Strategic Marketing


Strategic marketing is the way the business firms effectively differentiate itself from its competitors by capitalising on its strengths for providing consistently better value to their customers as compared to their competitive firms. Through strategic marketing planning, the organisations are able to expand their business, create strong customer base and run the operations sustainably in long run. The study aims at analysing the strategic marketing of AMS Ltd, which is an organic shampoo manufacturer, based in the US market. In the recent era of globalisation and increasing pollution, the people prefer natural shampoo for hair growth and they are conscious about their health and wellbeing. Through producing high quality organic shampoo and marketing mix strategic planning, it would be possible for the organisation AMS Ltd to expand their business across the US market and strengthened their position in the fashion and beauty industry of the country. The study provides a scope to review the marketing mix strategies of the firm as well as customer based brand equity model that is helpful for the firm for successful expansion. Integrated marketing communication will also be evaluated for reviewing the strategies of the firm and measuring the success of AMS Ltd further.

Adaptation and standardisation of marketing mix

Marketing mix strategic planning is important for the organisations to establish the firm efficiently and attract the potential buyers in the market. The marketing mix strategic planning includes 4P strategies, which represents product, price, place and promotion.


AMS Ltd focuses on product, which contains unique characteristics so that the customers are convinced to make effective purchase decision for the products (bin Abdul Lasi and Salim, 2020). The brand aims at providing the best quality products and this it focuses on manufacturing organic shampoo with naturally predicted raw materials. Hence, product diversification strategy is being utilised in this case in order to ensure brand uniqueness, and attract more customers across the US market. The packaging style of the product is also good with brand label. The customers can identify the organic shampoo of AMS Ltd through its brand name and labelling. Product diversification along with cost leadership strategy would be the best way for AMS Ltd to serve the customers with the quality organic shampoo at its best price (bin Abdul Lasi and Salim, 2020).


Pricing strategy is important for successful establishment of the firm in the market. AMS Ltd focuses on setting affordable price for their products so that it is possible for the customers to make effective purchase decision (bin Abdul Lasi and Salim, 2020). In this context, the organisation AMS Ltd must focus at providing the best quality organic shampoo at competitive price so that the clients across the US market can afford their products. Additionally, there would be seasonal offers and discounts for attracting the customers for their quality product (bin Abdul Lasi and Salim, 2020). The customers can avail one-buy get one free options and get discounts on different occasions on overall purchase.


Placing is playing a crucial role for the organisations to increase brand visibility and attract the potential buyers in the market. AMS Ltd focuses on distributing their products through their physical stores, situated in USA (bin Abdul Lasi and Salim, 2020). There is availability of their products across different markets of the USA. Additionally, there is online distribution system through official website of AMS Ltd, from where the customers can get the best quality products and services. The US market is highly competitive with diverse product range in health and beauty industry, along with increasing online customers. AMS Ltd must focus on strengthening their supply chain and distribution network in order to serve diverse buyers across the markets (Rutz and Watson, 2019).


Promotional practices are essential for promoting the brand and increase brand identity in the market. In this context, the business firm AMS Ltd focuses on television and radio advertisement, which are considered as traditional advertisement practice to attract the audiences. There are also leaflets and magazine advertisement through which the firm aims at attracting the potential buyers for the organic shampoo for hair growth (Rutz and Watson, 2019). In addition to this, AMS Ltd also tries to promote their brand by using brand logo and good packaging system. The firm also expand their business through online website, where they try to connect with the customers across the US market and retain them for long run (Rutz and Watson, 2019). In this context, social media advertisement and celebrity endorsement would be the best strategy for AMS Ltd to attract the audiences and strengthen their customer’s base in long run. In the fashion and beauty industry, celebrity endorsement is the best strategic planning to launch new products, create strong customer’s base, as the people follow the celebrities a lot, and choose the product accordingly.

Customer Based Brand Equity model

Customer Based Brand Equity model is mainly used to show the strategy of brand’s success that can directly be attributed to the customer’s attitude towards the brand. As per the Keller’s brand equity model, he stages of maintaining brand equity are such as brand identity, brand marketing, brand response and resonance (Rutz and Watson, 2019). As per brand identity, AMS Ltd is an organic shampoo manufacturing, which is operating in US fashion and Beauty industry. Brand performance and imagery can be defined as the main factor in establishing AMS Ltd in the market. The organisation is efficient to develop organic shampoo with natural ingredients, which are beneficial for hair growth (Agzamov, Rakhmatullaeva and Giyazova, 2021). The organisation AMS is proficient to maintain its quality and attract the audiences for the organic care, which are advantageous for skin and hair of the customers across the markets. Brand response is mandatory in this regard to ensure brand equity in the market. The organisation AMS Ltd is successful to create strong customer base with organic care products and their services (Agzamov, Rakhmatullaeva and Giyazova, 2021).

The customers are satisfied with the naturally produced shampoo, which are helpful for growing hair and maintaining hair quality (Agzamov, Rakhmatullaeva and Giyazova, 2021). The customers feel valued for the best quality predicts, packaging, good quantity in the bottle, maintaining good relationship and providing best services. In this context, consumer brand resonance can be maintained by developing strong bonding and corporate relationship with all the stakeholders. The major stakeholders of the company are such as employees and managers, manufacturers and suppliers, distributors, customers, government, shareholders and social communities as a whole (Rosário and Raimundo, 2021). The organisation AMS Ltd must create values for all the stakeholders by providing them high return on their investment and enhance good bonding and trust. Such behaviour and maintaining organisational commitment towards the customers and other stakeholders would provide an opportunity to AMS Ltd to maintain brand equity and expand their business creatively across the US fashion and beauty care industry (Rosário and Raimundo, 2021).

Integrated marketing communications for AMS

Integrated marketing communications are helpful for the organisation to promote their products and services in the market and strengthen their customer’s base in near future. In order to enhance the organisational activities across the US market, the firm AMS Ltd focuses on enhancing market communication by adopting three major strategies, which are sales promotion, mobile marketing and social media advertising.

Sales promotion

Sales promotion is one of the effective ways to engage with the audiences across the US markets and enhance market communication. The social media campaign along with arranging different campaign at different place would be the best strategy for AMS Ltd to increase brand visibility and attract the audiences in long run (Lahtinen, Dietrich and Rundle-Thiele, 2020). During the campaign, the organisation can directly communicate with the customers, clear their doubts and concerns and provide free samples for influencing their purchase decision. Sales promotion is increasing among the corporate firms across the US markets to reach the customers and the major strategies are holiday promotions, product discount, loyalty programs and seasonal offers. It would be effective for AMS Ltd to share all the information related to the organic shampoo and its benefits with the customers for influencing their purchase decision. The customers also will get discounts and different offers during the sales promotional campaign, which further helps them to trust the brand and use their unique products, organic shampoo for hair growth.

Mobile marketing

Mobile marketing is increasing worldwide, where the organisations try to create strong bonding and develop trust with the customers across diverse markets. The organisations generally create organisational website to engage with the customers and help them to utilise their website from their personal account in order to review the products and make effective purchase decision. In the USA, mobile advertising spending is increasing over the years and in 2020, there was 120 billion US Dollars, spent on mobile ads (Hayat et al., 2019). The customers can utilise the organisational official website through their smartphone and place orders accordingly as per their needs and preferences (Hayat et al., 2019). On the other hand, the organisation should create mobile application with their organisational brand name and attract the audiences to install the smartphone apps for reviewing the products and placing final orders. It would be beneficial for the firm AMS Ltd to communicate with diverse people through telephonic conversation and chats on that smartphone application for creating good bonding and trust.

Social media advertising

Social media advertising is one of the effective ways to ensure integrated marketing communication as social media is playing a crucial role in the recent era of globalisation to engage with the people across diverse social communities. As of 2021, there is more than 56.7 billion US Dollars spent on social media in the USA and it would be expected to rise to 80 billion due to increasing online activities (Idris, 2021). The social media platform like Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, Instagram and YouTube are mandatory to be utilised widely by the corporate firms to promote their products and services by different posts and promotional videos. It would be beneficial for the organisation AMS Ltd to promote their post by social media advertisement and enhance communication with the public through comments, like and shared feedback (Idris, 2021).

Measurement of success

It is important to measure the success of the brand and develop more creative strategic planning for meeting the organisational aim. AMS Ltd focuses on maximising their profitability and gaining high competitive advantage with the innovative product organic shampoo. Reviewing the annual report would be the best way to evaluate financial performance of the company. Through the financial statement of the company, it is possible to measure success of the brand. The overall sales volume should be one of the indicators of measuring success. The sales volume of AMS Ltd will be evaluated along with its profitability (Idris, 2021). The profitability o the brand per month is necessary to be analysed for measuring success of AMS Ltd. Moreover, return on their investment is being calculated through identifying the cash inflows and cash outflows. It is also considered as effective indicators of measuring success of the company AMS Ltd. Apart from the financial statement evaluation; the online and social media has its great influence on organisational success. In this regard, the customer’s retention rate should be measured for AMS Ltd to analyse the success of the brand (Thabit and Raewf, 2018). The online customer’s reviews, their comments and numbers of likes are also necessary to be evaluated for better analysis, where it is possible to understand the demand for the products of AMS Ltd in the market. Customer’s satisfaction and online purchase rate are also evaluated for measuring success of AMS Ltd in long run.

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AMS Ltd is a successful business predicting organic shampoo for the customers. The demand for the organic care products and services is increasing across the markets where the people become concern in using organic and naturally manufactured skin and hair care products for being healthy and safe. The organisation focuses on creating brand equity and retaining more customers in long run to enhance their sales volume and maximising profitability. Through the above-mentioned communication mix strategies, it is possible for AMS Ltd to engage with the customers and create trust and respect for others, which further provides a scope to gain high competitive advantage. The product diversification and cost leadership strategy further helps AMS Ltd to deliver high quality organic products to the customers at affordable price, so that the clients can make effective purchase decision as per their requirements. The promotional strategies such as social media advertisement, celebrity endorsement along with television advertisement and social media campaign are beneficial for AMS Ltd to increase brand visibility and expand their services across the US market, where the customers can identify the best quality organic shampoo and place their orders. Hence, marketing strategic planning is hereby beneficial for AMS Ltd to strengthen their position in the market and gain high competitive advantage in near future.

Reference List

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