Knowledge Management Information System


Knowledge management information system refers to the Information Technology (IT) system that stores retrieve and manage the data of the companies and improve cooperation and collaboration in the business practice to source knowledge and manage the efficiency of the employees in the organisation to achieve future success (Liebowitz, 2019), Business dissertation help Knowledge management is the process of sharing, creating, managing and using the knowledge and information in the organisation which enhances the multi disciplinary approach to maximise the organisational aims and objectives (Hislop, Bosua and Helms, 2018). The study aims at discussing the knowledge management information system in the organisational context after conducting the environmental analysis of the company. In this paper, ASOS plc is considered further to analyse the corporate model of the organisation and environmental factors. After analysing the business environment for ASOS, the study provide a scope to recommend some suitable suggestions for managing the information system of the brand in managing their operational activities efficiently. after recommending some strategies of knowledge management of the information system in the company, it is relevant to identify the implementation challenges for ASOS which would be faced by the organisation as well as suggest some policies to manage the implementation challenges so that the business objectives of ASOS would be maximised proficiently.


Organisational overview

ASOS Plc is the British online fashion and cosmetic retailer and the company has been established in the year of 2000. It primarily aimed at young people, but now the company aims at targeting the customers with different needs and preferences. The website sells over 850 brands as well as its own range of clothing and accessories. The company fulfilled the orders in the centres in the UK, EU and USA and it is successful in serving more than 196 countries. is a famous platform where the customers can get a huge variety of products including clothing, accessories, beauty and shoes (ASOS, 2019a).

Figure 2: Business model of AOS

Total revenue of the company in the last year was £2.4 billion and total numbers of employees in the company is more than 4400, who are efficient to serve the customers online. The company aims at providing efficient services and quality products which are effective to satisfy the customers by fulfilling personalise needs and preferences (ASOS, 2019b).

Corporate objectives of the firm

the organisations develops the objective of serving the customers innovatively where the customers must experiment new design and style and be brave and grab the extraordinary opportunity in life. The major corporate objectives of the firm are,

To be the leading fashion website in the UK

To attract more international markets across the globe

To analyse the fashion industry growth and market trend

To strengthen their corporate base

To maximise organisational performance

To enhance their profitability and sales volume

To maximise customers satisfaction (ASOS, 2019b)

Business model

Business model is the successful tactics through which the organisations can identify the source of finance and revenue where the customer base, products and services and detailing of financing can be managed well (Donate and de Pablo, 2015). In this regard, ASOS focuses on efficient business model to support the customers globally and establish the company efficiently in the market. the aspiration of the company is to sell online fashion products peacefully by strengthening their customers vase and for fulfilling the aim of the company, there is suitable business model and decisive leadership which are contributing factors to run the operational activities of the firm strategically. It focuses on B2C business model, where the online platform of ASOS is efficient to deliver high quality products and services to the customers directly were customer data management is one of the efficient tactics to strengthen their customer’s base and create vales for them. In this regard, ASOS continuously focuses on the customers experience and crate customer’s vales by underlining the fashion with integrity, investing on the resources and influence to manage the fashion trend in the market (ASOS, 2019c).

Figure 2: Business model of ASOS

Business model of ASOS

In order to maximise customer’s experience, the organisation ASOS focuses on inspiring the customers, choosing the right products and services, wearing and sharing information with the customers. These are the major tactics through which the organisation ASOS aims to manage customers experience. The organisation tries to inspire the customers and help them to choose the right products from their website where there are alternative options in product line from which the consumers can choose and make effective purchase decision according to personalise needs and preferences. The business model of ASOS is appropriate to explore and inspire the customers, share and engage with the customers as well as deliver quality product and services by managing the products quality which would be effective for the organisation to strengthen their customer’s base and provides the firm a scope to expand their business and secure future sustainable development (ASOS, 2019d)

Environmental analysis

The environmental analysis is effective for the firm to evaluate the external internal business circumstances to run the business activities strategically. Through the PESTEL and Porter’s five forces analysis, it is possible to analyse the external environment of the firm as well as through the SWOT analysis, it is possible to analyse the internal business environment for the company (Soto-Acosta and Cegarra-Navarro, 2016).

External analysis:

PESTLE analysis:

the PESTLE analysis explored the political stability, economic growth and social development, as well as legal compliances, technological advancement and the environmental sustainability management where the evaluation of the business environment for the organisation ASOS will be helpful to understand the future scope and channels to run the organisation sustainably.

Table 1: PESTLE Analysis of ASOS

PESTLE Analysis of ASOS PESTLE Analysis of ASOS PESTLE Analysis of ASOS

Porter’s five forces analysis:

Through the Porter’s five forces strategic model it is possible to analyse the competitive environment of the firm ASOS and evaluate the future scope and market challenges, so that the company can develop effective strategic tactics to fulfil their corporate objectives.

Table 2: Porter’s five forces Analysis of ASOS

Porter’s five forces analysis Porter’s five forces analysis

Internal analysis:

SWOT analysis:

Table 3: SWOT Analysis of ASOS

 SWOT Analysis of ASOS

For internal business analysis, it is beneficial to conduct SWOT analysis, where the strengths, weaknesses as well as opportunity and threats can be evaluated properly. The major strengths of the organisation ASOS are such as high growth rate, financial stability, employee base, ultimate fashion destination and moderate revenue growth. The threats of the company are lack of physical store, lack of advertisement, use of social media and high cost of production and distribution. On the other hand, the major opportunities in the recent era of globalisation in fashion retail industry are strong digital media presence, advertisement growth in demand of fashionable product and beauty products, growth in popularity of online shopping and increase the use of mobile technology and application which are beneficial for the organisation ASOS to improve their operations and run their business strategically through technological advancement and improving efficiencies (ASOS, 2019e). However, there are some threats which are uncertain economic issues, high competition dependent on internet and lack of televisions and offline advertisement, which need to be resolved by the company. In this regard, knowledge management information system is effective which provides a scope to the organisation ASOS to manage their efficiencies and expand their business strategically in long run.

Recommendations of successful knowledge management information system

The organisation ASOS needs to develop effective strategic planning to improve knowledge management information system, where it can expand the business internally through more creativity and technological innovation. Firstly, the company needs to implement Customer Relationship Management (CRM) model which is effective to ensure service excellence and manage customer relationship successfully in long run (Omotayo, 2015). Additionally, the company needs to develop mobile application so that the customers can handle the website of the company in their Smartphone easily and review the available products for making effective purchase decision. In this regard, the organisation needs to develop technological innovation in designing the mobile application, so that the customers can handle the Smartphone application easily and place their order with one click option. In this context, it is also necessary for the company ASOS to provide alternative suggestions for other products with price so that the customers can compare the products, quantity and quality and price successfully and make the purchase decision successfully. Hereby, managing customer service is necessary for the organisation to manage knowledge and improve experience of the organisational representative to serve the consumers efficiently.

In addition to this, the company needs to implement cloud computing system by managing WAN and LAN as well as SAP, which are effective to handle the customers efficiently and manage their data with safety and security. Managing the customer’s data with password protection cloud computing system must be implemented in the organisation to handle the online customers where they can ensure the customers protection successfully. Additionally, managing the payment system securely is the responsibility of the organisation ASOS to handle knowledge management and information system where latest technology must be implemented. In this process, the customers can handle the company website securely by getting ensured to apply Data protection Act 1998 and personalise protected keyboard which is also effective for the organisation to manage customer service and build strong relationship with all the consumers across the globe (Inkinen, 2016).

Apart from that, SCM management is necessary where ASOS can handle their suppliers and distributors strategically. Cooperation through implementing Information and Communication Technology as well as developing the SAP system for managing the data base of the online suppliers and distributors are necessary. Additionally, implementing Oracle for managing the computerised language and effective implementation of the Enterprise Resource planning is mandatory which would give an opportunity to ASOS to manage their warehouse and supply chain efficiently. Apart from that, developing the tracking system through GPS is necessary to track the orders and distribute the products successfully by managing the suppliers and distributors. Developing company website with creative content and simple options and attractive design of the webpage will provide a scope to ASOS for managing technological innovation and improve knowledge and creativity among the team members for providing the best possible customers service. The company needs to implement the above mentioned technology for running the business strategically, where it can expand the operational activities across the globe by effective knowledge management practice through which ASOS can improve technological innovation and creativity to serve the customers with latest updated technology.

Impacts of information system on organisational practice

The above mentioned strategic recommendations for latest information system and knowledge management are effective for the firm ASOS to facilitate knowledge capture and haring where the employees can enhance the productivity and performance by gaining more in depth knowledge and improving their technical skill. Through knowledge management information system, the organisation can enhance their performance and manage their online supply chain and B2C business model for satisfying the customers, where the company AOIS can strengthen their customers base by creating values for him through delivering quality products and service efficiently as well as managing technology, safety and security of the customers and data successfully (Mäntymäki and Riemer, 2016). Hereby, the above mentioned strategic planning for knowledge management and information system, it is possible to manage the supply chain of ASOS efficiently, enhance employees performance and productivity to deliver quality products and excellent service strategically to all the customers in a more innovative and creative manner.

Performance objectives of the firm

The performance objective of the firm ASOS are,

To improve productivity of the organisation

To enhance innovation and creativity of the firm

To maximise profitability and sales volume

To support the customers with service excellence

To distribute the products efficiently across the market

To mange online data

To manage online website and mobile application

To gain high competitive advantage in the fashion retail sector across the globe

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Key management implementation challenges

There are several challenges that the organisation faces difficulties in implementing the suggested IT system where the corporate firms fail to manage their implementation process in the organisational workplace. In this regard, the organisation ASOS is also facing some challenges in implementing the IT structure in the business, where the firm is totally focusing on online business and conduct B2C business model for satisfying the customers. In this regard, the above mentioned recommended strategic planning would be beneficial for knowledge management information system where the organisation can enhance the capabilities of the human resource and lead the team members towards achieving future success. In this regard, the major challenges are lack of understanding of the customer’s regarding the new IT system in the company as well as poor staff management and lack of knowledge and technical skill of the internal staff, lack of development of the suitable organisational culture and lack of budget in the organisation (Obeidat et al., 2017). ASOS as a online firm may face the challenge of lack of budget for which the firm could be able to implement the information system in the organisational workplace for knowledge management and leading the workforce towards achieving success through more innovation and creativity. In this regard, the organisation ASOS would face the challenge of poor labour management and the lack of efficiency of the employees due to poor skill and knowledge. Hereby, the organisation should focus on managing human resource while implementing the latest information system for knowledge management in the organisational workplace. Apart from that, there would be another implementation challenge which may hamper smooth implementation of the latest IT in the organisation ASOS, which is lack of customer management where the customers are not involved and they cannot understand the latest information management system. In this regard, the organisation ASOS should focus on managing such challenges and risk associated with the implementation of the IT in the organisation as well as manage the cost of implementation, so that the company ASOS can implement the changes and lead the employees towards achieving future success more innovatively.

Recommendations for successful implementation

Bringing the customers along with the implementation of the new IT:

The latest technology and innovation for knowledge management in the organisation as well as enhancing organisational creativity cannot be understood by the customers where it is necessary for the organisation to engage the customers and help them to access their services in and unique manner. In this regard, for resolving the challenge of lack of customer’s management through knowledge management of latest information system, it is essential for the organisational representative to manage the customers and provide them continuous assistance to gain knowledge and understanding about the latest technological change so that the customers can access the organisation and make effective purchase decision successfully.

Arranging effective training and development program for the employees:

Arranging effective training and development program is necessary where the employees can have the opportunity to develop their skill and knowledge while implementing the latest innovative technology. Discussion about the change and sharing each others experience and knowledge are efficient for knowledge management and implement the latest technology for running the operational activities of the organisation ASOS. For managing warehouse through GPS and ERP are necessary where suitable training and development program must be arranged for managing the suppliers and distributors so that they can implement the change efficiently and enhance the knowledge management practice successfully (Nowacki and Bachnik, 2016).

Managing budget:

Managing budget of implementing the necessary changes and technology for further knowledge management in the organisation ASOS is necessary, where investment on technology and training program will be helpful to support the employees for personal and professional development as well as give them an opportunity to improve their technical skill for handling the latest knowledge management practice. Utilising foreign investment and revenue of the firm in implementing the latest technology would be effective for ASOS to manage the implementation process successfully.

Developing organisational culture:

Developing suitable organisational culture is necessary where the leadership style should be supportive and directive. In this context, for managing the challenges of implementation of latest IT in ASOS, it is necessary to have supportive leader and managers who can cooperate and communicate with all the team members in the workplace for leading them towards achieving success. In addition to this, encouraging employee’s creativity and innovation and motivating the staff for cooperative working practice are beneficial to manage the workplace and implement the latest technology for knowledge management.


It can be concluded that, ASOS needs to develop effective strategic planning for knowledge management information system to run the business efficiently and maximise their competitive advantage through online activities. The latest technological change through implementing IT and updating the data base of the organisation would be beneficial for the organisation to support knowledge management activities and improve innovation and creativity for fulfilling the performance objective of the organisation.

Reference List

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  • Omotayo, F.O., 2015. Knowledge Management as an important tool in Organisational Management: A Review of Literature. Library Philosophy and Practice, 1(2015), pp.1-23.
  • Soto-Acosta, P. and Cegarra-Navarro, J.G., 2016. New ICTs for knowledge management in organizations. Journal of Knowledge Management, 20(3), pp.417-422.

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