Agile Methodology in E-Commerce Development


Over the past decade, technological advancement has remodelled the social and economic structures across the globally. Presently, both consumers and business entities have shifted the shopping activities to internet-oriented whether researching about a product or purchasing by consumers while in business perspective reaching out to consumers and ease out business activities. Nevertheless, development of business modelled on selling perishable products such as flowers has been found to be challenging because clients high demand of fresh products. Design and development of Pance Flowers, online shopping platform selling flowers, was founded on reliability, timely, and effectiveness in ordering and delivery of fresh products to customers. Therefore, the aim of developing the Pance Flowers was based on enhancement of user effectiveness and ease in searching, purchasing, and subsequent delivery of products. Using agile methodology and waterfall model, the web application focused on security concerns, functionality, compatibility, and navigable hence enhancing easiness and effectiveness in shopping flowers online. Presently, online shopping platforms such as Amazon, Souq, and Alibaba dominate online market industry, however, most these businesses are oriented to products such as electronics, clothing, office accessories, and household products, the web application is driven by need to delivery fresh flowers based consumer satisfaction and easiness of shopping and delivery.

Testing and analysis

In testing the website, the primary focus was rooted on checking whether all the factors, variables, and functionality were captured as initial intended. Ideally, it aimed on identifying and addressing any issues that might arise during its actual usage, that before being revealed to the public use. Although the testing was intended to be systematic and objective with emphasis being the readiness, security of users, functionality of the site, accessibility to wider bunch users, compatibility with both the desktop and mobile devices. Building from the idea that the basis of the entire project was effectiveness and ease at which the consumers experience in sampling and buying products, testing process incorporated checking for bugs before making the website live, continuous, and thorough checking various elements ranging from weaknesses to acceptability to the potential users. It worth noting that the texting process was taken as a procedural process done while designing, coding, and implementation stage but exhaustive process was done after complete of coding and implementation stages.


Navigability test

Testing the navigability of the site, the focus was on the extent to which the user can easy understand and use all the pages, convenience of using buttons, shapes, and fields, accessibility of the main menu from other pages. Essentially, the application was designed and built with users being individuals with no or limited knowledge and working of web application. Therefore, simplicity enhancing navigability through different pages and contents displayed within the website was prioritised. As such, number of navigation tools was used that include text links clickable to take the visitor to another page, breadcrumbs, navigation bar (return to top of the page and going next or return to previous image), and dropdown menu.

Navigation tools of the web application Home page image: navigating through the web application

The navigability text revealed consistent in moving around the site with pages darkening showing the user where s/he is or the page directed clicking. The outcome of the ability to move from one webpage to another with ease demonstrated a considerable findability rate measured number of found items against not found by the visitors. Similarly, time to find the items with the longer the time to find what someone is looking for means mismatch between where the users is looking form the products and where it is actually stored. The result of this time to find an item in the website had an average of 30-40 seconds although the load time and browsing factors had to be taken into consideration.

Moreover, another element that needed testing is variability of finding captured within the consistency in the time spent by the users in looking of for items in the website. The coefficient of variation (CV) that involves dividing standard deviation by the mean time spent. It worth noting that longer CV means more variable experiences while shorter indicate less. The CV of the website was estimated to be 66% meaning the users had considerable experiences in findings the items they were looking for. In addition to testing for variability in finding time, initial click encompassing getting the first click right especially the first visitors. Scholars and professionals in the field indicate that getting the click right the first time indicate success of the ultimate task and demonstrate the perception held by the user towards the instinct that clicking a given page will lead to the items that s/he looking for.

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Functionality test

Testing for functionality focused on ensuring the intended function or in conformance with the pre-outlined objectives are met, in this case, consumer satisfaction and effectiveness of buying flowers. It aimed to show ‘what the system does’. Typically, the functionality test the whether the software meets the required requirements satisfactorily with concern not being the process but rather the outcome of the process. Behavioural testing also referred to as black box testing holds testing to the internal structure and design of the application (software) by a tester who is not familiar with it. To the tester, the contents or general design of the system is a mystery like a black box hence the incorrect/missing and errors (performance, interface, termination, and access) can be identified and determined without biasness. Using this logic, during both acceptance and system testing where the former was done to evaluate the compliance with the pre-outlined objectives, design, and other requirements and whether it meets the acceptable levels or not while the latter evaluate whether the applications complied with specified needs, fundamental elements checked were actual functions vs expectation of the system. For instance, it outlined whether the input component of the system that includes the log in module, shopping Cart, registration module, and user accounts holds and perform specified tasks as intended or not.

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Two approaches were taken in testing functionality of the application: requirements focused and business-process-focused. The former emphasised on testing and evaluating critical features and functions such as ordering, login process, payments functions, and searching of the products. On the other hand, the other testing depended on the end-user such as the responses and comments left by the user on performance of the application in the context of distinctive use. Selected individuals were allowed to experiment with the web application where it involved navigating through the application and outlining the challenges, difficulties, and encountered problems. Although prior to the test the testers were not given website initial objectives and goals, they were required to highlight at the end of thorough evaluation independent outcome that include respective observation and experiences as well as general performance of the system. This outsider’s perspective into functionality and workability of the application with no prior held views and expectations was seen as a key in brainstorming the errors and attainment of goals as well as the extent to which they were met. Presumably, the user with no prior experiences in online shopping can amused or struggle opening pages and identifying core aspects or finding the items s/he needed in the website means navigability is poor and vice versa.

Among other things, the following checklist were used during the functionality test as verification attributes

i. Outbound links

ii. Internal links correctness

iii. Absence of links leading to the same page

iv. Presence of unreferenced pages

v. Presence of broken links

vi. Checking whether any links sending e-mails to site admins

Other type of testing involved testing of forms for all pages. Given that the site relied heavily on interactive communication with customers for satisfaction and ultimately retention through emphasis on ease and effectiveness, it was important to ensure the forms are reliable and effective. The following forms variables were checked. First, input data validity. For instance, both the admin and customer could log in with ease into respective accounts. This was founded on the essence of ensuring the user of the website fill out forms correctly thus making sure the data provide work successfully with the application. The registration module incorporated a page for the user to register through provision of fundamental details such as name, email, and password while the login page consisted of email and password variables collective pointed as required field. The email had to take the format of ‘’ in addition to being valid in order for the user to order and purchase products but it is not a requirement in access and browsing through the site. Other form validation included ensuring password held specific characters, which consisted of uppercased and lower case letters, at least a number, and a symbol. During testing, randomised user details and passwords were keyed into log in module checking responsiveness and ease captured within the ability of the user to learning and memorising key elements with ease.

At this stage, it was important keeping in mind that validation of forms takes various approaches rooted on three main reasons, namely, getting the right data at the right place and right format. The Pance flower web application would not work as intended and properly if the user’s data in incorrect format in the database or if they enter the information wrongly or omitting some or entire information altogether. Additionally, ensuring the passwords entered is secure in order to protect the accounts information by forcing them to register and use passwords that are difficult for unauthorised persons from manipulating. Similarly, in addition to protecting the user, it was critical for the application to be secure in order to avoid malicious users from misusing unprotected forms to damage the application.

Client-side validation

This validation type occurred in the browser before submission of the data to the server and it was preferred because of its response time being much better that server-side validation. Unlike the client-side validation, the server side validation occurs on the server after submission of the data. A code saved in the database is used in this case to valid the validity of the forms. With focus of enhancing response time, the application deployed the client-side approach where in case a validation process fails a response is sent to the client indicating the correction to be made. Following an extensive randomised trials using different usernames and password as well as picking different individuals to focused on trying to breach and penetrate the system without providing necessary and proper information. Using JavaScript validation, input from the user as the type hence enhancing the responsiveness and entire process. However, addition validation mechanism was needed in order to counter the potential switching of JavaScript in which client-side approach relies on, therefore, a server-side method was implemented. Given that the data sent from clients’ end can be manipulated in many ways such as XSS and SQL injection resulting to by-passing the validation checks warrants the needs for performing a server end check. The outcome of forms validation testing with both approaches in place ensured the best of both was attained, that is, better user experience, more secure validation, and fast response.

During the testing, phrases like perform weak input validation, server input validation, stored XSS, and cross site scripting XSS kept appearing, however, the number of passed test measured by the detected bugs, valid accounts validated, and successful manipulated entry.

Cookie testing

Additionally, the cookies testing were done checking the users visiting the web page. Key areas tested included testing site with disabled and enabled cookies, verification of encryption of cookies before being captured and stored in the users’ computers, checking and testing for cookies duration of action as well as active section, and, furthermore, checking the security elements that might be involved or required when removing the cookies. Having a user identity and being able to track the areas and products the user viewed (area of interest during first and subsequent visits to the websites) enabled the application to modify and better the future experiences of the customer. In order to achieve this, cookies that interacted between the website and users tracking shopping cart, user sessions, tracking user’s interests, and personalised web experiences. In testing the workability and functionality of the cookies, the following checklist was adhered to in attempt to ensure a comprehensiveness of entire process.

i. Disabling all cookies while attempting to use the application major functions

ii. Manually corrupting the cookies by editing and changing parameters randomly by exerting random values

iii. Inspecting cookies encryption through identifying and outlining sensitive information such as user name, passwords, address, and details of payment mode (card number). This included ensuring encryption before sending to users computers

iv. Testing the cookies on different browsers (chrome, Firefox, Opera, edge, safari) as well as different devices such as phone and desktops by checking whether the web page work as expected in these platforms

v. Testing how the system responds to deletion of cookies from web application page

vi. Selecting randomly some cookies especially rejected ones then deleting from websites to determine whether the user navigation through the site can be monitored before and deleting the cookies and if traces can be found after deleting.

vii. Determining the accessibility of the cookies, whether those written can be traced or accessed by other sites and individuals.

viii. Another aspect checked was extent to which the cookies appeared and monitored the user navigation within the application. Although the application tracked the user’s interests by storing viewed products, ideally, it was perceived not viable to monitor each click made but rather the most viewed. Therefore, it checked that cookies were not overused

ix. Moreover, the application was tested to determine whether it works properly with different cookie settings

Database testing

In testing of the database, key variables evaluated include the records to ensure the inserted data through the web and desktops are accurate such that the information displayed in the web application matched with intended and those stored. Before performing database testing, the tester needed to have an in depth understanding of the functional requirements, application design, database design, application flow, and business logic. That is, the objectives of application were enhancing user experiences, satisfaction, and ease in online ordering and purchase of products, flowers. As a testing process, databases logics such as triggers, store procedures, views, and cursor creation were evaluated as well as figuring out the tables whether they are corrupted or affected during inserting, updating, and deleting (DML) operations done through the application.

The following procedures were followed during the database testing

i. Verification of database ensuring the name and content matched with specifications. For instance, lilies displaced under the flowers categories contained lilies flowers in the application database while sunflowers held those grouped specifically as sunflowers. This was applicable to other categories and pages in the application checking the stored data matched the specified category. Essentially, this was evaluation/verification was perceived important because it directly links to the user to the items s/he is searching hence wrong or mismatch in content in databases and information display will severely affect the navigability and ultimately the satisfaction levels.

ii. Testing and verification of primary and foreign keys in each tables, columns allows a null or not, storage procedure and name, whether stored procedure is installed, and behaviour of each flag

iii. A simple SQL code was written to test the parameters whether they are needed or not as well as stored procedure. This involved deleting and restoring the parameters to ensure each as needed and essential to the working of the application

iv. During the process, data was verified to ensure it was properly stored in the database after submission of each page in addition to verification of DML process, uniqueness of database, tables, and parameters by ensuring are named different

v. Lastly, the size and encryption of the databases and its contents was evaluated and tested of the query execution time.

Essentially, functionality testing acted as an essential step in evaluation of the attainment of fundamental requirements and performance of the application before being made public or use in real world: ordering and purchasing flowers in Saudi Arabia. Undertaking functionality testing was informed by need to release (make public) the application with no or near zero functionality shortcomings because of disastrous consequences for both end user and business entity in the event it fails to meet their core requirements. In general, following above extensive testing for functionality that include validation, navigability, and cookie evaluation, the application was found to hold intended variables and perform as designed and expected to a considerable extent.

Security testing

Testing of the application security aspects involved identifying and solving flaws and gaps that might hinder the performance and attainment of intended aims. Based on the prevalence of vulnerability and intrusion concerns in the current cyberspace coupled with the application handling of users personal and sensitive information (names, financial records, and addresses), it was critical to make sure such confidential data were not exposed to unauthorised persons or corrupted files. It was key to make sure the users were not denied access and doing intended tasks (ordering and purchasing flowers) through restricted or denied functionality of the application. The vulnerability of the application was tested by assessing the weaknesses resulting from application of bugs, presence of viruses, and an injection of (SQL/script code).

Given that users had to register and log in into their respective accounts in order to undertake such tasks as ordering and purchasing of the products, the authentication process needed to be watertight and free from hacking and access by unauthorised persons into the accounts. One approach of testing the structures was through ‘cracking’ the passwords aimed at accessing the private areas of the application. One approach involved randomly picking username and passwords. Furthermore, the URL manipulation was evaluated checking whether communication between the client and server existed. One way changing the information in the URL with anticipation that such manipulation might result in unintended behaviour by the server. Furthermore, security checklist comprised of inserting SQL statements through the application from the user interface end into some query then ran at the servers’ end.

Compatibility test

Testing for compatibility involved evaluation whether the web application displayed correctly on different devices and browsers. First, the application was tested across different browsers such as chrome, safari, and Microsoft Explorer (Edge), AJAX, JavaScript, and authentication evaluating whether they were compatible and working properly with high performance. Additionally, the website was compiled into mobile application then installed into both iOS (iPhone X) and Android (Samsung Galaxy) operating system then tested for compatibility aspects. The key areas checked in mobile ecosystem was the display, navigability, performance, loading time, and buttons arrangement given that such components can change with change in operating systems. Presently, mobile browsing has surpassed using computers to access internet with this showing a significant growth in usage. Using this, the potential users uses web application on different browsers, operating systems, databases, bandwidth network, and hardware networks. Hence during this test, the questions as ‘does the web application show and perform as intended and correctly across different platforms and devices?’

Computer ‘desktop’ view of the application Mobile view of the website

Critical evaluation

Development of this web application followed a systematic plan comprising of putting in place a planned schedule, timescale, objectives, goals, and implementation process. In essence, the entire project and subsequent processes were categorised into number of phases with stipulated timeframe to be spent at each stage. The start of the project consisted of the planning stage as a phase 1 that encompassed the strategy planning and outlining the key variables of the project. Importantly, it stipulated the goals such as to create an online shopping website grounded on needed to enhance consumers’ experiences in ordering and purchasing flowers within Saudi Arabia hence enhancement of consumers’ satisfaction. Moreover, tools core to attainment of the goals such as development tools, platforms, knowledge, and skills paramount in fulfilment of the stipulated objectives and goals. In depth knowledge in JavaScript particular angular6 and database concept ranging from creation of tables and column as well as checking of the errors and manipulation, for example, were noted as key in attainment and development of a web application aligned to the objective to not just satisfactory level but also addressing business gap and consumer needs. In addition to stipulating the goals and specifications needed in project completion, the planning stages incorporated gathering information framed toward development of main goals and target audience. This was done with emphasis being user satisfaction in findings what they are looking, shopping, and purchasing while prioritising on personal data and safe and timely delivery of the products rivalling the going to the physical flower shop. Because of the need for clear objectives and deep understanding needs and business gaps as well as clarity in all the aspects before proceeding to development, this stages was perceived a critical hence taking more approximately 10 weeks.

The second stage involved the designing that include sitemap and components and information being displayed at every page. Similarly, this stage was founded on the information found and goals outlined in the planning, phase 1. Here, the design stage, mock-ups and other sketches of the website that include the homepage designs, outline of both the desktops and mobile views, other pages, and account and log in modules were given. This followed by implementation of the approved designed. In this stage, in addition to the content writing, linking with the suppliers of the flowers making sure that are readily available, establishment of key information to be displayed, creating of catching headlines, page titles, and descriptions, the tasks in this stage include development of site architecture, technical brief, and piecing together key design elements by the developer. This stage took more than 12 weeks. Although structural and content aspects of the website had been outlined during designing stage, the implementation process saw changes being introduction especially the arrangement, appearances, and user engagement in the site following the feedbacks from user and concerns raised. The fourth stage involved testing and troubleshooting the web application aimed at evaluating the workability, functionality, security elements, and compatibility of the web application across variation OS and browsers. Lastly, it was the launching stage involving making the web application available to potential users as online shopping platform.

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Checking for functionality that include usability was considered fundamental because the site needed to be attractive and user friendly for consumers and new user to want to look at it. Similarly, it was critical that key information is displayed catching the eye of both regularly and new customers through putting relevant and right information (pictures) at the right place while not overcrowding the site. Ideally, this was based on the idea of maximizing the information shared with the visitors hence attaining the larger objectives coming to the site and seller enhancing their engagement and satisfaction. It focused on ensuring the website users were able to figure out with ease and quickly the working and use the website.


Under usability, it consisted on such elements as the easiness a user is able to figure and use the object as well as interacting while encountering near to non-existent difficulties and problems. The focused was fixated on the ways in which an average person perceived or interacted with the site and being able to purchase the commodities (flowers) as specific goals with ease. One core area that acted as a driving force in ensuring the usability of the website was founded on the ability of user, not just computer proficient or website gurus but average individual could access and manoeuvre around by learning and memorizing with high levels of satisfaction, efficiency, and near zero errors. Descriptively, memorability of a website entailed ease in which a user, mostly first timers, to revisit the site and optimizing its use after having limited exposure before. Testing memorability elements for the website, Pance flowers, involved taking a randomised sample population among individuals with specific requirements but accessing the site for a limited time then visiting back after a few hours. Fundamentally, the entire procedure aimed to determine whether the sampled individuals encountered difficulties in the second visit or not while pointing out ease experiences. Essentially, ease of learning the key elements formed a combined attribute of usability test. Notably, the test was done constantly from design stages before picking the shapes, colour, contrast, alignment, proximity, texture, size, value, and spaces were key variables observed during the testing. Furthermore, testing for application usability involved outlining the user’s ability to prepare inputs for, interpret the output, and learning how to operate and navigate the application.

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Presently, online shopping as has gained traction where near every geographical location and business industry, there exists an online shopping application structured to capitalise on the surging growing internet usage. Saudi Arabia, where this Pance flowers aims to operate as business entity such as,,,, and Nevertheless, majority have business models towards electronics, household, clothing, and automobile dealership with very few dealing with horticultural products such as flower shopping and deliveries. Although it models its business structure on selling products from clothing, household appliance to supermarket products, Souq is consider best online shopping platform in not only Saudi Arabia but also Middle East. This can be attested by the navigability and design of the website (Image below).

Souq web application

Saudi Arabia is a religious state where political, social, and economic structures and activities include businesses and engagement are rooted on Islamic beliefs and teachings. In addition to conformity to Islamic and cultural norms observed by societies including dedicating time and effort in building a relationship either a business or a person judging based on trust, the Saudi government has streamlined ease of doing business in the country over the past decade including diversification of economic, laws encourage foreign investment, and limited restriction on financial transaction and exchange locally or internationally. Pance Flowers as business model need to observe and conform to various social values and norms in order to successful develop business operation in the region.

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