Green Business Model Elements

Critical analysis of green value proposition (GVP)

The GVP is constructed to fulfil consumer needs or resolve their difficulties. It is essential that organisations adapt their GVP corresponding to the client’s needs and behaviour. This is influenced externally from the client, although it is constructed internally from the company (Abuzeinab 2015).


Low cost alternative and save energy consumption

It has become important for any organisation to turn towards value addition to its products and services. It can be said that the green value proposition of the mentioned ventilation system is one of the most effective methods that can be utilised effectively. One of the most effective factors, which needs to be considered is the smart ventilation being low cost alternative. Therefore, significantly low amount is required in its operation as compared with the other traditional alternatives (Forouzandehmehr et al. 2014), since the energy consumption is not prescribed, and depends on the requirements of the users.

Thermal comfort and improve indoor air quality

The second most effective factor, thermal comfort and indoor air excellence, is another key area of concern inside the buildings, and is influenced by ventilation. Since 60–90% people spend their time indoors, for example in the house, at the work place, college, and the university among others, thermal comfort and indoor air quality is a major factor affecting community health. In this condition, a smart ventilation is the best option for improving indoor air quality by creating excellent thermal comfort and indoor humidity inside the house. The reason is that moisture content of the air reacts to improve air quality.

Carbon utilisation and green offer systems

The third important factor is that carbon utilisation is low in these systems, which ensures that the environment is being considerably protected. With the sensors being installed in the system, which save energy consumption, it can further be described as a responsible offer that the users can undertake and fulfil. Thus, it can be considered as one of the greenest and value-added solutions.

Critical analysis of key activities

The key activities (KA) of a business refer to the methodology utilised to generate or address the demands of customers or to resolve their difficulties (Betz 2002) as cited by Abuzeinab (2015). To ensure that larger numbers of target audience are convinced by the potential of smart ventilation, it is important that certain key activities are undertaken. For example, continuous review and improvement, changing or improving policies, regular assessment of products, influencing internal people, installing the system on site, creating match products, and facilitation. This type of key activities will ensure that the business is directed towards a positive channel (Liu et al. 2016). It is important that appropriate attention is given towards continuous improvements. This can be done with formulation of sustainable strategies.

Furthermore, relying on efficient individuals for leadership is another important aspect that needs to be considered. With efficiency of the leader, a well-structured approach can be followed that would ensure that the organisation attains a standard position in the business market. Consequently, drafting and improving business policies can be effective in ensuring that the roles and responsibilities towards environmental conservation are fulfilled properly.

Critical analysis of key resources

Key resources (KR) are accessible means that are claimed, administered, and retrieved by an organisation and can be arranged as tangible, immaterial, and human. According to Johnson et al. (2008), and as cited by Abuzeinab (2015), there are six principal resources including:

(1) Brand (2) Technology (3) partnership
(4) Knowledge (5) physical (6) Human


In order to progress with the business, it is important that the key resources are identified and utilised in the best interests of the business. The smart ventilation system business can be operational with effective uses of resources as well. One of the key resources for the business is undoubtedly the appropriate utilisation of technology. For example, powerful internal technologies team, digital marketing and promotion on the internet, through mobile phone apps, and display advertising act. Based on the appropriate use of technology, the ventilation systems can be produced and systematically implemented in the market.


This will include hiring a specialist in this field, who will conduct further research in the program such as researching on new smart ventilation strategies, packages, studying customer preferences, and using this in the design phase. Moreover, would include educating staff and clients about smart ventilation system and the benefits.

Partnership and supply chain

To successfully deliver the innovation, it is important for the government to participate in it (innovation) by doing advertising. At the government level, there should be provided cost-effective funding schemes for each sector such as private, owner, and social for the sector to conduct innovation. The role of partnership and outsourcing cannot be denied as well. For example, capital and supply chain, good relationships with target groups such as like-minded clients, public sector social housing, green clients etc. This ensures that the resources required to produce the systems are appropriately utilised and a correct cannel is utilised to distribute these products (Ma et al. 2014).

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Researchers and academics will be consulted, to use their knowledge on the subject to promote the innovation. The powerful internal technologies team can design most of the efficient packages and systems. The internal teamwork can be utilised for analysing existing systems and checking for any faults. Finally, skilled labour force is required in the workshop, as the product needs to be implanted to a professional standard, taking precise and critical care when constructing, which will be observed by the quality checker, and this can add value to the client by ensuring system output. Also, the communication marketing team plays a critical role in proper promotion and marketing strategies, where the target audience will be able to recognise the requirements of these systems and their attention can be gained considerably.

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