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2.2 The techniques which can be used to control and coordinate the project include:

The Project scheduling is referred to the tool which communicates what nature of work to be performed, what resources and in which amount they are to be present for proper execution of work and timeframes which are to be maintained at work (Fang et al. 2015). Thus, they can be used for controlling and coordinating projects as by using it the manager would be able to understand which aspects need attention so that are controlled properly and do not hinder the project. Further, it is going to inform the manager about the deadlines to be met while at work which is going to give them the idea of the timelines to be accomplished for effectively coordinating the project. This coordination and control aspect is critical, especially when dealing with complex projects like those that require business dissertation help.

The Gantt chart is referred to a series of horizontal lines which informs the amount of work already being done and the work being left (Nicholas and Steyn, 2017). This helps the manager to control and coordinate the projects accordingly as the person is remained informed about what has been done and is what is required to be done for successfully accomplishing the project.


The human resources required for the project by Sraymax would require mainly individuals who have knowledge regarding building constructions. A minimum of 150 labours is required who have knowledge regarding the way building materials are to be used as supervised by the manager in constructing the classrooms. Further, 10 civil and geotechnical engineers are required who are going to act as supervisor for the labourers to inform them regarding the way the construction is to be built. They are going to be responsible for meeting the designed plans for the construction to ensure the construction is safe for use and is done by maintaining the structural integrity. Moreover, one architect is required to be employed who is going to develop design for the construction to be made by Sraymax.

The performance of the project by Sarymax is mostly satisfactory in nature. This is because the estimated project completion date required not to be extended as the workers have reported that they would be able to complete the work within the given deadline. Moreover, the labour cost need not be raised as the wages of the labour can be met by the estimated amount as assumed at the initiation of the project. However, the resource allocated is not enough for the project and this is going to pose risk for effective project performance as without proper amount of resource the workflow is going to be hindered.

The methods to be used for analysing the performance of the project include: Performance reviews: The performance reviews are the meetings which are held for assessing the status of the project (Kerzner and Kerzner, 2017). The advantage of using performance review in analysing project performance for Sarymax is that it can effectively inform about the extent of performance being made in the project to reach the goals of the project and what extra requires to be done to meet left goals of the project for developing ultimate performance. However, the disadvantage is that there may be biases while using performance review to assess the project performance that can result in providing wrong results or information which may hinder the project. Trend analysis: The trend analysis is examination of the project results for several reporting periods for determining if the performance of the project is deteriorating or improving (Todorović et al. 2015). The advantage of using trend analysis is that it helps to measure profitability position of the organisation in respect to the project. The disadvantage of using trend analysis in Sarymax’s project is that the data trends developed are based on assumptions which are not constant in nature. This result in data discrepancy and wrong analysis of performance of the project and thus the project managers in Sarymax require to ensure the data of the project are not vaguely assumed so that the performance analysis can be effectively done.

The Change Control procedure is a systematic approach for managing all the changes to be made in the product or the system (Hornstein, 2015). The key purpose of the procedure is that no inappropriate changes are done and all the changes to be made have to be well documented so that the services are not unnecessarily disrupted and resources are efficiently used. The change control procedures for evaluation of the project at the end of the project are as follows:

At first, the change request document is to be made which is going to inform about the potential changes required to be made in the project by Sarymax. For example, the changes that can be made for Sarmayx’s project are technology used for cementing the floors along with using better and experienced labours at work. This document is to be developed by evaluating the project.

Next, this change request document is to be submitted to the project team for analysing whether or not the changes would have been effective for the project

Once the document is reviewed, there required to be two options mentioned for informing the way to execute the change.

Lastly, finalisation of the option for the changes is to be made which is to be actually implemented for the project.

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  • Fang, C., Kolisch, R., Wang, L. and Mu, C., 2015. An estimation of distribution algorithm and new computational results for the stochastic resource-constrained project scheduling problem. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 27(4), pp.585-605.
  • Hornstein, H.A., 2015. The integration of project management and organizational change management is now a necessity. International Journal of Project Management, 33(2), pp.291-298.
  • Kerzner, H. and Kerzner, H.R., 2017. Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Nicholas, J.M. and Steyn, H., 2017. Project management for engineering, business and technology. London: Routledge.
  • Todorović, M.L., Petrović, D.Č., Mihić, M.M., Obradović, V.L. and Bushuyev, S.D., 2015. Project success analysis framework: A knowledge-based approach in project management. International Journal of Project Management, 33(4), pp.772-783.

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