Exploring Marketing Strategic Planning

Executive summary

Marketing strategic planning is important for the multinational corporate firms where the companies try to expand their business operations across the globe. The marketing planning can be conducted through different factors such as products, price, placing and promotion are effective to strategies the business and additionally. There are others factors of marketing such as people, process and physical evidence, which are also mandatory to promote the organisation and create good brand image in the market. The study is about exploring different marketing strategic planning though which the organisation is able to promote their products or services in the market and retain the clients for achieving the business objective. Whether you are exploring marketing strategies or seeking business dissertation help, understanding all these factors is said to be critical for success. Through this study, it is possible to evaluate the strategic planning of the institution Beckett's Dental Office so that it can secure future sustainable development. The mission of the institution is to maximise efficacy and productivity of the organisation in supporting the patients with high quality dental treatment and continuous support. The study also provides a scope to manage the marketing activities and propose the best marketing strategic planning to the organisation Beckett's Dental Office for maximising the revenue. Hence, evaluating the marketing strategic planning of Beckett's Dental Office and then analysing the tactics for suggesting better strategy to the firm or maximising organisational mission is possible through this study.


As per the findings in this study, Beckett's Dental Office is able to treat many patients who are satisfied with the dental care and treatment. It is the responsibility to ensure high quality care and continuous support to the patients, the findings also reveal that, the organisation is efficient to handle the patients and treat them with latest equipment and medicines, which further raise the price for their services. The quality standard of the institution is good where the patients are satisfied with the services and care which meet the personal requirement and health needs of the individuals. In this regard, it is necessary to improve the strategic planning and the study is effective to recommend some suitable suggestions for managing the activities of the institution in the market. As per the recommendations of the study, the promotional planning is mandatory where it is possible for the firm to promote their dental services to the patients, through social media promotion and website development, it is possible for the institution to expand their business and attract more individuals in the country. The promotional posts and simple content are effective for the organisation to strengthen their patient base and provide the best quality care. Process innovation through digitalisation of the institution is also another major tactics of the organisation through which it can renovate their services and ensure to deliver high standard services and dental treatment to all the patients. Hence, the organisation would be able to strategies their marketing practice and maximise the mission of the firm to be successful by delivering high quality dental treatment and continuous support to each patient.


The multinational corporate firms operate internationally through focussing on the best marketing strategic planning, where the organisations try to restructure the business operations and create good promotional strategic planning for further expansion of the brand. The major four marketing strategic planning of the organisations is such as products, price, placing and promotion (Hanlon, 2019). The product strategy is important to design the product portfolio and maintain the quality of the products, so that it is possible for the firms to manage their consumers and retain them for long run. On the other hand, pricing is also necessary factor for satisfying the consumers and on this regard, the organisations try to select the effective price which represent the products quality, quantity and reliability (Hollensen, 2019). Additionally, placing the products in the market place help the organisation to manage their position and serve the consumers in a better way. The organisations try to strengthen their supply chain and distribution network for managing their operations and gain high market share (Lim, 2020). Additionally, the promotional activities are important for the organisations to develop their position and promote the organisational products and services in the market so that it can attract the consumers. The aim of the study is to identify the organisational strategy of Beckett's Dental Office in managing their operation in the market and secure future sustainable development. The study also focuses on proposing the marketing strategic planning through which the organisation can maximise their revenue in long run. The marketing actives analysis and the suggested recommendations are mandatory in this study to identify the tactics for Beckett's Dental Office to maximise profitability and client care. The organisation Beckett's Dental Office is efficient to dental care institution, which is successful to manage their clients and provide high quality treatment and dental care.

Analysing the strategy of Beckett's Dental Office
Developing organisational strategy:

Beckett's Dental Office is a reputed dental care institution, with the vision to provide the best quality dental care services to all the patients (Moosavi Tabatabaei, Sadjadi and Makui, 2017). The leader is efficient to treat the patients with care and latest treatment as per the personal needs and health requirements (Gunawardane, 2020). The mission of the company is to provide superior dentistry in an efficient and profitable manner; where the organisation would be achieve high sustainable growth. The leader focuses on creating safety environment for the dental care and services so that the patients are feeling secured and come to the institution for getting the right treatment with latest equipment, quality care and continuous support. As per the marketing strategic planning, there are several factors through which the company can enhance their activities in the market and promote the organisational products and services in the market. In this regard, as per the marketing mix planning, the factors are such as product, price, placing, promotion, physical evidence, people and process. These are the major marketing factors through which the institution can promote their services of dental care in the market and attract the audiences in the institution for getting the best care and treatment according to their needs and preferences.

Performance management:

The organisation Beckett's Dental Office run their activities in the health and social care service industry where the leader focuses on maximising the productivity and performance of the staff in order to deliver efficient dental care and latest treatment to the patients, hence, the leader mainly focuses on the product strategy through which it is possible to ensure high quality services for the benefits of the patients, the leader takes care for all the patients coming there for treatment and it is possible to provide high quality dental care services and continuous support. Dr. Beckett focuses on differentiating her services as compared to other dental institutions available in California.

Quality control:

The quality care for the patients is good, where the front desk management team members are efficient to handle each patient with care. The patients are feeling comfortable at the premises and there is a hygiene factor, infection control activities which further provides safe environment for the patients, hence, it mainly focuses on restructuring the efficacy of their services for the patients to manage safety and security. In addition to this, they try to manage their physical evidence, where the environment of the premises is good, where there are neat and clean surface where the patients can wait for the dental care and services. Live plants and flowers are there at the building as well as soft music are playing in the background to create a friendly atmosphere where the patients can feel comfortable to wait and cooperate with the representatives for getting better services and dental treatment.

Physical evidence:

There are news are and magazines at the premise for the patients, who can read and spend their waiting time. Hence, through the facilities and equipment in the premises, it is successful to maintain physical evidence and promote their dental care services for the patients, through the service innovation and creativity in the physical evidences, Dr. Beckett is able to ensure high quality services for the patients. Technology is playing a crucial role in managing efficacy in the dental care services and in this regard, Dr. Beckett is efficient to implement the latest technology and equipment to provide high quality treatment and care to the patients. In this context, the price for the services of the services of Beckett's Dental Office becomes high, which is one of the major issues in the recent years to manage their position in the health and social care industry. The service personnel are also efficient to manage the patients, but the waiting time is too long, where the patient assessment and treatment become late. It is also another major issue that the organisation suffers through.

Client handling:

The strategic planning of front desk management, service quality maximisation and managing the patients in a systematic process are the major contributing factors for Beckett's Dental Office to secure future sustainable development. Beckett's Dental Office focuses on managing the safety factors of the patients as well as maximise the standard of the dental services with implementing the latest equipment in the organisation. Though this raises the price for the dental care services, the service standard is highest it ensures high quality services and continuous support to the patients where the patients are empowered in the institution and the management team are able to conduct patient’s assessment in order to acknowledge the actual needs and references of the individuals.

Creating good environment:

The internal environment and the process of handling the patients are good for the care home, the institution is successful to manage all the individuals and maintain their safety and security for maximising the wellbeing of each patient in the society. High cooperation and communication with the patients during the waiting time at the premises are also effective for the patients to feel comfortable and cooperate with the health care managers to get the best quality care and dental treatment. They are also cooperating with other nurses and staff to provide high quality dental care services and in this regard the process is conducted in a systematic process. There is neat and clean remises as well as the doctors, nurses and health care staff are wearing different uniforms in cheerful shades of pink, purple, and blue that matched the office decor.

Proposing tactics for increasing revenue

It is necessary for the institution Beckett's Dental Office to mitigate the challenges and run the organisation efficiently (Anning-Dorson, Tackie and Boadi, 2019). The marketing strategic planning is important for the institution to strategise their business activities and promote the dental care services in the market. The marketing tactics have several factors such as pricing strategy, distributing the services, promotional activities, staff management and process innovation (Opresnik, 2018). Other than that, the organisation is efficient to provide high quality dental care services to each patients as well as implement latest equipment for upgrading the treatment and medicine for the patients. The major strategic planning which would be proposed further for Beckett's Dental Office are explained below,

Promotional strategies:

Promotional strategies must be implemented in the organisation where the social media marketing strategy, television advertisement and billboards are mandatory. Through the social marketing strategic planning, the institution can engage the patients in the society, and share all the necessary information with the individuals. FaceBook page must be created and through which Beckett’s Dental Office can post different content and the new offers for the high quality dental care and services. Through simple content and innovative posts, it is possible for the institution to attract the individuals and influence them to come to Beckett's Dental Office for the best quality services. On the other hand, televisions advertisement is another strategy which is also necessary to be implemented in the institution. Beckett's Dental Office needs to invest in televisions advertisement to show the available treatment and services related to dental care, so that it would be possible for the institution to raise awareness among the individuals in the society and engage them with the organisational activities. Apart from televisions advisement, there are billboards ads which are also effective for Beckett's Dental Office to increase visibility and raise awareness among the individuals about different dental care services. Promotional activities through social media as well as the television advertisement are hereby beneficial for Beckett's Dental Office to maximise their revenue and secure future sustainable development.

Digitalisation of the dental care:

For digitalising the whole system, it is possible for the brand to develop technological innovation by ensuring digital data entry and management. It further helps to reduce the waiting time of the patients and the staff members can also handle the individuals in a systematic process (Anderson, Rayburn and Sierra, 2019). In this regard, Beckett's Dental Office must invest in the website development activity, where the firm can create a good company official website, with simple and creative content. The company must handle the customers through the online website, where there are different options for the customers to fix appointment with the doctors of Beckett's Dental Office. Additionally, the company must redesign the website by sharing all the necessary information about their services and treatment, health care cost, duration of treatment etc., through which it would be possible to engage the individuals with the organisation and make effective decision to maximise their standard of living.

Customer relationship management:

Through the online database management, the front desk managers and technical team can handle the patients and manage their appointments within effective time (Gilligan and Lowe, 2018). Moreover, there must be developed a consumer portal, where the customers can fulfil their queries through online support where the staff members of Beckett's Dental Office are efficient to provide 24*7 services to each patient. The structured system can be developed through the company official website where Beckett's Dental Office can ensure high quality services for the patients and secure future sustainable development. On the other hand, the company must update the individuals with latest news and dental care through sending personalise email to the patients, this creates bonding between the health care providers at Beckett's Dental Office and the patients in the society.

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Human resource management:

Apart from the above mentioned promotional tactics and website development, the company must focus on people management, so that the issue of employee turnover can be mitigated and the organisational would be able to maximise productivity of the firm (Harrison and Association of University Programs in Health Administration, 2016). Dr. Beckett mainly focuses on maximising the organisational productivity and efficacy in dental care services and in this regard the strategy of people management is one of the important strategies for Beckett's Dental Office to maximise revenue. The leader must provide monetary rewards to the staff including nurses, doctors, service providers and others who can earn more by working efficiently. Hence, performance related pay is important to manage the service providers so that they are motivated to perform better. On the other hand, protecting safety and security of the service providers is necessary to protect the staff. The leader also needs to provide freedom to work and flexibility, so that the nurses and doctors to choose the working hours for working efficiently. Providing training and development program to each staff is also mandatory for Beckett's Dental Office to enhance their performance and maximise productivity so that revenue of the institution can be maximised in long run.

Pricing strategy:

On the other hand, in the recent years, there is issue related to insurance, where the individuals do not get insurance coverage for the dental care services and it is necessary for the dental institution to maintain their cost of dental care services, so that the individuals can afford the services for maximising their wellbeing. In this regard, Beckett's Dental Office must focus on setting effective price for their quality dental care and treatment so that the patients can afford the services.


It can be concluded that, the organisation Beckett's Dental Office is efficient to strategies their operational practice to fulfil the mission of enhancing the quality standard of dental care and maximising the profitability of the organisation. Dr. Beckett is efficient to promote sustainable growth with high quality dental care services, where the design of the waiting rooms, whole premises of the institution, the high quality of dental treatment with latest equipment as well as continuous support are effective for the institution to achieve the future success. The organisation is also efficient to create good environment, where the patients can feel free to wait and cooperate with the health care managers for getting standard care and treatment, the patient’s assessment is also efficient where the leader tries to manage their quality and acknowledge the actual health needs. The major challenges of the organisation are high price for the dental care as well as long waiting time. The organisation has the capability to invest more in restructuring their operational activities and manage the brand image in the market. In this regard, as per the recommended suggestions, the organisation must focus on promotional strategic planning to increase brand visibility so that the actions can identify their services and choose the best care for dental treatment. The organisation needs to develop website and manage digital transformation to handle the patients with quality care. The organisation also must focus on social media marketing planning for engaging the patients and share the adequate information with the individuals for better management and care. The organisation also needs to manage the people at the workplace which is another major planning for maximising revenue of the institution by reducing employee turnover rate and enhancing the productivity of the employees. Through this strategic planning, the organisation Beckett's Dental Office would be able to maximise their revenue in long run by ensuring high quality dental care services and continuous support to each patient with latest medical equipment.

Reference List
  • Anderson, S., Rayburn, S.W. and Sierra, J.J., 2019. Future thinking: the role of marketing in healthcare. European Journal of Marketing, pp. 15-22.
  • Anning-Dorson, T., Tackie, N.N. and Boadi, M., 2019. Marketing in Healthcare Management. In Health Service Marketing Management in Africa (pp. 31-44). Productivity Press.
  • Gilligan, C. and Lowe, R., 2018. Marketing and healthcare organizations. London: CRC Press. . pp. 12-34.
  • Gunawardane, G., 2020. Modern Health Care Marketing. London: World Scientific. . pp. 29-57.
  • Hanlon, A., 2019. Digital marketing: strategic planning & integration. London: SAGE Publications Limited. . pp. 25-49.
  • Harrison, J.P. and Association of University Programs in Health Administration, 2016. Essentials of strategic planning in healthcare (Vol. 1). Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press. . pp. 22-45.
  • Hollensen, S., 2019. Marketing management: A relationship approach. London: Pearson Education. pp. 19-37.
  • Lim, W.M., 2020. A marketing mix typology for integrated care: the 10 Ps. Journal of Strategic Marketing, pp.1-17.
  • Moosavi Tabatabaei, S.R., Sadjadi, S.J. and Makui, A., 2017. Optimal pricing and marketing planning for deteriorating items. PloS one, 12(3), pp. e0172758.
  • Opresnik, M.O., 2018. Effective Social Media Marketing Planning–How to Develop a Digital Marketing Plan. In International Conference on Social Computing and Social Media (pp. 333-341). Springer, Cham.

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