Sustainable Development and Business Optimization

1. Introduction and background

Sustainable development can be defined in terms of meeting the needs of business at present without making compromises on the needs of the future generation. In this study, a sustainable goal is chosen and the impact of that goal on business in terms of society standards is explained. The entire study is based on the ethical and ecological component of the UN, where national issues and global relation to stakeholders is discussed. Critical appraisal of the sustainability option available to business with a use of a wide range of relevant data sources is analyzed. The organizational actions through application of models and frameworks are analyzed. Effectively communication through appropriate informational evidence is presented in this study. The three pillars of sustainable development, which engage in social, economical and environmental concepts, are outlined here.


Sustainability in the United Nations and business optimization is important as far as the development is considered. Social responsibility is expected to be structured while there is development and business growth assessed. Different types of theories influence the constant need for growing and gaining success in the work highly. The chosen goal for this study can be explained in terms of the chosen business goal of “Zero Hunger” (Song, Park, and Zhao, 2020). As organizations, many of the people are investing in the zero hunger spectrums. Social values are created through restorative and operational practices. Employment is highly practiced for the engagement of stakeholders and driving out strong business forces. The challenges that underline the goals are providing children and adults a relief from malnutrition and enabling them to store agricultural practices. Sustainable access to nutritious food and agricultural practices for the increase of food supply and lowering prices is identified as the biggest challenges of this era. While the study focuses on zero hunger, there will be people assigned to develop a sustainable framework.

2. Impact of business on society with respect to the chosen goals

The business impact is on the higher side while the chosen goals are analyzed. Monitoring the business and eradicating hunger is important. Unsuitable expansion of agriculture has created some serious environmental problems such as soil erosion and pollution. UN sustainable goals are tried to be resolved by some of the non-profit organizations and internal and external people both. Human resource, management and operations are part of multinational business. From an ethical point of view, it is important to stop the wastage of food. As an organization, there should be calculations made on the amount of food to be cooked for employees every day (Yadav, Singh, and Agrawal, 2020). The level should not exceed and it should involve human resources. The culture-to-culture differentiation is applied within a business as ethical management of food and distributing the left over in right places is required. There are social responsibilities that are associated with the corporate infrastructural view and guidance on reducing hunger. There are many people involved within the sustainability spectrum of business ethics. Lack of awareness and economical values should be imposed within the speculation of moral positioning. Their diverse interpretation of what a responsible enterprise means. Corporate social responsibilities are indulged within moral positions and ethical capital management of business. The economically unstable people should be given a priority first to stop hunger. There should be evaluations done on the spectrum of responsible enterprise managers by engaging in green plates for sustainability.

There are businesses that should contribute to the use of paper plates and disposable cutlery. All this should be done at a pace of strategic social investments. Public policies are required to be supporting social sustainability. Businesses need to become more concerned regarding the engagement of people. A concerned authority has to be entitled within an indulgence of records to stop the organizational dilemma. There is suitability observed in the management of eco- friendly items. In this case, the people should become more concerned about the engagement of consumer goods with sustainability. There is a variety of ethical theories observed that look after the local enterprises to gain competency in sustainability. Business managers need to understand the significance of this process and the circular economy is improvised. There is a complete assurance required on maintaining development objectives for the government and identifying rational concepts.

3. Responsible organization responding to the sustainable goals

A circular economy can be built while the reduce, reuse and recycle component is engaged. There are sustainable practices observed that build upon the business. Companies as a whole are required to be focused on the quality identification of business goals. Circular economy draws the purest value of CSR as it puts them into practice. CSR is identified as “the corporate management philosophy and set of practices that better frames sustainability. However, in this context the difference can be explained in terms of CSR and CSV which is shared value. Shared value creation is explained as the creation of new opportunities that will create new markets and improve profitability. With better economic stability and profitability the companies are expected to gain maximum profit and contribute to the improvement of competitive positioning, the contribution towards reducing hunger is expected to be more as well (Song, Park, and Zhao, 2020). “The phrase doing well by doing good covers both shared value initiatives like the Chevy Volt—a new product we see as shared value—and more traditional CSR activities such as GRI reporting that responsible companies accept as a cost of doing business”. With improved CSR, it is expected to create fundamental differentiation of CSR activities. The fact is to observe the business growth and describe the analytical components of society while improving the business process. The dramatically change of CSR is observed in many of the organizations for the last few years.

Both CSR and shared values have a concept of managing sustainability while the CSR aligns responsibilities and the CSV aligns with shared values. The fundamental distinction of CSR and CSV is doing the business with responsible thought and shared value are all about creation of economic understanding (Snyders, 2018). The game changing shifts occurring from corporate social responsibilities are essential to be maintained as the business is growing and it is not only for the profit, it engages estimation of strategy CSR. The superlative values of shared models need to be improved while there is absolute justification encouraged. The model can improve world-class variations of business as it moves forward with shared values. Preconceiving products and the markets with a redefinition of a productive value chain is seen. Leveraging the resources and the innovation of the private sector for creating new solutions to society

The challenges of corporate shared values can be described in terms of ignoring the social and economical goal while having naive business compliance. The importance of corporation’s role is important within a context of managing company potential and shallow conception of corporations' role in society is encouraged. Deriving societal change for business incorporations is essential while the aspirations of reducing hunger are in concern (Zukiwsky, 2020). A global community of practice is committed toward driving adoption and implementation of strategies within a limited company and government organization. CSR associates with some societal values that need to be considered while taking decisions about trade off like equity and efficiency. Dignity, education, honesty, humanity and individual rights are inclusive of business performances. The 5 social values are found out to be engaging in justice, freedom, respect, community and responsibility. Personal values are expressed as a part of finding jobs of a person’s choice and giving satisfaction so that no one dies out of hunger. Values of life like the courage, kindness, patience and development of forgiveness are essential in life to be understood.

Encouragement of growth and economic sustainable concepts are allowed to be managed using partnerships. The United Nations general assembly is expecting to achieve the following components within 2030. The sustainable goals of a people management are collaborating with the UN global compact and universal justification of poverty needs to be maintained. The planet protection and sustainable agricultural development is essential (Prodanova et al. 2019). Food security and reporting on the components of shared values seems to be strategically managing ethics inside an organization. Advanced equity has been established since 2006 and this time well accepted terminology of CSR is creating greater achievements for the terminology of managing strategic decisions. Purpose led equity is important to be analyzed while people of the UN achieve the authentic purpose of living. The different types of assessment can be performed to analyze the possible challenges. Advanced equity and innovation is associated within the performance deliverable and profitability in between people. The establishment of security and generosity is maximum while there is people associatively managing food security. Poverty is managed as it improves the development criteria of malnutrition and hunger. Common responsibility of the international community is to occupy the places where poverty exists. There should be cognitive impairment done so that pepper nutrition is reached everywhere. The sustainability is appropriate while FAO estimation provides the idea of increasing and decreasing a person's appetite. There is extreme grief identified for the persons that are not being able to have enough nutrition due to the hunger issues.

Hybrid metrics are generated for the companies to work together. The rationalization is important for company wise development. Collaboration and initiative management is organized through the reflective analysis of economies. Shared values are all about integrating the social and environmental impact in business. In this case, the scenario is being developed with deriving economic values and making business profit. The sustainable components and equity is essential to be managed in CSV. CSR in the traditional mindset of business is enabling a model that improves the world-class service. CSR “marks an ongoing ambition to make a difference to society in some way and, unlike CSR, it is a lot more embedded in every fact of the business.” CSR examples include reducing carbon footprint along with improvements of voluntary work. The labor policies can be improved while fair-trading is identified within business people. CSR, while taken into action, improves the major concerns of the community and takes part in building a positive environment around the companies. “The purpose of corporate social responsibility is to give back to the community, take part in philanthropic causes, and provide positive social value.”

4. Compare and contrast the role of government, NGO and consumer in society

Focusing on the development of corporations, government and NGO complements each other to manage the deficiencies in resources and capacities. ODA projects and voluntary services are associated within the government policy directions (Lee, and Seo, 2018). Local, state wise organizational development receives funding in maximum cases. However, independent bodies are contributing to the people’s development and reducing overall hunger. “Every society, even the laissez-faire variety, has engaged in the distribution and redistribution of income and wealth in some form”. The policies are generated to provide adequate support to the society while extreme poverty and hunger is indulged. Increased food availability is highly impacted through social development and creating a food bank where leftover food can be submitted. “UN Millennium Declaration in 2000 their pledge amounted to reducing the number of the hungry to 591 million by 2015”.Food and agricultural development provides adequate statistics in the year 1990 while the baseline of food security is impacted. Experts comment that 848 million of UN people are still chronically undernourished. The statistics are shocking and need to be improved while the objectives are not reached. Six million children die every year out of malnutrition. ``212 million in Sub-Saharan Africa, 231 million in India and 123 million in China '' are the statistics of malnutrition and living without adequate food support.

Food price increase and hunger issues

Companies together can contribute to the increasing rate of biofuel and gas. Speculations are made within the management of the primary crisis in the US. Cereal grain market improvement is required while an account of spiking the food commodity rates is created. The studies have evaluated that the local agriculture support on development of crops and managing their occurrence is important (Caldera, Desha, and Dawes, 2019). The growing number of products is expected to reduce hunger. Tech companies can create a donation for the people living with empty stomachs. Hunger is essential to be organized since there are many people involved. The definite conditions are to reduce the wastages and engage in equal distribution. “At least 15 countries, including Cambodia, China, India, Pakistan and Vietnam, drastically limited their exportation of staples in order to feed their own population (Van Braun 2008, 5). Several governments announced a revival of policies in favor of agriculture”.

Freedom from the different aspects of being deprived of the food facilities is important. Africa, east Asia, Europe and central Asia are aligned with food issues and increase in supply can be done for the food goods. Consumer subsidies are often observed to align the export and import criteria and take policy to control the development of food hunger. Various people are fighting against the hunger issue and they are trying to raise funds as well. All these funds are going to be used in the process of managing hunger and creating sustainability. The application of theories to the situation is identified as a concern and self-efficacy is the identified theory. Cognitive theory also connects with people's hunger management (Gupta, Kumar, and Wasan, 2021). The level of efficacy is associated with perceived behavioral control, which is similar to the theory of appetite control. Increases in hunger need to be speculated and reduced to the earliest possible. The portion of serving can be controlled. However, one cannot stop from having the required amount of food. There is a significant allowance of hunger management observed. A theoretical analysis can be presented on the glucostatic theory of food. “The glucostatic theory of food intake control postulated that reduced glucose utilization in critical brain regions leads to perception and expression of hunger, and increased glucose utilization in these same gluco sensitive sites leads to decreased hunger and cessation of eating”. There is a lipostatic theory that works on the balance of energy and circulation of body fat being stored. The brain signals are given adequate energy intake so that the food is consumed in an adequate manner.

Some of the important steps that can be taken to stop hunger and achieve food sustainability is identified to be:

“Sustainable Food. Heifer International is an organization that helps transform agriculture. ...

Access to Credit, Many organizations are helping people in poor countries to gain access to credit

Food Donation


Urban Farming

Access to Education

Social Change

Government Intervention”.

The government officials are working with potential clients regarding an achievement of sustainability. The solution of food insecurity is addressed as a concern for most of the authorities and managing the loss of food and it is important to decrease the undernourishment of people from 15 to 11%. The originality of the food management is applicable within open markets and liberalization of different people. The overall shortage needs to be identified and filled. As a first step, the overall management of food is important while calculating the shortage. Severe famines, food and water shortages are associated with affordability and managing the people that are serving food (Lenssen, and Smith, 2018). Sustainability is required for farmers with existing offers and engaging them in building a sustainable economy by providing adequate support from the government. Farmers' connectivity towards the market is less. The lack of opportunities and process of aligning food from the donor countries are important for the management of famine. It is obviously a man made desire that will increase the people’s livelihood and reduce the living danger of people in extreme hunger. The UN's sustainable development criteria to hunger is managing food insecurity and experiencing the malnutrition threat. Proper nutrition is identified to be reducing the likelihood of disease, poor health and cognitive impairment. There is a FAO that estimates the decrease of common concepts like hunger reduction in society. The balance and equity is associated within an operation control and quality improvement. There are labor intensive working scenes for the persons working in rice fields. A significant indulgence is directing the people towards work and fighting hunger while removing its impact. Hunger management is important to achieve support from different nations as poverty shows the inappropriateness of a country and failure of leaders while managing its people.

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5. Conclusion

In this assignment, different types of theories like the glucostatic theory along with the lipostatic theory have been explained. Cognitive theory along with self-efficacy is explained as a part of discovering the leptin and receptors. The body weight surely has a weight set point that requires it to be managed. Eliciting changes are pointed out and the associative learning and management is elaborated while there are settlements of high weight points observed. The discovery of components is working within body fat management and homeostatic balance of food. There is an incremental process observed that allows hunger management and solves the greatest threats of the United Nations. An integrated process of involving core personnel in appetite control is important while testing theories are integrated. The involvement of society people is absolutely of concern and psychological analysis is important. There are definite hunger assessments indulged within a control of appetite and concerned authorities need to focus on their implementation constraints. Food security and hunger management is identified to be the important concepts of all time and survival instincts are judged in this assignment. Any person associated with hungry people's concern is essentially required to focus on the response generation of government. Lack of awareness is the main concern of society. Many people unknowingly waste food without knowing the impact. They do not even want to focus on the impact, as the food is always ready on their plate. This people are not getting how the concerned authorities are unable to afford their food and starving to connect to the food.



Lenssen, G.G. and Smith, N.C. eds., 2018. Managing Sustainable Business: An Executive Education Case and Textbook. Springer.


Caldera, H.T.S., Desha, C. and Dawes, L., 2019. Evaluating the enablers and barriers for successful implementation of sustainable business practice in ‘lean’SMEs. Journal of Cleaner Production, 218, pp.575-590.

Gupta, H., Kumar, A. and Wasan, P., 2021. Industry 4.0, cleaner production and circular economy: An integrative framework for evaluating ethical and sustainable business performance of manufacturing organizations. Journal of Cleaner Production, 295, p.126253.

Lee, Y.H. and Seo, Y.W., 2018. Strategies for sustainable business development: utilizing consulting and innovation activities. Sustainability, 10(11), p.4122.

Prodanova, N.A., Savina, N.V., Kevorkova, Z., Korshunova, L.N. and Bochkareva, N., 2019. Organizational and methodological support of corporate self-assessment procedure as a basis for sustainable business development. Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues, 7(2), p.1136.

Snyders, H., 2018. ‘Fear of hunger and the stench of disease’: Guano, Nuisance Management and Public Health Struggles in the Cape Colony, c. 1840–1910. South African Historical Journal, 70(3), pp.453-474.

Song, J.M., Park, A. and Zhao, Y., The Hunger Chain: A competitive simulation for teaching supply chain management. Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education.

Yadav, P.K., Singh, A. and Agrawal, S.B., 2020. An Overview on Management of Micronutrients Deficiency in Plants Through Biofortification: A Solution of Hidden Hunger. Sustainable Solutions for Elemental Deficiency and Excess in Crop Plants, pp.183-208.

Zukiwsky, N.M., 2020. Evaluation of broiler breeder reproductive management on hunger, reproduction and offspring performance using a precision feeding system.

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