Understanding Change Management Methods

1.1 Importance for a business to change

Change management including business dissertation help, is the controlled identification and implementation of changes that develop and manages a business using various methods. Change is applicable for both internal and external processes. It is defined as a structured approach to change that helps in the mitigation of disruption.

Internal factors for change

The entire confidence level of the organization depends on the attitude and skills of the employees. Employees need to accept change, therefore organizations will be able to process them (Calabrese et al., 2018)

Financial or monetary risks are dependable on business structure and change in interest rates affects the business in a harsh manner, which leads towards change.

Physical resources like company location, equipment, and facilities are largely influencing the company towards change. Moreover, natural resources, patents, and trademarks lead people to change.


External factors of change

Economic recession, policies, and interest rates influence an organization to change. Some common examples of this are fluctuation in oil prices, import and export duties, and inflation rates of the country (Vlados, and Chatzinikolaou, 2019).

Government policies are providing implications on change and one of the biggest examples of this is the Brexit law in the UK. It has caused many organizations to follow change management.

Change as suppliers affect organizational growth. Companies always need to focus on alternative channels of distribution.

1.2 Positive and negative effects of change on a selected business

Positive change in Tesco:

Tesco has done encouraging innovation and they have used the internet for consumer communication. Introducing online shopping and click and collect services for managing the change

Supermarket giant Tesco has also announced the creation of 16000 job role to support their business growth in support of their existing business (Moşteanu, Faccia, and Cavaliere, 2020)

Remote auditing technology provides performance in management in Tesco and this increases efficiency. Digital in-store initiative is increasing efficiency such as scan-as-you-shop device

The virtual audit approach has improved productivity and uses critical HRM opportunities. It also aims to develop its construction supply within 2 years time spam (Miftari, 2018)

Negative effects

Failure towards paying the farmers an adequate share of retail prices and reduced morale

Refraining the organization from collaboration with other business and create opportunities for business growth has become stressful

Employee retention is observed as strong HRM policies have been applied to them regarding their work (Ottosson, 2019)

Adoption of remote auditing model was a reason of becoming afraid by many managers and it took immense time to change as well

As far as the changes are concerned, Tesco has made growth in their revenue, which is essential in terms of organizational development and change management. To conclude, positive acceptance has been seen for the change that occurred in Tesco despite policies and regulations.

Risk of slow change against fast change

A business has to innovate incrementally to stay relevant in the market. Slow change risks are associated with not having enough funds to support the demand of a product or work with funding acquisition. New leaders with the different business acquisition will expect supreme growth in company statistics while employee resistance and lack of time to adapt to changes are risks of fast changes (Zincir, and Tunç, 2017).

Consumes an immense amount of time and target goals will be achieved after a lot of time is consumed. However, a slow and sturdy operation helps in growth management without any tremendous failures.

Covid-19 has impacted many business processes to go online. Adopting the change to provide customers with an online shopping experience has essentially changed the way businesses were looked upon previously. Most employees were resistant to process this type of change as this impacted their lifestyle and working hours.

Benefit of slow change against fast change

A fast change management process is associated with harder resistance. However, with a slow change management process, there are fewer chances of employee resistance. For example, a sudden change in weather might cause harm to the collection of clothes for a garments brand (Shaqrah, 2018). A sudden change of policies and procedures badly affects consumers. With most companies, going online with the process during covid 19, there is the time taken to adopt and train in a slow process.

The benefits of fast change are associated with keeping business ahead of competitors and cultural resilience is not seen in fast change like slow change. With a fast change, external environments are always trending and keeping up with the process is possible. In fast-moving companies, hiring people comes at the cost of cultural challenges as on a sudden note a person might be asked to work under a new manager and new job role. These swift changes are associated with sensitivity and new hires find their job roles to be fluctuating

Positive response to business change

People might find it exciting to engage in new ideas and opportunities. Once the positive aspects of change are identified, setting goals becomes easier along with achieving them.

Most leaders and workers find the change management opportunity to engage in learning and growth opportunities (Shaqrah, 2018). Business innovation provides better revenue and overall organizational growth. It is also applicable in terms of staying updated with industry trends.

A philosophical and personal change in an organization helps in improved attitude and morale

Responding negatively to business change

It is observed that people are afraid of the change as there will be increased duties and additional stress and anxiety.

Acceptance of the known is a major problem area of change management. For example, there is a loss of job roles seen in case autonomous machines are deployed in an organization. With every change management a poorly aligned and "non-reinforcing reward system" is identified which encourages employees to resist the change.

Methods for an administration apprentice

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Mentoring remotely helps apprentices to understand ethics and process and progress. Monitoring the administration logbook helps in administration apprentice. Users are provided a record of the status regarding apprentice knowledge and skills (Shaqrah, 2018).

The Buddying system helps in onboarding and knowledge-sharing methods for new apprentices. Simple administrative question and answers are done for immediate personal connection building

McKinsey 7-S Framework

The framework follows the following steps:

Strategy: Planning and responding to the environment of operation Structure: Tasks, staff, and hierarchy setting up System: Achievement of process Staff: Employed persons Skills: Specific skill management in the company Style: Approach took for leadership position Shared values: Corporate culture integration

The plan for admin apprentice: Reporting structure

The plan for admin apprentice: Reporting structure The plan for admin apprentice: Reporting structure



Calabrese, M., Iandolo, F., Caputo, F. and Sarno, D., 2018. From mechanical to cognitive view: The changes of decision making in business environment. In Social Dynamics in a Systems Perspective (pp. 223-240). Springer, Cham.

Galli, B.J., 2018. Change management models: A comparative analysis and concerns. IEEE Engineering Management Review, 46(3), pp.124-132.

Miftari, V., 2018. Transformational leadership communication in developing countries’ business environment. Journal of History Culture and Art Research, 7(2), pp.259-264.

Moşteanu, N.R., Faccia, A. and Cavaliere, L.P.L., 2020, August. Digitalization and green economy-changes of business perspectives. In Proceedings of the 2020 4th International Conference on Cloud and Big Data Computing (pp. 108-112).

Ottosson, S., 2019. Developing and Managing Innovation in a Fast Changing and Complex World. Springer Books.

Shaqrah, A.A., 2018. Analyzing business intelligence systems based on 7S model of McKinsey. International Journal of Business Intelligence Research (IJBIR), 9(1), pp.53-63.

Vlados, C. and Chatzinikolaou, D., 2019. Methodological redirections for an evolutionary approach of the external business environment. J. Mgmt. & Sustainability, 9, p.25.

Zincir, O. and Tunç, A.Ö., 2017. An Imagination of Organizations in the Future: Rethinking McKinsey's 7S Model. In Strategic imperatives and core competencies in the era of robotics and artificial intelligence (pp. 101-125). IGI Global.

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