Strategic Business Plan for Fresh Feast

Executive summary

The business plan provides a scope to the entrepreneur to develop suitable strategies to establish a new start up. including business dissertation help. This business plan is about developing a restaurant in Central London, UK. The entrepreneurial competence such as commitment towards others and the organisation itself as well as risk taking and managing style and opportunity seeking, resistant with the plan are effective to establish the restaurant and meet the strategic goal. This business plan provides a scope to represent financial projections and sales forecast of the restaurant named, Fresh Feast. The entrepreneur aims at establishing restaurant for providing diverse food cuisines to the customers at affordable price. Product quality and cost leadership strategy will be helpful to establish the start-up business successfully by reallocating the resources, hiring good chef and catering service team and arranging investment capital. As per the sales projection and financial forecast, it would be expected that, the restaurant will be successful by its strategic planning and operational excellence, where the chef and employees will try to serve the customers at the restaurant as well as there would be online food delivery services for retaining more customers across the UK and secure future sustainable development.

Concept of the business Model

The business aims at providing the best quality food items to the customers through store expansion across the UK market. The name of the new business venture will be Fresh Feast, which aims to establish their restaurant chain by promoting their services across the UK. The new business venture is innovative where ready to cook food are also available along with the dining system. The people can come and enjoy their leisure time at the restaurant. It is mainly a road side restaurant in the UK, where the entrepreneur will be able to attract more people for their quality food and beverages. The recent market trend is about get-together, going out for lunch and dinner and also spending time with friends with some quality food items (Julien, 2018). Hence, opening this new business venture will be fruitful for the entrepreneur to make the planning successful and ensure sales maximisation in long run.


Entrepreneurial competences

The Entrepreneurial competences are required to develop good strategic planning for the new business venture and in this regard, the major competencies of the entrepreneurs and the whole team are opportunity seeking, resistant with the plan, commitment towards others and the organisation itself as well as risk taking and managing style and goal seeking (Lüdeke‐Freund, 2020). The entrepreneur and the team are efficient to seek new opportunities after in depth market research as well as their decision making and critical analytical skill set further helps them to strategize the business creatively. Systematic planning, collaborative working practice and continuous monitoring make the business venture successful in near future (Canestrino et al., 2020).

Objectives; expressed in SMART terms

The objectives of the new business venture will be,

To provide the best quality foods and beverages

To ensure organic food items and healthy raw materials

To maximise profitability within 3 years

To enhance sales volume in 1 year

To strengthen their customers base in the UK market

The above mentioned objectives are SMART, which will be explained further.

Specific: The objectives are specific, as each objective is mentioned clearly, where the business entrepreneur can focus on the strategic planning to meet he aim.

Measurable: The objectives can be measurable through critical success factors of the business. For measuring business success, the factors to be considered are profitability, customer retention rate, online food delivery service and sales volume.

Achievable: The objective will be achievable, as the company will develop suitable planning to run the operations and make good investment planning to sustain in the market.

Reliable: the above mentioned objectives are reliable, where for gaining high market share; the new venture will focus on maintaining product quality and product portfolio to serve diverse people across the UK.

Time-table: The objective will be met within the financial year March 2022, through effective marketing strategic planning and operational excellence.

Market analysis: PESTEL factors

PESTEL analysis is effective for conducting external business environmental analysis by exploring political stability in the market, economic growth, social development, technological advancement, legal affairs and environmental principles. In the UK, there is political stability where the government further encourage the new entrepreneurs to renovate the business and start new venture for better investment planning (Kraus et al., 2018). The economic growth of the country along with purchasing power parity and gross domestic product further influence the new business to operate across the city. There is social development and technological innovation, where the entrepreneurs can communicate with diverse social communities through social Medias like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube and promote their business successfully. The employment rules and business copyright and intellectual property rights are major legal compliance that must be maintained to run the business ethically. The environmental protection law is helpful to control the energy resource utilisation, minimise greenhouse gas emission and ensure waste management to run the business sustainably in long run (Li, 2021).

Competition analysis

As per the competitive analysis, the major competitive forces are such as threat of new entrants, threat of substitute products in the market, competitive rivalry, bargaining power of the customers and the suppliers. There is intense competitive in the UK restaurant and hospitality industry due to existing brands and restaurants. On the other hand, the threat of new entrants is moderate as the new business venture may face difficulties of having high threat of substitute products and also other new firms operating in the market (Rustamov, 2019). The bargaining power of the customers is medium, as the company will be able to set affordable prices for their products and the bargaining power of the suppliers is moderate, as the suppliers can switch their option and they have the power to bargain for better prices.


The major products that the new business ventures Fresh Feast are diverse food items and beverages for the customers. The organisation focuses on utilising quality spices from different cuisine, as well as fresh vegetables and fruits to prepare the foods and beverages. There are diverse beverages including fresh fruit juices and cold drinks, so that the customers can opt as per their choices. Additionally, the snacks items including fries, burgers and pizzas are also available for the customers who come for spending time. Lunch and dinner items are also in good quality and quantity at its best price so that it would be possible for the entrepreneur to satisfy the customers in the UK.

Marketing the business: Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning

The new venture in the UK focuses on market segmentation and targeting in order to retain the right customers and deliver them the best quality products and services at affordable price (Li, 2021). The market segmentation and targeting the right customers are conducted through in depth research and development, where the marketing team is able to acknowledge the taste and preferences of the local customers. The segmentations are based on occupation of the people, income status, demographic factors and locations. The new business will target the people who are engaged with services and also target the teenagers, in order to retain them to enjoy quality food at the restaurant.

As per the income status, the customers in medium and high income class will be targeted, so that they can afford the organisational products and services in long run. Targeting family members is another strategy of the new business firm including teenagers, middle aged people and also old age people to enjoy good food (Klačmer Čalopa, 2017). Targeting the bachelor students and working employees are helpful for the firm in order to promote the restaurant in London. The business mainly focuses on increasing providing diverse food items for lunch, dinner and snacks. The restaurant hereby targets diverse people to enjoy good food as per their taste and preferences and additionally, targeting the health conscious people will also be helpful, as the restaurant will aim to utilise quality raw materials and organic vegetables and dairy products to prepare the food items. As per the locations, the people in urban areas across the UK will be targeted, who are willing to plan for get-together and also place orders for different foods and beverages. Additionally, targeting the friends group and social communities would also be also beneficial to promote the brand and increase its visibility in the market.

Sales and operations

For maximising the sales volume of the business and running the operations, it is essential to develop good strategies with time table, so that the entrepreneurs and management team can handle the new business venture and establish the organisation successfully. The time table with strategies will be represented below,

Sales and operations Sales and operations

The above mentioned activities are important for establishing the new business venture and maximise the sales volume. For the operational activities, the entrepreneur develops suitable strategies which are such as,

The business will aim at managing strong supply chain in the UK, where the suppliers are

able to provide all the raw materials, fresh fruits and vegetables, spices and others to prepare the foods and beverages. The company will be able to manage strong supply chain by providing high return on their investment as well as strong communication and cooperation with them.

The company will establish the restaurant at the roadside of Central London in order to increase its visibility in the market and attract more customers across the area. The main target market is hereby London, where the restaurant will promote the brand by establishing its physical shops. Fresh Feast will aim to attract more customers for their quality food items, where the main strategy is to maintain the quality of raw materials, utilising different spices and providing fresh and organic foods, as the customers prefer to have healthy food items and beverages. For promotional activities, the physical store expansion will be beneficial, and along with that, the company aims at promoting the services through social media advertisement in order to retain more clients. The Facebook posts, YouTube and Twitter handling would be advantageous for the new business venture Fresh Feast to develop brand loyalty and promote the brand across the UK.

The internal environment will be creative with interior decorations and the images of different cuisine, so that diverse cultural communities can come and enjoy the food items and beverages (Kabeyi, 2019). There will be free Wi-Fi system in the restaurant and the sitting arrangements are also confortable for the customers. Additionally, the pricing and different combo food offers further attract more customers in the market, to taste different cuisine and also spend time with their family and friends. They also ensure that the food items will be prepared with the best quality spices, fresh raw vegetables and dairy products, so that it will be possible to maintain health and safety of the customers in near future.

The chef and employees will be empowered at the restaurant Fresh Feast for managing the customers and providing them the best quality food and beverages. On the other hand, there will be online food delivery service, where the customers can place their orders through organisational website and also by telephonic conversation. The behaviour of the staff members are polite and cooperative where the clients are feeling confortable to spend time and place their orders as per their taste and preferences. There would be open communication and cooperation among the customers and catering service team, to choose the best food items.

The distribution network must be strong to handle the online food delivery services, where the new business venture Fresh Feast will focus on retaining the distributions for managing online clients and delivering the best quality food items and beverages within effective time.

Sales forecast

Sales forecast

As per the product and service management at the new business venture, it is expected that, the sales volume will be improving over the period of time. In the first year, there will be 20% increase in the sales volume and after completion of the 2nd year, it will be 35%. It is also expected that, after completing the 3rd year of the business Fresh Feast, the sales volume will be increased by 50%. On the other hand, as sales volume would be improved year by year, the profitability is also expected to rise by 10%, 20% and 35% in the upcoming years respectively.

Financial projections

It is important to develop financial projection to provide overview about the investment in the new business venture which will be helpful for the investors to analyse the business opportunities and required investment capital for the organisation Fresh Feast.

Financial projections Financial projections

Strengths and risks of the business

Strengths of the business

The strengths of the business will be financial investment, strong product portfolio management and pricing strategies (Leyva Carreras et al., 2018). The company will aims at providing diverse products from different cuisine, so that it will be possible to target the customers from different culture and communities. On the other hand, the pricing options are also beneficial where the new venture Fresh Feast aims at setting affordable price for successful brand promotion, so that it would be possible to strengthen their client base in short period of time and also enhance sales volume in long run. The other strengths of the company are such as good competitive analysis and market research, which will be helpful for the business to strategies their operational functions successfully (Elashkar, Aldeek and Shoukry, 2020). The entrepreneur and the management team will be working collaboratively by gathering vast range of market information to sustain in such competitive restaurant chain and gain good competitive advantage by focusing on the main strategic planning of product diversification and price setting.

Risk factors associated with the new business venture

The major risk factors associated with the new business venture Fresh Feast will be related to shortage of funding, lack of effective capital investment planning, poor management of the investors and lack of financial projections, which further affect the business negatively. Moreover, the risk of finding experienced chef and quality catering services is also there in order to develop the restaurant chain (Globocnik, Faullant and Parastuty, 2020). Lack of management at the operation department, poor marketing plan and poor suppliers at the firm are other risk factors associated with the new venture Fresh Feast, where the entrepreneurs and management team may face difficulties to run the business efficiently.

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Closing summary

The business is about opening a new restaurant named Fresh Feast in the central London, so that it would be possible to attract more audiences to enjoy their food and beverages. The organisation will aim at providing the best quality food and beverages in order to satisfy the clients, where diverse food items, quality beverages ensure healthy and quality of the foods. The marketing planning by utilising social media advertisement as well as the online food delivery services is important strategies for the new venture Fresh Feast to promote the brand and retain more clients in long run (Nekhaychuk et al., 2019). The business will also aim at utilising quality spices, fresh vegetables and dairy products to prepare the food and beverages. Hence, it would be beneficial for the investors to invest in the new business venture in order to generate profitability and run the business successfully. The planning to establish the new business venture Fresh Feast is effective to gain market share and attract more audiences in the UK, where both the restaurant services and online food delivery services will be available to satisfy the customers by providing the best quality food and beverages.

Reference List

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Elashkar, E., Aldeek, F. and Shoukry, A., 2020. Business predictive analysis from business insurance data using business strategic planning techniques. Knowledge Management Research & Practice, pp.1-10.

Globocnik, D., Faullant, R. and Parastuty, Z., 2020. Bridging strategic planning and business model management–A formal control framework to manage business model portfolios and dynamics. European Management Journal, 38(2), pp.231-243.

Julien, P.A. ed., 2018. The state of the art in small business and entrepreneurship. London: Routledge.

Kabeyi, M., 2019. Organizational strategic planning, implementation and evaluation with analysis of challenges and benefits. International Journal of Applied Research and Studies, 5(6), pp.27-32.

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This study is going to identify the operations and project management techniques involved within a chosen company. The organizational growth is shown here, which had started at a base level. Supply chain management is going to be discussed in this context along with an analysis of capacity and quality development. Amazon has been identified as one of the largest growing e-commerce businesses with global recognition in this 21st era. Such an assessment helps in developing criteria of a person's professionalism. The assessment gives an appropriate idea on the evaluation of operations management through a complete analysis of the technological, ethical components in Amazon. Any evidence of operational success is highly discussed and the assessment regards different issues within a systematic arrangement. Amazon's innovations in supply chain development are mesmerizing. The case study in focus is identified as “Creating the global shopping mall: The case of Amazon”.

The overall increase in product time, managing the number of warehouses, and engagement of product delivery time are important. The secret behind Amazon's success can be explained in terms of "Patience, relentless investment and serial innovation have helped Jeff Bezos’s company 'shred the competition” ( E-commerce technology is associated with cost-effective components and helping the future grow brighter in a positive manner. Amazon is associated with a decision-making capability and they focus on fulfilling their commitment. Therefore, a person can learn about the transitions made by Amazon to become “everything store”.

Operations and Project management

Theory and practices in operations management

Operations management is highly impacting the employees working within Amazon. The newest discoveries include online groceries and cloud computing which makes it more essential. The organization incorporates essential markup on magnifying the opportunities within this organization (Baskin, 2017). Operational efficiency helps in the innovation of a significant volume of data management by using data registries in their databases. Storing an effective and large volume of data is important for implementing innovation in operational management. Google innovation management and creative processes are allowed to be defined as operators of business innovations. Radical and fundamental innovations include optimized business search engine uses and driving more customers to the organization by making advertisements. All employees are asked to set up business goals that are essential to manage internal values and contribute to the innovation process. Equal opportunities are gained so that improved business divisions are created and changes in company processes are observed. The R&D teams are integrating bold efforts of two-day delivery standards after the launch. The operational innovation is observed in terms of drone-based delivery systems (Caraway, 2020). The supply chain undergoes continuous monitoring and security components to be managed for customer disappointment and grievance handling.

Amazon’s international presence

Amazon's marketplace highly focuses on smaller sellers and manufacturers. The linking applies to a huge customer base and fulfillment program. Displaying the products on a centralized online portal has been observed. Business functionality poses an authentication for fulfilling business programs and follows all FBA practices well (Voigt, Buliga, and Michl, 2017.). A centralized market is dealing with front-end marketing for attracting leads and converting them into significant orders. Selecting between online and offline shopping apparently should provide a clear differentiation of profit to the customers. Providing in-person shopping experiences provides customers the urge to shop from online platforms. An omni-channel strategy is important to address the concerns since the platform has to work on impressive services provided by the people. In the UK, there is reinforcement observed in technological infrastructure management. Improving consumer flexibility is required for the personalized shopping experience.

Amazons Achievement

Amazon's strategy of coming up with Amazon fresh for Alexa has been impressive. There is also a development of edge computing observed that impacts operational studies. On-track application management, risk management is part of Amazon's achievement and focus on innovation. Networking, multiplexing, cable, and security are largely impacted upon. The operations include kiva systems that are associated with the packing and picking process at 775 million (Zhu, 2019). Operational theories of Amazon include environmental, cyclical, and conflictual where the competition and conflict are raised at a higher position. It follows a pattern that enables the following specific and identifiable attributes.

Environmental operations theory focuses on survival in the market and possessing changes in the income made by this organization. The organization highly believes in the theory of Charles Darwin which is popularized by the phrase "Survival of the fittest". Now, changes in technology and competition influence the following operational characteristics such as:

Demographic factors including the age of the population

Social factors including preferences of products and services

The environmental theory is focused on the ability to adapt the changes successfully. The wheels of retailing revolve around cyclical theory, which is affecting the dynamic sectors of political, economic, social, and technological, and intense competition. This approach describes the institutional transformation of life cycles. "Scrambled merchandising" is identified as a component of retailer goods and service management to ensure sales and profit margins. Overall sales and profit margins redeem upon the entry phase, trade-up phase, and vulnerable phase. Next comes the discussion upon conflict theory, this is existing between the operators of similar or dissimilar formats within broad retail categories. Thus retailing involves a dialect process that blends marketing challenges into the next rounds of evolution (Wible, Mervis, and Wigginton, 2014). All these theories are associated with an acceleration of growth components and emerging competitions of investment systems.

Operations strategy

Amazon's impact on the Australian Retail Industry has been unique. The strategies which can be marked as important are:

In 2015, Amazon surpassed Walmart as the most valuable retailer in the United States. This is identified as one of the greatest steps of market capitalization

Amazon is identified to be the world's fourth most valuable public company in the world by acquiring a whole foods market of 13 Billion in the year 2017 (Vicén Sampériz, 2018).

Consistent innovation and investments ensure to comply with Kindle E-readers, Amazon Echo, and Echo dot to leverage upon big data and predictive analytics technology.

Amazon follows stock analysis using financial ratios to ensure that best management practices are applied and the organization highly focuses on long-term thinking to value the consistent growth module.

Project management

Project management theories specifically the agile method is important to be engaged within this. In the case of Amazon, the customer service strategy, customer focus, automation in editing, and canceling are managed so easily that the business reaches higher heights. As commented by Sumner-Rivers (2015), the solid and componential analysis on "Anticipatory Shipping '' is observed that allows Amazon to knock on the shipping of products before the engagement is valued upon big data and predictive analytics technology. Project management comes with different terms such as:

Cost of products and services

Delivery Speed

Quality and value offered

Delivery Reliability

Speed of new product introduction


Ability to capture global markets

Geo-political understanding

Delivery Reliability

The operations are intended to manage overall retail service which maximizes innovations and diversification of the company. Specific knowledge regions help in sustaining the global environments and add to the maturity development of this organization. The company largely relies on internet services.

Significance/importance of operations

The operations within this organization are significant since a variety of components are engaged within business and research partnerships. In August 2017, Amazon entered into a partnership for better integration of Alexa and Cortana digital assistants (Schmidt, 2014). Cross-platform integration helps in living up to the edge of lighting, security, and smart home devices. Amazon wireless collaboration is partnered upon for delivering differentiated integration strategies and horizontal solutions for all mutual customers. Collaboration is observed with technical giants such as Cognizant, Accenture and focuses on the delivery of cloud transformation projects majorly. Therefore, signified operations are helping to generate good relations with other companies and making up a larger profit index. Strategic collaborations are highly focused with Amazon to ensure record-breaking sales and getting bigger in the Mid-East. A digitally funded capital float startup is revolutionized for a $1 billion investment with a revenue marking of 400 billion.

According to the CEO, Jeff Bezos operations are important since there is accountability observed of online and physical aspects. Warehouse efficiency and marketing campaigns are given priorities so that complete inventory management planning is processed. It is one of a kind internet-based enterprise that is selling books, music, and many more goods. The type of business model associated with Amazon is entirely dependent on its operations where the management of quality is observed (Patel, Azadegan, and Ellram, 2013). It highly works with marketing p's such as promotions, place, and suitability of actions. Amazon's sustainable competitive advantage is that can indulge in the business strategies of Amazon. Provision of physical products, web-servicing, and deploying IT capabilities for different primary and support activities. The fulfillment of a customer-centric vision is observed inside this organization.

Supply chain management

Importance of supply chain

The importance of the supply chain can be explained in terms of patenting a list of ranges. A practical way of managing dependency is identified to balance the benefits of the company's core values. Internalizing the surrounding actions is important for the successful encouragement of technology components. Amazon's supply chain management is referring to the entire process of product warehousing to automation and inventory management. The technology embracement is applied to supply chains to manage end-to-end visibility and work on the process of automated warehousing. The combination of information technology, extensive networking of warehouses is changing the way of supply chain management. After 10 years of foundation, the annual revenue increased up to 7 billion (Oti, 2013). Amazon is having a game-changing delivery system with the development of Amazon prime that is made up of innovative strategies and gives major competition. "Quick and efficient supply chain management" is outsourcing inventories and insourcing logistics. Several third-party sellers are identified which is associated with a 50% increase in sales.

Porter's five forces can be applied to identify the adequacy of Amazon's competitive positioning. of substitute: This particular force is identified to be stronger since, technological innovations enables the organization to generate a certain level of differentiation. Vast catalogue of alternative products gives strength to hold a sustainable market position.

Bargaining power of suppliers: This particular force is weak, since a large number of suppliers and a variety of sellers ensure that Amazon gains a monopoly over the ecommerce business.

Bargaining power of customers: This force is stronger since there is combined strength observed of over 49 million customers and attraction towards the competitors of Amazon (McGarry, and Anderson, 2018.).

Barriers to entry: This force is higher since Amazon becomes a tough competitors to those who are about to enter with a limited budget. Amazon’s improved uses of IT and technical innovations are improving operations. Amazon’s fulfillment systems manage the integrity and competency levels.

Rivalry among existing competitors: This force is identified to be higher since, Amazon takes the advantages of types of resources for the improvement of business. Competitions are made in terms of Amazon’s continuous refinement and value proposition which is quite inspiring.

Process of capacity and quality development in Amazon

This organization is having a specific quality control team that focuses on the quality control aspects largely. “Technology behind the smile” is the tagline of Amazon while all the operations are managed successfully. Streamline processes are performed using the latest applications in science, machine learning, and scalable distributed software on the cloud (Lashinsky, 2012). Data engineering is also incorporated within so that financial statements work for digital companies.

Technology, people, and ethics

Machine learning and artificial intelligence have been identified as the two most essential components of technology that help Amazon to ensure growth levels. Open-sourced AI development gives the customer a chance to gain an in-person shopping experience by switching to virtual try it on mode. The python-based programming interface is helping in the development of assistants such as Amazon's Alexa (Laber, Thamma, and Kirby, 2020). This is a new service that ensures the device makers include smart displays, reduce complexity and reduce cost. AI-infused voice assistants perform several operations such as Echo smart speakers. The organization has more plans to support Alexa in the BMW cars. Next comes Amazon Web services which are helping the business grow and engage in AWS cloud business. In addition to this, Amazon's cloud segment accounts for 58.9% of the overall operating income.

Amazon has been taking part in autonomous

Amazon has been taking part in autonomous vehicle management to ensure an analysis of autonomous vehicles and testing the reality of the elements. Understanding whether the vehicles are fully functional or not is important. Bi-directional driving is capable of speeding 75 miles per hour. Amazon is becoming a logistics powerhouse day after day. Amazon fulfillment centers are growing exponentially with a current number of 110 (Isckia, 2009). "Amazon surprised the world by acquiring Zoox for more than $1 billion, making it the company’s biggest acquisition of 2020". It acquired new opportunities of e-commerce segmentation to a certain limit so that it becomes the most formidable option on the internet. As a part of revenue analysis, it can be explained that Amazon provides over 13.5 billion operative income alone to engage in record-breaking sales in 2020. Amazon saw a growth that beats the topmost market owners easily throughout the year 2021. There is an important hike in revenue distribution observed where people are committed to the loyalty of Amazon and take services from them.

Ethical understanding involves Amazon building a strong personal and social orientation. The management of conflict and uncertainty is associated with a lawsuit protecting civil rights. The company encourages enormous protection rules to make sure that covid guidelines are maintained appropriately. Amazon follows the differential aspects of business ethics such as fair pay services, understanding the importance of community-based learning, and rolling the perspectives of workplace abuse and discrimination (Cohen, 2018). Amazon web services give a detailed understanding of components with a nagging and reliable mode of working. Amazon never publicizes the ethical understanding, which they follow. Recognition of ethical components has also been understood within conscious consumerism and Amazon's market dominance is continued. Here, people are given enough opportunities to learn continuously and grow at a certain level. A definite list of activities is encouraged while consumerism is identified to be at its best. Moral and ethical uses of big data have become important since customers' privacy is prioritized in Amazon.


The study reveals a systematic analysis on company Amazon, which enables to identify the company’s progress of customer-centric information management. Operational development along with supply chain competency development is highly associated within this organization. There are systematic indulgence observed which evaluates the efficiency of company persons and provides an inspiration of becoming large scale retailer. Swift delivery modules are created for managing flexible returns and one click payment options. The organization focuses largely on customer information safety by providing two-step authentication and protecting the credit card information every time they shop. Targeting, segmentation and positioning is highly focused for becoming popular throughout this organization.



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Website, 2021. Available at: [Accessed on 01/09/2021]

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