Behavioral Traits for HR Success

Task 1:


The personal development is important as it helps an individual to develop impressive skills and personality that help them to excel in professional as well as personal field. It also leads to improve communication skills of the individuals that lead them to express thoughts and understand other’s feelings in an efficient manner. In this assignment, a personal development portfolio is to be made by planning through proper monitoring of self-progress regarding achievement of personal and professional objectives.

Skills and Attributes required by HR professionals

The HR professionals play wide amount of roles to ensure effective employee management so that employees can be strategically managed as business resource to ensure proper production of the business (Aldrich et al. 2015). As asserted by Gubbins and Garavan (2016), the HR professional requires effective communication skills to interact with the employees so that proper employee engagement can be maintained. This is because effective communication leads HR professionals to understand the needs and demands of employees regarding work based on which employee engagement plans are made. Moreover, effective communication skill leads the HR to inform employees regarding the way to work so that fewer problems at work are faced ensuring their better engagement. As argued by Ulrich and Brockbank (2016), HR professionals in an organisation require having effective employee relationship skills. This is because proper employee relationship skills make the HR professionals be able to identify and solve concerns being faced at work by the employees thus creating a positive work environment where the employees feel boosted to work with effort.

The HR professionals also require having extensive listening skills and requiring emotional intelligence to ensure proper performance management (Rasmussen and Ulrich, 2015). This is because the skill helps the HR professional to understand from the perspectives of the employees regarding where they are facing hindrances that are bothering their performance at work. The information is used by the HR professional to make adequate changes thus helping to ensure better performance of the employees by resolving difficulties being faced at work. As commented by Cohen (2015), the HR professionals require to have extensive problem-solving skills and with team management and collaboration. This is because effective team management and collaboration skill lead the HR professionals to make the employees work together and the problem-solving skills help HR to develop activities to resolve problems being faced at work. The HR professionals also require having effective conflict resolution skill so that conflict between employees can be resolved or avoided at work ensuring better working environment and collaboration of the employee at work to work with efficiency.


In respect to behavioural skills, the HR professionals required to have a transparent and trustworthy behaviour. This is because transparent behaviour leads the HR professionals to treat the employees equally for providing benefits and appraisals within the organisation in turn making employees to trust them. It avoids the employees being deprived of their designated benefited for the work effort provided making them feel satisfied with the value provided through transparent judgement by the HR professionals (Barrena-Martínez et al. 2017). The lack of transparent behaviour of HR professionals leads employees to lose trust over them and makes employees work inappropriately as well as leave their job. This is because in such case the employees lack of value and satisfaction at work for their work effort in turn goes on to look for better opportunity by leaving their job. This results organisation to experience lower human resources required for meeting their gaols in turn hindering their business (Renkema et al. 2018). The HR professionals required to have purpose oriented behaviour (Junior et al. 2017). This is required so that the employees are directed in the right way at the job by HR by informing them key goals to be achieved to execute their task with efficiency. The HR professionals required to have an adaptive behaviour (Altıntas et al. 2017). This is because without adaptability the HR professionals would not be able to manage the employees in a proper way at par with the changing industry condition.

Personal SWOT Analysis

The personal SWOT analysis is helpful to identify the strength and opportunities an individual has that are to be implemented for managing the skills that are under threat. Moreover, it informs about the weakness an individual have that are to be improved for better performance. The SWOT refers to strength, weakness, opportunity and threat (Phadermrod et al. 2019). In here, I have done my personal SWOT analysis to identify the strength, weakness, opportunity and threats I have regarding my skills while working as HR manager.

Strength: My personal analysis informs that I have an effective leadership skill which is evident as I am always able to direct the employees working under me regarding the way they are to execute their duties so that effective employee management within the organisation can be built. I also found that I have proper listening skills which help me to appropriately identify the key concern being faced by the employees at work to be resolved. This eventually leads me to resolve problems at work with assurance of quality working environment. Moreover, I have the strength of right decision-making and collaboration skill which is also evident as I never fail to make employee collaborate within a team to work as one in accomplishing the objectives and mission of the organisation. I have the strength of showing trustful behaviour which would lead me to develop proper relationship with the employees to make them believe me and cooperate with me at work.

Weakness: I have been disappointed to found that I lack proper negotiation skill while executing my personal SWOT analysis. This is evident as during the analysis I found that I often face hindrance while creating negotiation with my subordinates and employees at the organisation which has led them to be disappointed with my work methods thus hindering my proper employee relationship building at work. Further, I also found that I lack proper time scheduling skills as I have seen to failed to schedule and prioritise work accordingly so that it can be meet within deadlines. This led me to face hindrance in helping the employees and my subordinates towards successfully achieving their goals within deadline. I am sometimes unable to show purposeful behaviour which makes it difficult for me to direct the employees to work in the right way.

Opportunity: I found that I have the conflict resolution skills as opportunity to be used to avoid conflicts with employees and well as resolve problems between employees. I also have proper team management skill as opportunity which helps me to make the employees work within a team with efficiency. Moreover, I follow by the rules and I am transparent at work which leads me to have opportunity of executing any tasks ethically.

Threat: The analysis informed that I lack onboarding skill due to which I face difficulty in managing proper amount of employee strength in the organisation while any staffs leave. I also have lack of proper communication skill as a threat as result of which I may be facing issues with effective employee management. This is because without proper communication with the employees I would be unable to inform them regarding the objectives to be accomplished at work which would ensure better productivity of the organisation.

Personal SWOT Analysis

Personal Development Plan

Personal and Professional Development Plan

Reflective Statement

My personal skill audit informs that as a HR manager in a reputed organisation I have the leadership, listening, collaboration and proper decision-making skills as my strength. The listening skill has led me to develop knowledge about the concerns being faced by employees. Moreover, my collaboration skill as strength is seen to have offered me the efficiency to ensure collaboration between employees at work. Further, my proper decision-making skill has helped me to avoid getting into and get out from problematic situation at work. However, my weakness with time scheduling and negotiation skills has led me to face issues in prioritising work and developing good and strong employee reactions. On further analysis, I still found that I have conflict resolution, ethics and team management skill as opportunity in managing employees at work to get over the weakness. However, my skills regarding lack of communication and onboarding employees are posing threat for me to accomplish my work goals. Thus, my personal development plan is being made to improve my communication skills so that impending threat to reach my objectives at work can be resolved.


The discussion informs that the HR professional in any organisation required having listening skills, communication skills, onboarding skills, effective communication skills and others. On my personal audit, I found that I have leadership, listening and collaboration skills as strength, lack of time scheduling and negotiation skill as weakness, ethics, conflict management and decision-making skill as opportunity and communication skill and onboarding skills as threat. Moreover, a personal development plan is developed for improving communication skill so that threat is minimised.

Task 2:


The learning and development within an organisation is important for the employees to improve their skills and knowledge at work to offer greater quality effort to ensure better productivity for the organisation. Moreover, it leads to create continuous professional development of the employees. In order to accomplish effective learning and development within organisation, the training and employee development plans are to be properly framed by identifying the key needs and demands of the employees along with the concern faced by them in executing their tasks. In this assignment, the requirement of continuous professional development is to be analysed with respect to Mark & Spencer. The way HPW has contributed to employee engagement in Mark & Spencer is to be discussed and different approaches related to HPW are to be evaluated to make recommendations for their improvements.

Overview of the organisation

Mark & Spencer (M&S) is one of the key British Multi-national retailers with headquarters present in Westminster, London who specialises in selling home products, clothing, and luxury food items and products. The company was founded in 19884 and since then to the present, they have total of 979 running stores in UK out of which 615 stores are involved in selling food products only (, 2017). Mark & Spencer’s present chairman is Archie Norman and in 2018 it has collected £10.7 billion as revenue that is informed to be 0.7% more than the previous year. In 2018, the operating income of the organisation was seen to be £670.6 million and they have achieved £29.1million as profit in the present year. The total number of employees who are serving for the company includes 84,939 as reported in 2017 (, 2018). The figures inform that M&S have effectively managed their business to ensure high performance to get increased profit from their business by satisfying their customers. This also informs that M&S may have contributed to ensure greater effort are implemented by the employees to reach such figures as they are key workforce of the business whose contribution is required for the company to excel in business operations in the industry.

Analysing continuous professional development (CPD) and the requirement for organisational and individual development

The Continuous Professional Development (CPD) is the process through which the organisation tracks and document existing skills, experience and knowledge of the employees for engaging them into activities which are going to improve their present abilities. This is important to ensure ongoing improvement of the employees in the organisation for their better career prospects as well as better productivity of the organisation (Cohen, 2015). In Mark & Spencer (M&S), they implement various processes through which CPD is ensured for meeting individual as well as organisational development.

The M&S implement skill audit program to ensure CPD for individual and organisational development (, 2018). As mentioned by Grossman and Johnson (2015), skill audit program in the organisation evaluates the key issues being faced by employees at work. The information developed in skill audit by M&S is used by them to frame strategies to resolve the issues at work by updating the skills of all their employees (, 2018). This ensures continuous professional development of the employees at the individual level as they develop new skills and knowledge in the process which leads them to have better efficiency in controlling problems at work in future to show better performance for the organisation. Thus, CPD is required for organisational development of M&S as better efficiency of the employees leads them to execute tasks with fewer issues at work ensuring better productivity and development for the organisation in the industry to deliver services and products with better skills. As argued by Lim et al. (2016), assessing issues at work through overall skill audit of the employees do not inform their individual lack of skills. Thus, M&S by executing overall skill audit of the employees would be unable to create development at the individual level for the employees as the lack of skills at individual level cannot be resolved through the framed strategies for resolving issues at work and may even create duplication of skill learning for few employees (, 2018).

M&S created CPD for the employees through employee training and development program (, 2018). The CPD through training and development is required for individual development because it helps the employee learn new and innovative skills in executing their tasks thus improving their efficiency to work. This, in turn, creates organisational development because better services and improved quality products are able to be delivered by the employees to the customers providing better satisfaction in comparison to the competitors of the organisation in the industry (Yang et al. 2016). This is effectively understood by M&S which is evident from their recent implementation of employee training to turn their staffs into data scientist by making them learning excellent digital skills so that the organisation is able to become digital-first retailer (, 2018). This is going to create CPD at the individual level as the employees would be able to learn new skills to manage digital marketing of the organisation to become the consumer’s first choice. Moreover, it is required for organisational development of M&S as the activity is going to help them develop human capital that would put their effort in making them the leading retail organisation in the online market ensure their better competitive position than its competitors.

The M&S ensures continuous professional development within their organisation by arranging workshops for the employees (, 2018). As mentioned by Ashenden and Lawrence (2016), in the workshops the employees are allowed to discuss among themselves to identify which skills they lack and required to be developed as well as learn from professionals through activities in upgrading their skills. Thus, arrangement of workshops for the employees by M&S has helped them to create continuous professional development (CPD) as it has lead employees to improve their existing skills to offer better effort to accomplish tasks at the organisation (, 2010). This CPD is required by M&S to create organisational development as it leads them to create improvement in work nature of the employees by making them more efficient to ensure quality work results, in turn, improving the productivity of the organisation leading to their better development. The CPD at M&S is required for individual development of the employees as it offers opportunity for the staffs to learn strategies in resolving their weakness and lack of skills at work in turn offering them efficiency to work with better zeal and fewer issues.

Evaluating the way HPW contributes to employee motivation and engagement

The High-Performance Working (HPW) refers to the creation of work culture in the organisation where there is transparency in employee management as well as trust and openness for communication among all (Jiang and Liu, 2015). Thus, it involves creating a flatter structure rather than a hierarchical one where employees are engaged, motivated, happy and are able to share as well understand the vision of the organisation.

The transparency of activities created through high-performance working motivates employees to work with improved zeal and happiness (Jackson and Jackson, 2017). This is because transparency within organisation makes employees ensure that all of them are provided benefits according to their skills and engagement at work and none of them is treated with partiality. It also leads the employees to feel that their work efforts are properly valued leading them to feel motivated and more engaged at work out of trust. As argued by Baraibar‐Diez et al. (2017), lack of transparency in employee management makes the employees feel that they are partially treated which raises conflicts at the work. Thus, it hinders the trust of the employees towards the organisation making them feel not being properly valued leading them to show lower engagement at work due to dissatisfaction. For instance, in case of M&S, they ensure transparency of employee management within the organisation by offering each employee without any form of discrimination their deserved job position and salary according to experience and talent. This is evident from their CSR initiative being taken where they have arranged actions so that female along with males in the organisation is offered higher position according to their experience and talent without creating any discrimination on the basis of sex orientation (, 2016). Thus, out of trust that there are no biases in the organisation based on sexual orientation it has lead employees at M&S to collaboratively work with effective engagement to get appraisals at work.

The high performance working results the organisation to develop effective communication between the employees and the higher management and vice-versa. This leads the employees be able to resolve their confusion at work by discussing methods with the high management that are to be implemented for resolving the issues (Buchanan and McCalman, 2018). It creates increased employee engagement as the issues being faced by employees at work are immediately resolved with interference of the higher management. The lack of effective solution of issues at work from the management makes employees confused to execute activities to accomplish their tasks which lead to lower their engagement (Katzenbach and Smith, 2015). For instance, in M&S, the employees report that they are often unable to interact with the higher management to resolves issues that are raising confusion at work. This has led them to face hindrance in providing proper quality services to the customers, in turn, lower their engagement at work that has affected the sales of the organisation. It is evident as in 2017 M&S due to improper employee engagement has received 1.2% fall in sales of their clothing in the first three months of July which is compared to 5.9% fall in the final quarter in the financial year (, 2017).

The establishment of open communication through HPW leads employers to convey information to the employees regarding the mission and vision of the organisation (Muduli et al. 2016). This leads the employees to understand what they need to accomplish by executing their tasks, in turn, offering them clarification about their role in the organisation. It creates employee engagement as they are properly communicated about the things to be accomplished through their tasks avoiding development of any confusion. For instance, in Mark and Spencer, the employees are properly communicated about their roles along with vision and mission to be accomplished through work by arranging meetings with the employees (, 2016). As mentioned by Raziq and Maulabakhsh (2015), openness in communication seen in high performance working leads the employees to be involved in decision-making for developing strategies most suitable to resolve problems at work. This creates value for the employees that their perceptions and ideas are considered by the higher management in making decision for the business of the organisation. It leads towards employee engagement as the employees feel dignified to work for such organisation where their ideas are considered in making decisions. However, in Mark and Spencer the employees are not engaged by the management in making decisions for the organisation due to which effective HPW has not been established within the organisation.

Evaluating different approaches to HPW and recommendations for its improvement

The different approaches to high performance working made by the HR department include annual appraisal to employees, formal feedback from employers to employees, an annual review of the training needs of employees, continuous professional development program, salary according to industry standards, health benefits and others (Jiang and Liu, 2015). As mentioned by Hossain et al. (2015), providing proper annual appraisal to the employees without discrimination ensures high performance working as it led deserving staffs to get proper remuneration for the work effort being made within the organisation. Mark & Spencer offer annual appraisal to the employees based on reports of monitoring and evaluation of individual work performance being made by the employees and pay ranges are available to all employees in a transparent way in the intranet of the organisation (, 2018). It has led its employees to feel valued as well as lead M&S to effectively praise their employees for the work effort which makes them develop a sense of belonging with the organisation. It has resulted employees to work with more zeal due to feeling of value for their work effort and trust over the management of the organisation. As argued by Jones (2016), improper annual appraisals provide value to the employees who do not deserve the remuneration. This result the high performing employees feel being neglected by the organisation leading them to lose trust over the management of the organisation which makes them work in a hindered manner. Since M&S appropriately provides annual appraisal without any form of discrimination this negative aspects would not be able to impact them.

The formal feedback from employer to employees helps the employees to understand their weakness and skills that are to be developed thus ensuring high performance working. This is because the information in the form of feedback is used by the employees of the organisation to make improvement in their skills leading them to offer improved work effort and develop better efficiency to deliver quality services at work (Bali and Dixit, 2016). In Mark & Spencer, the employers are seen not to be efficient in providing appropriate feedback to the employees at the individual level to inform them about the weakness and improvement in skills to be done by them while at work to ensure better performance (, 2018). It has resulted employees at M&S to be unable to provide quality services to the customers that have resulted in their drop in sales with lower profit earnings (5.4% drop in profits in 2018) (, 2018). This is because the unsatisfied customers being inappropriately treated by the M&S employees are avoiding their stores to buy from them and the employees without the help of feedback and assistance from the management are unable to identify which skills are to be improved for resolving the raised issues. Thus, it is recommended to the management of the M&S to inform feedback to the employees regarding the skills they needed to be improved at individual level through their intranet facilities to ensure HPW at the organisation.

The organisations in case offer salary to the employees as per the industry and national standards help to promote high performance working among the employees (Williams and Horodnic, 2017). This is because providing salary as per industry standards leads the employees to be economically stable to execute their expenses. It makes the employees also feel valued by the organisation as they feel their work efforts are properly remunerated and the organisation is aware of their economic condition to help them live properly. This, in turn, makes the employees show higher performance through better efforts and quality skill portrayal at job to accomplish tasks allocated to them due to the peace of mind and value. As mentioned by Mueller et al. (2017), lack of salary as per industry standards makes the employee being not being valued by the organisation for their work effort. This makes the staffs feel lack of zeal to work as they feel they are being exploited by the organisation.

The salary benefits to the employees are provided according to the industry standards by the Mark & Spencer (, 2018). This is evident as the yearly pay of Store Manager of the UK in M&S is £31,867 which is 29% more than the average national pay (, 2018). However, the lower level staffs in M&S reports that they are not provided proper salary as per industry standards (, 2016). Moreover, there is a 12.3% gender pay gap in the organisation for fixed hourly pay (, 2018). This informs that though M&S offer better salary to the manager and higher officials as per industry standards but their key workforce who are the store employees are not provided determined salary. It has rendered many of their staffs to feel lack of zeal to work with effort to ensure high performance working. Further, gender pay gap has led the female employees of the organisation who are predominant in number of staffs show less zeal to show higher performance as they feel their effort are not being properly remunerated in comparison to men. Thus, it is recommended to M&S to offer salary as per industry standards at all level in their organisation and resolve the gender pay gap to show value towards employees and establish equality. This is required so that the management is able to show proper value to the employees and the employees out of satisfaction of being values show greater performance in improving the business efficiency of the firm.

In collaborative working approach, the employees are able to share their skills and knowledge among one another to execute a certain task for reaching the determined goal. This is because during collaboration all nature of employees with varied skills works together and shares through interaction various ideas regarding the way to execute work at its best by resolving any difficulty or problem at work (Olaisen and Revang, 2017). Thus, it contributes to high performance working as the employees due to collaboration have knowledge through discussion and assistance from other employees about the way to execute their allocated task in the best way by resolving any issues being experienced. In M&S, it is seen that they are using Office 365 to develop collaboration at work. They are providing facility through the application to employees for communicating with all the staffs without any barriers in forming collaboration to share ideas and skills to work efficiently (, 2018). Thus, collaborative working being adopted by M&S would assist employees to work together by sharing their skills and ideas to efficiently provide services to customers by resolving difficulties in turn showing high performance at work. As criticised by Tucci et al. (2016), lack of collaborative approach leads employees to work individually where they are unable to work with high performance due to lack of assistance and presence all nature of skills and knowledge. This is because an individual does not have all the skills and knowledge required to accomplish a task at its best by efficiently resolving the difficulties faced in accomplishing the task. Moreover, without collaboration the employees while working individually if get stuck to a situation are unable to revive as they always do not adequate ideas on their own to get over the problem. On the contrary, in collaborative working many employees are involved where various ideas are shared to get over problem with ease at work (Waldron, 2017). This negative impact would not bother M&S as they have established and support collaborative working at the organisation ensuring development of high performance working environment.

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The discussion informs that continuous professional development (CPD) is required by Mark & Spencer so that better career development and skill improvement by the employees can be attained ensuring their individual development. Moreover, CPD would lead the organisation to have better quality service delivery to the customers by employees with improved skill ensure their rise in productivity leading to their development. The high performance working (HPW) is required at M&S to ensure better quality services and improved productivity of the organisation. The high performance working (HPW) approaches used in M&S are proper salary deliver to employees, feedback to employees and annual appraisal out of which the first two is not effectively established. Thus, it is recommended to M&S to improve their salary structure and use intranet services to provide feedback to the employees from the employer so that effective HPW is established within the organisation.

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Task 1:

Aldrich, P., Dietz, G., Clark, T. and Hamilton, P., 2015. Establishing HR professionals’ influence and credibility: Lessons from the capital markets and investment banking sector. Human Resource Management, 54(1), pp.105-130.

Gubbins, C. and Garavan, T., 2016. Social capital effects on the career and development outcomes of HR professionals. Human Resource Management, 55(2), pp.241-260.

Ulrich, D. and Brockbank, W., 2016. Creating a winning culture: next step for leading HR professionals. Strategic HR Review, 15(2), pp.51-56.

Rasmussen, T. and Ulrich, D., 2015. Learning from practice: how HR analytics avoids being a management fad. Organizational Dynamics, 44(3), pp.236-242.

Cohen, D.J., 2015. HR past, present and future: A call for consistent practices and a focus on competencies. Human Resource Management Review, 25(2), pp.205-215.

Phadermrod, B., Crowder, R.M. and Wills, G.B., 2019. Importance-performance analysis based SWOT analysis. International Journal of Information Management, 44, pp.194-203.

Task 2:

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Ashenden, D. and Lawrence, D., 2016. Security dialogues: Building better relationships between security and business. IEEE Security & Privacy, (3), pp.82-87.

Bali, M. and Dixit, S., 2016. Employer brand building for effective talent management. International Journal of Applied Sciences and Management, 2(1), pp.183-191.

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Buchanan, D.A. and McCalman, J., 2018. High performance work systems: The digital experience. London: Routledge.

Cohen, D.J., 2015. HR past, present and future: A call for consistent practices and a focus on competencies. Human Resource Management Review, 25(2), pp.205-215.

Grossman, A.M. and Johnson, L.R., 2015. Employer perceptions of online accounting degrees. Issues in Accounting Education, 31(1), pp.91-109. Lim, Y.M., Lee, T.H., Yap, C.S. and Ling, C.C., 2016. Employability skills, personal qualities, and early employment problems of entry-level auditors: Perspectives from employers, lecturers, auditors, and students. Journal of Education for Business, 91(4), pp.185-192.

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Jiang, J.Y. and Liu, C.W., 2015. High performance work systems and organizational effectiveness: The mediating role of social capital. Human Resource Management Review, 25(1), pp.126-137.

Jones, D., 2016. The future of performance management beyond appraisals. Strategic HR Review, 15(2), pp.100-102.

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Katzenbach, J.R. and Smith, D.K., 2015. The wisdom of teams: Creating the high-performance organization. Harvard Business Review Press.

Muduli, A., Verma, S. and Datta, S.K., 2016. High performance work system in India: Examining the role of employee engagement. Journal of Asia-Pacific Business, 17(2), pp.130-150.

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Olaisen, J. and Revang, O., 2017. Working smarter and greener: Collaborative knowledge sharing in virtual global project teams. International Journal of Information Management, 37(1), pp.1441-1448.

Raziq, A. and Maulabakhsh, R., 2015. Impact of working environment on job satisfaction. Procedia Economics and Finance, 23, pp.717-725.

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Waldron, K., 2017. Implementing a collaborative working environment using agile: the lexisnexis experience. Legal Information Management, 17(1), pp.16-19.

Williams, C.C. and Horodnic, I.A., 2017. Evaluating the illegal employer practice of under‐reporting employees’ salaries. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 55(1), pp.83-111.

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