Global Operations Through E-Business


Current business environments face different challenges that demand agile communication methods to resolve. Regardless of the nature of the business in question, real-time communications play a crucial role in facilitating the development of effective solutions and minimizing the damages. The availability of means of real-time communication together with technology innovations has promoted global business operations. The complexity of global businesses has been made easier by E-business which describes the idea of operating a business through the internet. The efficiency of E-business has been achieved by promoting a balance between individual freedoms and professional targets at a manageable pace. In appreciation of E-business, the Lullaby Spa team developed a web software that offers their potential customers a glimpse of their services. The application focuses on crucial business areas such as information about service, payments, and customer feedback. Therefore, these pages will focus on evaluating E-business in relation to the Lullaby Spa.


Web Site Development

Web Software (or Application)

Internet accessibility coupled with the availability of computerized gadgets around the world have favored the utilizations of web portals to reach potential clients. The development of the Lullaby Spa application required abilities and skills of ensuring that the developed web software was user-friendly. Basically, the number of individuals relying on websites to source information continues to increase requiring the need for ensuring that the features and designs employed are user-friendly (Dash, & Patra, 2019). Although developing an application could appear easy for people with qualifications, skills, and capabilities for ensuring the app is friendly to the users is critical.

Importantly, ensuring the user-friendliness of application eases the management of complex the company requirements (Dash, & Patra, 2019). Although the requirements are relatively complex compared to what some institutions require, they offer sufficient information for both first times and repeat customers. For example, the service information page provides sufficient inflation about what Lullaby Spa offers and related information including information related to payments and feedback from previous customers (Lullaby Spa, 2020). More so, the requirements create the relevant image that clients require in influencing their purchasing behaviors. For example, requirements of a home page about the spa creates an image of the spa services, client feedback influences satisfaction certainty, while contacts page influences potential clients to make the move of either booking or making inquiries.

Maintaining the success of an E-business requires organization staff to have the relevant skills for navigating through the application (Tsironis, Gotzamani, & Mastos, 2017). Although the communication department could be tasked with the responsibility of managing the application during its initial operation phase, equipping the company staff with computer skills would enable them to navigate through the application. More so, the skills would increase agility in responding to issues aired by clients offering feedback.

Potential Problems in E-Business Environments

E-business environments like traditional environments are subject to different challenges. For example, security and privacy concerns are among the issues that could pose challenges in e-business. Fraud could be a major concern especially in regard to theft of client private information after systems are hacked (Le, Khari, & Chetterjee, 2018). The website provides the option of allowing customers to book and pay for services online. Although the system is secure, fraud cases can never be ignored thus the need for resolving the issue through the use of encrypted payment methods as a way of protecting clients. Using encrypted data could prevent theft of private data that could be used to cause customers more harm including identity theft and draining their bank accounts.

Another issue likely to affect e-business at Lullaby Spa relates to the limitations of the business type. Basically, Lullaby Spa offers service-based products and conveying their efficiency is relatively difficult. Unlike businesses selling products, the spa could face notable challenges since customers prefer making purchases in person. Fortunately, top-notch customer service to promote both the satisfaction and experience customers through ensuring real-time response to consumer complaints could enhance the performance of the company. According to Lee (2017), the efficacy of services rendered to clients influences loyalty and thus eliminating the business limitation while making online purchases.

E-Business Course

Although the content of the e-business course covered in good time and understood efficiently, the duration of the course was relatively short which forced unwarranted rush in specific tasks. Through the training period, learners were always in a rush to complete both group and individual assignments that were required to enhance their expertise in e-business. Even though the tasks were always completed to the satisfaction of meeting the course objectives, it’s imperative that the duration is reviewed. Reviewing the duration would enhance the learner’s abilities to master expertise in e-business management. More so, considering the limited time for handling group assignments, assigning complex and time-consuming assignments as individual work could enable learners to handle them promptly thus enable educators to determine the strengths and weaknesses of individual students.

The content of the course is increasingly useful to the management and operation of e-business at the spa. Importantly, the content will be relevant in enabling the team to leverage e-business opportunities including promoting online marketing, increasing company online sales, and promoting the company position online. Learning materials such as the “Holistic approach to technology-enhanced learning” play a significant role in providing learning content that is crucial to speeding the learning process (Greatmath, n.d.). Basically, the content plays a significant role in boosting the comprehension of learning theories relating to technology use such as CRM software. Evidently, despite the changes in business environments significantly but the importance of customers is increasingly important. The customer relationship management (CRM) software is comprehensive and highly automated with the cloud CRM enabling the coordination of customer service strategies (Salesforce, 2020). The learning materials ease the understanding of the software used for customer experience promotion.

The course would be significantly helpful for institutions seeking to adopt initiatives of e-business. Primarily, e-business relates to ensuring continuous communication with customers and a little mistake inhibiting the interaction could lead to negative reviews. The e-business course is critical to equipping staff with knowledge on areas that include the handling of customers including promoting their online experience (Salesforce, 2020). Equally, the course enables the organization to focus on improving the organization's website to increase its user-friendliness more so for the customers. The e-business course is equally crucial to equipping workers with expertise in areas that include cloud service, sales, analytics, marketing, community, data, the application as well the internet of things (IoT) (Salesforce, 2020). Although the e-business offers sufficient knowledge to the management of e-business in varying aspects, the consideration of other crucial e-business such as privacy and security promotion is imperative. High security and privacy knowledge could enable employee staff to understand possible hack attempts and take the necessary precautions.

Technology innovation is the hub for business development under the current environments. In e-business, the implementation of technology is inevitable and very crucial to promoting the success and competitiveness of e-businesses. Among the technologies utilized in e-business include business-to-consumer (B2C) technology that describes the sale products to the consumer directly (Laudon, & Traver, 2016). B2C technology relates to what Lullaby Spa is targeting to offer its customers and plays a crucial role in creating a relationship between the customers and the organization. Although e-business has been linked with the disadvantage of limiting the creation of a relationship between the organization and the consumer. The use of B2C technology coupled with effective CRM technology will promote the customer service experience. Equally, the technologies will gain significant usage as organizations seek to maximize profitability through the elimination of traders (Laudon, & Traver, 2016). Further, the organizations adopting new technologies such as B2C will gain significant advantages in realizing both market success, competitiveness, and higher sector positions.

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In conclusion, current business environments face significant challenges that create the need for the utilization of real-time communication methods to resolve. The availability of computerized gadgets together with increased internet accessibility around the world has increased the use of websites for information sources. The globalization of business operations has equally increased the need for utilizing technologies that promote the efficiency of real-time interactions especially in developing solutions to consumer concerns. The need for real-time organization and consumer interactions has created the adoption of consumer e-business. Lullaby Spa adopted e-business and developed a web software that seeks to offer the customers about an organization ‘s image. Although the Lullaby Spa organizational requirements were complex, the requirements are detailed enough to offer the client all the information they require in relation to the business. For example, the information offered highlights the services, payment packages, consumer feedback, about the organization, sales and promotions, and contacts.

The e-business course has been crucial to offering expertise required in enabling the management of customer services. Organizations seeking to adopt e-business initiatives could consider ensuring their staff train the e-business course as a way of boosting their expertise in service delivery. Although the course content is covered within the specified duration, increasing the learning duration could be significant for enabling learners to gain the relevant skills. Equally, incorporating individualized assignments could increase the assessment of individual students’ expertise especially in addressing their weakness areas. The adoption of new technologies in e-business would equally be crucial to promoting business competitiveness and success.

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Dash, A. R., & Patra, M. R. (2019). AWDLC: Accessible-Website Development Life Cycle. Available at SSRN 3356351.

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Lee, I. (Ed.). (2017). The Internet of Things in the Modern Business Environment. IGI Global.

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Tsironis, L. K., Gotzamani, K. D., & Mastos, T. D. (2017). e-Business critical success factors: toward the development of an integrated success model. Business Process Management Journal.

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