Relationship between Branding and Customer Satisfaction


In the recent era of globalisation, the multinational corporations aim at managing the customers worldwide where the strategies need to be restructured well in order to retain the old and new consumers in long run through successful branding and promotional activities (Ngo and Nguyen, 2016). The research is related to analysing relationship between branding and customer satisfaction. The proposal is appropriate to develop the background of the study and problem statement followed by proper aims and objectives of the research. This proposal is very much suitable for business dissertation help in developing more research planning and conducting the study effectively. After that, review of literature and the research methodology will be represented through which it is possible to develop further research planning and conduct the study efficiently. Lastly, the proposal will represent the Gantt chart where it would be possible for the researcher to follow suitable time table to progress in the research and complete it successfully.


Background of the study

The customers are the major stakeholders of the organisation, who play a crucial role in running the organisation successfully and helping the organisations to sustain in the market by gaining high market share. It is hereby the responsibility of the organisational leader and management team, to retain the customers and create values for them in long run (Iglesias, Markovic and Rialp, 2019). Through restructuring the organisational policy and procedure for maximising wellbeing of the customers in the organisation, it is possible to manage them and secure customers base. Recently, there is high competition in the global market and it is necessary to manage strong consumer base for securing future sustainable development of the firm, so that it would be possible to managing high markets share and run the business efficiently (Popp and Woratschek, 2017). Hereby, the customer are playing a crucial role in running the business in the market and thus it is the major responsibility of the organisational leader to manage them and retain them for long run. There are different promotional strategic planning of the multinational corporate firms where the companies try to ensure successful branding for satisfying the customers and retaining them in long run.

Research problem statement

Recent globalisation era increases competition across the international borders, where the organisations face high competition in running their business successfully. Hereby, the organisational leader must focus on managing branding strategy to run the organisation successfully. For managing the customers, it is essential to develop proper branding strategy so that it would be possible to retain them successfully. However, there are certain issues related to management at the organisation, for which the leader and the managers face problems in maintaining their strong customer’s base. The major issues in customer relationship management are cultural diversity among the customers, lack of understanding about the customer’s needs and preferences, lack of cooperation, as well as poor communication, lack of management of handling customers, which further deteriorate the organisational performance, as the managers fail to create values for the customers (Ong, Nguyen and Alwi, 2017). It further reduces customer base and the management team face difficulties to retain the customers and influence their purchase decision making behaviour for the organisational products and services (Radzi et al., 2018). These are the major problems in the multinational corporate firms where the leaders cannot be manage strong customer’s base and thus fail to gain high competitive advantage. It is necessary to improve branding strategy for enhancing organisational promotional activities in the market and influence the purchase decision making behaviour of the customers.

Aims and objectives of the research

The aim of the research is to analyse the relationship between branding and customer satisfaction and identifying the strategies of branding for customers retention. The research objectives are such as,

To identify the factors affecting customer satisfaction levels

To evaluate the ways branding influence behaviour and attitude of customers

To analyse the relationship between branding and customers satisfaction in context of fashion industry in UK

To recommend some suggestions for improving branding for customers satisfaction

Research questions

What factors affect customer satisfaction levels?

How does branding influence behaviour and attitude of customers?

What is the relationship between branding and customers satisfaction in context of fashion industry in UK?

What are the recommended suggestions for improving branding for customers satisfaction?

Strategy to improve organisational branding

The organisations focus on branding in the recent era of high competitive market in order to expand the business and improve the brand visibility in the market. For successful branding, the organisations focus on selecting effective brand name and choose effective tag line of the company which are beneficial to represent the organisation in the market. The organisations in the recent era of globalisation face high competitive threats and in this regard branding is one of the effective strategic planning through which the brand can promote their products and services at the market and retain the loyal customers for long run. After developing appropriate brand name, the organisation focuses on creating brand logo which is effective for representing the business in the market uniquely (Ramanathan, Subramanian, and Parrott, 2017). Unique logo and attractive brand name and tag line are hereby effective strategies for successful branding of the organisation. In addition to this, the organisations focus on targeting the right customer’s base according to the market trend and customers demand and preferences. The organisations in this regard try to conduct in depth market research for better management of the customers and retaining them for long run. Effective market research and findings analysis are effective, where the organisations can identify the customer’s base where the purchase intention of the consumers is high. As per the demographic background, culture and personal references, the companies try to target the customers and promote the business successfully (Rivera, Bigne, and Curras-Perez, 2016).

In the recent years, the use of social media platform is increasing at a rapid rate where the organisations invest for social media advertisement in which the online posts and content are effective to attract the audiences at the market. Content marketing is fruitful where the firms develop suitable content with effective organisational information related to products, prices and services which further helps the customers to choose the right brand for their purchase decision. On the other hand, utilising the platform such as FaceBook, YouTube, Instagram and others are also effective for the organisation for successful branding, where the organisations develop effective posts for FaceBook (Levy, and Hino, 2016). The short video clips are effective to upload on YouTube and FaceBook. The posts on Twitter are also effective to share the important message related to the organisational products and services available at the market. The online activities and social media advertisement are hereby beneficial to improve branding strategy and enhance the brand visibility where the customers can access adequate information and make their purchase decision after reviewing the available products at the market. Additionally, the organisations recently focus on creating online campaign for promoting the organisation where the programs and campaign attract the audiences and manage the customers as well. The organisations also focus on developing their website more efficiently to attract the audiences and satisfy the customers in long run (Nyadzayo, and Khajehzadeh, 2016). Effective information, representation of the website and suitable content are beneficial for the customers to identify the organisational products according to their needs and preferences. In addition to this, the online portal in the website for the customers are also developed well where the sales representatives can manage the customers and provide proper assistance and support 24*7. This is also effective for managing customers and maximise their satisfaction in long run. SEO content marketing and search engine optimisation are also other strategies for successful branding where the customers can identify the availability of the organisational products in the market. In this regard for branding, online activities are utilising rapidly in the recent digitalisation era where the customers can be updated with latest news and information as well as it would also be beneficial for the organisational representatives where social media is effective platform for developing two way communications. The sales representatives can manage the customers by improving communication with the customers by one to one interaction and it further enhances the activities of customer relationship management (Mohammed and Rashid, 2018).

Impacts of branding

There are different effects of organisational branding which are

Enhancing the organisational performance

Targeting the right customers base in the market

Improving organisational visibility

Managing customers efficiently

Maintaining customer service excellence

Ensuring promotion of the organisational products and services

Creating values for customers (Hapsari, Clemes and Dean, 2016)

Strengthening customers base

Retaining old and new consumers for long run

Influencing purchase decision making behaviour of the customers

Enhancing customers satisfaction

Research strategy

There is different strategy, such as explanatory, exploratory and descriptive. Exploratory study includes flexible design, non-probability sampling, no pre-plan design for analysis, no fixed decision about the research and on the other hand, the descriptive study is related to rigid design, probability sampling, planned design for further analysis, structured instruments for data collection and evaluation and advanced design about operational process (Johnston, 2017). Additionally, there is explanatory research strategy where the researcher began to explore something new through data collection and evaluation. It is conducted through descriptive research which increases the knowledge and understanding of the researcher. It is helpful to create ideas and develop proper content for further analysis and evaluation. In this particular study, the researcher will choose explanatory research strategy in order to conduct proper data collection and evaluation for further analysis of the researcher topic.

For conducting the research, it is necessary to select the approaches, which are inductive and deductive (Quinlan et al., 2019). Under the inductive approach, the researcher is able to develop the aims of the researcher and analyse the findings to create theories and concept after conducting the research. Deductive approach is where the researcher review the theories related to the above mentioned research topic and them collect data for further analysis and evaluation. In this research, it would be helpful or the researcher to choose deductive approach to progress in the researcher. Through the deductive approach, the researcher will review the existing literature sources and gather ideas about the research. It will also be possible to gather further data for analysing through applying the theoretical perspective of the research.

In this regard, it will be beneficial to conduct systematic literature review after developing proper research questions. Additionally, the researcher will able to collect secondary data by gathering books, journals, online articles and others sources through online and offline. In this regard, it is hereby helpful for the researcher to develop own knowledge and understanding for systematic review by using the secondary data for further in depth analysis. Through collecting the secondary data, the researcher will also be able to recommend some suitable suggestions to fulfil the above mentioned research objectives.

Research methodology

For successful methodology of the research, it is necessary to choose data collection and analysis technique for conducting the study successfully. In this regard, there are two types of data collection method, which are primary and secondary. Through reviewing the literature sources including the books, journals, articles, business letters and newspaper, the research will be able to collect the secondary data and apart from that it would also be beneficial for the study to collect the primary data (Johnston, 2017). In this context, the researcher will choose to conduct systematic literature review, where it is possible to gather relevant and valid data and information related to the organisational strategic planning for successful branding. Additionally, there are two types of data analysis technique, which are quantitative and qualitative. The quantitative technique indicates analysing the data through charts, graphs, and statistical models. On the other hand, the qualitative data analysis is related to analysing the gathered data and information through applying the theories and concepts of the research where the interview information can be analysed in qualitative manner. Hereby the researcher will choose qualitative data analysis technique in order to evaluate the literature sources and analyse the findings successfully to identify the relationship between the organisational branding and customer’s satisfaction.

Constraint of the research

There are certain constraints which may deteriorate the quality of the research work, and the major constants are time, cost of conducting the research lack of finding the appropriate literature sources. It is necessary to have proper time to analyse the data and collect relevant information (Quinlan et al., 2019). Due to lack of timing, the researcher will not be able to conduct more in depth analysis and evaluation. Additionally, the cost of research is limited for which the researcher will not be able to primary data collection and utilise quantitative data analysis technique for analysing the impacts of branding on customers satisfaction through real life data and information. On the other hand, due to lack of subscription of the best journal sites, it is difficult for the researcher to gather the appropriate journal for better analysis and evaluation of the above mentioned research topic.

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Research philosophy

There are different philosophy related to the research which is ontology, epistemology, axiology and rhetoric. As per the ontology, it is concerned with what is true and real to identify the nature of reality. On the other hand, epistemology is related to the nature of knowledge where the researcher is concerned about gathering a vast range of knowledge and understanding for conducting the research successfully (Baker et al., 2016). Axiology is referred to the philosophy of value and ethics, where the researcher is concerned with values, ethics and aesthetics. Rhetoric is where the researcher is able to review the facts and cases for available means of persuasion. In this particular study, the researcher will be able to select ontology and epistemology, as these are effective for reviewing the knowledge and understanding and analyse the real cases in the society.

Research ethics

Data authenticity and validity should be maintained in the research to manage ethics and complete it successfully. Additionally the researcher implements the Data Protection Act 1998 and ensures that the collected data and information will be utilised only for the research purpose. The researcher also will try to access the online journals and other articles for gathering relevant data. The researcher will maintain transparency and accountability in conducting he research successfully. The researcher also focuses on privacy of the journal sources to collect relevant data and information and analyse it successfully for fulfilling the above mentioned research aim (Baker et al., 2016).

Reference List

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