Proper development of children and young people are associated with different factors such as education, health, emotional and behavioural development, identity, relationship and family, social presentation and selfcare skills. The overall process of development in children and young people is very complicated as well as complex idea. This essay has selected a 4-year-old boy, Child, who suffers from different developmental disorders such as autism ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorders) and learning disorder. This essay is going to highlight the issue of meeting all the developmental needs of children as well as of the young people which is important for their normal physical, mental and emotional development. The essay will also discuss the importance of this study in terms of determining the developmental need of the selected child and how these needs can be met to support him. Through using relevant developmental theories, this essay will discuss three aspects of development of the child chosen for this study. Finally, the essay will conclude the major aspects from the discussion that is going to be discussed as well as highlighted though using proper evidence-based information.
Discussing impact of developmental theory on own practice:
While discussing developmental needs of children and young people, it is important to depict the guidelines and standard set by Developmental Matters of Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) for practitioners to work on developmental needs. informed consent one of the most important aspects associated with meeting development needs of children and young people. here the practitioner needs to respect the decision of parent of the children and young people regarding promoting their learning and development. through using evidences-based observation, this study is going to highlight the importance of meeting development needs of children and young people in term of promoting their professional and personal development. For example, while observing as well as determining the developmental needs of a child, practitioners need to take informed consent of her or his family members and partners to do so. in this context the practitioners need to make effective communication with their family members well as parent of the child to make them understand why the overall process of development and learning is important children a el as for young people for promoting their prelesional and personal skill. In addition to this, the practitioners would also inform the parent of children about the actual cause for which the consent are going to be taken from them. as mentioned by Cliff et al. (2016), informed consent is important for maintaining ethical and moral values in eth development and learning process for children and young people. through taking ooer consent from et family members of children, it is possible for practitioner to use effective techniques in determining the developmental needs of children. Evidence-based studies have shown that ethical issues are faced by practitioners when anonymity and ‘Informed Consent’ have been addressed in terms of determining the developmental disabilities and developmental need in the selected children and young people (Ansell, 2016). Based on the statutory guidelines of the Developmental Matters of Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), practitioners as well as educator needs to focus on maintaining some principles while promoting children and young people development. Based on the Early Years Foundation Stage (Learning and Development Requirements) Order 2007, it is important for the early year practitioners to get the full consent from parents while determining developmental condition of children. Under the regulation, the practitioner also needs to use them regarding the observation, developmental process and techniques would be used in terms of analysing the developmental needs of children and how the developmental needs can be manged for promoting his normal physical mental and emotional development. As mentioned by Bröder et al. (2017), in most of the times practitioners have to face ethical dilemmas while addressing informed consent and anonymity of the child. In most of the times while children and their family have been informed regarding the purpose and objectives of study that is conducted in the purpose of analysing children’s current developmental condition and learning needs, most of the parents and children are not wiling to provide their consent to the study that can create severe ethical dilemmas in the practitioners.
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Under the statutory principles of Early Years Foundation Stage (Learning and Development Requirements) Order 2007, while conducting any study or research in development and learning process of a child the practitioner needs to maintain et confidentiality of personal as well as professional database of child as well as of the family members. On the contrary Cliff et al. (2016) argued that, in case of taking medical advise or clinical intervention of the child due to promote betterment of development coition, it is not all time possible to maintain the confidently of personal and professional database, as the practitioners and educators need to provide the personal and professional history of the child which has important link with the current developmental condition of child. Based on the Codes of Conducts and statutory guidelines of EYFS, while it comes to deal with children’s learning and development, practitioners and other people associated with this process, would provide the proper information regarding children development and progress to family members which will assays parents to understand how the child recovers from the past developmental condition. Here in this study, the parents of have been informed regarding strategies, objectives and observation methods that are going to be used by the practitioners determining et current developmental needs of this child. Here the researcher can face ethical issues in collecting the personal information regarding past life, past experiences, current medical statement regarding mental health and developmental condition of Child. On the other hand, according to the guidelines of Early Years Foundation Stage (Welfare Requirements) Regulations 2012, while inducing this study on development in child, it is important that the researcher and practitioners will respect the consent, interest and preferences of Child and his family members during addressing the anonymity and informed consent. This means, that researcher cannot forces or convince the family of Child and his family for collecting the personal as professional information important for determining the development condition as well as developmental needs of Child.
While it comes to discuss as well as analyse the three important development aspects in children and young people development, it needs to be stated that what are the major developmental aspects of children and young people. As mentioned by Bröder et al. (2017), there are there ae several developmental aspects associated with the metal., physical and emotional development of children as well as of young pope. The developmental aspics are social, emotional cognitive, language, spiritual and cognitive. This study has selected three important developmental aspects such as cognitive, social and language. The reason behind selecting these three aspects is the current developmental condition of Child. While it needs to manage the developmental needs of children, it is important that practitioners would focus on his social, cognitive and language development process. As mentioned by Goodway et al. (2019), observation is important process through which it is possible to track the overall development of a child and young people. Here, the study has selected three types of observation process such as event sample, time sample and tracking method. As argued by Hallam (2016), observational process cannot be all time effective in case of disabled children who have different behavioural expression in different times which is difficult to be observed or tracked. In case of promoting development in young people and children the above-mentioned observation process will be relevant as it will assist the researcher and practitioner to observe and track any behavioural and developmental changes in him.
Cognitive development is one of the most important developmental aspects in children as well as in young people, which assist them to develop proper decision, intelligences, problem-solving skill, positive thoughts, proper interactive skill and analytical skills and judgemental skill. While determining the development and behaviour of children and young people, event sample is highly effective which will assist practitioners to observe behaviour of children at a particular event or situation, such as while he spends the tiffin time in school or while he is alone at his room. As argued by Heath et al. (2017), event analysis sometimes cannot provide proper information of developmental needs and behavioural changes of children as the behaviour and developmental aspects change with every moments and event which cannot possible to be tracked by practitioners. In this context, the practitioners need to record the behaviour activities and performances of children, in different times in a day and then compare the events with one another to analyse the differences and similarities in behaviour and activities in each event. By using the concept of Piaget & Vygotsky Theory of Cognitive Development, while observing cognitive behaviour and development of children, the practitioners need to consider three important development aspects in the mind such as Schemas, Adaption and operation stages. Schemas are associated with development of intelligence and knowledge in children which assist them to develop proper decision and solve different issues by using intelligence and merit (Horelli, 2018). Therefore, while using Event sample in observing the behaviour and development of children, practitioner will focus on analysing any intelligent behaviour or knowledgeable attitude have been shown by child during the event. The second aspect is adaption, which assists children to adapt to the external world (Langøy et al. 2019). In this context, the practitioners track the behaviour and activities of Child while he spends the tiffin time at school or while he is in the playground. In this context Heath et al. (2017) argued that, sometimes practitioners cannot infer any effective interpretation by considering Schemas and Adaption in behaviour and performances of children, because in many cases children cannot adapt them with outer world, as they don’t feel safe in the environment , which does not mean that they cannot develop proper cognitive skills. The third aspects based on the Piaget & Vygotsky Theory is Operation stage, in which children is involved in inventing new things and opportunities in their outside world. While using other two observation methods, time and tracking to observe the behavioural development in child, practitioners and educators need to watch his performance and activities during a certain time. This process can assist the practitioner to analyse that whether Child has gone through operation stage of development that is important for his sensory motor and neuronal development. While using tracking process, the practitioner can analyse the behaviour and performance of child staring from a definite point of time in a day. The two processes of observation such as time and tracking method can assist practitioners to determine operational stages in children’s development, which will determine that whether child has successfully developed the intellectual process in his mind that are associated with developing positive thoughts and right decisions in him. Here the practitioners can use Skinner Theory of children development-based on which they need to analyse the action and its overall consequences to determine behavioural and developmental needs in child. Therefore, in case of implementing the important observation method such as time, event and tracking process, the practitioners need to focus on analysing activities and performance in a particular time duration or in particular event and the evaluate overall result or consequences of the observation.
Social development is one of major developmental aspects in case of children development that needs to be observed in proper manner to determine eth social connection development of child (Hallam, 2016). While observing the social development of child, the three observational process can be used by practitioners by using theoretical concept of Bowlby Attachment Theory. Here the practitioners need to observe the relationship between Child and his society such as is neighbours, school mates, teacher, friends and relatives, through analysing these relationship statuses of child, it may be possible for eth practitioners to determine the reason behind actual developmental condition of child. As argued by Manning et al. (2018), through observing the social relationship is not enough for determining the developmental needs of child, rather the practitioner’s ned to understand the connection of the social, cultural and historical aspects with children development. By using the concept of Bowlby Attachment Theory, the practitioners can use event and tracking method in determining social connection of child, which will assist them to analyse how social and external world impact on mental and physical development of child. On the other hand, while using these observation methods in terms of observing social developmental aspects in child, practitioners can use Skinner Child Development Theory, in which the practitioners need to focus on the level of interaction of Child with his and outer world, and its consequences on his menta and physical development. In this context Marguerit et al. (2018.) Argued ta, interaction with social world cannot be relevant parameter in determining developmental needs of children, rather the practitioners need to focus on the emotional, spiritual and intellectual developmental aspects of children to determine proper developmental process in this child. Here another important theory, Bronfenbrenner Child development Theory, can be used by the practitioner while observing social developmental aspects of child. Based on this concept, practitioners need to understand the immediate environment of child, which ins micro environment. As mentioned by Manning et al. (2018), micro environment is the hypothetical environment made by child, in which the child includes the persons and objects to which he or she is desperately connected. As children have their own environment in which he permits his mother and grandmother to enter, it is important for practitioners to analyse this environment by using the theory. While use the Event sample, in observe yeh social behaviour of Child, the practitioners need to understand why child does not want anyone to enter in his microenvironment and what are the aspects that are associated with his isolated mentality. As argued by Mora et al. (2018), by determining the micro-system or immediate environment of a child it is not possible to determine his development needs rather practitioners also connect the real external environment in which the child resides in the micro environment to analyse action and its consequences on his or her development. While using another observation method such as tracking, practitioners can use Chomsky’s Development Theory, which will assist the practitioner to track re inter cation and communication process of the child with his external society. Here the practitioners will start the observation at a particular point of time in a day in which child is in the school or in other places outsides the house. Based on the theory, practitioners can analyse that whether child has overcome the language disabilities in terms of interacting with external society. As mentioned by Mora et al. (2018), interaction and language development are one of the important aspects on the social development that assist children to develop proper thoughts, feelings, positive perception and positive assumption.
Another development aspect that is selected in this essay in language development. As child suffers from language disorders, selecting language development is highly relevant to this study. Though using three different observational processes such as event sample, tracking and time sample, it is possible to observe the overall language development in child, the observation will also assist practitioner to determine the important strategies that can be used in promoting language development in child. In this aspect while using Even Sampling, practitioner can use the Chomsky Child Development Theory, in which practitioners will observe interaction and communication of Child with his teachers, peers and family members. Here practitioner would determine communication and interaction of child at a certain point of event or situation. In this intext Hallam (2016) argued that, for determine language development in child, practitioners need to communicate with family members and groups in which et child is attached to collect information about the interactive skills and communication skills of the child rather than observe activities and communication behaviour of child. Here the practitioners can use another important observation process, tracking in which practitioners can start the observation at a definite point of time in a day to tack the frequency of initiation as well as communication of child with the peers, teachers and family members. While analysing observational result, practitioner can use Bronfenbrenner’s Child Development Theory, in which the practitioner would analyse the hypothetical environment which is made by Child, in which he permits entry of his preferable persons such as his mother and grandmothers. Through using this theory to analyse the observational result, Practitioner can determine the relationship of Child with his family members and external world that directly impact on his language development. On the contrary Manning et al. (2018) argued that, social connection and relationship of children with the external world have no potential impact on language development as the language skills is in-borne skills that is developed with the growth of children without any influences of social world. Here the practitioners can use another observation method, time sampling, in which practitioner can watch communication and interactive behaviour of Child in different times and compare them. Through analysing the level of interaction and communication of Child with his external world and internal world, it can be possible to analyse that whether Child has improved his language skills.
From the above-mentioned discussion, it can be concluded that, development of children and young people are associated with meeting some needs such as health needs, emotional needs, physical needs, spiritual needs, self-esteem, relational needs and psychological needs. Based on Standard and Codes of Conducts of EYFS, practitioner need to maintain ethical and moral principles in terms of managing development needs of children and meet them accordingly. There are several development aspects such as cognitive, social, emotional, physical, language and spiritual. Practitioners need to work on this aspect to determine the developmental needs of children. Through proper observation on children activities and performance practitioners can use relevant strategies to promote physical, mental and emotional development of children as well as of young people.
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