Child Law Topics

The concept of primacy of best interest and welfare of child

  • Course Code: SPW32766
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 08
  • Published On: 1-11-2023

The notion of best interest of child generally demands that decision makers must focus on achieving the best outcomes for the child while weighing the best interest of the child as against the other interests primarily the interests of the parents as the decision makers of their child’s welfare. The questions of balancing the interests of the child with that of the parent may arise in cases where separation is required between the parent and child because the former is not providing adequate levels of care, or where the child may claim autonomy to decide medical treatment related issues where the parent may lack capacity to do so.

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Indicators and Effects of Child Abuse and Neglect

  • Course Code: SPW17915
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 06
  • Published On: 2-11-2023

Define Child abuse as any act by another individual who is either a child or an adult that leads to significant harm to the child (Mrazek & Kempe, 2014). Child abuse can be either physical, emotional or sexual. However, it can also be about lacking love, care or attention. It is significant to note that such neglect of a child in any form is equally damaging the same way abuse does.

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The Construct of Childhood

  • Course Code: SPW17914
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 12
  • Published On: 2-11-2023

The knowledge of a child is highly polemic throughout the world. It is nevertheless imperative to start this essay by clearly differentiating the existing differences between the terms childhood and child. According to the dictionary, a child is ‘a girl or a boy from the time she or he is born up to when she or he attains adulthood or as a daughter or son of any age’ (Cambridge dictionary, 2009).

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Domestic Violence and its Effect on Children: A Case Study of The United States

  • Course Code: SPW29396
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 16
  • Published On: 18-11-2023

The problem of domestic violence is not a new one, research has shown that around the world, an average of six women are killed by their partners or a family member, per hour. The numbers have been going up ever since the pandemic has forced people to stay at home and women are spending more time near their abusers (Broom, 2020). Often times, the children of these women are subjected to the same kind of violence.

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Qualified rights allow the most

  • Course Code: SPW28910
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 5
  • Published On: 8-11-2023

The rights and freedoms of the European Convention of Human Rights that are incorporated through HRA 1998 can be classified into three groups of rights: absolute rights, limited rights, and qualified rights. The categorisation of the rights is done on the basis of the extent of how far these rights can be derogated from or balanced as against other rights and public interest with the absolute rights least amenable to such derogation and the qualified rights most amenable to such derogation. This is also related to how far the states can restrict the rights of the individuals on the grounds of other rights and public interest. The differences between the categories can also be related to the strength of the individual right against the possible restrictions imposed by the state.

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Globalization and Child Trafficking

  • Course Code: SPW17873
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 19
  • Published On: 3-11-2023

The continued integration of world economies has had profound effects in enhancing economic developments, eliminating trade barriers, the spreading of technology and improving living standards. On the other hand, globalization has resulted to the dissemination of global crimes such as modern slavery in the form of human trafficking (Ebbe & Das, 2008). According to Brewer (2009), human trafficking should not be identified as a repeal effect of globalization but rather as an integral part of the globalization process. Characterized by increased integration of global economies in the form of free trade and the free flow of capital, globalization has r facilitated coerced transfer of people across the world either directly or indirectly. Vis-a-vis, it is due to heightened elements of globalization that human trafficking has become increasingly prevalent. The present report aims to provide a critical evaluation of UK’s policy framework on human trafficking with regards to the eminent concepts of globalization. The study will concentrate on trafficking of children and the impact of the National Referral Mechanism policy framework on modern slavery. According to International Labour Organisation (2007), child trafficking refers “to the movement of a child within a country or across border whether by force or not, with the purpose of exploiting the child.”

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A Global Perspective on Challenges and Progress in Human Rights Legislation

  • Course Code: SPW32004
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 08
  • Published On: 27-11-2023

Protecting a child’s right in a world where humans are often abused and assaulted are extremely hard. The protection of human rights is one of the controversial subjects across the world and after the World Wars inflicted

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Measuring Wellbeing in Child Safeguarding

  • Course Code: SPW25253
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 16
  • Published On: 28-06-2024

According to Brandon and Thoburn (2008), Working Together to Safeguard Children ( 1999) and Every Child Matters (2003) have five specified particular biological and social indicators through which the wellbeing could be measured. These could be identified as preservation of healthy physical status, safe and secured environment for raring, psychological wellbeing stimulus in the form of achievement and enjoyment,

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Child Abuse: A Global Issue

  • Course Code: SPW24057
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Pages: 10
  • Published On: 28-08-2024

The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund prohibits child abuse and has declared it an abuse against fundamental human rights (Finkelhor et al, 2015). Nonetheless, child abuse still remains to be a problem that has caught the attention of researchers worldwide. First, a child is anyone below 18 years, and therefore any individual within this age bracket is entitled to protection and services regardless of whether they are living independently, undergoing further education, is a member of armed forces, or is in the custody of the state.

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