Understanding Culture Shock

Studying abroad can be a stressful experience. In recent days, culture shock has become the most common problem with international students. Culture shock refers to a natural reaction when students travel abroad. In the new environment, there is a difference in how things are done and a new lifestyle (Junzi, 2009). Wilson (2011), states that culture shock is normal and does not last forever though it can be an unsettling beginning to an exciting new journey. Another problem students face is reverse culture shock. This is the psychological as well as emotional distress by students when they return home after studying for years oversea (Presbitero, 2016). Therefore, these cultural changes influence international students' life and sometimes impact their lifestyle both abroad and when they return home. This essay discusses the causes of culture shock and its effects on the international student both aboard and when they return to their home states. For those who are willing to seek assistance in navigating the complexities of cultural adaptation, anthropology dissertation help offers valuable support.


The first cause of culture shock is Language skill issues (Gaw, 2000). Most international students do not have good enough language skills to communicate with their teachers or fellow learners. This creates a gap of knowledge as well as the loss of important information. Due to the communication issue, foreign learners avoid group discussions since they feel that they might make mistakes. Moreover, Language Differences is another issue that gives foreign students problems, especially in the adaption process. Nevertheless, Climate affects many students in that, many students find winter months difficult to get used to. Lastly, social behavior like couples holding and kissing each other in public or dressing code causes culture shock to student's and many find it difficult to adapt to the new lifestyles.

Culture shock mostly results to psychological stress to a student where, student experience a feeling change from happiness and cheerful to depressed (Junzi, 2009). Culture shock impact ranges from uneasiness to unhappiness and in extreme cases; increased amount of illnesses and physiological panic. In most cases, the victim doesn't realize these effects. Some of the most common other negative effects include: frustration, sadness, sleeping programs, withdrawal (avoiding contact to host nationals, feeling isolated and lonely among other which might influence student performance. Nevertheless, it has some positive effects in that, it gives student valuable skills to adopt to other aspects of life and aid in development

On the other hand, when a student returns to their home after several years of study, reserve culture shock occurs. Regardless of the availability of friends and family after returning home, students find it difficult to re-adapt to this reintroduction to home/ "previous" environment. Some of the causes of reverse culture shock include; missing life abroad i.e. the people you met, abroad food, abroad way of life among others. Additionally, students from abroad have trouble relating to people at home and this creates a feeling of being bored and confusion about their future goals. Besides, everything things have changed from your old manger to staff therefore dealing with new colleagues may create culture shock (UKCISA, 2016). Due to intellectual transformation, personality and acclimated to their abroad surroundings, students grow more accustomed to the abroad norms than what they experienced at home. For example, it is a local norm to remove one's shoes before entering a residence. Adapting to such a custom may create a habit that is hard to break upon returning home. This lifestyle change may cause the student to put their native behavior and customs under scrutiny. This change of environment after the student's return to their home country is also accompanied by impacts. Culture shock causes, frustration, restlessness, change in values, goals, priorities, and attitudes, difficulty concentrating, reverse homesickness, feelings of isolation or depression, and negativity towards your native culture

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In conclusion, culture shock has become the most common problem with international students. Some of the causes of culture shock abroad include language issues, culture issues, climate, among others. This shock causes frustration, sadness, sleeping programs, withdrawal, feeling isolated and lonely among others which might influence student performance a lifestyle. On the other hand, while returning to their home, student's face reverse culture shock. This is a psychological as well as emotional distress by students when they return home after studying for years oversea. It is caused by missing of people abroad, boredom, personal transformation and acclimated to abroad surroundings among others. Some of the reverses Culture shock impacts include; frustration, restlessness, change in values, priorities, goals, attitudes, feelings of isolation among other impacts.

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Gaw, K.F., 2000. Reverse culture shock in students returning from overseas. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 24(1), pp.83-104.

Lee, J.J. and Rice, C., 2007. Welcome to America? International student perceptions of discrimination. Higher education, 53(3), pp.381-409.

Presbitero, A., 2016. Culture shock and reverse culture shock: The moderating role of cultural intelligence in international students’ adaptation. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 53, pp.28-38.

Wilson, S., 2011. Culture Shock! Egypt. Marshall Cavendish International Asia Pte Ltd.

Xia Junzi., 2009. Analysis of impact of culture shock on individual psychology. International Journal of Psychological Studies, 1(2), pp.97-101.

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