Workforce Sustainability in the UK's Event Industry


The event industry is widely described as one of the largest industries in the UK and for many of the regions, it represents a vital source of income. At the same time, governments positively encourage the development of the event industry. In spite of the enormous development and revenue as well as employment generation prospects of the event industry, it has remained a matter of debate whether the event industry has been a real contributor to the work issues in the event industry. This factor has different influences on the working environment and poses for those who are involved in the work issues. More importantly, the links between workforce issues and working environment reflect the aspects of the workforce sustainability and into the future of the organization.


The research is to explore the nature of workforce issues and their impact. A specific addition in the within the study, which has been also a benefit to the study content, has been that the researcher has contributed his own work experience of working in the event industry and this has been particularly significant regarding development of the arguments in the context of low payment to the workers and regarding the better identification of the related work issues. The most relevant sources to this study are some academic journals, magazines, surveys which are accepted by the academics, specialist sand event research journals. This has been an academic approach and additional information have been derived from practical articles which are accessible to practitioners as well as academics.

This report approaches the event industry from the perspective of the working environment and the reader will find knowledge and themes in this study which could be utilised as evidence derived from the working environment and could be thus transferred to further exploration undertakings and researches.

1.1 Research and aim rationale

The study purpose is vital because it examines the work environment following the Atkinson method and reveals whether there could be a perspective for sustainable workforces. The Atkinson model is particularly helpful in analysing the working environment and it assists to evaluate critically the influence of the work issues in the event industry. The aim of the research is to investigate the exactitudes of the compulsory living wages stipulated by the Governments, the manner in which such wages are considered within the event management industry and if job security has a central role in the operational strategies of the organisations.

Research rationale

The researcher discovered the event industry produces profit and the working environment based on the low pay, in spite of the government compulsory living wage.

The researcher is close to the workforce issues in the event since the researcher had gathered many years of working experience at the event management industry. The researcher identified that the event industry has been experiencing increasing financial progress , however, this has been contributing adversely to the emergence of working issues related to the industry.

However, in some cases, the organisations may not identify the workers' issues because in these cases dissatisfied workers do not express their dissatisfaction.

The researcher, as an intellectually curious academic, wishes to be involved in the actions of justification. The researcher has been involved in the trade union survey through many years, examining the work environment issues in the event industry.

The situation examined has the potential of leading to a moral question which needs to be answered. Such moral perspective based research has been deemed to be effective in terms of performing the academic investigation.

In the research process large amount of data, various elements and factors were analysed and evaluated for contributing to the analysis of the response.

1.2 Research questions

Does the Compulsory living wage oblige the organizations to recognize the labour issues and do they use the right strategy to maintain a sustainable working environment?

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1.3 Research objectives

The objective of the research is to discover new as well as existing knowledge about the workforce issues and how they could be linked with the bad financial strategies of the event organization industry. Meanwhile, the study intends to draw attention to the contributions of the compulsory governmental living wage payments to the workers in the event industry and the associated changes in the current event management industry. Further, another motivation has been the dissemination of the research outcomes within the most extensive area of event management based organisational and administrative operations where such issues could be predominant. This is meant to assist the higher and competent authorities to institute changes to address such workforce and working conditions related issues in the event management industry of the UK.

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