Organizational Culture and Team Dynamics


The organisations in the recent era of globalisation are working with variety of people to achieve common goals and the behaviour of the people is different to each other for multiple reasons. The corporate firms have proper structure and different departments to achieve the organisational goals and the people need to be cooperative to work together for fulfilling its aims and objectives. Hereby, the organisational culture or the corporate culture includes experience, attitude, beliefs and values where the norms and strategic planning of the businesses are effective for the people to follow a suitable step to achieve the common goal of the team. It is necessary or the people to interact with others where organisational values and beliefs can be maximised and in this regard, all the stakeholders are playing crucial role in running the operational activities of the firms. in addition to this, the behaviour of the organisational leader as well as the attitude of the employees are plating important role in running the operational activities where the organisational values and culture are helpful to develop the organisational norms and guidelines in particular situation and control the behaviour of the organisational members are also necessary to create a good team and achieve the pre specified organisational objectives. The social factors, behaviour and inter personal skill of the employees are playing crucial role in order to develop the organisational culture, where the organisational leader, manager and employees are the significant sub system of the society. Organisational culture is one of the effective competitive advantages, where the companies can lead the corporations efficiently to meet the aims and objectives of the firm. Evidence showing that, true organisational culture is effective to fulfil the values of the stakeholders including the customers, employee, shareholders, managers, employees, government, suppliers and distributor as well as the social communities as a whole. Strong culture enhances continuous growth and development of the firms how the organisations can secure future sustainable development where the entire member can cooperate and communicate with each other positively to work together and maximise the organisational performance and values in the market. Management scholars and consultants of the firms believe that diversity in the organisational culture can have serious impacts on the organisational performance and thus the study focuses on discussing and developing the organisational culture which is playing crucial role in the recent years to enhance the organisational performance and achieve future goals of the firms.


Background of the organisational culture

The total management team and the leader focus on developing a suitable organisational culture where the people are managed well to achieve future success. The culture is carried out in the form of language, myths, artefacts and ideologies and it provides an opportunity to enhance shared meaning at the workplace where all the employees can interact with each other and achieve future success sustainably. Cultural knowledge and inter personal skill of the people are effective where the people try to cooperate with others and contribute positively to develop appropriate organisational culture. Through identity and power, the organisations can develop suitable culture, where development of suitable culture enhance the chance of interactions between the organisational leader and individuals employees which in turn helps o enhance positive internal and external environment, where the organisation can run their operational activities successfully. The founder of the organisation is the great influence of developing he culture, where the heterogeneous nature of work is effective to enhance the working activities in which the employees try to develop appropriate team for better performance. Culture is considered to be informal guidelines and form a special agreement to work with others at the same workplace, where the organisational leaders aim to develop suitable culture through reward and punishment to handle the workforce successfully. Generalise symbols, rituals; beliefs and ideology further enhance the practice of developing effective organisational culture where the organisational structure, preferences, control system, human resource management and reward system are managed well. All the stakeholders are trying to cooperate in developing suitable organisational culture, where establishment of the project management, functional hierarchy, leadership style and behaviour of the stakeholders are contributing factors in developing suitable organisational culture. Hereby the organisational culture is known as nurturing the self sustaining forces and it is effective for developing successful behaviour where sources of power and leadership practice are formed well at the organisational workplace.

Framework to understand organisational culture

The structural level analysis, it is found that, culture is a learned process and group experience where all the employees and other stakeholders such as leader, managers and internal staff contribute positively to enhance the internal culture of the organisation. Through sharing the experience, influencing the leadership style and cooperation, the organisational culture can be developed well. Over the time, developing organisational culture is challenging for the organisational leader due to differences in culture, diversity in knowledge and language among the employees and other issues such as resistance to change and lack of underlying and internal conflicts, for which it becomes difficult for the organisational leader to develop suitable organisational culture at the organisational workplace. The phenomenon of developing organisational culture is important for all the stakeholders, engaged with the companies and it is essential to improve the organisational performance as a whole. The organisational culture is totally related to the individual culture of the leader needs to manage the employees and their perception to create a binding among the staff within the workplace. Hereby, the organisational culture is closely related to the values, norms, ethics, artefacts and the behaviour of the employees. All the factors have necessary contribution on developing and creating the organisational culture as a whole. There are some activities and system which are also effective to develop the organisational culture which are values on competition, services, laws, profession’s internal bindings, stories and society which are playing curial role in developing effective organisational culture. In this process, for developing the values and norms, there are other factors which are also necessary for developing the organisational culture and the factors are such as time management, facilities in the firm, people and output and values of each of the members. These activities and factors are crucial to form a suitable organisational culture. On the other hand, the organisational culture also depends on the organisational activities, operations, behaviour of the members, technologies, reward technique and punishment, products and services, organisational image and strategies and these are effective to develop suitable organisational culture where the leader can manage the workforce and lead the employees towards achieving success. The suitable organisational culture important to develop proper internal behaviour, motivate the team members and enhance the performance of the firm as a whole. It is also effective to run the operational activities efficiently as well as creating proper solutions through processing the adequate information and developing internal relationship. Hereby, the organisational culture is effective for the leader and the management etam to improe the internal binding and develops string corporate relationship in order to achieve future success. Additionally, the organisational culture has influential role on enhancing the activities of strategic development, merger and acquisition of the firms, enhancing communication and cooperation in the organisational context which in turn provides an opportunity to mitigate the organisational conflicts and gain which competitive advantage over other competitive firms in the market. Hereby, the organisational culture enhances the activities of expansion of the brands, managing social relationship, enhance market share and performance and manage the people at the workplace successfully. the growing activities of the internationalisation of procurement, project based arrangements, contractual agreements and joint venture, it is necessary for the organisations to focus on developing suitable organisational culture which is crucial for the inter firm collaboration, which is also necessary to achieve future success. In this case, it is necessary for the organisation to manage and develop organisational culture, where all the brands can work with other in the market with more cooperation and communication so that the leaders can handle the stakeholders and achieve future success efficiently. There exists different cultural diversity and misunderstanding among the employees and also the new comers in the company, where they need proper training and development program to develop their values and beliefs at the firm so that all the members can contribute positively to develop suitable organisational culture at the workplace. Lack of common cultural knowledge and language differences may raise issues to develop the organisational culture and in this regard, it is necessary for the management team to develop cultural training to enhance the values and beliefs to manage the culture at the organisational workplace.

Characteristics of organisational culture

There are certain characteristics of the organisational culture, where there is significant influence of the attitude and behaviours to reshape the organisational culture. There are ten characteristics of the organisational culture, which will be discussed further.

Control: proper rules and regulations and direct supervision of the leaders and managers are effective to control the workforce at the organisation.

Support: support is also necessary, where the managers and the leaders support and direct the employees in the organisational workplace through enhancing more in depth communication and cooperation.

Communication pattern: the communication pattern is another effective characteristic of organisational culture where it is necessary for the firms to enhance the degree of organisational communication so that it is possible to maintain hierarchy of the organisational structure and develop binding among the stakeholders.

Conflicts tolerance: the degree of tolerating the conflict in the internal environment is important where the employees are encouraged to raise voice about the internal conflicts and personal perspectives so that the managers and the leaders an managed them in long run.

Director: directing the situation in the internal organisational workplace is necessary where the leaders manage the degree of managing the organisational objective and enhancing the performance through developing suitable organisational culture.

Integration: the degree of encouraging cooperation and collaboration manage the team members contribute positively in developing the organisational culture, where the leaders and the managers enhance the degree of cooperation so that it is possible to develop partnership working practice at the workplace.

Reward system: the reward management system is another necessary factor which contributes positively to manage the organisational culture where the activities of promotion, salary increase as per the employee’s performance reflect seniority and favours at the workplace.

Risk tolerance: the degree of tolerating the risk and encouraging the aggressive, innovative and risk seeking behaviour at the workplace is also crucial or reshape the organisational culture.

Individual initiative: responsibility, freedom and independence are necessary where the individuals can enjoy the individual initiative at the workplace and it further enhances them to build suitable organisational culture.

These are the major organisational culture, where string culture enhances the employee’s performance at the organisational context and it has direct impact on the organisational turnover. The more members who accept the organisational values and beliefs as well as contribute positively in the organisation, the stronger the value of the organisation and development of the organisational culture can be possible.

Functions of organisational culture

1. Basic functions of organisational culture

The organisational culture is a shared way of perceiving life where the members in the organisational workplace are together and they try o influence their working working practice positively to achieve future organisational goals. In this process, the organisational culture fulfils the four functions which are, It facilitates the internal commitment towards all its stakeholders where the common purpose is shard and the commitment is fulfilled properly. It also reshapes the behavioural perspectives of the individuals, working in the organisational and in this regard, the v develops shared meaning among the workers where all the embers try to behave ethically at the workplace. The organisational culture gives the members an organisational identity which includes sharing norms, the beliefs and values as well as perception where the people have the sense of togetherness at the workplace and they try to contribute as a team to achieve future organisational gaol. The suitable organisational culture promotes stability at the workplace where the shared senesce and commitment, own identity and bonding further encourages the staff to cooperate and maintain stable performance as a whole through integration and enhancing communication.

2. Core functions of the organisations

There are several functional definitions which are useful to understand the necessity and the factors contributing in developing the organisational culture, which are, The organisational culture provides shared pattern of cognitive perceptions in which the organisational members are expected to act and think ethically. The organisational culture also maintains the boundaries and allows the deification of the members at the organisational workplace. It controls the overall organisational system and prescribes and prohibits the certain behaviours at the workplace. Shared pattern of emotional sense of involvement and commitment toward each other are also effective in which the organisational culture is suitable for the workforce to improve the values and moral code of ethics which in turn provides a scope to create organisational values. The above mentioned functions of the organisational culture are crucial to reshape the functions and improve the behaviour of the members by shaping the members, ignitions an perceptions of meaning and realities as well as identifying the belonging and relationship at the workplace, providing mobilising energy and organisational resources.

Purpose and sources of organisational culture

The purposes of the organisational culture are such as,

To understand the importance of strengthening the organisational culture at the workplace

To understand the fact that the organisational culture is relatively unique and it is necessary for enhancing counters culture

The sources of organisational culture are also necessary which contribute positively in creating and developing the suitable culture at the organisation. The sources are such as,

The beliefs and values as well as basic assumptions of the leaders and the management team who influence the members to cooperate for developing the organisational culture

The nature business and environment of the organisation are other determinants of creating and developing attractive organisational culture which contributes positively to achieve future goals and objectives.

Benefits of organisational culture

The cultural audit is important for the organisation to establish suitable working practice at the workplace, where the members can cooperate and communicate with each other for better performance. Suitable organisational culture is effective to resolve the issue of cultural barriers and internal conflicts, and it enhances the activities at the organisational workplace where the organisational members can communicate and share their values and beliefs to work cooperatively. The senior team management and leader can lad the employees towards achieving success where the members are cooperative and collaborative with all the colleagues for better performance. In addition to this, the organisational culture is efficient to create smooth operational activities and develop proper strategic planning through which the employees and other stakeholders and follow a suitable path for better performance and fulfilling the organisational aims and objective strategically. It has also positive effects on the employee morale and it enhances the activities where the employees can collaborate with each other and share their knowledge and experience for better performance. High performance culture is efficient to create suitable environment where the members can understand commitment and get support from the senior management team to enhance the organisational performance as a whole. Cultural audit in the organisation is beneficial to raise awareness about the corporate culture and it provides an opportunity to all the stakeholder including the employees, shareholder and internal management team to follow suitable culture that help to enhance the organisational performance. It further helps to develop string binding in which the employees are trying to enhance their cooperation and develop- team building activities which in turn contributes positively in the workplace in which the members are working as a partnership basis and maximise the values of the organisation as a whole. The cultural strength is hereby effective for enhancing the business opportunities where the members can grab the future market opportunities to have proper joint venture and merger and acquisition for successful expansion of the business. Through developing suitable organisational culture, it is possible for all the corporate firms to gain high competitive advantage and secure future sustainable development through running their operational activities strategically.

Cultural alignment

The key objective of conducting proper cultural audit is to improve the alignment through which it is possible to change the internal organisational environment and develop the organisational strategic planning, system and culture to achieve futures cess. There is strong relationship between the organisational culture and the external environment where the companies are performing. People in the organisations invest their values and beliefs in the organisation to improve understanding about the cultural perspective of the organisation and it further helps to create a reality where every member can work successfully. This mechanism is effective to create high performance culture where as per the classical organisational development (OD), there are three steps unfreeze, and change and refreeze through which the organisational culture can be developed even in the change management technique. Through the theory of organisational development, the leader can develop strong relationship with the members and it is possible to convince the employees and leads them towards achieving future success through providing training, supporting and directing them as well as empowering them in the organisation. This in turn helps to improve trust and loyalty in the organisational context where the suitable organisational culture can be developed well.

Elements organisational culture

Organisational culture is effective to provide proper identity of the members and it has certain elements which are taking vital part in achieving the organisational aims and objective in near future. For understanding the elements of organisational culture, it is necessary to acknowledge the perception of the employees at the workplace, where the members are following all the policies and practice to have ethically. The elements of developing suitable organisational culture are such as,

Stability: it is valuable in the organisational context to be managed will in the workplace for stable performance, making the scenario predictable and developing rule oriented environment

Orientation to the people: it provides a scope to be fair and supportive and show respect towards the colleagues and theses initiatives and behaviour are effective for the employees to fulfil the individual rights in the organisation.

Easy going-ness: it creates a working atmosphere with relaxation and laid back.

Innovation: which provides a scope to the organisation to be creative and generate new ideas in a more innovative way.

Result orientation: this is necessary for achieving the desired result in the organisation, where organisational support and resources as well as organisational culture are contributing factors for developing result oriented strategy.

Attention: attention is also effective to be concerned to each other and maximise the analytical practice at the workplace for achieving future success.

Collaborative: it opposes to individuality where the members are encouraged to be cooperative and communicative to contribute positively in developing suitable organisational culture.

These elements are appropriate to create the suitable organisational culture which is effective to enhance the internal values, language, organisational rituals, beliefs and organisational myths so that every member can feel valued at the organisational workplace. These elements are effective to reshape the values and behaviour of the members at the workplace and it further contributes positively to improve the organisational performance by shared perception, thoughts and feelings where the members can cooperative and communicate while working together.

(a) Language:

Language is one of the most important central aspects of the organisational culture where this includes the socialised vocabulary, jargon and the symbols which can be represented among the organisational members. It is the sing of the history where in the organisational context; communication is necessary where the language is playing a crucial role for the employees to interact with others. As per the language, the values, behavioural expectations, common experience and self image are also inert linked with each other.

(b) Values:

Values are another important factor in describing the organisational culture where the values indicate the model of conduct and the end state of existence where the personal and social preferences are there. General standard of competence and morality in the organisation are determined by the attitude, behaviour, judgements and comparisons where the people are trying to show respect and positive attitude at the organisation to adopt the organisational values and merge own values and belief for better performance. The values provide proper assumptions about the organisational activities, where determination of the organisational goals and ethical principles can be acknowledged successfully. Values are shared with all the groups of people in the organisation which is effective to run the business sustainably.

(c) Behaviour:

Another component is behaviour, where the behaviour is necessary to conduct the programmatic and routines activities in everyday basis in the organisation context to achieve the organisational gaol and objectives. The appropriate behaviour is shared through the organisational norms and practice as well as knowledge and rues through which the members can understand its behaviour and therefore it is a part of collective consciousness to enhance the directed forces performing better by developing effective organisational culture. There are different expectations of the leader regarding the performance and the expectations depend on the task interdependence, vision of the firms and behavioural norms which are effective for running the organisations sustainably. The organisational behaviour is hereby important factor to structure the social reality and make necessary participation in the activities reinforcing individual membership in the workplace for maximising the shared experience and incorporating positive working culture.

(d) Stories and legends:

The organisational culture also includes the folk talk, myths and organisational legends which is also effective to share the stories on the members at the workplace and it is also another organisational socialisation process where sharing and communicating the organisational legends is beneficial to develop suitable corporate culture in near future. Through hearing the stories, the members can acknowledge the myths and cultural activities of the organisation which in turn helps to understand the symbol and stories of the firms. Communicating the organisational experience and providing proper method of communication in the organisational workplace are also necessary to create positive working culture. Additionally, there is detailed narrative about the stories; heroes and villain, achievements and events related to the organisation which also provides as cope to all the organisational members to gather information about the history of the firms and it further enhance the skill and experience of the members where they can acknowledge the suitable culture of the firms. by studying the stories and behaviours, the members can understand the organisational culture and they try to enhance their contribution in managing the culture and working positively with their full potential to maximise the organisational performance. There are four types of organisational stories which are personal stories of the individuals, corporate stories representing the ideology of the organisations as well as stories about the organisational facts and history and collegial stories for sharing the other members of the organisations. Hereby, through the stories as well as sharing the values and beliefs of the organisation, it is possible for the organisational leaders to manage the members and lead them towards success where the members can acknowledge the organisational culture and contribute positively for better performance.

Communicating organisational culture

There are different ways to communicate the organisational culture and it is necessary to communicate the so that it is possible for the organisations to perform better and identify the corporate culture of the firms. in this regard, through the informal interpersonal network, the corporate culture of the organisation can be communicated as it is emergent property of developing inter personal interactions, through the interactions, it is possible to understand the language of the people at the workplace as well as understand the stories and legends, values and ethics, observed rites and rituals which are important to restructure the organisational culture in the workplace. In addition to this, there is both the verbal ad non-verbal communication through which it is possible for the workers to communicate about the organisational culture in the workplace and it is necessary for gathering cultural information in the workplace. Informal written communication through the annual reports, statement of the corporate philosophy, official policy messages, house-organs and memos are also other to interact about the organisational culture among the members at the organisation. The culture of the organisation is must to communicate by the sources of external to the organisation where the advertisement media, print media and electronic database provide necessary information about the organisational culture. Through discussion the organisational culture, it is possible from the leaders to share the information about the values and ethics of the firm as well as the beliefs and practice through which the leaders lead the organisation for long run. The information about the products and services as well as announcement of the new initiative of the organisation is also communicated with the public and the stakeholders of the firm so that everybody can understand and the organisational culture in particular organisation. This in turn helps to enhance the interpersonal relationship with the organisational members and the public were two way conversation can be built in which the buyers and the organisational representatives can be interact with each other for better understanding. The customers and the suppliers can reinforce the organisational culture and the organisation can provide good corporate cultural image in the market.

Types of organisational culture

There are different types of organisational culture which are discussed further.

Achievement: it is based on the competence with the dominant values such as success, distinction and growth.

Support: it is dependent on the relationship where the evaluate maturity as well as service and integrations are managed well.

Power: the strengths in the power depend on the values which are directions, determination and decisiveness.

Role: Role is based on the strengths, structure and systems whose values are order, stability and control.

The above mentioned four cultures have proper statement, limitations and strengths which can create the organisational attitude or damage the individuals or the organisations. The organisational culture is effective to improve the leadership style at the workplace, where the power culture and charismatic leadership style can be developed well. The strength of power culture is also there to maximise individual’s efforts and develops vision of the leader to enable the organisation for achieving future success. the organisation in this regard can take effective decision for addressing quick market change and create innovative tactics for grabbing the future market opportunities. There are different cultural elements and types through which the organisational culture can be developed well and in this regard, sub culture also plays a crucial role in developing the culture in the organisation reflecting particular nature of the culture and organisational attitude. The cultural types and corporate culture further helps to empower the people in the organisation where the eldership style is also another important component to develop trust and loyalty among the team members at the workplace. The role of the organisational culture is to empower the people properly in particular taka and organisational activities so that every people can have the opportunity to perform and get proper rewards and punishment as per their contributors and working activities. The organisational excellence and improvement of the organisational performance can be ensured through developing suitable organisational culture in the workplace. In such a scenario, the idealistic stereotype of the culture and energetic employees are effective factor to achieve suitable organisational culture where the strong decisiveness, focused leadership style and power of the culture are beneficial at the workplace to enhance the contribution of ach of the embers in developing suitable organisational behaviour and culture in long run. At the same time, the organisational leadership style is related to supporting the people by cooperation, taking care, respecting each other, enhancing communication. Responsive behaviour and positive attitude which are also contributing factors in developing smooth organisational culture in near future. The characteristics of the supported culture and the role of the culture’s reliable, rational and systematic process are so effective for the organisations to achieve more and create values such as flexibility, and discretion versus control and stability. The values of the organisation depend on the internal maintenance and integration versus the external positioning and differentiation. The four cultural types can be emerged with the clan, adhocracy, hierarchy and market cultures. In the clean culture, the leader is the mentor and facilitator where there is effective criteria to manage the team and support and direct them in long run to develop the morale and human resources. The leader is also the innovator to enhance the creativity in the workplace as well as act as entrepreneur and visionary for gaining advantage in the cutting edge of technological advancement, creativity and growth. In the management and leadership, the organisation needs to focus on managing the workplace and functioning in order to enhance the growth and organisational development. In the market culture, the leader is acting as hard driver, competitor and producer which develop effective strategic planning to achieve future sustainable development.

Three cognitive levels of organisational culture

Organisational culture is the most difficult factor which as crucial impacts on the organisational activities, where the attributes to change, outlasting, founders. Management, organisational products and services as well as leadership are managed well. Hereby, it is important for the organisations to focus on development of the suitable organisational culture in order to illuminate the three levels of cognitive organisational culture. At the first level of Schein’s model, organisational attributes are felt and heard the initiated observers. The inclusion of the facilities, offices, furnishing and visible awards and recognitions are playing crucial role in developing the organisational culture. The next level is dealt with the professed culture of the organisation, where the company slogans, mission and vision statement as well as the operational strategies are expressed well so that the local and personal values can be maximised. The third level of the model is organisational tactics and assumptions which are found for expanding the business successfully where the elements of the organisational culture can be enhanced with enhancing cooperation among the members of the organisations. These are the elements of the organisational culture, which discusses the activities about the internal functions and culture of the firms. Knowledge of the members and sufficient experience and understanding are appropriate to develop the suitable organisational culture, where the survey and interview as well as open discussion are effective to draw the tactics of developing proper working place with suitable organisational circumstances. Culture is the driving element of the organisational behaviour, where the moral standard and professional rules and tactics are helpful to develop suitable culture as per the organisational activities hierarchy of the structure. Organisational culture and strategic planning need to be communicated with the members where the new comers can understand the organisational behaviour and attitude to work with the colleges sustainably. Hereby, the underlying proper tactics and organisational culture are effective to achieve the future organisational goals and objectives here the employees can contribute positively and enhance their performance through improving partnership working practice and communication. Interpersonal relationship can be developed through these activities where the organisational culture can enhance the desired change in the workplace.

Dimensions of the organisational culture

1. Dimension of national and organisational culture:

The national culture is concerned with the values and beliefs and the organisational culture is concerned with the practice of the organisations, take place in the workplace and hereby as per Hofstede’s six dimension culture is effective to analyse the organisational culture where it is possible to understand the ways o develop suitable culture to develop an effective workplace and enhance the performance of the firms as a whole.

Process oriented versus result oriented, where the organisations are concerned with the internal process and the goals or the result of the organisations. In this regard, the people try to develop the suitable process by contributing positively in the process and contributing in the organisational task and responsibilities successfully.

Employee oriented versus job oriented, where the organisations are concerned about the people as opposed to completing the job successfully within adequate timing. Hereby, people are important to make the organisational decisions as well as the people are the major stakeholders to run the operational activities of the firms and thus it is beneficial for the companies to focus on employees oriented so that it is easy to maximise the preferences of the people and apart from that it is also necessary to get the job done within the workplace within proper timing.

Parochial versus professional, in which the employee identity in the organisations as opposed to the type of job is mandatory and the parochial employee see the organisation as the extension of their home life where suitable culture of the organisation is beneficial to manage the workforce and lead the team members towards achieving the future success.

Open system versus closed system, in which the open system is considered where the organisation is open to welcome the new comers and the outsiders in the workplace, and this dimension contributes positively in enhancing the communication and cooperation among the employees, where every employees are treated fairly at the organisations.

Lose control versus tight control, in which the loose environment, the individuals are not concerned about the cost and time and the jobs are the frequent. But in the tight control, the jobs are under proper supervises on where the leader direct and support the individuals by maintaining proper organisational structural hierarchy.

Normative versus pragmatic, in which the deals of notion towards customer orientation can be evaluated. In the pragmatic units, the market drive emphasise is there and in the normative units, the organisational processes are more important as compared to the results.

As per the above dimensions, the first, third, fifth and sixth dimensions are important to develop proper understanding about the industrial culture which is related to the type of the working process in the organisational context. The values and organisational beliefs can be maximised through following the dimensions which is also effective for understanding the process of developing smooth organisational culture in near future. For the dominant culture characteristics, it is necessary to evaluate the cultural dimension so that the characteristics of the organisational culture can be examined further.

Dominant: the degree of teamwork and the sense of the belonging and love at the workplace as well as the level of creativity and innovation, focusing on goals and objectives and reliance upon the system and emphasise on efficiency of the organisation are examined to develop suitable organisational culture in the workplace.

Organisational leadership: it is another one factor which contributes positively in developing smooth organisational culture, where the role of mentoring, supporting, directing, innovator, broker, coordinator, monitor and facilitator are important for the leader to manage the people at the organisation and develop suitable working circumstances or working in near future and achieving future sustainable goals and objectives.

Organisational glue: it is a bonding mechanism through which it is possible to develop an effective team with cohesion and teamwork, loyalty and commitment, entrepreneurship and flexibility at the workplace as well as proper rules and legislations, goal oriented practice and competitiveness.

Management of the employees: it is necessary to manage the workforce where the employees must be treated fairly with degree of consultation, participation and consensus in a sustainable and suitable environment to work positively.

Criteria for success: it is beneficial to measure the criteria for achieving the future success of the organisation, in which the organisations get reward in the form of profitability and high sales volume, high market share and penetration of the new market, sensitivity of the customers, concerned about the people, development of the new products and services in the market as well as maintaining optimum cost and strengthening the operational efficiency in the organisation.

Strategic emphasis: the organisational strategy drives the long term development of the human resource and organisational capital which are important to run the organisational operational activities. It further contributes positively to enhance innovation and creativity of the firms, maintain stability and gain competitive advantage through growth and acquisition so that the firm scan secure future sustainable development.

2. Generic dimensions of the organisational culture

The generic dimensions of the organisational culture is effective for understanding the relationship between the culture and the project management where the team project management is concerned about developing dedicated culture which is advantageous for running the organisational activities sustainably. in this regard, the organisational culture is referred to proper project management mechanism through which the environment can be created with developing proper sub culture. Morrison, Brown and Smith explored that there are 12 dimensions of the generic organisational culture which are effective to enhance the project management variables as well as develop proper framework for project management supportive culture.

Dimension 1:

The first dimension is flexible and innovative organisation in which the proper functional activities of the project management offers cross cultural functions. Flexibility is important in this dimension and in this regard flexibility is considered as the way how the authorities manage and accept the exercise at the workplace, the need for flexibility is high in case of the organisational context in which the tolerance of risk, change and acceptance of innovative behaviour are encouraged well and this is effective for the organisations to develop flexible workplace with innovation and creativity. The organisation should focus on comfortable change and the project management organisations in this regard try to develop the environment by ensuring creativity, innovation, technological advancement and stimulation of work so that the flexibility to work can be maintained well and the leader can execute the project with flexibility where the far of risk can be managed well at the workplace.

Dimension 2:

The organisations need to be integrated across the departments so that proper team building activities can be done and the members can collaborate for enhancing the overall performance of the organisation. In this regard, working in an integrated and cooperative way and communicating with others for sharing knowledge and capabilities are effective to maximise the organisational goals and objectives, in which the cross functional nature of the project management can be enhanced successfully. Collaborative culture can also be developed through such activities the organisations can encourage team working and partnership working tactics for raising team work activities and collective working progress so that the issue of inter departmental conflicts, resistance to change, power conflicts can be managed and general contribution for team building activities, partnership working practice and collaborative working can be enhanced well which in turn help to maximise the collective capabilities of the organisations.

Dimension 3:

The third dimension is performance drive where the organisations needs to develop the environment including energetic, performance drive and dedicated to the work so that every members can contribute positively to make the organisation successful and develop a performance driven workforce for future. the communication about the clear responsibilities and objectives are also influencing factors to encourage the members in the workplace as well as the clarity of goals and responsibility and authority, competiveness, strong leadership and cooperation, planning and control, emphasise on pro activeness and quick response to the problem solving activities and rewards management are the major activities through which the organisations can develop performance drive workplace.

Dimension 4:

The organisation supports the functioning through the project management process and developing the standardise process in the workplace, where there is flexibility to work and freedom to be creative and innovative. These activities further raise the chance of achieving future organisational success by standardise planning and control. In addition to this, having accurate and reliable information as well as standard organisational system are also effective for the system to be developed well in the workplace so that the functions can be handled well. Proper information structure and system as well as accounting system, prior information to all the members and standardise project management activities are effective for running the organisational functions successfully.

Dimension 5:

Supportive leadership orientation of the organisation is the fifth dimension where the leader must be involved with the members and the elder must be directive and supportive to lead the members towards achieving the future success. Senior management team provide visible support to the members and the staff as well as the leadership style of empowering the employees and enhancing creativity and innovation as well as flexible working environment are effective to develop supportive leadership where the leaders are involved with the working activities under the project management process and encourage the project team members for achieving future success.

Dimension 6:

The organisation is comfortable with the decentralising the decision making process in which the autonomy and authority to make fair decision in the organisation is effective for running the organisation with developing proper culture. In this regard, the need of autonomy and decentralising the decision can be conducted through developing effective decision making practice, high levels of autonomy, involvement with the functions and activities of the project management as well as the integrated workplace where it is possible for the organisations to develop suitable organisational culture for the benefits of the firms in near future.

Dimension 7:

Developing end user or the customer oriented products or services project management activities is the seventh dimension where the organisational culture should be developed by considering the satisfaction level of the customers where the product and services are according to the customer oriented. In this regard, ongoing interaction between the project team and the end users are effective to develop proper project management plan and develop efficient organisational culture in which the members can perform better with more cooperation and communication. In addition to this, it is considered to be an effective decision making practice where the project team leader can handle the customer’s preferences and fulfil the need and requirements of the external stakeholders in near future. the major activities to develop customer oriented process are such as displaying sensitivity, creating suitable environment, enhancing market communication, creating values for the customers, managing creative entrepreneurship mind set and integrated working practice with proper empowerment of the customers in developing effective project so that the satisfaction level of the customers can be maximised well.

Dimension 8:

Clear strategic focus and directions need to be present as many authors suggest that project management process can be successful, through clear focus and directions. In this context, it is necessary to have clear focus and proper strategic directions so that the needs of the project can be communicated and the members can perform better as per the requirements of the project. Proper vision and mission statement need to be developed and it should be communicated among the members so that the members and have clear focus and directions to work efficiently. This is effective to develop proper organisational efficiency with clear focus and understanding so that every member can contribute with their full potential to me the project objective. Hereby, it is necessary to have clear direction and vision for the organisation to align the company’s values and attitude, maximise the goals and objectives of the firms and develop suitable strategic directions to enhance the team performance and directing the team rewards achieving future success.

Dimension 9:

The ninth dimension is related to emphasising the personal competency development, where the project management capabilities can be guided with new routine and innovative tactics to perform better. In this context, the nature of project can be upgraded with technological advancement where the competency plays a crucial role for restricting the culture, personal development and professionalism. The general culture of learning, personal and professionals development as well as personal and managerial competency is effective for the companies to maximise their future objectives as well as manage the workers at the workplace successfully.

Dimension 10:

The tenth dimension is related to the people oriented organisation so that the project management activities can be managed well by managing the people involved with the project. In this regard, the employees are the major stakeholders of the business contributing with their full potential to maximise their performance. In this regard, people oriented activities at the organisation is beneficial for the firms to create values for the people and maximise their wellbeing successfully. Non-coercive environment, behavioural skills of the managers and positivity at the workplace encourage long term relationship where the employees can develop string corporate bonding to perform collaboratively. The organisations enhances non-threatening, and on-coercive environment, where the people can feel safe and valued to work in such a circumstances where they can maximise their wellbeing. Personal and professional development and learning opportunities, rewards and suitable organisational culture further provides career paths and prospects to all the members where the leaders try to encourage them n the workplace for better performance.

Dimension 11:

Fostering openness and communication of the information with others at the workplace is the eleventh dimension, where the organisations must focus on the fast and free information flow through communication so that every member can understand the organisational values and working practice where they are also feeling valued to have all the adequate information related to the organisation. Openness to communication, transparency in the organisational goals and objectives as well as open discussion further enhances the contribution of the people and fosters the performance of the workers at the organisation.

Dimension 12:

The twelve dimensions is related to making the organisational decisions on a rational basis, in which the organisation must focus on rational decisions making behaviour so that it is possible for the organisational leaders to manage transparency and fulfil the organisational gaols sustainably. Instead of personal and political concern, the organisation should focus on all the stakeholders and create value for them by developing rational decision so that the values of all the stakeholders can be maximised well. In the rational making orientation, the project must be chosen on a rationale bass, understanding the customers is necessary as well as stability n project principles and decisions and resource allocation and development of the vision are effective where the organisations can develop rational decision for the benefits of all the stakeholders, engaged with the project.

Connections between organisational and national cultures

There are some differences between the national culture and the organisational culture and in this regard it is important to clarify the distinctions and it in turn help to understand the connections between the organisational and national culture. There is strong connection between the organisational and national culture as well due to the fact that the organisational culture is frequently derived from the national culture. In addition to these, shared values and belief are other concept which is also derived from the national culture. From the national or the host culture, the organisations derive the own and individuals culture in the workplace. The organisational culture is influenced by the overall national culture and it is restructured according to the norms and values of the national culture. Particular characteristics and experience are also derived from the national culture and thus there is strong connection between the national and organisational culture, where the national culture also shares their norms and values with the organisational culture. In this regard, the phenomenon of globalisation plays crucial role in improving understanding about the values and beliefs of the firms where every people are well knowledgeable about the cultural perspectives of the organisations. Globalisation in this context makes connection and distinction between the national and organisational culture. On the other hand, large multinational corporate firms have different and own individual culture in such an era of globalisation which creates values for all the people and stakeholders engaged with the business where the organisations also try to adopt the national culture and restructure own culture for managing the organisational activities sustainably. The subculture group of the people also indicates unique pattern or philosophy of culture, which are consistent with the dominant culture and values of the main organisations. The string subculture have high performance workforce in the organisational workplace where they are working as a team and special project group in order to maximise their team objective. They are also bound to maintain and follow the organisational cultural norms and values in order to work with harmony and freedom. In this context, of example, South Africa has the counter culture on the national scale where within the organisations; merger and acquisition may introduce the counter culture with restructured rules and norms of running the organisations as a team by managing the cultures. The employees and the members are also bound to follow the rules and organisational norms to develop suitable culture at the workplace where the organisational objectives can be maximised well. The managers are also concerned about the sub culture and counter culture to follow the organisational culture so that they can develop suitable group for improving their performance. In this regard, forming the multi cultural organisations can be developed where the diversified valued well and the employer and managers are efficient to acknowledge systematic working blocs, managing societal based subculture and managing the diverse people for enhancing their contribution in the workplace. Hereby, there are five step programs to develop the multi culture organisations which are discussed further.

Promoting pluralism within the organisational workplace is effective which encourages the staff members to cooperate and work collaboratively.

Developing integrated structure hierarchy is another important way to develop multi culture organisations where there is no such discrimination and all the members are working as a team.

Maximising participation and integration through the informal groups in the orgnaistaions are also effective.

Working actively to eliminate the interpersonal conflicts where the group identity is developed well.

The organisations develop the links to work with the entire member without any discrimination or cultural diversity.

In the recent era of globalisation, all the organisations focus on developing the multi culture organisations to promote integrated workplace and enhance the performance by encouraging cultural diversity. Hereby for developing the multi cultural organisations, it is necessary for each of the organisations to identify suitable culture and develop proper organisational style and strategies to allow the progress and enhance the future growth and development of the firms. There are certain cases in which the organisations do not change their culture and they deny adopting modern organisational culture, which are,

The exclusionary organisations do not focus on change as these are aiming at status quo which is dominating culture.

The compliance organisations do not change their culture or the practice in the organisations as it complies with antidiscrimination legal requirements.

The club organisations are also not willing to change as there is active resistance to change and they try to continue with the strategies in which they are fitted.

On the other hand, there are some major factors that encourage the changes in the organisational context which are discussed below,

The affirmative acting of the organisations encourage the changes and implement new strategic planning in which the anti discriminatory norms and rules and policies are implemented well and the inclusion of the effective strategies are beneficial to adopt the changes and manage the responsibilities of the firm successfully.

The redefining organisations are also willing to change their practice and norms as well as they also encourage developing new strategic planning and structure in order to run the organisations efficiently.

The multi cultural organisations in this regard focus on driving the changes in the workplace to mitigate the diversity related problems and encourage cultural diversity for managing the organisational task in a more innovative way. Hereby, it is helpful for the organisations to develop new change and strategic planning to manage the internal conflicts and cultural diversity issues and enhance tea wok where the organisations achieve future success by managing the workforce proficiently.

Competing value framework

Through the study of value framework and organisational culture, it is possible to understand the power distance metric, the degree of individualism vs. collectivism, tendency towards uncertainty avoidance as well as the biasness between the masculinity and femininity. It is evidenced that, there are different cultures which are avoidance culture by pervasive sense of futility, paranoid culture through persecutory theme, bureaucratic culture for personalised and rigid, politicised culture with leadership responsibility and the charismatic culture with the fact that everything will be resolved around the leader. As per the cultural audits and comparison, there are major factors which are effective to clarify the cultures and this is discussed further to understand different cultural value framework in the organisational workplace. A clan culture is effective for the organisation as it concentrates the internal flexibility, concern for people, and sensitivity for the customers. Hereby, through this culture, it is possible for the firms to develop human relations and build corporate relationship with the stakeholders for future sustainable growth of the companies. Adopting flexibility and maximising core values of the organisation through enhancing cooperation, communication, agreement, fairness and special equality, it is possible to develop suitable organisational culture in near future for sustaining in the business and running the organisation by managing the people at the workplace. The hierarchical culture focuses on the internal maintenance and strives or stability and control in the workplace in which the task settings and enforcement of the strict rules are there. Formal approach and proper organisational structure further creates high values on economy, rationality, order and obedience where the leaders are cooperative to maximise the organisational values through good coordination. In the adhocracy culture, the organisations concentrate on the external positioning with high degree of flexibility and individuality where the individuals are supported by the organisational norms and values for promoting the willingness. It is supported by open system in which the leaders are visionary and innovative to aces the organisational resources and enhance the creativity of the firms. Producing unique and original products and services as well as serving the customers in a best possible way are the vision of the leader under such culture where the organisational values are maximised on the basis of creativity, innovation, experimentation, risk management, responsiveness and autonomy. The market culture is related to working together towards the clear and rational goals which can be achieved through high performance and productivity of the firms. It tends to the result oriented activities at the organisational workplace where the value of competitiveness, perfectionism, diligence and personal initiatives are enhanced well. The market based culture is effective for the leaders to outperform as compared to the competitions in the market where it maintains stability and control the economic activities and rationality in the organisational workplace. It also focuses on the effective initiatives of the leader and the managers to create value for the stakeholders including the employees, suppliers and distributors, customers and social communities as a whole.

Hereby, the above four organisational cultures are effective to control the mechanisms at the workplace and develop proper strategic planning to change the organisational activities and achieve the future success in the organisations.

Organisational culture and its effectiveness

The integrative framework of developing organisational culture is effective for all the organisations to restructure the process and activities in the workplace and in this regard, the organisational culture is important to improve the interest of the people about the organisation and raise understanding about the values and beliefs of the firm operating in the market. Hereby, the organisational culture is mandatory to be developed in order to expand the activities and ensure organisational socialisation where the members need to adopt the culture and explore innovative process for better performance. In this regard, the proper organisational culture is necessary to make the organisation efficient to fit in the environment so that the leader can develop effective strategic planning for the benefits of the firm and maximisation of the profitability. The effectiveness of the organisational culture are discussed further,


Through developing organisational culture, it is possible for the leader to improve involvement among the organisational member and employees, where the organisations can empower each of the people and organise a good and effective team to develop human capability. This is the main effectiveness of developing suitable organisational culture through which the executives, managers and the employees are committed to each other to feel strong sense of ownership. People feel values at the workplace and they contribute positively in the organisational decision making practice and foster growth for future achievement and fulfilment of the organisational goal and objectives.


The adaptable organisations are considered to fulfil the customer’s requirements as well as take risks and learn from their stakeholders to mitigate the risks and uncertainty of the businesses and in this regard the effective organisational culture is beneficial for managing he organisational capabilities and enhancing their performance for better practice and creating change. Hereby adaptability can be enhanced by the organisational culture.


Effective organisation are consistent towards their process and innovation and strong culture in this regard is playing an important role to ensure well integrated, well organised and well coordinated where all the members can follow the behavioural norms which is followed by the core values, leadership style and process for managing consistency. Hereby, consistency can be managed well through developing strong organisational culture, where consistency is considered to be the stable position of the firms to maximise its goals and objectives.


Effective organisations have clear vision and mission where proper information about the purpose and values as well as strategic decisions and objectives are effective to run the organisation in achieving success in near future. Proper organisational culture is effective to develop clear vision so that the followers can follow the path and systematic strategic directions to achieve the pre-specified visions of the firms. As per the study, there are different cultural traits and for example profitability of the firms is related to the cultural traits of mission and consistency. In contrast, the innovation and creativity is associated with the cultural trait of adaptability and involvement, and the sales growth is highly associated with the adaptability and mission, for example, there are some organisations that are market oriented and opportunity focused, but they have problem in developing integration at the workplace. On the other hand, the organisations that are well organised and integrated and controlled often face hard time in adapting the environment. Hereby, there are different issues associated with different cultural traits where the organisation needs to improve involvement for broad participation and empowerment of the people in the organisational activities. The organisations are efficient if it handles the external environment and develop effective decision for running the business sustainably. The organisations need to be efficient and develop proper practice to manage the four cultural traits of adaptability, involvement, consistency and mission.

Management of organisational culture

The organisational culture grows in a informal way and it is effective to firm a formal structure of the companies by shaping the ways in which the employees perceive and react to formally defined jobs and structuring the arrangements. The organisational culture influences the attitude of the employees and it encourages the team work at the workplace. The norms and values of the organisational culture further help to encourage the employees to work hard and the reward and punishment further motivate them to work efficiently to contribute positively in achieving the organisational success. By encouraging the employees towards achieving personal success by malignity important, interesting and challenging, it is possible to manage the workers at the workplace and lead them towards achieving the team objective and maximising the organisational values. The norms of the organisational culture also encourage the need of achievement as well as foster the productivity and motivate the employees for performing beer in the organisational workplace. In order to manage the culture it is necessary to discuss some phenomenon further.

Culture is considered to the experience and deep personal insight which truly understand the organisational culture, management and practice.

The organisational culture is spontaneous and elusive and hidden which cannot be diagnosed accurately and changed.

There exists several sub culture under the main organisational culture which becomes difficult to manage in the single workplace.

Hereby, the organisational culture can be managed well in the organisational workplace through two approaches which are discussed further. In the first approach of symbolic management, the mangers try to influence the cultural norms and values in the workplace of the companies in order to reshape the cultural elements including the symbols, stories, and ceremonies at the companies, where the people have the opportunity to understand the culture of the organisations successfully. additionally, the managers also can reshape the culture with different ways by issuing public statement about the vision for the future of the company as well as recount the stories about themselves and the company and each the shared company language. The managers try to communicate with all the staff of the companies in order to let them understand about the vision and mission as well as the internal practice of the firms. managerial behaviour is hereby one of the effective factors that contributes positively in developing suitable organisational culture in the workplace where the employees follow the rules, practice, norms and values of the organisations successfully which in turn helps them to ensure career advancement. Symbolic management is the manipulation of the symbols and which is appropriate for the organisational culture and in this regard the managers are playing crucial role to enhance the activities such as telling the stories, communicating the organisational vision, performing the ceremonies and anointing the heroes that are useful for the organisations to manage the workplace and enhance the values of the organisations. On the other hand, another way of managing the internal culture of the organisations is to utilise the organisational development interventions where the developmental activities of the organisations are helpful for the members to acknowledge the internal practice and contribute positively in the organisational progress. Identifying the current organisational practice, legislations, values and norms is important where the organisational developmental intervention process influence the behaviour and attitude of the firms which in turn provides a scope to improve the organisational culture.

Identifying the new norms ad values further helps to enhance the activities of the organisational developmental interventions where new directional and practice will be communicated among the employees so that they can grab the opportunities to promote new goals and enhance the organisational values.

Plotting the new directions is also necessary which helps to represent the present personal grup and organisational gaols for evaluating the necessity to plot the new directions.

Closing the gap is also necessary through which the people have the opportunity to develop proper norms and values and replace the old one in order to reinforce the changes and enhance the organisational culture in future.

The management team aims to improve engagement with all the people in order to evaluate the current norms and values of the organisation as well as empower the people in developing new norms and values so that the organisational developmental intervention can be take place properly and the people can contribute positively in bridging the cultural gap and improve the overall organisational culture.

Reproduction of the organisational culture

It is important to understand general factor which are contributing in reproducing the organisational culture in the contemporary companies were the organisational culture plays a crucial role in enhancing professionalism, efficiency, and modernity which depends on the values, behaviour, norms and personality pattern. The business consulting as well as the scientific studies is there to support the reproductive system of the organisational culture where it provides the support towards legitimate practice of the language and the ways of understanding the practice of modern management. On the other hand, the sanctions of training and development program is also there which is one of the effective reproductive system in order to develop suitable organisational culture and apart from that, it is necessary to focus on the concepts of employees motivation, modern management and human resources as well as o organisational culture and new corporate culture which are contributing factors to develop suitable and smooth organisational culture to run the organisational operational activities efficiently. These are the major tools of developing and enhancing the corporate culture in the organisation as well as it helps to manage the human resources for leading the individuals towards achieving the organisational success. In addition to the above factors, there are social values and norms which are also contributing factor in developing the organisational culture where Cultural Revolution and underling concepts and parading of discourse are to restructure the organisational culture. Moreover, the reproduction of the organisational culture depends on the construction of the axiological fields, reconstruction of the new norms and values at the organisational workplace as well as develops proactive culture in near future. developing suitable culture an reproduction of the organisational culture further promotes employees participation as well as group forming actives at the organisational workplace, maximising labour management and becoming the intelligent companies for innovation and creativity where employees motivational and training and development program are effective to enhance the performance of the employees in near future where the labourers can contribute positively in the organisational activities successfully. In this regard, the concept of antinomies have the sense of lack of humanistic approach to management as well as lack of respect of knowledge and effectiveness which in turn influence the managers to adopt new culture at the organisational context with restructuring the norms and values of the organisations. In addition to this, modern and effective organisational culture, level of primary socialisation and the practice of customer satisfaction are there to restructure the organisational culture which in turn provides an opportunity to the firms to develop the fair practice of the organisations. In addition to this, the process of acquiring the habits of subjectivisation of the objectivity has the purpose of developing social organisational behaviour where the basic alignment developing the social relationship can be maximised well. Moreover, the organisational participation rate and the career enhancement of the employees can be ensured through developing modern culture where the primary habit of the organisations can be fulfilled. On the other hand, the secondary habit is mainly related to the work institutions in which the activities such as self tuition, occupational self training, workers training, induction process and education are considered to be effective to raise concern among the employees about the organisational culture. At this level, strong motivation is required for the employees to influence them to contribute their full potential in the organisation for achieving the future success. The popularity of supplement education is rising rapidly which enhance the skill and knowledge of the employees where they can contribute with their full capabilities by utilising their technical skill and in depth knowledge. Additionally, professionals behaviourism another important factor which is also developed by the organisational activities where through providing training and development program, induction process and education to the employees, it is possible to improve understanding among the employees about the professional behaviour, values and norms of the organisations as a whole. The professional’s culture is hereby important to improve in the organisations in order to improve their activities and develop suitable norms and practice to achieve future vision. The modern culture is professionals because the managers try to manage the knowledge and skill of the employees on the basis of professionalism, in which he employees are well concerned about behaviour professionally and raising their performance with applying their skill and abilities. Moreover, in every culture the rituals and managers are also important and for reproduction of the suitable organisational culture, it is necessary to have proper norms and values, as well as rules, ceremonies and manners so that every employee can follow the culture of the organisations.

It is also effective for group membership where every member can collaborate and communicate with each other positively.

It allows anticipating the partner’s behaviour in interactions with others.

The rejection of the rituals and activities at the organisational context may show lack of respect for the partners in interaction and it usually causes embarrassment. It further deteriorates the trust and loyalty among the partners and indicates the lack of professionalism in the workplace. Hereby, organisational culture must be interactive and the partners need to respect each other for maintaining the rituals and ceremonies and it indicates the corporate culture with proper interactions and corporate relationship with the partners of the businesses. It further creates the positive social values and develops suitable brand image in the market. Hereby, the participation in the organisational ceremonies and rituals, positive interactions and pen communication are effective to develop modern culture ad it further helps to create corporate culture in the organisations. Face is determined as another factor to reproduce the organisational culture and in this regard professionalism is important to improve personal image at the organisational context. In this regard, behaviour of the individuals as well as personal interaction and communication must be positive and it helps to develop proper interactions among the partners. The authority of developing modern culture is important to develop in the organisational context where it is necessary to develop proactive culture through enhancing communication and cooperation. The values of modern culture can be learned through the secondary socialisation process where the behavioural pattern plays a crucial role in restructuring the organisational culture in the workplace. In the normative sense, it is considered to be modern and effective organisational culture where the organisational practice further helps to improve the reality and perceptions of the employees in which the workers are contributing to restructure the organisational culture. Modern market mechanism in this regard is effective to faster the growth of reproduction of the organisational culture where the mechanism help to boost understanding about the pattern of reality, procedures to require time and effort and engaging with the employees for better performance. Creation and the reproduction of the organisational culture is the process of developing proper management of the organisational activities which reflect proper organisational culture. In this regard, the human resource management procedure is effective to restructure the organisational culture where conceptual system, management procedure, the technology of revealing the knowledge and values of the organisations develop suitable organisational culture. Power comes down to the level of the agent and emerges the surface of the knowledge successfully.

The field of disclosure enhances the power and totality of the execution in the organisational culture which allows the effective use of workforce in the organisation where the employees are utilised their skill and knowledge for developing effective organisational culture and contribute efficiently to fulfil the pre specified vision of the firms. adoption of the organisational rules and legislations and observation of the norms and values are effective to enhance the practice for human resource development where the participation of the modern organisational culture is higher as compared to the traditional one, where the employees feel valued and motivated to take active part in the organisational culture and work efficiently to maximise the organisational objectives. implicate social level and socialisation process of the organisation are hereby effective to improve understanding about the modern organisational culture where the employees are contributing proficiently to reproduce the organisational culture and develop equal power sharing and knowledge enhancement activities at the organisation so that every people are engaged with the workplace positively with their full potential and contribute efficiently in maximising the organisational aims.

Moderating the role of the organisational culture

There are several authors who argued about developing the organisational culture and as per the discussion, there is a common understanding about the contribution of the employees and other people in the organisation, where they are engaged in developing suitable organisational culture in order o enhance the organisational values and norms in the workplace. The core values and behavioural norms, as well as artefacts and behavioural approaches are important to develop modern organisational culture. Organisational activities need to be developed by enhancing the interactions and investment restructuring the human reserve policies so that the organisations create competing values model of the companies. In addition to this, the model has two dimensions with contrasting poles where the fist dimension is about the organisational point of view which focuses on the internal activities of the companies with monitoring the cultural issues, processes and people. And this activity is effective to be conducted in the organisational workplace in order to improve connections with the environment and predict the market trend for sustaining in the business. The second dimension is flexibility and control which is contrasting to the first dimension. In this regard, as per the second dimension of the model, the factors such as support, innovation, rules and gaols orientation are considered to be effective factors to contribute positively in developing suitable organisational culture. Flexibility and proper control make the organisational condition stable and it provides a scope to the organisations to improve corporate and modern culture in the workplace. The support orientation combines the internal and flexibility poles which deal with the concept of the partition, people based approach, mutual trust and term sport as well as individuals growth and participation which are effective to enhance flexibility at the organisational workplace. The innovation orientating is another approach to develop suitable corporate culture where searching new information and data, creativity, technological advancement, openness to change and experimentation are effective to raise innovation and creativity in the organisational context.

The rule orientation is also another perspective to contribute in developing the organisational culture, in which respecting for authority, division of work, managing the organisational hierarchy and rationality of the procedure are effective to develop roper rules and norms in the organisation. The goal orientation is another one which is important to maximise the performance, indicators of contributing in achieving the goals, accomplishment, accountability, rationality and contingent reward which are important for achieving future sustainable objectives of the organisations. The orientations are effective and these have effective contribution in developing modern organisational culture with stability and control as well as these is effective to enhance innovation and creativity to adopt new change and run the organisation efficiently. The private services in this regard depend on the basic two hierarchical structures which is management and workers and in this context, the organisations focus on rationality, management practice, accomplishment and accountability to retain the members for contributing positively in achieving the organisational success. This type of management is effective to provide clear objectives to the employees and share the working practice so that the employees can work proficiently and in this regard proper cooperation and communication between the managers and the employees are effective top meet the organisational aims. The rewards system in this context depends on the performance level of the employees and conflict resolution and change management are important in such private institutions to manage the workforce so that improving working activities and obtaining the profitability of the firms can be maximised. In this regard, in the organisational context, high performance and effective management indicates the values of rationality, proper norms and behaviour, accountability and accomplishment. On the other hand, for the public service organisations, they do not need to strengthen their customers base of providing the public services like the private firms and the private firm are focusing on profit maximisation, where the public organisations focus on deliver public saves to the social communities as a whole. For the cultural orientation the public service organisations have long way from the performance indicates, accountability and accomplishment as well as content rewards. There are also differences in the human resource practices and management in the private and public organisations. The private organisational mangers are more discretion in exercising leadership as compared to the public service organisations, where in the public sectors, the job roles and responsibilities are clearly documented and the strategies and policies are clearly written and these do not depend on the organisational leader and the recommendations. In addition to this, the public organisations are not flexible enough as compared to the private one where the public firms are not flexible in the human resource policies, reward system and level of accountability as well as rules and regulations, job designing, career level leaders and absence of market invectives. The public employee has different skill from the private firms to encourage collective efforts and build cohesion and teamwork so that it is possible to develop the people oriented firms. The managers and colleagues in the public organisations need to be helpful and cooperative to support the orientation and skill enhancement so that every member can contribute collaboratively in order to maximise the working activities and performance in the organisations. Hereby, it can be stated that, mutual collaboration and trust are effective to develop suitable working culture where every people can communication and cooperative whole working with each other. Satisfaction of the employees can be maximised and the management team can create values for the people working in the workplace under suitable organisational culture.

Transmittal and perpetuation of the organisational culture

The processes of developing the organisational culture depends on the transmitted and perpetuated which somewhat vary according to the concept and overlap each other. Symbolic perpetuation occurs on the basis of the myths, organisation rituals, rites, ceremonies, heroes and metaphors and in this regard the organisational stories are also playing curial ole in developing the network which is effective to create suitable organisational culture in the organisation. The first step of the perpetuation is important, which is the phase before the employees are hired in the organisation. In this regard, the public service ethics includes the expectations and requirement of the public servants in order to fulfil the needs and preferences of the public. it is important for the employer to improve public satisfaction by developing unique sense of loyalty as well as the public agency tries to maintain the ethical principles and practice in order to create value for all the stakeholders who are engaged with the organisations. This predisposition is known as Anticipatory Socialisation where the people are trying to accept the values and ethics of the organisation as well as rather join the institution for contributing with their full potential for better performance. The use of realistic job and acceptance of the anticipatory socialisation is also effective for the public to improper experience and maximise personal expectations in the organisation. It further activates te pre socialisation process were the candidates are trying to contribute positively in the organisation for better performance by accepting the organisational myths and values. Socialisation of the members in the organisation is another process by which the public are concerned about the cultural values, beliefs, ethics, norms and assumption and these factors are effective to improve the personal behaviour of the public in the organisational context. The organisational socialisation is hereby important for implying the fact that the people may need to relinquish their personal attitude, behaviour, values and ethics in the organisation to improve membership. It is considered to be one of the effective ways of people processing, where through organisational socialisation it is effective to enhance main altering process for improving values and beliefs of the individuals. Employer employee settings can be developed through the organisational socialisation though which the culture of the employees can be developed where they can understand the institutional activities as a whole and contribute positively in enhancing their performed in the organisation. Through the organisational socialisation, the personal motivation and the activities of learning and development are also ensured where the leaders of the companies are concerned about nourishing the employee’s experience and give the proper learning opportunities at the workplace. This is also effective for developing suitable organisational culture for beer performance and maximise normative beliefs about the personal roles and responsibilities in the workplace, where the person get reward or punishment as per their actions of correcting and in correcting ones. In this case, the organisational socialisation process is not limited only for the new employees, but it is also for the members who are suffering from high anxiety and stress. For the employees who need proper socialisation process, the organisational activities are effective to improve their performance by motivating and proper encouragement of their activities and knowledge enhancement. Cross organisational boundaries with new working groups are also managed through socialisation process, where promotion of the organisational culture and activities are encourage across the organisational boundaries to improve the employee’s performance by developing suitable organisational culture. Transmission of the organisational culture across the boundaries can be indicted through organisational socialisation, where the people are motivated to be ready to socialise of leaser the assumptions and values, beliefs, myths, and behaviour which would be appropriate for all the people in the organisation to perform better after understanding the organisational culture as a whole. The reference group in the firm is also concerned about learning the organisational culture so that every people, engaged with the companies can develop proper understanding about the values and beliefs of the firms. Hereby, the organisational socialisation is effective for strengthening the organisational activities and performance where the leader and encourage the employees and staff member to contribute positively with their full potential for better performance in near future.

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Removal of the people, who are not engaged with the organisational culture or who are not accepting the culture is effective for the firm to expect the voluntarily. This is effective for developing sub culture where perpetuating and transmitting the organisational culture can be conducted through hiring the new people who have pre socialised, who activates the organisational socialisation process and prepare and contribute positively to enhance the organisational cross boundaries activities. Behaviour under the organisational culture also be perpetuated by affection the behaviours of the members at the workplace. It is the responsibility of the organisational leader and management team to alter the perpetuating people’s pattern of behaviour at the workplace. This is effective for developing corresponding beliefs, values, assumptions and strategies of the firm sin performing better and maximising the values of the organisations. The behaviour of the maintaining strategic planning through rewards and punishment develops proper justice towards the employees where organisational loyalty and trust can also be improved properly. In addition t this, the monetary and non-monetary reward system is also effective practice in the firms where as per the organisational culture. The firms are trying to provide effective rewards to all the members for encouraging and motivating them to contribute positively in the organisational workplace. Hereby, the information control system, promotional policies and practice and other monetary and non-monetary rewards are effective for successful rewards and punishment where fair treatment and suitable organisational image can be built positively in the workplace, and the workers are also developing strong relationship and they feel valued with such fair treatment at the organisational workplace. The information and control mechanism is effective for controlling the two mechanisms which are such as, Firstly, the leader needs to communicate the organisational information and data with the colleagues and staff in order to make fair decision where all the members can contribute positively and they can be empowered well in the organisational decision making behaviour sustainably. In addition to this, behaviour and organisational attitude further leads the learning and activities in the information and control mechanism towards success where the payers of cognition as well as the corporate culture are effective for managing the workplace sustainably.

Secondly, the formation and control system provides authentic information to the executives about the extensiveness, results and nature of the activities of the business which in turn helps to make effective decision of the organisation and develop proper strategy of rewards and punishment. In summary, the companies can perpetuate and transmit the organisational culture through the system of reward and punishment where the informational and control mechanism is effective for transmitting the information and adequate data for making effective decision for the benefits of the companies in near future. cultural perpetuity and change can be conducted through information and control mechanism, transmitting the organisational culture and value, rewards and punishment strategy in the workplace as well as through alteration of the person’s behaviour and attitude which are beneficial to change the circumstances eventually by stabilising the values, assumptions and cultural cognitions. In addition to this, there are any organisations, who are concentrating on developing effective rewards system and it further reflects the cultural activities of the firms in ding their business and creating values for the stakeholders engaged with the organisations.

Justification of the behaviour:

The fifth step is to reinforce the values and beliefs rather than focusing and enforcement of the stabilising the cultural assumptions and attitude and behaviour in the workplace. The differences between these two approaches are very difficult to be managed and it is necessary for the organisations to select proper cultural change and strategies in order to create smooth working at sphere where the staff and members are managed well and they are encouraged by the organisational leader and managers. The fourth step of behavioural approach by understand the values, beliefs and understanding is effective for cognitive and effective change in the workplace, where the actively in the extensive rewards and punishment in the workplace, and it is effective for the organisations to develop justifying behaviour for the benefits of the firm, so that they can handle the employees successfully in the long run. The beliefs and values are also justified by the organisational leader so that proper strategic planning and decision are made in the workplace. The changing behaviour does not necessarily change the behaviour and attitude of the firms rather iot helps to transmit the organisational culture and enhance the values and beliefs to justify the actions of the firms. Hereby, developing the organisational culture and gaining more in depth understanding about the belief and values are effective for personal survival of the employees where the extrinsic rewards and punishment are effective to develop fair treatment with the beliefs and values of the firms. This is one of the important reason for which the organisational culture is resistant to quick changes efforts. It is beneficial for the firms to develop planned strategic planning in order to manage the members and develop proper adequate beliefs and values which is sustainable with the business activities at the organisations. Hereby, perpetuating the culture through concentrating instead on intrinsic motivations and justification of the organisational behaviour as well as minimising the resilience on the extrinsic motivations to change are effective for sticking to the appropriate organisational culture and behaviour. Cultural communication is the sixth and final step which is effective for perpetuating and transition of the organisational culture by discussing different factors such as artifices, values, beliefs, symbols, and behaviour and attitude. The most effective medium of transmitting the organisational culture is communication through which it is possible or the organisations to communicate the cultural assumptions, values, beliefs, and behaviour including the language, jargons, legends, ceremonies, scripts, sagas, metaphors, stories and myths which are effective for transmitting the information and ensure explicit transmitted information which is effective for developing beliefs and attitude.

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Overview of organisational culture

The organisational culture is in involved with different activities which are such as, Assessing the future cultural profile, where which have proper strategic planning to enhance the organisational performance in near future and it raise the contribution of the groups and subgroups contribute positively in achieving the future organisational goals and objectives. Determining the needs and preferences of all the stakeholders and fulfilling the requirements of the stakeholders is the priority of the leader where the organisational culture contributes positively to develop string corporate relationship among the stakeholders. Data gathering and carried out internal performance and external environment management are possible in the organisation through the organisational culture. Participation in the discussion and achievement of the organisational goals and enhancing current and future profile can also be positively through developing suitable organisational culture. Strengthening cultural trade off as well as evaluating the options of involving the latest technique as well as cost benefit analysis and raking the performance is also possible through the cultural audit where the organisation can enhance their performance through developing effective strategic planning. Generating different ideas and options is another activity which can be possible under suitable organisational culture and it enhances creativity and innovation of the company and strengthens the cultural profile. Barnstorming and attributing the integral analysis are also possible through the organisational culture where the leader can enhance the performance of the stakeholders as a whole by supporting and directing them positively. Making effective decision and planning is also possible where decision making skill and proper empowerment of the employees are beneficial to support the organisational operational activities and enhance the performance. Understand the organisational culture depends on the artefacts, experience, beliefs and values on which the culture and organisational activities are managed well. The specific norms and values shared among the staff and groups members in the organisational workplace provides a scope to enhance internal cooperation and coordination for performing better and achieving future success. it can be stated that, the organisational culture is the manner in which all the stakeholders of the businesses behave and cooperate of working together to maximise the pre specified objectives of the firm. Hereby, the background of the organisational culture develops the brand image of the companies where this depends on the shared meanings, language, artefacts, myths, ideologies and organisational strategic planning and ethical policies which in turn helps to restructure the organisational culture for running the firms sustainably. The culture is hereby seen as a systematic approach through which the social agreement can be built with all the stakeholders, engaged with the businesses, including the reward and punishment. The factors of cultural artefacts, values and basic assumptions are effective to develop suitable culture, where the organisational disunity can be developed and it is effective or the firms to make sense of their acuities and strategies where they are also successful to develop string relationship with the organisational stakeholders. This activities and suitable organisational planning and strategies are effective for the firms to create greater values for the stakeholders by providing those rewards and efficient return on incentives to all the stakeholders. It further helps to enhance the performance of the companies as well as improve integrity and cooperation to access all the market opportunities to conduct the business sustainably.

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