Strategic Insights into Hungry Jack's Corporate Success


Corporate strategy of the organisation is the direction and planning of the firm in order to fulfil the company’s aims and maximise its objectives to achieve business success in near future. there are different strategic planning of the companies such as value creation for the stakeholders, enhancing corporate sustainability of the business, managing product portfolio, delivering high quality products and services to the customers etc. in order to expand the business and maximise the brand values in the market (Johnson, 2016). The study aims at understanding the corporate strategic planning of the company Hungry Jack’s as well as evaluates the corporate strategy of the firm in order to maximise the business objective. Through this paper, it is also possible to recommend some suitable suggestions through which the company can achieve organisational success more efficiently in near future.


Organisational background

Hungry Jack’s Pty Ltd is an Australian fast food franchise of the Burger King Corporation; it is mainly the subsidiary of the Australian food chain and efficient to run their business activities strategically in the market by delivering safe and healthy products to the customers. It has been established in the year of 1971 and the products are such as hamburgers, chicken products, salads, onion rings, breakfast and hot and old beverages, French fries, kid’s meals and deserts (Hungry Jack’s, 2019).

Organisational logo

The company is efficient to deliver the products which are healthy and tasty and it further helps the firm to meet the customer’s demand successfully. The company is efficient to raise its income and profitability by improving its sales volume and approximately 19000 employees are trying to satisfy the customers by providing quality products and efficient services that meets the customer’s expectations (Hungry Jack’s, 2019).

Corporate level strategy of Hungry Jack’s

Hungry Jack’s is a proudly Aussie owned company with more than 420 restaurants service the major populations in the country. The company hires efficient employees where more than 19000 employees are Aussies for serving more than 1.7 million Aussies each week and serve up more than 125 million Australian beef patties every year. The company is efficient to focus on business integrity and maximise the values for all the stakeholders including the customers, societies, employees, shareholders and managers who are able to lead the business and achieve success by running the operations efficiently. The corporate strategies of the company are described below (Hungry Jack’s, 2019).

Corporate strategy of Hungry Jack’s

Serving good food:

Serving good food is one of the major strategies, through which the company focuses on creating values for the customers. In this regard, the company tries to focus on producing good food with managing safety and health condition of the products so that the customers can make effective purchase decision for their products and consume it safely. Gourmet grill masters burger range and switch the traditional fries to thick cut chips are effective to produce healthy products. Apart from that, fresh raw materials, such as green vegetables, organic ingredients as well as fresh meat are utilised to produce the burgers so that the customers can consume it safely (Hungry Jack’s, 2019).

Managing product line:

The product line plays a crucial role in managing the organisational operational activities in the market and in this regard, the company focuses on delivering a verity of food products such as hamburgers, chicken products, salads, onion rings, breakfast and hot and old beverages, French fries, kid’s meals and deserts which can maximise the customer’s values where the customers can choose the products according to their taste and preferences out of the products, delivered by Hungry Jack’s (Hungry Jack’s, 2019).

Employing great people:

Over 19000 employees who are Australians are employed in the company and the company in this regard focuses on creating values for them and enhancing their capabilities by providing training and development program so that the employees can perform better and service the customers in a unique way. In addition to these, the leader focuses on managing transpareny and accountability as well as develops suitable organisational culture with managing diversity, integrity and respecting each other in order to encourage team work so that all the employees can collaborate and communicate to each other for serving the customers in a better way (Hungry Jack’s, 2019).

Creating values for the communities:

Value creation is another corporate strategy to secure future sustainable development, in which, the company Hungry Jack’s focuses on deliver health and safety products to the customers sat effective price where the customers trust the brand for quality ad taste of the products. In addition to this, copyright and intellectual property rights of the company secure brand ethics in the market. On the other hand, the company focuses on sustainability for managing the operations and creation values for the social communities as a whole and in this regard, minimising green house gas emission and managing sustainability of the organisation are considered to be effective strategic planning for running the operations efficiently (Hungry Jack’s, 2019).

Developing marketing strategies:

The marketing strategy is important corporate planning for the company to promote the organisational products and maximise the profitability of the company in future. In this regard, the company focuses on developing effective tagline which is ‘Hungry Jack’s makes it better’ through which, it is possible to promo the brand and retain long term customers in Australia. In addition to these, the company focuses on market communication which has been enhanced through social media advertisement to retain more customers in the market (Hungry Jack’s, 2019).

Evaluating the strategic planning of Hungry Jack’s

Ansoff matrix is effective to evaluate the corporate strategy of the company where there are four sections such as market development, diversification, market penetration and product development (Rugman & Verbeke, 2017). In this regard through diversification of the products and market development by marketing strategic planning, the company can target new market and strengthen their customers by attracting more customers in the market with new products and marketing strategies. On the other hand, through market penetration with the existing products and product development for serving new variety of products, the company also tries to target the existing market for strengthening their customer’s base (Thompson, Strickland & Gamble, 2015).

Ansoff matrix

In this regard, the company Hungry Jack’s focuses on market development through creating effective marketing mix strategies planning as well as product development through product diversification so that the product line can be managed well. In this regard, the company tries to develop effective social media strategic planning for improving communication with the social communities and retain the customers for long run. On the other hand, delivering variety of products to the customers is another effective corporate strategy for managing appropriate product line and targets the customers well in the market.

Conclusion and recommendations

It can be concluded that, the corporate strategic planning of Hungry Jack’s is effective to fulfil the aim of the company which is to serve a wide numbers of customers with good food where the product quality and service efficiency for the proficient employees are appropriate to meet the customer’s expectations and strengthen their customer’s base for long run.

The recommendations for further improvement of the company Hungry Jacks are such as,

The company needs to create values for the customers by improving corporate sustainability, where the company needs to focus on product packaging and use paper packaging system rather than plastic use.

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The company needs to improve the online activities for grabbing the opportunity of high demand of the customers for burgers and in this regard, improving communication by developing company’s own website and managing customer’s feedback is necessary. In this process, the customers also can place their orders with proper communication with the front line manager of the organisation.

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Galpin, T. (2019). Strategy beyond the business unit level: corporate parenting in focus. Journal of Business Strategy, 40(3), 43-51.

Johnson, G. (2016). Exploring strategy: text and cases. London: Pearson Education.

Rugman, A. M., & Verbeke, A. (2017). Global corporate strategy and trade policy. London: Routledge.

Thompson, A., Strickland, A. J., & Gamble, J. (2015). Crafting and executing strategy: Concepts and readings. London: McGraw-Hill Education.

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