Impact of Marketing on Tapa and its Implication to Customers and Business Environment


Tapa @ Bungo Barista is a coffee house on Pollokshaws Road. Some of the favorite customer items include delicious coffee and freshly-baked bread. The café has become a popular venue on the south side, with TripAdvisor giving it a four out of five-star rating. Studies have highlighted the marketing role in explaining the performance of an organization that has received vital attention in the marketing sector history (Morgan, 2012). The urge to link between the marketing and business performance is becoming more urgent as marketers have been forced to defend their activities’ value as well as budgets during the current global recession. Besides, over the last decade, scholars have come to enhance conceptual understanding of marketing roles in enabling an organization to sustain and create a competitive advantage. Wilson & Gilligan (2012) define marketing as a broad-based term, which means the art of selling products. The study also suggests that marketing is among the most crucial sector in the success of a firm. However, marketing has been revealed to be more than the definition since apart from affecting the organization and profitability, it also affects employees, customers and other processes in the organization. Therefore, marketing and specific advertisements can transform an entire organization’s structure (Martin et al., 2017). In this view, organizations are impacted by marketing strategies; therefore, this paper will discuss the effects of marketing on Tapa @ Bungo Barista, will also analyze sources used in data collecting, such as business dissertation help, and lastly, assess the implication of the impact of advertisement on Tapa @ Bungo Barista.


Impact of Marketing to Tapa @ Bungo Barista

The market is a learning opportunity; therefore, it increases the knowledge of the company concerning competitors, customers, and the broader business environment. As per the data collected, the company suggests that it mostly advertises its products on social media, email, and even roadshows. Studies show that social media marketing refers to advertisements that are served directly to social media users on their platforms. Social ads use user information to channel highly specific and relevant advertisements to a target population. Social media advertisements provide considerable increases in conversions (Padmavathi & Deepa, 2019). This is an indication that the company has an opportunity to purposefully and actively learn about competitors, customers, the broader business environment, and channel members in ways that permit prediction of the organization's future marketplace changes and also allow a greater understanding of the current marketplace conditions. Wilson and Gilligan (2012) suggest that this effect is beyond previous knowledge and conceptualizations of “market sensing. The study also indicates that in the increasingly dynamic and complex markets, organizations require to more actively probe and experiment with anticipating changes in the marketplace other than passively monitoring the markets and responding to changes once they occur. This capability gives the organization ability to provide superior market understanding, which has been suggested to be a pre-condition for dynamic capabilities. Marketing and especially advertising forces companies to experiment, do market surveys, customer database analyses. The information gained similarly to Tapa @ Bungo Barista increases the knowledge of the company concerning competitors, customers, etc. hence being a competitive advantage.

Marketing at Tapa @ Bungo Barista makes the company predict its future developments and plans. Basically, the company offers coffee and freshly-baked bread. As per the Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, these products are physiological needs which are essential for survival (Hopper, 2019). This makes the company stand a better place in future. A well-strategized marketing strategy must accompany successful marketing. Marketing strategy, on the other hand, should tell an organization where they would want to be on a long-term basis. Freixanet et al., (2020), suggest that the current global market has forced the organization to view the internationalization of their events and activities as a way to gain a competitive advantage in the market. Therefore, the study suggests that marketing strategy is a vital tool in the environment of any organization to become stronger and remain in the competitive market environment. Basically, a marketing strategy is a plan by an organization that enables the organization to itself positively from its competitors by utilizing its relative strength better to satisfy clients’ needs in a given environment. The data collected from Tapa @ Bungo Barista shows that, through the organization’s advertisements, there has been increased customer contact, which has enabled the organization to gain significant knowledge, which is vital for product development. As per the organization, this data has enabled the organization to achieve a competitive advantage as well as achieve better than average results. The organization has also been enabled to make decisions to open more stores and even plan to start operating globally. Therefore, marketing has enabled the company to strategize on opening more stores in the United Kingdom and even start strategizing to go global.

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Marketing, especially advertisement, has enabled the company to gain more profit hence generating more capital to fund its activities and development plan. Studies suggest that advantage is a financial gain, which is the difference between the amounts spend in buying and earned in selling products (Burns et al., 2014). The study also suggests that profitability is the key objective of any firm; therefore, without profitability, an organization may fail. Profit is only earned from customers by selling services or products. However, the average profit is easy to generate, though to increase profits, the company must use its resources. Marketing raises the awareness of the product to customers. This creates demand and outreach. Studies suggest that the main objective of the market is to make noise about the existence of a product hence allowing customers to trace the product (Popky, 2016). The study also indicates that marketing plays a very strategic role in educating the marketplace. Tapa @ Bungo Barista being a startup and developing company; marketing is very critical in creating significant market shares. As per the data collected, the company has overtime used several platforms of marketing, which has enabled the company to increase brand awareness, and for the last one year, it has realized increased profit though; currently, there has also been decreased sales due to the current global coronavirus pandemics. However, the data suggest that the company is still making profits, which is a result of massive product campaigns.

Marketing makes Tapa @ Bungo Barista gain larger market shares. The data collected from the company indicates that some companies have dominated the coffee markets already. Therefore, in the past years, it has been challenging to gain broader markets share. However, after the establishment of the marketing department in the organization, sales have increased and profits. Market share refers to the percentage of total particular industry sales in a specified period. It is attained by dividing the specific company's sales in a given time and dividing it with the industry’s total sales at the same set time. Moghaddam & Foroughi (2012), suggest that market share is a significant indicator of market competitiveness – how firms are performing against competitors. It assists organization management in estimating both markets' primary and selective demand. It is also an essential tool for managers to evaluate the total market growth or decline as well as the trends in clients’ selections among competitors. The decrease in market shares can signal the organization of a serious long-term problem that needs a strategic adjustment. Moghaddam & Foroughi (2012) also suggest that market shares below some level though may fail to be visible; it is an early indicator of future problems or opportunities.

However, market share is also a required asset among competitors. Therefore, Daniel (2018), discourage making market share criteria and objective to base economic policies. With a great market share, customers become aware of the company hence increasing profits and customer loyalty. As per the data collected, the company has gained loyal customers since the creating of its marketing plan.

Moreover, marketing has enabled the organization to improve its product through planned and consistent activities that are meant to exceed and meet the client's preferences. This strategy is referred to as customer performance. Aremu & Lawal (2012) revealed that product style and design have significant positive effects on organizational performance. The study also suggests that there was a positive relationship between firm performance and product quality in the markets. This means that providing high-quality products attract customers. Marketing results in a more significant product adaptation strategy, which results in a substantial financial performance like profitability once the product quality product-market matches increase customer satisfaction hence enhancing customer performance. On the other hand, improvement of quality due to an advertisement has been suggested to allow for greater pricing freedom for an organization (Aremu & Lawal, 2012). From the data collected, the company has increased its sales since the adaptation of strategic marketing strategy. Additionally, with increased customer loyalty, the company has been able to acquire loyal customers who have enabled the organization to set its product prices. Furthermore, after placing the marketing department, the company has increased the quality of its product which is a differentiation strategy which makes the firm unique as per Porter's Generic Competitive Strategies (Linton & Kask, 2017).

The company’s marketing strategy is accompanied by a promotional marketing mix, which has been a critical tool for achieving the performance of a firm. Studies show that financial, sales, as well as client performance, is reached via promotional mix. Advertising and promotion adaptation have been found to have positive effects on the performance of an organization. Advertising procedures enable the company to continually remind, persuade customers, and communicate to customers to buy the company’s products hence generating more sales (Aremu & Lawal, 2012). From the data collected, after establishing the company marketing department, the company has gained increased capital, which enables the company to expand. Human resource managers of the organization, these increased profits, were only possible via adaptation of a robust promotional mix.

Data Collection Source Analysis

Primary data refers to a type of data that is collected directly from the data source without going through any existing sources. Studies have revealed that primary data is mostly authentic, reliable, and objective (Heap & Waters, 2019). Some of the primary methods of data collection involve interviews and questionnaires. From the data collection, an interview was used. Studies show that interviews are a major qualitative data collection method (Heap & Waters, 2019).

Interviews have been suggested to be useful where scholars need to attain highly personalized data and, in a case, where the scholar need to probe to get underlying factors. This method of data collection has also been suggested to have an ability to offer a complete description and analysis of a study subject, without limiting the study scope as well as the participant’s responses nature (Pearson & Geronimus, 2018). The method is, therefore, useful for gaining insight and context into a topic. This strategy of data collection has been suggested to collect more information and in greater depth compared to other forms of data collection. The method also offers greater flexibility hence being a chance to restructure questions like in an unstructured interview. In the study, the interview was meant to gain information on Tapa's business. Therefore, from the above view, the data collected was valid, and its analysis can result in effective conclusions. However, studies suggest that the information collected in an interview can be biased (Pearson & Geronimus, 2018). At other times, interviewer presence may over-trigger the participant to give imaginary details to make the researcher interested. These flaws make the method reliable to only some percentage. Despite having some few flaws, the information acquired via interviews is very critical in gaining a better understanding of the business and services provided. Consequently, the collected data is critical to making informed decisions concerning the impact of marketing to the organization. However, studies indicate that respondents may not provide honest and accurate answers and may be uncomfortable in providing answers which might affect the competitiveness of the organization (Pearson & Geronimus, 2018). However, the interviews were conducted in such a way that follow-up questions were asked to seek clarity thus minimizing chances of bias due to incorrect responses.

On the other hand, to collect data, secondary sources were also used. Secondary data are already collected data and which are readily available in libraries, database, etc. Such data have a high level of reality hence providing valid and reliable data (Johnston, 2017). For the data collection, reviews were collected on the internet in areas such as Google Reviews, Trip Advisor Reviews, Facebook, Instagram, or even Twitter Reviews. The information collected was used to determine what existing customers think about Tapa's and what potential customers will think. This data is very critical to understanding how customers feel about Tapa's products and services. Secondly, the researcher also analyzed the success of promotions that were carried out by the organization. Studies have revealed that secondary sources are very critical in generating new insights from previous studies and analyses hence resulting in new and unexpected discoveries (Johnston, 2017). Additionally, studies also indicate that, in secondary sources, the process maintains a huge level of professionalism and expertise, which may not be possible with other types of data collection. This suggests that the data collected is very reliable and critical to understanding the study. However, scholars suggest that secondary data may fail to answer the scholar’s specific research questions, the researcher might also lose control over the available data set, which makes the use of secondary sources questionable (Ellram & Tate, 2016).

However, the sources are very critical to understanding the marketing effects on the organization.

Implication of the Effects of Marketing to the Business Environment and Customers

Marketing enhances changes in consumer behavior and decision making. The consumer in the market is involved in making both rational and emotional choices while buying a product. The effects of advertisements have been identified as an increase in product quality, brand awareness, and interactions with clients. Ariaei (2015), suggests that advertisement has a significant influence on information processing processes, reaction to market stimuli, adjustment of reactions to motivational demands, and target targeted behaviors. Therefore, advertisement is a crucial part of creating consuming reactions and loyalty to a brand. Ariaei (2015) associate advertisement effects and role to brand loyalty. This era is a time for severe competition and information explosion among firms for obtaining customer satisfaction and establishing long-term relationships with customers to obtain greater market shares. The main issue in marketing is making customers loyal. Adopting appropriate market strategy has also shown to increase customers, and a company gains a high profit in the long term (Ariaei, 2015). The study also suggests that many scholars consider loyalty as an attitude factor, while others consider it a behavioral factor. However, most important is that marketing, which creates customer loyalty, makes customers change purchasing behavior, and ease the decision. Moreover, with an increased advertisement, there is the development of product quality. On the other hand, quality influence customer satisfaction and his doubtful behavior which additionally change the consumption and purchasing behaviors.

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Advertisements have been associated with increased customer relation, which in turn increase markets share, and later competitors realize the increasing market share and competition become stiff. Anderson et al. (2018), suggest that there is a positive correlation between customer engagement and customer loyalty. Additionally, innovation and quality improvement are also among the most effective strategies that have a positive impact on market share. When a company improves its products, customers develop a taste for the product, and most of those consumers become loyal customers, which increases market shares and, on the other hand, decreases market share for the competitors. Growing client's loyalty strengthens customer relationships, and the organization defends its existing market share by restricting customers from jumping from one company to another. The increase in market shares puts an organization at a vantage point and ultimately increases its competitive advantage. However, a company that has a high market share increases customer buying power, and the company starts to develop. The development puts an organization on view by its competitors. Underdog competitors, therefore, continuously bite into a stable company’s share through more innovative strategies and even price reduction, which has been proven to be effective in increasing market shares (Barrows, 2017). Some of these strategies include trying new distribution forms, introducing new products, launching new promotions, and sniffing out new segments. This strategy affects competition in the general market environment.


Tapa @ Bungo Barista is a coffee house on Pollokshaws Road. Some of the favorite customer items include delicious coffee and freshly-baked bread. The role of marketing is taking a significant place in explaining the performance of an organization. Over the last decades, scholars have come to enhance conceptual understanding of marketing roles in enabling an organization to sustain and create a competitive advantage. Marketing has, therefore, been revealed to be more than the definition since it also affects employees, customers, and other processes in the organization. Some of the impact of marketing to Tapa @ Bungo Barista has been observed to include; increase in the knowledge of the company concerning competitors, customers, and the broader business environment, enabling the company to predict its future developments and plans, enabling the company to gain more profit, enabling the company to gain larger market shares, enabling the organization to improve its product and increasing customer loyalty. On data collection sources, Primary data sources are authentic, reliable, and objective. In contrast, secondary sources maintain a considerable level of professionalism and expertise, which makes the data collected valid and dependable in building the company's marketing conclusions and the study accurately. Lastly, Marketing has enhanced changes in consumer behavior and decision making and has affected competition in the general market environment.


It is recommended that the company increases its marketing activities and budgets to maintain and improve its market share.

It is also recommended that the company should invest in product development and new products to increase customer loyalty.

Lastly, it is recommended that the company retains and engages in ethical advertisement and competition to avoid penalties associated with unethical marketing and competition.


Anderson, S.P., Foros, Ø. and Kind, H.J., 2018. Competition for advertisers and for viewers in media markets. The Economic Journal, 128(608), pp.34-54.

Aremu, M.A. and Lawal, A.T., 2012. Exploring marketing strategy as a catalyst for performance in Nigerian telecommunication industry. IJMBS, 2(4), pp.65-71.

Ariaei Monfared, N., 2015. Impact of advertisement on brand loyalty using structural equation modeling approach. European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences: Proceedings, 4(1 (s)), pp.30-47.

Barrows, S.D., 2017. With Increased Market Power, Do Aircraft Industry Stock Returns Beat Global Market? International Review of Management and Marketing, 7(5), pp.63-69.

Burns, A.C., Bush, R.F. and Sinha, N., 2014. Marketing research (Vol. 7). Harlow: Pearson.

Daniel, C.O., 2018. Effect of Marketing Strategies on Organizational Performance. International Journal of Business Marketing and Management (IJBMM), 3(9), pp.1-9.

Ellram, L.M. and Tate, W.L., 2016. The use of secondary data in purchasing and supply management (P/SM) research. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 22(4), pp.250-254.

Freixanet, J., Rialp, A. and Churakova, I., 2020. How do innovation, internationalization, and organizational learning interact and co-evolve in small firms? a complex systems approach. Journal of Small Business Management, pp.1-34.

Heap, V. and Waters, J., 2019. Data collection methods. In Mixed Methods in Criminology (pp. 141-176). Routledge.

Hopper, E., 2019. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Explained. Viitattu, 12, p.2019.

Johnston, M.P., 2017. Secondary data analysis: A method of which the time has come. Qualitative and quantitative methods in libraries, 3(3), pp.619-626.

Linton, G. and Kask, J., 2017. Configurations of entrepreneurial orientation and competitive strategy for high performance. Journal of Business Research, 70, pp.168-176.

Martin, S.L., Javalgi, R.G. and Cavusgil, E., 2017. Marketing capabilities, positional advantage, and performance of born global firms: Contingent effect of ambidextrous innovation. International business review, 26(3), pp.527-543.

Moghaddam, F.M. and Foroughi, A., 2012. The influence of marketing strategy elements on market share of firms. International Journal of Fundamental Psychology and Social Sciences, 2(1), pp.19-24.

Morgan, N.A., 2012. Marketing and business performance. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 40(1), pp.102-119.

Padmavathi, D. and Deepa, P., 2019. How Do Students Perceive Social Media Advertisements? An Empirical Study. Indian Journal of Applied Research, 9(9).

Pearson, J.A. and Geronimus, A.T., 2018. A practical guide to biological primary data collection in an impoverished urban setting: illuminating structural and social influences on population health inequity. SAGE Publications Ltd.

Popky, L.J., 2016. Marketing above the noise: Achieve strategic advantage with marketing that matters. Routledge.

Wilson, R.M. and Gilligan, C., 2012. Strategic marketing management. Routledge.

Interviews (You decide the number of persons you interviewed, who did you interview, and how; face to face, or via telephone, or email?? You decide) --- however, I have provided clues as to where your responses should mostly be inclined towards

What marketing channels do you use?

-Social media, email, and roadshows/product campaigns

Do you consider these marketing channels effective? If so, how?

Yes they are effective, by …….. kindly read through the paper, you will then craft a consistent response

Are they helping your company in any way? I mean, do you see any positive value to the organization in using the channels you mention?---- this is just a

follow up question to confirm the truth about the response to a…so craft, not the same, but a similar response to that of “a” above

What would you say is the impact of marketing to the organization in general?

A positive one, we have seen some improvements in our KPIs, and many more

In terms of the following, in what ways has marketing impacted your organization?


Providing data for forecasting and predicting the future demands

Enables us to develop future plans effectively/accurately


The effect is positive

Market share

Still not clear, but we are making progress though very minimal

Brand development

Increased customer contact and this increasing customer loyalty. Because of marketing, our future looks brighter than ever

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