Motivation Matters: Unraveling the Key Factors Influencing Organisational Performance


The research is related to identify the link between the employee’s motivation and the organisational performance, were the researcher aims at analysing and evaluating the benefits of employee motivation in the organisational context. Through analysing the relationship between the employee motivational activities and the organisational, it is possible to develop the study and fulfil the research aims and objectives. The paper focuses on developing effective aims and research objectives as well as hypothesis and research questions. Furthermore, developing the rationale of the research and the problem statement is mandatory to understand the research and develop suitable planning to progress in the study for fulfilling the research by analysing the above mentioned research topic. If you require business dissertation help, our team is going to provide the best expert guidance.

Rationale of the research

The research is important to analyse the impacts of employee motivation and human resource management practice in the organisations where it is playing a crucial role for the organisation to conduct their operational activities efficiently. In addition to this, the research provides a scope to identify different factors of employee motivation, where it is possible to identify the contributing factors and the organisational strategic planning to motivate and encourage the employees and lead them towards achieving future organisational success (Faisal Ahammad et al., 2015). In this regard, the study also aims to analyse the corporate objective and organisational strategic planning mainly in the retail sector across the globe, were the companies like Tesco, Walmart, Sainsbury’s, Lidl, Aldi ad Asda are the famous retail firm and the companies are operating across different international borders. It is hereby, important for them to manage their human resource through motivation and values creation for all the employees so that the firms can retain the efficient staff and improve their organisational performance in long run. In addition to this, the study is important for developing effective understanding between the organisational performance and the motivational activities where the organisations try to maximise the values for the employees and encourage them for long run (Kuranchie-Mensah and Amponsah-Tawiah, 2016).


In this regard, in order to identify the link between the employee motivation and the organisational performance, the study is appropriate, where it is possible to identify the factors that are important to encourage the staff in the organisation. Through this research paper, it is also possible for the companies to develop proper organisational strategic planning in order to create values for the staff and lead them, toward success by continuous motivation and encouraging their creativity and innovation. Hereby, the study provides a scope to analyse the factors contributing in the organisation to create values for the employees and the drivers that motivate the staff in the organisational workplace, where the companies can lead the employees successfully (Lăzăroiu, 2015). Hereby, the study is important to identify and acknowledge the corporate strategic planning of the retail firms across the globe, where it is necessary to maximise the employee’s values and motivation so that the employees can perform with their full potential as well as achieve the future sustainable organisational growth. the study also provides an opportunity to recommend some suggestions in the end of the research paper after proper analysis and evaluation of the data and information, which would be useful for the retail firms in operating in the market and improving their performance in long run by enhancing employee motivation and developing tactics to create values for all the employees.

Problem statement

In the recent era of globalisation, there is high labour migration from one place to another due to technological advancement and firm expansion across the globe where the labourers are replaced from one place to another for providing efficient services to the customers in different international market. In this regard, the employees are the major stakeholders who are important for the organisations to achieve future success through improving their performance and maximising their participation and contribution in the organisation. Hereby, it is the responsibility of the organisational leaders and the managers to maximise the values for all the employees so that they can lead them towards achieving success and improves their interest for working cooperatively. however, in the recent era of globalisation, the major issue for all the organisations are lack of strategic planning and poor management of the employees for which there is high rate of labour retrenchment and turnover, where the employees are not motivated in the organisation and they become less interested to work and contribute positively in achieving the organisational objectives in long run (Van Wingerden, Derks and Bakker, 2017). It in turn hampers the organisational growth and deteriorates the performance of the firm as the labourers are not willing to participate with their full potential in the organisation.

In the recent years, the retail firms across the globe are facing such problems due t lack of human resource management and poor strategies to motivate the employees, where the firms fail to create values for the employees, who are the major stakeholders to establish the business in the global retail industry (Hafeez, and Akbar, 2015). The companies like Lidl, Walmart, Aldi and Asda as well as Sainsbury’s face the issue of labour mismanagement where the labourers or the internal employees are not satisfied with the company rules and policies for the employment. In this regard, this becomes a major issue for the retail firm to manage the employees across the globe and create values for all the employees and thus it is necessary to analyse the impacts and drivers of employees in the organisation where this study provides a scope to evaluate the link between employee motivation and the organisational performance through which it is possible to identify and acknowledge the tactics of the retail firms developing the strategic planning for employee motivation in their organisational workplace.

Aims and objectives of the research

The aim of the research is to analyse the employee’s motivational factors and evaluate its impacts on the organisational performance. The objectives of the research will be discussed further.

To identify the factors of employee motivation

To analyse the benefits of employees motivation in the organisational context

To acknowledge the employee motivational strategic planning in the retail firms

To evaluate the impacts of employee motivation on the organisational performance of the retail firms

To recommend some suitable suggestions for improving employees motivating in the retail firms in near future

Research questions

The research questions are,

What the factors of employee motivation?

What are the benefits of employee’s motivation in the organisational context?

What are the employee motivational strategic planning in the retail firms?

What the impacts of employee motivation on the organisational performance of the retail firms?

What are the suitable recommended suggestions for improving employees motivating in the retail firms in near future?

Research hypothesis

H1: There is strong relationship between Empowerment and organisational performance in retail firms.

H2: There is a significant relationship between Leadership and organisational performance.

H3: There is positive link between promotional opportunities and organisational performance.

H4: There is statistically a significant relationship between Job enrichment and organisational performance.

H5: There is strong relationship between Rewards and organisational performance.

Through the data collection and data analysis, it is possible to analyse the above mentioned research topic by testing the hypothesis in order to evaluate the impacts of employee motivation on the organisational performance mainly in the retail firms across the globe.

Summary of the research

the research is useful to analyse the impacts of the employees motivation on the organisational performance and the study also provides a scope to suggest some recommendation for the retail firm to develop effective strategic planning for motivating the employees in long run so that the firms can retain strong and experienced workforce for the benefits of the organisation and performance enhancement. In this regard, the first chapter is introduction, where the research aims and objectives as well as questions and hypothesis will be formed. Additionally, the problem statement and rationale of the researcher will be there in order to develop the field of the research. In the second chapter, there will be proper literature review, where the researcher will discuss the information, theories ad practice after reviewing the existing literatures. The third chapter will be research methodology, where the researcher will select proper methods of conducting the research after collecting and analysing the correct and valid data and information. The first chapter will be data representations and the fifth chapter will be data findings and analysis. The sixth or the last chapter of the research will be conclusion and recommendations were the researcher will be able to draw effective conclusion and discuss the analysis for meeting the research objectives as well as it will provide a scope to recommend some suitable suggestions for the retail firms to develop proper strategic planning to motivate the employees for improving the organisational performance.

Literature review


the literature review is appropriate for reviewing the existing literatures where the theories, models and concepts of the research related topic will be explored and it further provides a scope to the researcher to develop in depth understanding about the research topic and gather more knowledge and experience so that it would be possible t collect reliable and valid data in future and analyse the research topic efficiently. In this regard, the discussion over the theories and models will be effective to understand the concept of the employee motivational activities in the organisations as well as the benefits of employee motivation in the context of organisational success. The research gap will be discussed in order to identify the gap and develop effective analysis to close the gap in near future.

Conceptual framework

Conceptual framework

Review of the literatures

Strategies of employee motivation:

The employees are the major internal stakeholders of the multinational companies and the performance of the staff members and employees are the major contributing factor to achieve the future organisational success and maximise the organisational aims and objectives. In this regard, the strategic planning of the human resource management is crucial for all the organisations to handle the workers and lead them towards achieving future success (Lăzăroiu, 2015). In addition to this, considering the business strategic planning, the organisations focus on the human resource planning, recruitment and selection of the candidates after proper screening and interview, induction process for sharing the working activities and organisational practice as well as the other factors such as organisational culture, structure of the firm, employee skill and policies are important to restructure the human resource management practice in the organisations (Kearney, 2018).

The Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is the model, where the employee motivational factors can be identifies and as per the model, there are five types of needs which are psychological needs, safety needs, love and belonging, esteem need and self actualisation, which are curial to be fulfilled for encouraging the employees to perform productively in the organisational workplace. It is necessary for the organisational leader to develop proper salary structure and give them incentives and rewards to fulfil their basic needs of food, shelter clothing and water (Derindag and Canakci, 2019). Apart from that, it is necessary to manage safety and security of the members so that they can work safely at the workplace. Developing strong corporate relationship with all he colleagues as well as senior management team and the organisational leader is effective motivate the employees and create values for them at the organisational workplace where they get proper assistance and support to perform and achieve more.

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

Self esteem needs means the feeling of accomplishment and the self actualisation includes the achievement in the organisational workplace through own creativity and innovation (Bratton and Gold, 2017). For fulfilling the self actualisation needs, the organisational leaders try to encourage the creativity of the employees and give them freedom work at the workplace as per their strategy and experience (Hollenbeck, and Jamieson, 2015).

As per the Herzberg’s theory of motivation, there are two factors which are responsible to motivate the employees and in this regard, the factors are motivational factors and the hygiene factors. The organisational leaders focus on hygiene factors by considering the working condition in the workplace, relationship with the co-workers, existing organisational policies and practice s well as supervisor quality and basic wage and salary which in turn provide a scope to the managers to manage the employees and motivate them for long run (Kuranchie-Mensah and Amponsah-Tawiah, 2016).

Herzberg’s two factor theory

Apart from that, for motivating the employees, the leader and the managers try to develop the tactics of creating sense of achievement, managing responsibility, working collaboratively, personal growth and incentives and compensations are effective to encourage the employees and led them towards achieving future organisational success (Osabiya, 2015).

Importance of employee motivation:

There are several benefits of employee motivation such as maximising the organisational performance, improving team working, sense of achievement, improving working condition, fulfilling the organisational aims and objectives as well as improving organisational values, creating string internal relationship among the relationship and improving cooperation and communication (Tolera, 2018). In this regard, the employee motivation is beneficial to develop strong relationship with all the staff members and maximise the needs of love and belongingness at the workplace, where the employees can improve their inert personal and emotional indigence skill. this practice in turn helps to conduct partnership working which maximises understanding about the working practice as well as improve the practice of working in the workplace, where all the member try to cooperate with each for better performance (Almatrooshi, Singh and Farouk, 2016). Hereby, the employee motivation is beneficial for the organisations to lead them towards achieving future success as well as improve job security and organisational culture, where the employees can work safely (Delery and Roumpi, 2017). Hereby, the working condition becomes favourable to the staff as well as the managers also can develop suitable organisational culture to support the workforce and lead those towards organisational success.

Importance of employee motivation

Apart from that, the employee motivation is mandatory to be managed in the organisational workplace, where relationship with the colleagues is developed and there is maximisation of the organisational values and policies which restructure the workforce successfully. The employee motivation is effective to maximise the interest of the members, where the employees become interested to perform with their full potential to contribute efficiently in the organisational success (Noe et al., 2017). The employees can be empowered well in the organisation and they are encouraged to show their creativity and innovation which in turn helps to enhance the organisational performance as well as maximise the organisational aims and objectives. Hereby, motivational activities of the employees in the workplace are beneficial for all the corporate multinational companies to create values for the staff members and lead them efficiently towards achieving future success, in which the employees try to contribute with their full potential and improved the organisational performance as a whole (Mwabu and Were, 2019).

Drivers of employee motivation:

The major drivers of employee motivation are such as,

Maximising employees values by managing health and safety of the employees

Giving them proper salary and wage

Restructuring the incentive and performance related pay

Creating suitable workplace to work

Developing cooperative learning and providing personal and professional development scope

Providing them freedom to work

Encouraging their creativity and innovation at the workplace

Managing transparency and accountability in the workplace

Proper empowerment of the employees in the decision making practice

Developing leadership role through continuous support and direction

Enhancing cooperation and communication

Developing string corporate relationship in the organisational workplace

Research gap

The researchers are important for this study where the journals and the books, as well as online articles are effective to improve in depth understanding about the practice of employee motivation and identifying the impacts of employee motivation on the organisational performance. The previous studies are important where the researcher is able to gather the existing concepts, theories and models related to employee motivation and the organisational performance. The theories ad models are effective for this study to analyse the research topic efficiently. However, there is lack of research related to the retail firms strategic planning, for which it becomes difficult for the researchers or the organisational representatives to improve their strategic tactic to improve employee motivation and create values for long run. The research in this regard would be beneficial to identify the corporate strategic planning in the retail organisations where the companies can develop proper strategic planning in long run in order to encourage the employees and improve their organisational performance further. In order to improve understanding about the real life examples and social theories of creating values for the employees, the study would be effective and it can resolve the gap where the researcher will discuss and recommend some suitable solutions for the retail firms to create values for the employees and motivate them for maximising the organisational performance successfully.

Summary of the literature

As per the literature review, it can be stated that, there is strong correlation between the employee motivation and the organisational performance, where the organisations can develop effective strategic planning for creating values for the employees and lead them towards achieving future organisational growth and development. In this regard, it is the responsibility of the organisations to motivate the employees and maximise their values in the organisational workplace so that their interest to work can be improved and they will be willing to perform better and contribute with their full potential in long run. In addition to this, there are different tactics such as rewards system, managing health and safety at the workplace as well as compensation and organisational culture are effective strategic planning for the organisations to improve employee motivation and encourage them to work efficiently to achieve the future organisational growth and development. It can be stated that, the employee motivational tactics in the organisational workplace are effective to retain the experienced employees for long run as well as improve their performance as a whole.

Employee motivation will also be beneficial for improving cooperative working practice, where the employees can perform better and contribute positively in achieving the future organisational growth and performance. Hereby, employee motivation is effective to maximise the corporate goal and objective of the firms where the performance of the organisational can be maximised well by encouraging the employees successfully in long run. in addition to this, there is different drivers which are playing crucial role in motivating the employees such as proper empowerment, sense of achievement, reward system and compensation, proper salary structure, organisational culture and partnership working practice, leadership roles and cooperation as well as management planning and employment rules, health and safety which are contributing factors in encouraging the employees innovation and creativity where the firms are able to maximise their performance and secure future sustainable development. Hereby, the employees are the major stakeholders to achieve organisational success and through employee motivation and encouraging their creativity, the firms are able to improve their performance and establish the brand successfully in the market across the globe.

Research methodology

Research methodology is the practice, where the researcher is trying to select the right methods for conducting the study efficiently. Through the research methodology, it is possible for the researcher to collect adequate data and information which are reliable and valid for the research study. In this paper, the research topic is related to the analysis of the effects of employee motivation on the organisational performance which emphasises mainly in the global retail sector. In this regard, choosing the right method for conducting the research is necessary for the researcher so that it is possible to collect the valid data and information and analyse the collected data efficiently to analyse the above mentioned research topic.

Research onion

Research onion is the practice where it provides all the research philosophy, design and approach as well as the practice of data collection and analysis method through which the researcher can choose the best possible method for progressing in the research paper.

Research philosophy

Research philosophy is necessary, where the researcher can select proper philosophy to conduct the study efficiently. There are three types of research philosophy which are realism, interpretivisim and the positivism technique. Through the realism method of research philosophy, it is possible to collect the data from the society and connect the findings with the reality. On the other hand interpretivism research philosophy is effective to conduct the analysis of the researcher as a social actor and on the other hand, the positivism Research philosophy is effective to progress in the study by proper analysis and evaluation of the people actions.

Research philosophy

In this research, the researcher selects the positivism Research philosophy, were it is possible to collect valid data and information where the researcher can analyse the gathered data through implementing the social norms and socialisation process. The actual data can be gathered through applying the positivism Research philosophy, which in turn provides a scope to conduct the study with in depth analysis and evaluation of the research topic successfully.

Research approach

As per the research approach, there are two types of approach which are inductive and deductive. As per the inductive process, the observation, research question and collection of the empirical data are used to generate hypotheses and the theory. On the other hand, the deductive approach is beneficial to begin with the existing theory and practice to guide the data collection and analysis technique in the research. In the inductive manner, the theory is developed on the basis of the data analysis and findings. However, in the deductive approach, the theory is utilised to analyse the gathered data and information.

Research approach

In the present research of analysing the impacts of employee motivation on the organisational performance, the deductive approach of the research is beneficial and the researcher selects the deductive approach in this study in order to analyse the hypothesis and research questions on the basis of the gathered theory and practice. Through the literature review, it is possible to collect the secondary information and theories and practice which would be beneficial for the research to analyse the further gathered data and findings in order to fulfil the research aims and objectives in the study.

Data collection method

Considering the data collection method, there are two types of method of collecting the valid and reliable data and information which are primary and secondary (Mackey and Gass, 2015). In the primary data collection method, the researcher is bound to collect and gather the first hand information and data which are crucial to analyse the above mentioned research topic. On the other hand, under the secondary data collection method, the researcher collects the information and data from the secondary sources of information.

Data collection method

In the present study, the researcher selects both the technique of collecting data which are primary and secondary data collection method, through which it is possible to gather wide range of data and information for successful analysis of the research topic and fulfilling the research objectives as well. In this particular research, the researcher aims at collecting the secondary sources of information from reviewing the journals, online articles, books, business letters and new papers which are crucial to collect the secondary information that includes the theories and models related to the research topic as well as organisational practice of managing employee motivation and organisational performance. On the other hand, the primary data collection method is also allowed in this research, where the researcher gathers the primary data directly from the organisational representatives, where the researcher will conduct the survey and interview for collecting the primary data for analysing the research topic successfully. Both the survey and the interview practice will be applied in this research paper in order to collect the valid data directly from the respondents. Through the survey, it is possible to collect the actual data from the employees and the interview with the managers of the human resource department of the retail firms will be effective to collect in depth information related to the internal practice of the organisations to improve their employee’s motivation and organisational performance.

Research sampling

Research sampling is necessary where the researcher collects primary data through bit the survey questionnaire are and the interview process. The researcher will develop survey questionnaire and distribute the questionnaire among the employees of the retail firms. In his regard, random sampling technique is applied ad the researcher aims at collecting the genuine feedback from the employees who are playing crucial role and who are the major stakeholder behind achieving the organisational success. Hereby, the survey questionnaire is effective for the researcher to collect adequate and valid data directly from the organisational staff. in this context, the researchers considers 50 employees to conduct the survey and make the survey successfully engaging with the respondents so that proper data and information can be gathered well for further analysis of the research topic. On the other hand, the researcher will arrange the interview with the manager of the human resource department of the retail firms. In this regard, the researcher will consider 5 managers from the retail firms who are knowledgeable and efficient to provide appropriate answers to the interview questions. The interview questions also will be arranged to inspire the human resource managers so that they can become interested to participate in the interview and share their feedback genuinely in order to improve understanding about the organisational practice to motivate the employees. Through the sampling technique and the process of collecting the primary data is hereby beneficial for the researcher to concept appropriate data and information directly from the organisational representatives which further will provide a scope to analyse the above mentioned research topic efficiently to fulfil the research aims and objectives.

Data analysis technique

Data analysis is necessary after proper data collection method, where there are two types of data analysis technique which are quantitative and qualitative data analysis (Kumar, 2019). The quantitative data analysis is mainly when the researcher identifies the correlation coefficient between the dependent and independent variables as well as conduct SPSS Analysis for better analysis of the gathered data. On the other hand, the qualitative data analysis is when the researcher analyse the collected data on the basis of existing theories and models and concept to draw proper conclusion on the findings.

Data analysis technique

In this particular researcher, the researcher utilised mixed method by considering both the quantitative and qualitative research method, where the survey data will be analysed through quantitative data analysis method and on the other hand, the data, collected from interview method, will be analysed through qualitative data analysis method. The researcher will analyse the survey data on the basis of identifying the correlation coefficient between the factors which is quantitative data analysis technique. On the other hand, the researcher will select qualitative data analysis technique where the data gathered through the interview directly from the organisational human resource managers will be analysed on the basis of existing theories and practice. Hereby, the researcher considers mixed method through applying both the quantitative and qualitative data analysis technique in the particular research.

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Ethics, validity and reliability

Ethical perspective as well as reliability and validity of the research are necessary to be considered while conducting the academic research. In this regard, research ethics must be mentioned to complete the study ethically and without any ethical issues. The researcher tries to convince the participants rather than forcing them to take active participation in the research survey. The respondents can participate as per their understanding and interest and the researcher never forces them to participate in the survey method. The researcher also tries to ensure the data protection activity where the research convinces the respondents to take active participation and ensure that the data will be protected and kept secured under the Data Protection Act 1998. This is effective for improving trust and loyalty and it further provides a scope to build string relationship with the respondent and engage them positively in the research practice. in addition o this, the validity and reliability of the data will be maintained where the researcher convince the people to provide genuine answers and they can share proper information safely as their identity will not be revealed in front of others. apart from that, the researchers also convinces the managers for arranging the telephonic interview process and politeness, integrity and open discussion further help to build string relationship where the cooperation of the managers are there for completing the interview process successfully. Hereby, the researcher is able to maintain the ethical code of conduct to progress in the researcher more ethically and compete it successfully by proper data collection and analysis technique.

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Reference List

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