Skills Required for Effective Event Management


Event management process is the type of a project management process in which managers are associated with planning, designing and organising different events such as business party, occasions, business conference, concerts, press conference, formal parties and wedding parties. Event management system requires high skilled management staffs and smart strategies in order to deal with stakeholders or clients. This report is going to discuss the overall management skills of a local grocery business in the case study that is going to open its new event management venture, in terms of dealing with all its stakeholder in the event environments. In addition to this report will also highlight how this business in the case study will manage a safe and secure environment in each event for all its clients as well as staffs.

Current job opportunities and management roles in the event sectors:

In today’s event management industry, the managers have to deal with manifold roles which are as follows:

The management team needs to liaise with heir client in order to get proper information regarding event needs of clients (Getz, 2018). The local business mentioned in the case study needs to form high skilled event management team which would prioritise the event requirements of the client such as type of events, number of guests, preference of decoration and food choice.


Event managers need to form a detailed proposal of each event such as venues, timeline, staffing, legal obligations and budgets (Plante et al. 2017). In these aspects, the event managers of business mentioned in the case study can make the proposal of such an event that can be arranged in small budget and staffs, as the company is small and new.

Event managers and the entire management team are responsible for coordinating and managing the suppliers’ venues and contractors (Thomas et al. 2015). In this aspect, the event managers of the business on the case study are not only responsible for coordinating with suppliers but also negating with clients, dealers and other stakeholders in order to negotiate the prices.

Events managers are also responsible for liaise with marketing teams and sale department in order to promote and publish the event in a proper manner that can attract the eye of clients. In the case study, the event manager needs to make strong cooperation with sales and marketing team to promote the entire event in order to improve the brand reputation of this business in the international market.

Event managers play crucial roles in managing and organising troubleshoot, client queries and pre-event planning (Pearcy et al. 2017). In the case study, the event managers need to organise guest speaker, coordinate with suppliers and ensure that the entire process of event management runs smoothly.

The event managers are also responsible for ensuring that all the legal, safety, health insurance and ethical obligations are implemented and followed. In the case study, the local business would ensure that the vent manager has followed and implemented all ethical, moral and legal obligations in order to promote the positive brand image.

Job opportunity in the event sectors:

Event management is one of the most preferable and fastest growing industries in the current market trend. Today's generation shifts their carer trend from eth traditional viewpoint to unique and innovating pathway. With the rising demand for highly innovating and unique event planning in different occasion, the job opportunities in event sectors increase in faster rates than any other sectors in the world. As stated by Antony et al. (2015), event management sectors, today’s generation can fund out several career opportunities. Event industry brings about huge rages of designation and roles for the new generation who believes in choosing on innovative career pathways. These different types of jobs designation for event planning are meeting partners, event planner, meeting and event planner, conference planner, event analyst, conference planner, exhibitor coordinator, field event manager and senior event planner. In the managerial carry, there are several job responsibilities in the event management team which provides the employees to widen their profile and enhance their professional knowledge. For example, event management has a program manager, program coordinators, program supervisor, development manager, community relation manager and executive manager. Therefore, in the given case study, the decision was taken by the local business for opening a new venture in the event sectors in highly appreciable and relevant to the current market trend. It will assist this business to have huge staffs and managers ad the other associated partners who are required for conducting an event.

Review of personal attributes and management skills needed to work in the event industry and meeting stakeholder needs:

In order to meet the stakeholder's needs and working in a proper way in the event industry the event managers need to work on following management skills and attributes:

Event managers need to have string communication and interactive skills which will assist them to liaise with different stakeholders such as clients, sale and marketing teams, coordination and suppliers (Kavanagh et al. 2015). In the given case study, event manager needs to have fluent communication skill which will assist them to convince the client and another stakeholder to negotiate the price.

Event managers need to have strong leadership and management skill, which will assist them to direct the entire event team in the right directions in this aspect the event managers of the mentioned business in case study, would focus on developing the leadership skill which through which they can lead the workforce in conducting events, making proper event planning and organising proper arrangement.

Event manager would be highly robust in terms of receiving knowledge and information about all legal and ethical aspects that are associated with eth event management process (Granadillo et al. 2016). In this aspect, the event manager in eth given case study need to have clear knowledge of health, safety, legal; ethical and insurance obligations which need to be followed and implemented into the organisation.

In order to deal with the multidimensional needs of stakeholders, the event manager needs to have strong critical thinking ability (Lancaster et al. 2017). The event manager of local business mentioned in the case study needs to have the ability to analyse different needs of their clients, the decision taken by the organisation committee, in order to take the effective strategies that will assist the overall organisation to maintain its brand reputation.

Critical evaluation of the influence of management skill on conducting successful events and justify recommendations on meeting stakeholder's needs:

Proper management skill is important for conducting high-quality events for offering the client a VIP experience. According to Buning and Gibson (2016), strong management and leadership skill is important for an event manager to maintain the high-skilled workforce in the organisation. Through applying the democratic leadership strategy, event manager of the local business mentioned in the given case study can lead to event staffs to devolve their skill, decision making ability and problem, solving power to deal with ever-changing demand of client current market. On the contrary Savita et al. (2018) argued that sometimes leaders need to apply the autocratic leadership rather than using a democratic leadership style which assists the event manager to maintain proper discipline in the organisation. Moreover, the event manager in the case study can use decision making and critical thinking skills, in order to understand the actual preference of the client for conducting high-quality events.

Explanation and specification of appropriate measures for a safe and secure event venue:

Event manager of local business mentioned in the given case study need to focus on the following aspects in order to maintain the event safety and security

Event manager would maintain strong coordination among all event staffs in order to comply with all legal framework set by the government (Field et al. 2018).

Event managers need to maintain health and safety policies in their workplace in order to ensure that during the event management process, all the staffs and manager would free from any injuries or accidents.

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With using modern technologies and innovative machines, event manager needs to ensure the safety and security of all guests in that event.

Proper planning of event management needs to be conducted by the event manager in order to order to ensure the physical safety of all guests in the events. Such as the stages would be made properly so ht no guest will fall from the stage.

Contrast and comparison of the safety and security provision:

Under the guidelines of Health and Safety Act 2012, event manager of the local business in the case study need to ensure that events are planned and organised in the proper manner which would maintain the safety of all staffs as well as all clients (Lancaster et al. 2017). Under the Equality Act 2010, all staffs in the event management organisation would be maintained with proper dignity and respect for protecting them from discrimination and bias. Under the Disability Discrimination Policy, the event manager of case study would ensure through the planning and arranging events, all the guests and client would be treated in a proper manner without showing any kind of bias.

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From the above-mentioned discussion, it can be concluded that event managers need to have different manger and interpersonal skill that assist them to maintain organisational sustainability and managing trustworthy relation with clients. Through using communication skill, decision-making ability, problem-solving skill, critical thinking skill and the judgemental approach, event managers are able to make a strong relationship with clients. Through using management skill, event manager are able to lead the workforce in a proper way to achieve the organisational success. Moreover, the vent manager needs to maintain the proper safety and security in order to protect all staffs and guest from any kind of physical injuries during the events.

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