Urban Planning Theories and Practice


The qualitative urban designing and planning processes have been enriched since the 1800s through inclusion of multiplicity of principles as well as the contributions of numerous urban theorists. The explanatory influences and associated concepts of various theorists have been utilised in the new urbanism movement. The majority of urban design professionals have opted to ignore the propositions of such theories despite the evolution of such theories from the systematic observations as well as from the experiments which have been deductive in nature. The result has been the urban environments which have been experiencing a plethora of problems which have been related to the factors of public spaces. This corresponding research investigation would concentrate the study focus on the discourse of the enunciation of the manner through which the present current urban planning experts could have outlined the urban spaces through completely disregarding the significant issue for configuration of such spaces both at the conceptual and at the application levels. Such objectives would be fulfilled through taken through the utilisation of the summarisation of the research study propounded by Kevin Lynch which is known as “The image of the city”.


The commitments and contributions of Kevin Lynch had been instrumental in changing the lives and visual conditions of individuals in different urban conditions and at various metropolises. Kevin Lynch made four noteworthy commitments towards building up a more significant comprehension of urban cognitive spatial perceptions. Such developments further contributed in the formulation of better understanding of subjects associated with the differential learning of the urban conditionalities as well as the environments.

Environmental images

These could be comprehended as the cerebral portrayal of the world that individuals create as well as the demonstration of the perceptions regarding the actualities of such perceptions.

Concept of Legibility

This could be understood to be the straightforwardness with which the individual urban citizens could become capable to undertake proper integration as well as organisation of differential constituents and elements of the urban structural forms to ultimately formulate the necessary and coherent images which are the core topics for the corresponding study.


The designers and planners of urban special imagery have persistently neglected the factors which are associated with the determination of success or failure achievement in such endeavors under consideration. These factors could be understood as the necessity of learning and understanding the proper nature of urban imagery from the opinions of city dwellers. The formulation of proper theoretical constructs could be made possible from such learning and these theories about urban images could then be utilised to be tested in the field as well. However, the planning designers have been negligent to attempt such undertakings. "Cities are an immense laboratory of trial and error, failure and success, in city building and city design". The focal points of concentration of the efforts by the city designers and urban planning practitioners have been the rebuilding and transforming of the cities. These processes have led to the negligence of understanding the actual city dynamics during the 19th and 20th centuries. Prior to the inventions of the four wheeler vehicles, the conditions and dynamics of the human movements through urban spaces and inhabitation segments were particularly congruent to some specific situations. These could be understood as the civic amenities and the public health conditions which best favored the inhabitants and the distances which the urban inhabitants had to traverse for the purpose of availing such amenities.

The invention and introduction of the automobiles in the lives of urban dwellers brought forward the necessities for the architects and urban planners to utilise various theoretical constructs regarding effective city planning. This process became instrumental in paving the way for the suburban ways to be developed at the outskirts of the city. The prime examples of these could be identified as the Garden City Theory propounded by E.Howard during the year 1898 and that of the Linear city by Arturo Soriay Mata. However, the untoward effect of such theories could be perceived in the form of development of the exclusive, gated as well as private communities. The outcomes could be comprehended in the manner of the segregation of the cities into zones of non-uniformity. This was engendered through the factors such as the social, cultural and economic complications which had been associated with the urban areas in general .

The attributes related to the aspects of urban space could be exhibited through the propensity of the general public societies, urban residential occupants and the localized authorities with respect to the accommodation and convenience of the public spaces and regions. The experts of the local authorities had utilised a specific procedure for undertaking of proper evaluative assessment which could identify and monitory the utilization of spaces meant for the general public and furthermore the manner in which such spaces could be utilized by the general population. Notwithstanding the expansive numbers of exclusive and secluded communities, the availability of proper public space could be restricted to private occupants within these communities. Among various undertakings which had been considered regarding the obtainment of privilege of spaces for public utility, one could be understood to be "reclaim the street " (RTS) initiative which had been framed at Brixton, London in the year of 1991. RTS propounded that the vehicles underutilization at Britain could be operating as the fundamental impediments and barriers regarding the availability of public spaces and this initiative also absolved the pedestrians from the allegation of being sources of problems regarding the non-availability of proper public spaces within the urban environment. The proper considerations regarding the accepted conventions and images related to the urban spaces which are acknowledged by the general urban populace could be considered to be the primary driving elements of RTS . The concurrent times are reflective of the attempts to ensure the utilization of the general population for the purpose of examination of the best possible concepts of urban spaces through the application of technical devices. The purpose could be identified as the realisation that the greater part of the general population who could be as well in position of considerable wealth, primarily prefer to exclude themselves from the public spaces through the utilization of walls and gatesi. Such conditions and circumstances could contribute to the generation another inquiry which has emerged with respect to the utilization of spaces of public utility. The focus is on the patterns of utilization of such spaces by the general populace including the various differing manners as well as the future application of such spaces through possibly different preferences by future city dwellers. These suppositions could be markedly different from the preferences of space utilization which could be observed in the current time. It is thus a significant question whether or not the public spaces could be properly and efficaciously utilised by the general populace of the cities.

The application of comparison of this with the Berkeley Park, California could be undertaken as Don Mitchell had addressed issues related about these through the process of research enquiry, where the facilities associated with the parking spaces had contributed into the development of a conflict between the individuals with authority, political parties and city residents to utilize the space for the general population devoid of any living space. However, the University of California ultimately claimed the entire park facility as to be under the legal control of itself.

The requirements, impediments as well as the regulations which had been associated specifically with the utilization of the public spaces are not only constricted to the park only. On the contrary, such problems additionally are associated with the walkways, pavements, public congregational spaces such as plazas and furthermore to a city entirely. To undertake proper delineation of the functionalities of any urban environment the necessity is to properly investigate and contemplate the formulation of perceptions regarding the urban dynamics. The perceptual observations are to be allied to the inductive thinking and reasoning to conduct the investigation on the standards of the behavioral patterns of the city. The perceptions and observations led to the promulgations of the concurrent urban planning and design guideline manual known as the " Responsive Environment " by Bantley and other researchers. The observations of them could be understood to be the following

"the design of a place affects the choices people can make at many levels

Permeability: where people can go and where they cannot

Variety: the range of uses available to people

Legibility: how easily people can understand, what opportunities it offers

Robustness: the degree to which people can use a given place for different purpose

Visual appropriateness: the detailed appearance of the people makes people aware of the choices available

Richness: people’s choice of sensory experience

Personalization: the extent to which the people can put their own stamps".

Primarily, all of these principles and guidelines could be understood to be different derivatives from the multiplicities of theoretical constructs and practices which had been evolved over time. The development of urban spaces and facilities could be incumbent upon the methods of utilization of the concepts of good urbanity. These could be utilized as benchmarks by having critical contention and argumentative feedback towards functionalities of any urban environment where considerable construction could have taken place. For the purpose of determination of the criteria of assessment of the most advanced and cutting edge urban planning process and designs, we have to it is necessary to orient the study and research investigation around the propositions of Kevin lynch in the classic works of "The image of the city". The specifics associated with those of the reviews and surveys conducted by Kevin Lynch in relations to the formulation of comprehensions of the urban spaces of any city could be introduced and then made to proceed towards better delineation through the applications of such developed techniques for the purpose of urban navigation to any specific regional site. Such techniques could clarify the approaches which exist to comprehend the urban regions in the methodological studies.


The limit of capability of a person to have any effective likelihood of visualizing any in-depth image as well as images related to visual occurrences of the city scape can be denoted as imageability or the process of construing images. The capability limit regarding image formulation or which could be acknowledged as imageability, significantly differs from person to person concerning the measure of interactive status or engagement of such individuals with the perceptions of the urban spaces. This could be further enumerated in the manner that the individual perspectives could significantly vary from the perceptual particularities of the conditionalities which encompass such individuals. It is a dual mode process of interaction involving the individual observer and the conditions which exist. The ability to adapt as well as to structure oneself in accordance with the surrounding environment is one of the fundamental beneficial attributes for the animals which are mobile and not static in nature. In the subsequent observations of his, Kevin Lynch has exclaimed the value of versatility specifies concerning the fact that the manner in which any observer could visualize any component in the cityscape from one position in space can change from the manner in which the person could visualize the same from another situational perspective. This can involve the various alterations of visualization procedures and the influences of changes in distance, height, scale, age, image-making capacity, knowledge about the city et cetera. The differences are considerable regarding the altering of perceptions of visualization and these differences generally exist in between different city dwellers including subterranean insects, children, adult human beings, or a newcomer in the metropolises regarding the ability to observe all the city space formulate lasting imagery of such viewed spaces and objects in their minds.


Color, Form, Shape, Arrangement, Structure, Characteristics, etc.,

Creates an impact on the imageability of an observer


The factors of legibility and imageability are closely intertwined with each other concerning the outlines of any city. Reference: Key Thinkers on space and place – book edited by Phil Hubbard, rob kitchen. The formulation of coherent imagery through organisation of various elements associated with the urban forms could be understood to be legibility.

“Principles for effective wayfinding include:

• Create an identity at each location, different from all others.

• Use landmarks to provide orientation cues and memorable locations.

• Create well-structured paths.

• Create regions of differing visual character.

• Don't give the user too many choices in navigation.

• Use survey views (give navigators a vista or map).

• Provide signs at decision points to help wayfinding decisions.

• Use sight lines to show what's ahead.”


Three specific American cities had been studied by Lynch as fields of study through which the outcomes related to his study reconnaissance as well as the resultant comparisons between the outcomes which he derived from these reconnaissance performed at these three cities, could be specifically undertaken. Lynch had undertaken a specific research initiative for the purpose of learning as well as understanding about the mentality of such dwellers of the city at each of these metropolises for the ultimate objective of formulation of the most effective outcome regarding the study of his, about the various imagery which are associated with such cities. This study initiative had developed in the manner of having direct conversations with the inhabitants of the cities.

The research team which was lead by Lynch, engaged in the interaction with various personnel from the individual cities for the purpose of obtaining their opinions regarding the best possible forms which could collectively formulate strong imagery. The resultant information about the forms was then categories through utilisation of different names. These categories had been then developed into five separate elements by Lynch. The third phase of the book of Lynch had been effective in elaboration of the entire range of the study results which he managed to obtain. The third phase of the book is also thus reflective of the elaboration of the distinguishing features of such study results. The book has provided ample discussion regarding the understanding of Lynch concerning the perceptions of urban imagery in the lives of city dwellers.

The images had been compared by Lynch with that of virtual reality so that the forms could be understood in a better manner. Such a development had been also critical concerning the various suggestions which Lynch developed in the form of principles to analyse the various urban designs.

The research had been performed on the supposition and on the conviction that investigation as well as analysis of the existing forms and structures and the consequences for the same on the citizenry could be counted upon as the foundation stones for the tasks of designing cities in the most appropriate manner. The prevalent convictions also highlighted the fact that the expectations regarding the existence of various effective strategies and techniques for field research and gathering of the qualitative research data from the opinions of urban citizens could be realised through the utilisation of the by-products of such research conclusionsvi(pg.14).

The primary rationale regarding this correlation was significantly outlined and channelized towards formulation and development of thoughts and techniques, as opposed to establishment of facts which could be supported through credible evidences in a confirmative and concrete manner. Lynch picked the three American urban environments to be the metropolises of Boston, Los Angeles and Jersey City(New Jersey).To comprehend the significance of natural urban imagery which could influence the lives of the urban residents, Lynch specifically considered the visual features and characteristics of Los Angeles and classified them into five sorts of components such as the paths, edges, nodes, districts, and landmark.

The members of the research team primarily did undertake surveys and interviews with a considerably limited number of urban residents at each of the cities to explore impressions and perceptions of the urban residents of the various zones of the cities including the central urban regions. The procedures which were involved utilizing such systems as sketch based outline maps, verbal enlistment of different landmarks and the distinctive highlights and features of the same, the formulation of specific road directions and headings for navigating through the urban spaces city and finally the research inquiries based on informal modes of questioning regarding orientation of their individual preferences and opinions concerning the layouts and distribution of spaces within their respective urban domains. The research outcomes were then coalesced for the purpose of aggregation of the responses from singular respondents. Such aggregations could then be compared and contrasted with the visual reviews performed by research observers who could have received specific training for this purpose. The appraisals could be made based on the components of the urban spaces and architectures such as paths, edges, districts, nodes, landmarks.


Through the findings of the research conducted in the fields, the conclusion which could be arrived at could clearly outline the fact that every individual urban image constitutes an association between urban structures and what could be considered to be a more generalised and globalised extent, the most prominent public imagery. As per the research conducted by Kevin, numerous individual images could be utilised in the forms of overlapping with each other to shape the public space related extents of the city. Apart from this, Kevin Lynch also expounded that the serial progression of images of public spaces could emerge from the individual images which could be related to the perceptions of the majority of the city dwellers. Such imagery could be useful to the individual tenants to work effectively inside the existing conditions. Each image could be related to the differential substances which could rarely or never put to effective communication at all. Each image could be understood to be unique from a general perspective. All of such imagery could be utilised in a collective manner to ultimately shape the predominant perceptions related to the public images in the urban environments.

The contents of the city image especially physical forms are classified into five elements which are:

Paths: the channel of the observer

Edges: breaking in continuity with the surrounding areas

Districts: 2-dimensional elements within which we spot a common character

Nodes: strategic points

Landmarks: external references

The images related to any specific physical condition could vary occasionally with various conditions of reviews. Accordingly, any highway could be an avenue for the vehicle drivers and also a path for the pedestrians. Furthermore, on the other hand, a zone of centrality and focal significance could involve a region or a district within a city which could be sorted out and organised on a medium scale. This could be developed in a nodal perspective while the whole metropolitan region could be considered. But the categories seem to have stability for a given observer when he is operating at a given level.vi

As per Kevin Lynch, the components of a specific image could appear to various observers in differing manner regarding the impression and perceptions which such observers could be entitled to. This could be a circumstance despite the fact that the different observers could have no direct contention regarding the stability of the various constituents and components of such imagery while they could be active at any specific level. In the opinion of Kevin Lynch, the imagery can be clarified as"a picture especially in the mind", a sentimental combination between objective city image and subjective human thoughts. The productions of environment images are influenced by a two-way process between the observer and the observed. The observer, with great adaptability and in the light of his own purposes, selects, organizes, and endows with meaning what he/she sees”.


Kevin Lynch refers to Paths as avenues or lines comprised of different networks of approach routes such as roads, transit lines, highways, freeways etc. which could permit the undeterred movement of an individual from one region to another.


These could be identified as the boundaries through which the segregation of two or more different zones or regions could be achieved. The edges could be used to demarcate the differentiation between two markedly diverging tangible elements such as water from land or shorelines from the sea. These could as well highlight the difference between the rural and the urban spaces as well.


The Districts could be acknowledged to be various sections which could exist within any city and these could be better defined in the measures of the individual and regional features and characteristics which are congruent with the general progression of civic life within such as city. The Districts are better enunciated as areas of differentiated utilisation from the general residential purposes of citizenry such as office spaces constituted by the commercial activities and recreational facilities for the common populace such as the parks and playgrounds.


Nodes could be understood to be the areas which have to be primarily populous, crowded with considerably busy occupants and these could be visualised in the forms of avenue intersections, road junctions and plazas. Concentration of such congregational intersections of movement, both of human and mechanical dimensions, could be comprehended as regions which constitute the existing nodes within any specific city.


Landmarks could be considered to be the regions or elements which have to be defined and specified in a categorical manner so that the description of such spaces could be accurate. The natures of landmarks are always meant to be proper guidance for the associated inhabitants and city dwellers within the specified urban environments. The landmarks are mostly selected as objects or features which could foster uniqueness or oddity with the surroundings. Such objects could be understood to be towers, signs or even statues of prominent figures.


" We have the opportunity of forming out new city world into an imageable landscape: visible, coherent, and clear. It will require a new attitude on the part of the city dweller, and a physical reshaping of his domain into forms which enter the eye, which organize themselves from level to level in time and space, which can stand as symbols for urban life. The present study yields some clues in this respect.

Most objects which we are accustomed to calling beautiful, such as a painting or a tree, are single-purpose things, in which, through long development or the impress of one will, there is an intimate, visible linkage from fine detail to a total structure. A city is a multi-purpose, shifting organization, a tent for many functions, raised by many hands and with relative speed. Complete specialization, final meshing, is improbable and undesirable. The form must be somewhat noncommittal, plastic to the purposes and perceptions of its citizens.

Yet there are fundamental functions of which the city forms may be expressive: circulation, major land-uses, key focal points."

The shapes and forms could be specified in considerable detailing through careful research study about various experiences in the multiplicity of urban areas. The structures which are involved in such researches could transform such experiences in unique aspects of inviting perceptions. Lynch totally considered the different structures in detail prior to the formulation of the various forms of the city. The objectives of addition of greater sensibilities to the features of the images regarding the urban environment could be achieved by Lynch through the instruments of visual identification and structuring.

The resultant five components of the imagery, as have been propounded by Kevin Lynch, could be understood to be key construction segments which could be demonstrated as constituents of effective and differential structures at the urban scale. He calls attention to the detailed process of delineation of qualities of these five components in the overall formulation of the shapes and forms of the cities. Kevin Lynch is also explicit regarding the characteristics could become the fundamental basis on which ever planner may work upon.

The Sense of the Whole:

When the five elements correlate with each to contribute to a whole metropolitan form .

Metropolitan Form:

It discusses the various methods which Kevin Lynch has been utilizing to enable the general population to take care of issues which have been associated with those of the expansion of the sizes of the leading metropolitan zones and regions as well as the factor of speed which could outline the time required for traversing such distances and spaces through the metropolises under consideration.

The process of Design:

Through the discovery and preservation of the most appealing and strong imagery of the urban scape, the realisation of the methods through which the perceptual difficulties could be brought to effective solutions and, above all, formulation of the multiplicity of frameworks of comprehension concerning the latent structural identity of the variegated edifices which could be existent within the urban expanses. Lynch again concentrates his point on instructing the general population regarding the visual shapes and on the best way to see the pictures for a superior comprehension of the city.


"This image is the result of a two-way process between an observer and observed, in which the external physical shape upon which a designer can operate plays a major role”.

Kevin Lynch trusted the imagery of the environments within the urban spaces to be the indicator of what the onlooker sees and what really is which encourages the designers to achieve the optimum measure of efficacy in their efforts to align the formulated designs with those of the harmonious expressions related to the overall urban visual imagery to which the observers are exposed to.

The researches of Kevin Lynch were altogether focused on single components and examination of delineation of patterns and details which could be derived from the research of the architectural layouts of building complexes which are generally limited in their sizes and physical dimensions. In the event that this entire process could be construed from the stated perspectives, Kevin Lynch trusted that it will raise the experience of a city to an unheard of level, a level equivalent with the units of contemporary functionality and usefulness.

Extensive scale imageable conditions are uncommon today. However, the spatial association of contemporary life, the pace of movement and transportation and the speed and size of new developments, all make it significant to conceive the conscious architectural urban designs which could be effectively utilised to come up with urban edifices of greater space value management quality. This investigation calls attention to, regardless of the measure of depth which could be involved with the elementary research efforts which could be involved in such cases, the necessity to deal with the requirement to formulate novelty based designs and plans. Thus, the research could as well point out the fact that even the largest cities and their environments could be utilised to construct structures which could be visually and aesthetically appealing.

“To design such a form is rarely attempted today: the entire problem is either neglected or relegated to the piecemeal application of architectural or site-planning principles."2

Organisation and integration of the differentiated urban imagery within the new scale includes the necessity to address completely unprecedented complications and challenges related with design formulation. According the observations of Kevin Lynch, the outlines and forms associated with the cities and metropolises could be extremely complicated, persistent, continuous, entire, and versatile and could encompass sufficient measure of mobility as well. Such elements are necessitated to be both integral and able to be altered in the visual perception format to serve the perceptual propensities for a large number of urban residents who value the difference in capacity and importance and could be consistently responsive to the arrangement of new symbolism. The enthusiasm of the observers has to be kindled to investigate the actual dimensions of the new imagers.

Key points to the New Scale were:

Poetic and symbolic environment

It should speak of the individual, society and historical traditions

Clarity of structure

Vividness of identity

The sensibilities expounded by Kevin Lynch could relate to the up-gradation of each human movement which happens in the city and thus could also empower the visualisation based memory repository for the purpose of obtaining the traces of the memory whenever the object viewed could be called into attention. The merits and demerits of the immense city make it both unbelievable and startling. The author also related with how Flanagan expounded such general complication of the urban landscape as "the landscape of our confusions". The dread and disarray can be fathomed and furthermore supplanted into a rich and ground-breaking scene with differential scale based urban plan formulation processes. During the time spent in the process of developing the improved imagery of the city scape, training and educational practice in visualisation as well as envisioning could be as essential as transformation of the viewed objects into the perceptual assumptions.

Lynch concludes by saying" If art and audience grow together, then our cities will be a source of daily enjoyment to millions of their inhabitants." vi


The intersection of the navigational waterway of the river Lea and the mainstream course of the Lea river could be identified as one of the most significant sources of drinking water for the metropolis of London. The Walthamstow water supply reservoirs effectively provided drinking water for the city under consideration for a considerate duration of time beginning from the early 1800’s. The site contains 10 different water supply reservoirs of which 5 reservoirs could be identified as statutory ones and the rest are non-statutory. The water repositories have two noteworthy structural aspects which could be understood to be the specific pump houses or the engine and power supply facilities and the factories which process and manufacture objects from copper. The efficacy of the engine houses could be understood to be the instruments through which the excess water could be pumped out from the reservoir. The Copper processing factories have been instrumental also to contribute in grinding of grains which are harvested from the fields which are situated at close proximity to the site under consideration. During the month of September of the year of 2017, the water reservoir of the site under consideration was made accessible to the general population as a wetland environment which could be considered to be the largest one within Europe. At this point of time, the pumping station is utilized as a direct approach avenue for the purpose accessing the wetlands. Apart from this, the pumping station also serves as the information provisioning point for the visitors. The copper processing factory is utilised as the point from where visitors could obtain unhindered and unrestricted views of the entire site. The low Maynard water reservoir and the other water repositories such as numbers 1 and 2 have been transformed into wetlands with the attributes of a common wetland edges. There are both beneficial as well as detrimental aspects related to such changes.

The water from the reservoirs numbered 4 and 5 had been pumped out in the year 2014 and subsequently the reservoirs were completely refilled and the current operational purpose of such reservoirs has been leisure fishing by the visitors. The central sections of the reservoirs are utilised to place an approach avenue through the forest and this road is an effective demarcation line between two differing segments of the entire site concerning the reservoirs. These two segments could be identified as the northern and southern sections of the site. The northern site contains three subsequent reservoirs which are identifiable through the nomenclature of Low Maynard, High Maynard and Lockwood reservoirs. On the other hand, the southern section of the site contains the reservoirs numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, east and the West Warwick. Some of these reservoirs have small islands at the middle of them which are mostly out of bounds for the general populace since these are breeding grounds of different species of birds and thus are ecologically considered to be vulnerable and sensitive regions. The subsequent processes of formulation of proper comprehension about the strategic considerations which had been applied by Kevin Lynch as well as the processes which he had envisioned for the purpose of construction of the concepts of imagiblity of any urban city along with the dynamics related to public mobility, have been cumulatively responsible for the development of the path for the limited numbers of urban design developers and architects so that a systematic understanding method could be put in place to comprehend the internal dynamics of city spaces and to postulate design configurations for better utilisation of all of such available spaces.

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The site which could be utilised as the proposition of design formulation for this study could be understood to be the Walthamstow reservoirs. This site is located at the close proximity to the Tottenham hale station along the river Lea. To comprehend about the characters of the site and the manner in which the individuals could be utilising the available space, an illustration of parallel considerations have been completed by setting fundamental theoretical speculations of Kevin Lynch in comparison to the components in accordance to the selected site and then comprehending the best possible manner in which the improvement of such study could be enhanced. The study also closely focused on the territories where change is required for better understanding of the site.


As per the alluding of Kevin Lynch, it could be understood that various avenues such as channels or transport administration and networking lines could be taken into consideration for the purpose of the topic of this study. The examples of such could be outlined as roads, lines for transit, highways, freeways etc. These generally are responsible to enables city dweller to move from one locality to the other. In this case, the essential access points for the selected site are the trails and footpaths which extend along the edges of the water reservoirs. Railroads lines likewise slice through the site. Forest roads are demarcation lines which outline the limits of north side and south reservoirs.


Boundary limits that differentiate between two distinct districts are called as edges. These edges isolate two unique expressions outwardly. The edges could be used to demarcate the visual differentiation between two markedly diverging tangible elements such as water from land or shorelines from the sea and urban zones from provincial ones. Here the water edges obviously characterize the locales by isolating water repositories such as reservoirs from the ground formations.

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The Districts could be acknowledged to be various sections which could exist within any city and these could be better defined in the measures of the individual and regional features and characteristics which are congruent with the general progression of civic life within such as city. The Districts are better enunciated as areas of differentiated utilisation from the general residential purposes of citizenry such as office spaces constituted by the commercial activities and recreational facilities for the common populace such as the parks and playgrounds. Districts also differentiate the urban and rural dwellings considerately. This could be best explained in the form of the development of visual and practical perceptions regarding the utility of any specific region of the cities under consideration. The differences in characteristics are prominent regarding each district zone so that the clearest of distinction could be ascertained through visual exposure of such regions to the observers.


Nodes could be understood to be the areas which have to be primarily populous, crowded with considerably busy occupants and these could be visualised in the forms of avenue intersections, road junctions and plazas. Concentration of such congregational intersections of movement, both of human and mechanical dimensions, could be comprehended as regions which constitute the existing nodes within any specific city. In this case, the access points, the copper processing factory facility, the pumping facility and the hutments of the currently defunct community based fishery industry could be employed as nodes of identification and approach for visitors.


Landmarks are zones or components that are particularly characterized or utilized for depiction as demonstrative objects. They go about as guide for individuals to coordinate their movements. One of a kind and odd components are utilized as landmarks.eg: Towers, statues, signs and so on. Here the copper processing facility, the pump house, the untouchable islands, passages to site are set apart as specific landmarks.

The proper formulation of understanding regarding the manner in which the current urban structural and living space designing experts have ignored the approaches associated with outlining the urban communities could be effective in indicating the proper methods of utilization of the general population for this purpose. This also requires proper and qualitative research investigation about the procedures integral to the strategy formulation regarding that of Kevin Lynch to plan the varying degrees of cityscapes. The primary necessity in this regard is to stipulate proper coordination of the techniques to develop effective navigational processes through occupied urban space. This could be identified to be of extremely usefulness in planning any urban domain. This examination and research additionally have contributed in the development of the personal realisation of the necessity of instituting efficacious and all-encompassing control mechanism on the entire perspective of the research. The research exploration has taken care the aspects which are necessary to be considered while attempting to build upon the research conclusions regarding the realisation of the various theoretical constructs for coming up with specific designs regarding different urban dwelling and open spaces.

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