University OF Middlesex

The University of Middlesex
Department of Nursing
Bachelor of Science (Adult)
Respected Sir/Madam

I shall deem it a great favour if you please consider the following few lines in the form of request to resit for the assignment of study module of NIP 1000, which had been the study module assignment in which I could not achieve the necessary measure of success to fulfil the passing criteria. To this effect, it has been incumbent upon me to explain the rationale of my previous disconcerting performance concerning the aforementioned study module so as to respond to the specifications mentioned in the email sent by you on 04.05.2018. It is, therefore, an entirety on behalf of mine to please consider the extenuating circumstances under which I experienced insurmountable difficulties regarding completion of my study assignment. The initial one of my tribulations had been the dissolution of my relationship along with the obligation to cater to the solitary responsibility to rare my daughters. I had to endure acute sadness and despair with considerable measure of depression and gloom due to such occurrences. My previous study assessment session also coincided with the anniversary of the demise of my father which also brought further psychological despondency within me. Apart from these aforementioned extenuating circumstances, the diagnosis of sickle cell disease afflicting my daughter has been the greatest crisis which has affected my study performance. The illness of my daughter has been responsible for having to hospitalise my daughter from the month of January till the commencement of the Summer season. This had been the most arduous and demanding period for me since my younger daughter had to be consistently provided with adequate measure of treatment through periodic admittance to the Queen Elizabeth hospital and the evidence of the same has been provided with the attachment of the hospital certificates and documents. This extenuating situation was augmented by the criticality of my elder daughter having to prepare for her GCS Examination. Apart from these impediments which I had to endure, another difficulty had emerged regarding my necessity to shift residence from the previous location, where I had been residing from the past 15 years to a completely new location and this construed considerable difficulty for me since it has been a challenge for me to acclimatise myself with the new environment and to get accustomed with the new realities. Much investment of time has been a considerable necessity for me as well since I had to shift all of my belongings to the location of my new residence the evidence of which could be derived from accompanying documentation regarding the alteration of my residential address within the previously mentioned time period.


To this effect, it is my humble request that I should be granted the opportunity to resit for the module NIP 1000 since the aforementioned extenuating circumstance have been responsible for my previous ineffectual performance. I, hereby, also acknowledge the fact that achievement of success in the aforementioned module based assessment is of extensive significance to me since I am a single parent with the responsibility of two daughters and educational success could pave the avenue for me to provide a credible example for my daughters to emulate regarding their future progression.

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It is, therefore, my most humble request that I should please be granted the opportunity to resit for the assessment of the aforementioned study module. Thanking You, Yours faithfully

Maiden Name of the Applicant

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