Innovative Thinking for Organisational Development


Innovation and regular updation of thinking and functioning is essential for the growth of every organisation since the investment of resources is required to fulfil tall the needs and demands of the innovation management of an organisation. The following portfolio will initially identify the business environment surrounding a contemporary issue, to business dissertation help. The assignment below will show that how regular innovative thinking and changes in organisational functioning is important and helps in development. Analysis and evaluation is presented in this essay to show how the innovative thinking will benefit the organisation in growth and target achievement by becoming advanced competency filled organisation. The companies who truly thinks about innovations and spend hours of time in developing their existing imaginative thinking among their staff members and workers so that they can also cultivate those ideas with their perspective. Here in this assignment some of the techniques will be described to make innovative thinks with resources.


Justify the significance of innovative thinking and idea generation as responses to organisational challenges, threats and opportunities.

According to the studies and researches done by McKinsey, it is clear and trues that success in future of whether an organisation or a working professional purely depends on innovation. Agarwal, and Farndale (2017) stated that although innovation may sometimes sound like just a light weight term but its essence is the original reason companies invest a lot of time and resources on innovation. Without continuous innovation, the company will remain constrain on a fixed positive and can never grow. The main work of innovation is to remit the issues and challenges which comes in everyday activities of a company. It creates new opportunities by removing the threats which comes in running business. Innovative thinking is really the core strength of modern existence. Though regular innovation have few undesirable consequences whereas change is inevitable in most of the cases and innovation creates a positive change in those cases (Bansal et al. 2018). Innovations have its effects on both the macro and micro environment. Innovative ideas and concepts can be used here to reduces these emissions and save the planet which will also evolve new opportunities for the company to build their image (Rasheed et al. 2017). Innovation creates new job opportunities also with the development of technology so that both the combination can increase the productivity and create major advancements. Innovation contributes a lot towards the development and solving issue of the society also. As a result of new job creation here will be reduced poverty and hunger and sicknesses in the country. As per Uhl-Bien, and Arena (2018), it improves the living standard of people with a healthy life style and well-being. Innovation also contributes towards education and communication accessibility with huge technological revolutions in the past few decades and will continue to do so in the future years also if utilised to its best possible ways.

Critically analyse a contemporary organisational issue by comparing and contrasting current theory against organisational practice.

In an organisation there are numerous big and small issues exists which must be focused on for removing and making the running of business smooth as possible. Grimes (2018) advised that few of them are major in their nature as they can affect the organisational functions badly with huge negative results. Few of the major issues in organisations are like-

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  1. Blending various personalities and trying them into a unified and cohesive team or unit to make them move towards the achievement of the common organisational goal.
  2. There exists a confined and clear absence of direction in companies by the leaders and management for aligning the duties and responsibilities to the employees according to their abilities.
  3. Every member of an organisation whether they are staff, workers or employees pursues some of their unique competencies as well as the business resources also (Javed et al. 2017). There is a lack of strategies to utilise these competencies to its best and develop a positive behaviour.
  4. A poor communication system and average feedback method restricts to know the deep core thoughts of people towards the company (Shanker et al. 2017). This somehow don’t bring out the real image of a particular organisation in the market and customer scenarios
  5. In order to build a strong and solid image of an organisation, hard work and regular awareness about the internal and external culture and environment in must.
  6. All these are the organisational issues which can be resolved with advanced innovation strategies and policies in organisations. As Lin and Lee (2017) argued, there exists no such organisational problem which cannot be solved by innovative concepts and theories. The requirement is only that they must be acquired properly and the best utilisation needs to be done to achieve competencies from them.
Contemporary Organisational Issues  Created by Author

Synthesise research to generate and critically evaluate options in order to formulate a response to a contemporary organisational issue.

In every volatile markets, if the change is unpredictable and constant there companies which fail to adopt these will face struggle to survive. In recent times with so much of uncertain disruptions from the economic environment the need of constant and pivot redefinition is what companies require in future ( 2020). When there comes the talk of poor communication and lack of transparency among the employees of a company then a good leadership can turn these two flaws in to positive factors for the organisation. An opaque leadership sometimes creates barer between communications (Shanker et al. 2017). So transparency is a must to motivate and embrace the employees. Analysis says that feedback is must because it gives people the sense of closeness and involvement to the company. So employee feedback can bring back those fresh ideas which somewhere must be lost in the regular activities. Time to time responses should be taken from each of the member of an organisation (Javed et al. 2017). Innovative thinking’s most attractive use is that it will give a good from a bad. This can be said as innovation turns threats into opportunities and brings new strategical changes in to company. More use of technology benefits with more productive work and resists the organisational barriers to create hindrances ( 2018). Strategic improvements with the help of the organisational resources makes the company fit in the competitive market. The development of competencies is required so that more customers can be attracted and increase the market share hold from competitors. The conditions which are spurred and needs transformation are subject of change with the passing time (Rasheed et al. 2017). Advanced training sessions to improve the skills and competencies of employees are a good solution for restricted company growth. All these changes as analysed will bring a positive change in the company and will help in resolving the issues towards a growing business scale.

Apply appropriate resources and techniques to prepare structure and deliver an oral presentation.

In this assignment to deliver the techniques and resources a reflection report has been give which states the Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle model was initially developed by the person named Graham Gibbs in the year 1988 and was named on him. It basically covers all the aspects of the innovative thinking in the organisational actions. This report covers the aspects like the significance of the innovative thinking in order to remit the threat; challenges and bring opportunities, analysis of the contemporary issue which arise in the organisations and finally evaluation of the strategies or options to resolve those contemporary issues from the company. The various stages of the reflective model are like- Description- The description of this assignment is on the importance and necessity of regular innovation and use of innovative thinking in organisations. The essay above is related to the issues which arise while running a business and how innovative ideas can will help in removing or resolving those issues so that smooth functioning can be performed. Feeling- In doing this report work, I faced a little difficulty while talking to people and asking them what they think about innovation and what innovation means to them. I took a few surveys to some organisational employees also which revealed that they are capable enough to add some more magic in their regular strategies. Evaluation- While evaluating the responses of various people, I understood that it is not evident that only higher authorities can have brilliant business ideas on contrary it can be said that a small worker can also think differently and contribute his ideas in the company. Order Now Analysis- The analysis of this report revealed many new policies and information about the technological innovation which were previously not known to me. I gained knowledge about those policies which government established on business organisations and whose following is must. Conclusion- The conclusion can be said as that this case study gave me a deep knowledge about what are the needs of new ideas and training sessions on innovation in organisations. It can be concluded that every idea can be proved great whether it is small or big. Action plan- The action plan will be to promote more about the awareness on what should be done and how to do those changes and enhancements which were briefed in this report and can make a better competitive environment for the organisations.


The conclusion of this essay says that in recent times with so much of uncertain disruptions from the economic environment the need of constant and pivot redefinition is what companies require in future. In every volatile markets, if the change is unpredictable and constant there companies which fail to adopt these will face struggle to survive. It has been seen in this report that poor communication system and average feedback method restricts to know the deep core thoughts of people towards the company. Without continuous innovation, the company will remain constrain on a fixed positive and can never grow. The main work of innovation is to remit the issues and challenges which comes in everyday activities of a company.



Agarwal, P. and Farndale, E., 2017. High‐performance work systems and creativity implementation: the role of psychological capital and psychological safety. Human Resource Management Journal, 27(3), pp.440-458.

Bansal, P., Kim, A. and Wood, M.O., 2018. Hidden in plain sight: The importance of scale in organizations’ attention to issues. Academy of Management Review, 43(2), pp.217-241.

Rasheed, M.A., Shahzad, K., Conroy, C., Nadeem, S. and Siddique, M.U., 2017. Exploring the role of employee voice between high-performance work system and organizational innovation in small and medium enterprises. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development.

Uhl-Bien, M. and Arena, M., 2018. Leadership for organizational adaptability: A theoretical synthesis and integrative framework. The Leadership Quarterly, 29(1), pp.89-104.


Grimes, M.G., 2018. The pivot: How founders respond to feedback through idea and identity work. Academy of Management Journal, 61(5), pp.1692-1717.

Javed, B., Naqvi, S.M.M.R., Khan, A.K., Arjoon, S. and Tayyeb, H.H., 2017. Impact of inclusive leadership on innovative work behavior: The role of psychological safety. Journal of Management & Organization, 23(3), pp.1-20.

Lin, H.C. and Lee, Y.D., 2017. A study of the influence of organizational learning on employees’ innovative behavior and work engagement by a cross-level examination. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 13(7), pp.3463-3478.

Shanker, R., Bhanugopan, R., Van der Heijden, B.I. and Farrell, M., 2017. Organizational climate for innovation and organizational performance: The mediating effect of innovative work behavior. Journal of vocational behavior, 100, pp.67-77.


  • 2020. Relationship between innovation capability, innovation type, and firm performance, available at: [Accessed on: 17th November, 2020]
  • 2018. Does Entrepreneurial Leadership Foster Creativity Among Employees and Teams? The Mediating Role of Creative Efficacy Beliefs, available at: [Accessed on: 7th December, 2020]

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