Evolution of LGBTQ Rights


The desire for emotional and physical intimacy has been felt by men and women all over the world for thousand years. It had been forgotten, ignored and erased, but it became the focus of an extraordinary outpouring of research in recent years. In the 1970s, it is believed that “gay” is under the generic category. Currently, the voice of the community expanded the language to gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender/queer," or LBGTQ, (Jeffrey 8). “I am your worst fear. I am your best fantasy (Fig. 1),” it is a proclamation of gay liberation slogan in the early 1970s. The above slogan defines homosexuality as anxiety and fascination which foisted fear on every individual identified as non-gay (Lord and Richard 9). Thus, in 1960s, the Stonewall Inn opened the door for those who truly identify themselves as LGBTQ society. It influenced Taiwan significantly, after half century later, Taiwanese people gathering at Stonewall Inn for the same-sex legalized marriage of Taiwan. It made the connection between Stonewall Inn and Taiwan. In addition, Taiwan works on the LGBTQ issue in the last 30 years, the unfair treatment in the beginning gave the society more power that they want to open the conversation with the public. In the recent years, the issue has become popular, though still needs longer time to erase the discrimination from the mainstream. Art is a brilliant way to make an expression and the observation stated that although there are none Asian countries has legalized the gay marriage, the art has enjoyed a gathering from whole Asia from an exhibition in Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei in 2017. The three Taiwanese artists in the case studies are Tzeng Yi-Hsin, Chen Chien Pei and Chuang Chih Wei. They are among those who exhibited their work in the exhibition, and express the LGBTQ issue through their art exhibited their work. Scholars in this field have asserted that the art can bridge two voice. This particular understanding is valuable and meaningful for those who need the acceptance of the worldwide. The current essay seeks to come up with a discussion on how art is important for LGBTQ community in the past and nowadays. The similarity could be found between the artwork from different period of time, which shown expressing the feeling through art is a significant method.

I am your worst fear I am your best fantasy

History of Stonewall Inn

Stonewall Inn and Taiwan are connected through the history and the identity they want to identify themselves with. In the 1960s and preceding decades, the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans were not acceptable. For instance, it was a criminal statute to wear less than three gender-appropriate articles of clothing. This was based on the fact the solicitation of homosexual relations was illegal in New York City. In addition, the LGBT individuals found the places such as gay bars and clubs where they could express themselves and socialize without worrying (History.com Editors 11). It is believed that LGBTQ Pride celebrations are essentialised in anxious resistance (Kittredge 9).

Untitled. Photograph found by Rikki. N.d. Gender Speaker

On 28th June 1969, the unpretentious gay bar located in the West Village of Manhattan became the epicentre of the Stonewall Riots which changed the course of LGBT history (Nell). Nine of the policemen entered the Stonewall Inn, arrested the employees who were selling alcohol without a license and took several people into custody. This came as the third raid on Greenwich Village gay bar in a short period. As a result, individuals who were milling outside the bar did not scatter or retreat since they got used to. Their anger was apparent and vocal, sneering and jostling the police. Moreover, the police accustomed to having more passive behaviour to the larger gay groups. For instance, they could ask for reinforcements and barriers inside the car while people were rioting (Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica). As time went by, Stonewall grew into the most significant symbol of intransigence to the society and political discrimination that would affect and inspire consensus among homosexual groups for decades. Although it failed in instituting the gay rights movements, it did give the political activism a whole new generation. It was no longer a humble request for acceptance and respect from the establishment, but decently and angrily demanded (Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica).

Nearly half of the century has passed after the Stonewall Riots. LGBT rights have importantly improved, and most particularly legalization of same-sex marriage in every state in the US in 2015 (Leanna 11). Besides, the art after the Stonewall Riots has changed. The forms of gay activism unlikely from the past, gay liberation was promoting visually to encourage people to “come out” as the LGBT, instead of closing the mind and/or incorporate to dominant social norms. As a result, the ideology was demonstrated as a weak art of history. That is, the artists became invigorated to express themselves with making art about their sexual identity. On the other hand, the LGBTQ art historians started to bounce back the work LGBTQ art that went unrecognised or written out of the books. Above all, to document and celebrate the representation of queer identity, life, and history desirably is an example to illustrate the politicisation of sexuality (Tara and Amy 21).


The relationship between Taiwan’s LGBTQ issue and Stonewall Inn

Taiwan has made a lot of progress in sexual rights and equality in East Asia (qtd. In Lee). Thus, not surprisingly, the word “Stonewall Inn” appears frequently in the mainstream (Lily). David states that transforming gay rights into a movement is the real change that Stonewall made. It is not impossible with no hope, so flight back and it can possibly win (Gloria). Taiwan has always been the beginner of every social movement in ethnic Chinese group in Asia, especially after declared martial law ended in 1987 (the reporter of hk01). Wen Liu, a 29 years old doctoral student who identifies as queer, told NBC News that LGBTQ Activists Take Fight for Same-Sex Marriage is a good way to show the world Taiwan is a country. This is despite the fact that Taiwan Economy cannot compare with China, South Korea or Japan. Besides, Taiwan, as a small country, is trying to present another version of Asian democracy that can hold sexual equality and liberal values. “Winning marriage equality in any country is not easy,” said Evan Wolfson. A half-century later after, 2nd November, a rainy Friday night, the fundraising event, Love from Stonewall: Support Marriage Equality in Taiwan. Some were straight, others queer; some Taiwanese, other nationalities, gathering at Stonewall again. Individuals form groupings in the same room for the same case- supporting the LGBTQ- rights campaign for the referendum of Taiwan in marriage equality for same-gender on 24 November 2018. Yet, the TV commercials in Taiwan disseminate fear in conservative parents are playing in every household relentlessly, impulsing them to vote against gay marriage to escort their children in the “right direction” (Lee 19)

Wen Liu speaking to the crowd Yu-Ting Feng. New Bloom

History: The Starting Point of Gay Right in Taiwan

“The match goes on, and someday, not just in our dreams, we’ll make it home (Nathan).” Thirty years ago, Chi Chia Wei was the first ever person to stand for gay right in Taiwan. In addition, the first gay LGBT organisation: “Between Us” was established in 1990, marking the onset of gay rights movement in Taiwan. The early stages of the community in Taiwan were marked with citizens being subjected to prejudice and discrimination. The discrimination and prejudice arose from the negative information that were disseminated through the media and news. As a result of the unfriendly society, lots of gay people grudgingly chose to hide in the closet. They continued being in their hiding place up to when the discrimination came to an end. The period was marked with the gay rights movement existing like a dawning so they might have the chance to change their life. A number organizations came in support of the groups that were against the discrimination. To write and publish is how they comfort and encourage those gay people who were feeling lonely. Furthermore, writing and publishing saw the Taiwanese people understanding the life and plight of gay people. However, the gay rights were not accepted from the general community. In the late 90s, the police went as far abusing by making life difficult for those supporting the gay organisations. The early beginning of the gay rights movement in Taiwan resulted in the contention of a hundred schools of thought (Wang 13). Surprisingly, there were different kinds of expressions in the early stage of homosexual though art developed later in Taiwan. The LGBTQ issue was secretly developing in the beginning, due to the traditional and Conservative Taiwanese society. Until now, the existence of LGBTQ issue is still credited the braveness of Chi Chia Wei.

Chi Chia Wei. Wang Teng Yi. Udn.com.3 Jan 2019 Web

The LGBTQ issue in Taiwan Nowadays

According to the Judicial Yuan, (Justices of the Constitutional Court) of Taiwan, the interpretation No. 478: Same-sex marriage case, for the purpose of living in a common life, the provisions of Chapter 2 on Marriage of Part IV on Family of Civil Code do not allow two persons of the same sex to create a long-lasting union and exclusive nature. The jurisdiction concerned shall alter or enact the laws as appropriate, in conformity with the ruling of this Interpretation, within two years from the announced. Moreover, it is believed that the whole world is celebrating the good news with Taiwan. The CNN stated that the top court of Taiwan has made and cleared the way for the island to grant same-sex couples the right to marry. As a result, it is going to become the first place in Asia (Katie and Karina 11). This comes alongside the BBC News stating that Taiwan's top judges are paving the way for it to become the first legalise same-sex unions in Asia. If the current information is anything to go by, the court ruled in favour of gay marriage (Sui 13). Just a while before, Taiwanese did not rally enough to support each other. However, the younger generations started to notice the importance of being supportive, irrespective of their gender identity. However, the same-sex marriage has made its way through parliament, but the process could not be faster because of the oppositions from the traditionalists who against and refuse Taiwan to be an island where could have same-same weddings (Sui 11). In line with the above assertions, a number of the current speeches are responding to the criticisms of marriage equality by anti-gay groups. For instance, a lot of emphasis have been directed towards the importance of sexual and diverse social values through education, or within the Asia social values that the gay marriage is not incompatible in the way that anti-gay groups claimed (Brain 19). In the end, the result of the same-sex marriage referendum came out unexpectedly on 24 Nov 2018. Undeterredly, the pro-marriage equality groups have not backed down. Until now, they continued to vocally and actively propane through the public, social media and legislators at all levels. 1935 marked the first year when Taiwan started voting. Developing the insinuation of voting for 83 years. According to Rath, the tradition of the appreciation rallies for the triumphant campaigns by Taiwanese politicians became an important activity. The thank you rallies were held all-day weekend, to show the appreciation for over 3 million votes which supported the marriage equality and LGBT, in addition to inclusive education. It is claimed that the result is a milestone. The movement started 32 years ago with Chi Chia-Wei with filling the lawsuit when the KMT lifted martial law in 1986. Significantly, the reaction on the streets was positive; surprisingly, different age groups were being supportive. The demographic shows the anti-equality men and women are comprising the most vote, but there were still some of them approached for hugs and the encouragement words of “Thanks for your bravery, you will definitely get there!”

Although there came a good moment after the negative result, it was contrary to the expectations of the internationals. According to The Guardian, the voters in Taiwan have rejected same-sex marriage in a referendum. In addition, the alto-group which was organized by Christian groups that make up about 5% of Taiwan’s population. They advocated for the structure of traditional Chinese family and disproves constitutional court which ruled in May 2017. Although the ballot cannot affect the laws and advisory, it is frustrating to lawmakers considering the majority public opinion as to the court deadline in 2019. The gendered and heteronormative assumptions are made in the community which is unbalanced and unfair (Chin 119). There are ways to make a dialogue to eliminate the old views, among them including art and performance. “Who am I to judge?” Said by Pope Francis to gay Catholics in July 2013. The openness of the conversation is the most important things (Elizabeth 21), either for the people who support or against it. Everyone needs to listen further more than just the own opinion and voice.

Taiwanese Artiest Made Art for Gay Rights

Ref. Spectrosynthesis - Asian LGBTQ Issues and Art Now Exhibition (2017)

Herbert Marcuse claimed that sexual repression in industrialized societies was a negative effect of advanced capitalism in his book Eros and Civilization (1955). Besides, Michel Foucault figured in The History of Sexuality (1976) that the repression was how sexuality had been constructed simply in these theories of sexuality (Mesch 125). It is stated that there are various open ways for the artist to share the exploration of gay identity (O’Donovan). “Taiwan, we are making history!” Said by the interviewer (“Taiwan LGBT Pride 2017 LGBT街頭訪問”). In Taiwan, a lot of comparisons were made on the gay right and gender right movement after declare martial law and literature, theatre, art movie which were flourishing in the 1990s; in addition, gay rights became the subject matter in the mainstream trend in pop music, media and magazine, but also visual art. It is stated that the gay material started “late” in the visual communication field (Chen). The contemporary museums across the world are engaging the public on the importance and exploration of social issues, artistic viewpoints, and the human condition visually. Opening the discussion to a better version of knowledge understanding, such as Tate Modern, Tate Britain, and the British Museum, have featured LGBTS artists through exhibition and the history of LGBTQ rights. It emphasised on the consequence of the LGBTQ achievement, not only on the art but also the inner world and aesthetic value. Referring to the legalize same-sex marriage, Taiwan is comparatively friendly to LGBTQ. However, the different voices split the Taiwan society into two parts which stated that is it necessary to erase the discrimination and prejudice (Curatorial Statement of Spectrosynthesis - Asian LGBTQ Issues and Art Now exhibition).

N.p. MOCA Taipei. N.d. Web

Basing on the above assertions, the Taipei Culture Foundation and MOCA Taipei collaborated to conduct the first ever exhibition in Asia, Spectrosynthesis - Asian LGBTQ Issues and Art Now in 2017. The goal of the exhibition was to create a dialogue between the people who have different ideas in the community. In other words, the diverse ideas and principle can have enthusiastic and positive relationships. Additionally, employing a “spectrum of light” as the theme is to address the rich history of the LGBTQ community and the love and peace rainbow symbol. In fact, the rainbow comes from the refracting of the spectrum; also, the light is the energy of the creatures. Moreover, the exhibition represents the issues of identity, equality, mass media, social predicaments as well as the life and death. This entails the life stories and LGBTQ community issue related in post-war Chinese (Curatorial Statement of Spectrosynthesis - Asian LGBTQ Issues and Art Now exhibition). There are three case studies of the expression of Taiwanese artist by using different media though the LGBTQ issue. This has been a prominent concern in Taiwan due to the constitutional interpretation of the civil code in 2017 which shocked Taiwan and the world in different ways. The artwork might not fit the exhibition but the gathering of the works makes it powerful to stand for the LGBTQ rights. It is powerful enough to state what that the history of the LGBTQ has made! The LGBTQ society contains massive viewpoint, for example it can either be personal identity or gender identity. The issue is wild, considering the fact that the artwork can not been seen directly by looking at the project. However, the deeper meaning gives different ideas and views to various viewer. It is believed that comparing the similarity of the artworks in different generation can find the similar and different points of view by looking at the incident of the time period.

Taiwanese Artists Artwork Case Study

Tzeng Yi Hsin: Famous painting series - Olympia and Liberty Leading People

According to Steve, in the UK closet, 49% of gay people are scared to come out, being open about sexuality at work is still not easy. In other words, Tzeng Yi Hsin stated that walking into the private and personal part of the stranger is hard generally in Taiwan. This has led to the minimal number of completed project. Famous painting series is led by serval artists who invited the minority of the community to participate and complete the society creation project. Imitating the form of visual education to introduce the joiner, the Western famous painting and ask the joiner to add their own thought and idea within the history of the painting. This was done via a re-choose and exchange of the composition and character. The joiners re-perform the hundred years classic in their private space. It is believed that the project can make the artists rethink the experimental and interaction of the collaboration; hence, to understand deeply about the single variable, uni-directional and the man authority of western classic painting (Tzeng). The male and female social categories defined the meaning of gender consists of a culture. Incorporating the cultural meaning into own psychs that the gender becomes part of the identities (Wood, Wendy, and Alice H. Eagly). However, gender can be complex that people defining themselves in different ways; it is always the own choice to decide the identity and how to express the gender (“Gender identity”). The people who have been photographed in the Famous painting series identified themselves as “non-mainstream heterosexual” which gave the artist to challenge the traditional mainstream with the gender outline and to discover the real situation in the society which is invisible in the mainstream media. In addition, all of the objects in the photography is taken from the joiners’ private space which constructs not only close to the existence of the real-life inseparably but also the history of the art; besides, during the process of photographing, the joiners totally own the right for decision, so different ways of setting up the movement or the object reveal the personal gender code of choice (Tzeng). The choice of famous painting is according to the background knowledge of art history and reading; and the feeling, situation and the relationship with the community of the role (Tzeng). Olympia emulated the homonymous masterpiece which created by Édouard Manet in 1865. The atmosphere of the society was elegant, idealized beauty of the human form or mythological figures during the period when Manet painted Olympia. Hence, it was criticized due to its truthful manner of the shape of a human. However, Olympia represents a declaration of war, and it approaches the advanced way of observation. On the other hands, Manet inspired Tzeng to create another view of Olympia to reflect the contemporary issue: LGBTQ equal rights movement (Artwork Introduction of Spectrosynthesis - Asian LGBTQ Issues and Art Now exhibition).

Liberty Leading People imitated the jewel that was created in 1830, by French Romantic artist Eugène Delacroix. The original Liberty Leading People represents direction of the people to the freedom and victory with a woman who is standing high in the middle and waving the national flag of France to symbolise Liberty. In Tzeng's photography, replacement of the flag of France is the rainbow flag which presents marriage equality and Taiwan Alliance who promotes Civil Partnership Rights. Scholars have argued that the LGBTQ community pursuits the freedom demonstrably (Artwork Introduction of Spectrosynthesis - Asian LGBTQ Issues and Art Now exhibition). There is the similarity between pursuing the gay right and July Revolution, director of Taiwan Alliance: Xui-Wen Hsu incarnates Statue of Liberty with holding the rainbow flag which symbols the target of revolution (Yu and Pan). Consequently, it is an unfinished project. It was not the first time Tzeng did a project related to LGBTQ issue, but the goal of Famous painting series is to observe how the people from LGBTQ society look at those classical and accustomed famous painting (Tzeng).

The society of LGBTQ is inhibited, but those people have full of confident and brave to face their fate. Also, the use of daily environment shows that there is no difference between people with a different gender identity (Yu and Pan). Yet, the understanding of both sexuality, sexual attitudes and behaviours furnishing keys in different times and place (Robert 13). It is stated that the similarity of Liberty Leading People and Olympia is Power. However, the ways of presenting LGBTQ has changed during the world developing. Dressing up is the easiest way to play the role of who those people want to be. Throwing back to 19 century, Alice Austent took photography, Julia Martin, Julia Bredt and Self-dressed up as men. In addition, the look of middle-class women wearing men's clothing with masculinity at the end of nineteenth: alcohol, facial hair, a cigarette, a cigar or openly crossed legs (Lord and Richard 55). On the other hand, an Untitled work presented in 1913. The Eulenberg affair in 1907-08 totally turned the homosexuality who was in the military into the scandal. The men in the photography are performing a drag marriage in the Grabowsee forest (Lord and Richard 67).

Julia Martin, Julia Bredt and Self-dressed up as men

Fig. 11: Julia Martin, Julia Bredt and Self-dressed up as men. Alice Austent. 15 Oct 1891. Black and white photograph. Lord Catherine, and Richard Meyer Eds. Art and Queer Culture. Phaidon, London,2013. 55. Print.

Significantly, the different period of time, the way of presentation makes various sight. In 21 century, Tzeng’s Liberty Leading People and Olympia; in 19 century, the Julia Martin, Julia Bredt and Self dressed up as men, both stated as a portrait. The reaction was real, the characters were comfortable, especially those who are homosexual, it did not limit them to chose the character because that is real themselves (Tzeng). On the other hand, the remakes of famous paintings became a tendency. The booooom.com patterned with Adobe for the project and invited students across the UK to recreate the famous artwork with photography, now it is a modern and new way of representing the classical artwork, even the same idea can make the difference (Dovas). The master oil painting: Grande Odalisque, painted by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres in 1814 (Fig. 13). Ingre was able to merge elements of Romantic sensuality and Neoclassical linearity and provided the exemplary for future avant-garden. Moreover, it became a flashpoint particularly for discussing the male gaze and the female subject (“Important Art by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres”). “Strike a pose – everyone's doing it.” Especially artists; voguing for centuries (Jonathan). Therefore, the modern Grande Odalisque is now popular. Craig White remarks it, as a man. It is believed that it can be discussed as a female gaze or gender identity (Fig. 14). With regard to the gender identity, there is a massive range to discuss, but importantly, how White identifies himself. Through the ages, the worldview of heterosexual and the value system which dominated the human social structure, the change of manner is accepted universally from people’s social or cultural identities (qtd. In Anna). Even though the way and idea of presenting the masterpiece would never be the same, but the power of the famous painting would never go. The massive sense of self and the character could not be contained (qtd. In Anna).

Chen Chien Pei: Interface

Someone describes Chen Chien Pei as a migratory bird (itpark). The interface is a long-term project which continues another work from 2001 (Fig. 15 and 16). It presents as a video and shows different personalities within one body. The two hands truly convey the body language, though and emotions. Generally, eyes are soul but Chen believed that hands can reveal the feelings and emotions better. The person who is demonstrating through the artworks is an old friend of Chen. However, the personalities are sharing on a single body, but each of them is unique. Due to the trust is important for this project, Chen spent a long time to communicate and build up the mutual understanding so that it can bring the thought through the body. It is stated that each personality exudes a special charm which seems real and illusory at the same time. Thus, the different genders in one body questions the audience its identity and the reflection upon the sense of identity (Artwork Introduction of Spectrosynthesis - Asian LGBTQ Issues and Art Now exhibition). Besides, the same pairs of hands are being used in different souls is its attraction (“'Interface' CHEN Chien-Pei | MOCA Taipei, ‘Spectrosynthesis’”). However, Dissociative Identity Disorder (Multiple Personality Disorder) is a condition which fragments the personal identity into two or more (“Dissociative Identity Disorder; “Multiple Personality Disorder”). Looking at dissociative identity disorder as an artist makes it importantly observing the thought of a Psychological sickness. There are seven personalities that show up in the video, Chen is exploring the boundary of the issue in the time and space (“‘Interface' CHEN Chien-Pei | MOCA Taipei, ‘Spectrosynthesis’”). On the other hands, the inner world of Interface is unique, Chen discovered there is a five years old girl Xiao Ye who is active, a ten years boy Ju Mao Er who is opening and positive, a 40 years old man who is taciturn and a young lady Yong Ye who is performing with her hands (Xie Hui Qing). The different pairs of hands appear in the different timing, so it means it is not only one personality is using the pair of hand. Seeing two or more than two of hands moving and using at the same time is attractive (“‘Interface' CHEN Chien-Pei | MOCA Taipei, ‘Spectrosynthesis’”). Although the dissociative identity disorder does not relate to LGBTQ straight away the similarity is personal identity or more importantly gender identity.

Interface. Chen Chien Pei. MOCA Taipei. China Times

Indeed, using a part of the body makes the artwork powerful and the action represents the emotion clearly. The Japanese artist Yasumasa Morimura created a coloured photograph: Double Marcel in 1988 (Fig. 17). It is featured that the idea of restaging the Western visual tradition, so Morimura photographing himself as the figure. Morimura imitated the iconic work from Man Ray’s portrait of Marcel Duchamp as his female alter-ago Rrose Selavy. On the other hand, it underscores the curious equilibrium of Duchamp as gender-ambiguous and seductive in European avant-garde. Moreover, including a pair of female hands, as the original Rrose’s and Morimura’s own darker hands. It is stated that Morimura’s hands mean the drag is a simple gender reversal; the Rrose’s hands represent the desire. Furthermore, the whiteness of Rrose’s hands is an unmarked racial category (Lord and Richard 159). The artwork is a performance, planned to challenge to fixed the ideas of ethnic and gender identity. It not only duplicates another body from the masterpiece of the art history or repeat himself as an image in the same artwork but also occupies the roles of genders or ethnic identities simultaneously (Angier 106).

Double Marcel. Yasumasa Morimura. 1988. Colour photograph

Incidentally, Gabriel Martinez enlisted one hundred straight men to photograph their legs and feet at the moment of self-induced orgasm for creating Self-Portraits by Heterosexual Men in 2007 (Fig. 18). Martinez gave each man a cable-release digital camera and instructed them to snap multiple shots. One photo has selected from each man, printed it in a nearly life-size and composed the photographs into a massive grid of Self-fulfillment. Moreover, Martinez identifies himself as an openly gay artist, Self-Portraits by Heterosexual Men unfurled at the edge between private amusement and public exposure; between the individual straight guys (those who been photographed) and the homosexual phenomenon which they contribute (Lord and Richard 238). It is believed that shooting a part of the body is an attraction and it has its aesthetics soulfully.

Chuang Chih Wei: Rainbow In The Darkness

Chuang Chih Wei is always exploring the inter-disciplinary possibilities and creating the art aesthetics which can include both rationality and sensibility in the process of making art. Rainbow In the Darkness is set in a matrix form and outside the museum, which is an interactive installation opens to the public. It is believed that the dialogue with everyone has made through the project. Specially, the viewers can walk into the work and enjoy it themselves in the unseen gap; drawing and scratching can been made on the dark surface, leaving the messages or images is how the dialogue has made. Moreover, those “marks” are part of the artwork and shine under the colorful LED (Light-emitting diode) light at the nighttime. The uniqueness seems to hint the fact of cruelty is also beautiful, it is symbolised the courage and solidarity of LGBTQ community and the oppression they are facing in the mainstream society. In addition, the artwork itself and the space occupy the perspective, the participation of the audience from the metaphorical trinity, and the significance which given but the unique dynamic. On the other hand, it is meaningful and powerful to display the wok in public space. Rainbow In The Darkness encourages the viewers to reflect upon the predicaments and sufferings of LGBTQ society. However, it conveys the historical emblem to audiences to not follow the same old disastrous road and looking forward to a future of equality under the light of the raining which contains the tolerance and love (Artwork Introduction of Spectrosynthesis - Asian LGBTQ Issues and Art Now exhibition).

Rainbow In the Darkness Order Now

The heteronormative is existed in the mainstream in Taiwan which means to communicate and understanding is important. Chunag stated that the starting point of Rainbow In The Darkness is the pain in the life and reflecting to the society, especially the LGBTQ people who might be bullying or treating unfairly during their lifetime. Besides, the Laminated Glass and paint is the material which Chuang made this project. The time changed the display; the huge and dark objects stand in front of the museum on first day which was grave, but after few weeks the object become lighter and lighter just like a massive light box with power. More importantly, it is a documentation of the exhibition undoubtedly (“‘Rainbow In the Darkness' CHUANG, Chih-Wei | MOCA Taipei, ‘Spectrosynthesis’”). The public art as an issue not only make the bridge but also controversy. Lidman and Michael stated that the public art can be challenging even to jurisdictions that commonly undertake the artwork and shape acquisition processes (2005). It is believed that the symbiotic relation sing between looking at the public art and producing the opportunities to rethink the world around a piece of art (Fresise 808). Referring to public art of LGBTQ, the the sculpture which is well-known as the Stonewall Riots, Gay Liberation (Fig. 20) made by George Segal could never be forgotten. It is located across from the famed Stonewall Inn, in a gated park area in Christopher Square in 1992, and two cast white males figures stand in a frozen affectionate chat while two women statues sit on the nearby bench with each other (Lori). After the sculpture installed, demanding the decriminalization of homosexuality, angry activists gathered in protest. It is believed that Gay Liberation was a controversial artwork. People were focusing the lack of diversity, the sexual orientation of the artist and the touch of the couples is inappropriate. However, upon examining the sculpture itself, it is clearly that the touch is a fundamental part of Segal’s humanitarian approach to the human rights issue. However, the Stonewall Riots was challenging and staking in the freedom of the same sex couples to coexist openly and enjoy the same protections under the law equally. The brilliance of Segal had made a history, a memorial, and the controversy artwork is now one of the most revered moments in New York City (The Art Story Contributors and Ruth ed.).

Gay Liberation

Rainbow appears is the combinations of the sunlight and rain specifically (Carlo‐Gonzalez, Christopher and Jenifer). Subsequently, it is stated that as the public art and visual art, the enormous art which surrounding everywhere in the word, the rainbow flag that Gilbert Baker designed in 1978 (Fig. 21). After hand-dying fabric in different colors, the rainbow flag became a most important symbol of pride in the LGBTQ community. It is not only personal but also educational, especially for those who does not identify as LGBTQ can understand through the rainbow flag as an expression for the positive attention and right which the LGBTQ people deserved (Emily). There were eight colors originally: hot pink, red, orange, yellow, green, turquoise, indigo, and violet. It represented sex, life, healing, sun, serenity with nature, art, harmony, and spirit (Clark). Afterwards, it reduced to six that Gilbert restated the idea of diversity and inclusion, to use “something from nature to represent that our sexuality is a human right” (“Gilbert Baker, LGBT rainbow flag creator, dies aged 65”). The controversy of the rainbow flag never ended, for example, the origin of the flag which Lynn Segerblom stated that the idea of it was not Gilbert’s idea (Trudy) and refining the rainbows on the 40th anniversary which suggested by John Stones (2009). On the other hand, Cheng believed the characteristics of the rainbow are multiplicity, disapora and hybridity. Firstly, the rainbow symbolism various things, not only contains the multiple colors but also evokes hopes fear and dread. Secondly, the rains are not the monopoly of the Western world certainly that there are mythologies in different asian countries about how the rainbow has been created. Finally, the rainbows signify hybridity due to it occupies the “third space” between illusion and reality. Rainbow is a reflection, which means it does not really exist (2015). Yet, the dispute never interrupted, but rainbow is what brought the LGBTQ together, so the respect does mean something.

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To conclude, LGBTQ people of faith need to be respected and also the acceptance from everyone (Ruth). Taiwan has been through a long way, and the connection with Stonewall Inn has been. Although Taiwan have not yet been the first country legalised gay marriage, it has made a huge moved from thirty years ago, from nothing to the constitutional interpretation, to the first ever exhibition of LGBTQ in Asia: Spectrosynthesis - Asian LGBTQ Issues and Art Now. However, the result of same-sex marriage referendum is a reflection of generational gap (Adam), but it is believed the more time people try to understand each other, the more chance to erase the gap. Looking through the LGBTQ related artwork from the pass, it is believed that how art is an important way to express the feeling; surprisingly, the similarity can be found between the artist form the pass and nowadays; from classical to contemporary art. The scarification of activists made the issue popular to discuss, the success is the acceptance and the freedom of to be whoever you want to has made. There are many ways to educate people for the LGBTQ issue, and rethink is necessary. However, this is the problem in Taiwan nowadays. The anti-gay group refused to at least try to understand those people in the society but thinking about to against it. The referendum was not only the legalised gay marriage but also added sex education which including the LGBTQ into the education for the students nowadays. Unfortunately, none of it passed, but the matureness of the student is more than the parents because media is what those students relying on. It is suggested that the government should educate people through media, especially the older generation. As a result, art is one way to bridge up the old and young generation. To bridge, it would be better if there are more event, speech and exhibition open to public which related to LGBTQ issue. It is hoped that, it can bring up the generate more discussions in human social values within the underlying ideological differences nowadays. Moreover, the improvement of the condition of human rights in Taiwan and other Asian can be better through the dialogues about diverse gendered issues (Curatorial Statement of Spectrosynthesis - Asian LGBTQ Issues and Art Now exhibition). Everyone has their own human rights, including LGBTQ society, none of it should be deprive!


Aldrich Robert. Gay Life and Culture: A World History. Thames & Hudson, London, 2006.

Artwork Introduction of Spectrosynthesis - Asian LGBTQ Issues and Art Now exhibition. Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei. 2017. Web. 7 Jan 2019.

Agencies (Showcasing some of the world's best photojournalists and presenting their work in galleries, rather than the usual, one-off spot news format.). “Taiwan votes down same-sex marriage as China welcomes midterm results.” The Guardian. 25 Nov 2018. Web. 13 Dec 2018.

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