integrated communication plan will help ANOUKI to get a focus of all the media and social media platforms so that before entering in the UK market it can grab attention of the customer range of all the types and especially the targeted ones. An integrated marketing communications strategy has been created to successfully promote ANOUKI's pop-up extension. This will highlight the brand's thoughts and plans for how the pop-up will be marketed, who will be involved in the campaigns, and how this will push ANOUKI into the new market.
The use of social is the best plan now a days since due to the Covid-19 pandemic the physical promotions and advertisements will not be able to arrange. The social media platforms such as websites, blogs, articles, image advertisements, pop-ups, personal reference codes, quiz competitions, surveys and fashion bloggers will be best way for ANOUKI. In UK, after research it has been found that ATRA and ANNA MATHILDA OLSSON are the two most promising and large scale fashion influencers and it can also be said as fashion bloggers. They have a huge fan following with them and their articles and promotions helped many other brands to enter in the market. So they can be approached for this promotion of ANOUKI too. They will write about ANOUKI’s items, variation from other brands, quality descriptions, fabrication details, different items available, apart from apparels what other products can customers find in ANOUKI’s stores will also be briefed by them to get the notice of consumers and especially ladies in UK.
ANOUKI's name and goodwill were promoted through a press release distributed to bloggers and influencers. The greatest approach to create a liking over the items and the expansion is to increase knowledge about the brand pop-up store.
ANOUKI for executing a brand extension or expansion in any region must maintain and follow the rules and regulations of that place to avoid legal matters since for a new upcoming entrant legal involvements are bad for image and destroys the brand name and goodwill (ANOUKI, 2021). Some of the ethical considerations must be taken into action by ANOUKI are:
Customer Manipulation - Because ANOUKI has always been a brand that creates classic and timeless pieces, influencing customers to buy trends would not come within the fashion category that ANOUKI adheres to (Statista, 2021). The clothes and quality of ANOUKI will never go out of style, ensuring that people who purchase will continue to wear them. This symbolises ANOUKI's company-wide "no fast fashion" policy, which only marginally decreases the amount of clothing thrown away each year (Goodman et al. 2018). They never try to persuade people to buy new brands or goods by raising or creating new wants.
Unethical Approaches - The goods of ANOUKI are designed with the consumer in mind. The leather used to produce the pieces on the site is ethically obtained, and the clothes at the pop-up store will follow suit with ethically sourced materials and well-paid employees, down to the smallest details (FASHIOLA, 2020).
Sensitivity Exploiting Advertisement Campaigns - No, the new ANOUKI ads aim to increase the choice of models available while reducing the risk of exploitation (Yang et al. 2017). ANOUKI will start using more plus-size models, and their sizing will be reconstructed to offer a wider range of sizes rather than only XS-XL. These modifications will occur after the pop-up has closed, allowing ANOUKI to assess the demand for their products in a new area before expanding their offerings (Goworek et al. 2020).
With this in mind, ANOUKI would want to use our pop-up store to generate additional employment in the London community for individuals who share the brand's love for the same things as it does, as well as a passion for clothes in a crowded market. According to Thomas (2017), this brand conforms with the concept of women supporting women, and this pop-up store is the ideal method to introduce this fashion firm and its brand principles to the UK.
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