Work Placement Record Sheet

Day One

Skills and Tasks

How well did I perform this?

How do I know?

How will I improve performance next time?

Communication e.g. verbal, non-verbal

Dealing with different needs

How did you do this?

In order to understand and deal with the needs of the homeless people on the first day, I verbally communicated with them in an empathetic and friendly manner. This is because the empathetic and friendly conversation makes the homeless people feel valued and think I do understand their emotions leading them to perceive that their feelings, as well as needs, are effectively noticed by me in an appropriate way. However, my performance regarding verbal communication was moderate for dealing with needs of the homeless people. This is because many reported that even being friendly I spoke many things to them which made them feel not being appropriately valued. For example, a homeless person reported that I was unable to explain and ignored him for his need for clarifying certain aspects related to filling of job application forms. Moreover, I tried to maintain eye contact with the people while speaking to understand and deal with their needs but their poor condition often made me feel sorrow to avoid looking at them. Thus, I did not perform in an effective way needed for establishing proper non-verbal communication. I also knew this as many homeless people also reported that they feel they are not being actively listened as I was not making direct eye contact with them while communicating. I think of improving my verbal communication skill next time by thinking before I speak so that I can understand what the listener wish me to say to ensure establishing an effective conversation. Moreover, I also think of maintaining direct eye contact with the homeless people while verbally communicating with them next time so that they do not report that I do not value them while listening to their needs. In order to improve both the aspects, I am going to self-train myself by using videos and tutorials from the internet regarding verbal communication.
Working as part of a team How did you do this? In order to perform as a team, I tried to listen and understand which member is to follow which task. My performance in this aspect was at moderate level because the noisy environment while understanding the role led me to lack focus to listen to each other’s ideas in the team. I know this because my improper listening leads me to become confused with another team member regarding which one of us is entrusted to help the homeless people for the day who wish to fill-in job application. This confusion led to delay in providing services to the homeless people for the day. I would develop better focus under noisy situation by developing instruction from team working videos next time to understand role to be played by each member for improving team working.
Your understanding of policies I effectively understand the policies to be followed within the workplace which led me to perform in an effective manner according to the professional standards. I know this as my supervisor mentioned that my behaviour and management of the homeless people while volunteering was appropriate as per the professional code of social workers. I will improve my performance next by understanding in more details about the other aspects in the code to be followed to maintain effective professional standards.
Any activities with service user e.g. game, reading a book How did you do this? I served health breakfast to the homeless people and did it in an appropriate way as none of the homeless people reported that they do not receive their breakfast on any day during while I cared for them. I am going to improve my performance by involving in further activities with homeless people with better focus.
Methods of maintaining confidentiality How did you or deal with this or could do this? I maintained details of the homeless people in a confidential manner by storing their personal data in a folder secured by password known by me and my supervisor only. This led to limited access to their data ensuring effective confidentiality. I am going to further improve the performance of maintaining confidentiality by working according to the mentioned guidelines in the Data Protection Act 1998.
Understanding of development e.g. an elderly client-did you link your knowledge from the course to understand his/her needs How did you help to meet the needs of the service user e.g. therapy I tried to understand the needs of each of the service users by assessing and communicating with them at individual level. I have moderately performed at the act and I know this because though I was able to meet needs of many homeless people but in some cases, there were reports that the homeless people did not get assistance as per their mentioned needs. This is evident as J reported that she wished to get a job first and then housing benefits but I made to fill her housing benefits forms prior to job application. I will improve the performance by writing down individual needs of the people after their assessment so that I do not forget or get confused which individual require which servicers at priority level.

Day Two

Skills and Tasks

How well did I perform this?

How do I know?

How will I improve performance next time?

Communication e.g. verbal, non-verbal

Dealing with different needs

How did you do this?

On the second day, I tried to verbally communicate with the homeless people in dealing with their needs by speaking after thinking. This is to ensure they feel valued while communicating with me, in turn, avoiding them to have poor reflection on me. Further, I tried to deal with various needs of the service users by developing clarified verbal communication so that each need of the homeless people are appropriately met. I performed at an excellent level in this phase which is evident as all the homeless people whom I instructed about the way they are to fill in job application and housing benefit forms informed that they are satisfied with the service. Further, I know this because after giving them instruction I took feedback from them if anyone requires further clarification regarding any information communicated to them during verbal communication between me and them. It is seen that none of the people reported they require any further clarification which means they were satisfied with the level of clarification I informed them during verbal communication.

In regard to non-verbal communication, on this day while communicating I maintained direct eye contact with the homeless people. Further, to deal with their needs while communicating I avoided using any words that would not be understood by them. Thus, I also performed well on this day in regard to non-verbal communication as I spoke at their level which I know as none informed that they do not understand any words said to them while conversing with me.

I am going to improve my performance next by focusing on the posture I need to maintain while communicating. This is required to make the homeless people become more involved with me to share further details regarding them with ease which would help me to assist them in a better way.
Working as part of a team How did you do this? On the second day, to work effectively as a team I focused on understanding shared ideas of my team members related to improve ways in assisting homeless people. This is because I found that few of the team members had more experience and expertise than me to develop ideas that when shared and implemented by me would help in offering services to the homeless people in a better way. I performed at an excellent level as I was able to take ideas from the team members and implement them in practice. I know this because by getting knowledge from the shared ideas I was able to understand the specific foods that are nutritious to be provided during breakfast to the homeless people for their better health improvement. I plan to improve my performance next as team player by developing better collaboration with the team members. This would be done by taking assistance and knowledge by talking with the supervisor.
Your understanding of policies I understand that following policies helps to reduce risk at the workplace. This is because the service providers like us know what they are to execute for avoiding the risk. Thus, I appropriately followed the policies of the workplace but did not perform well. I know this because even after following all the policies at work I was unable to provide risk-free environment of care to the homeless people as few reported to have faced bully from few people in the adjacent society of workplace. I will improve my performance by reading and going to through policies to be abided at work so that risky consequences such as bully and others to the service users can be avoided.
Any activities with service user e.g. game, reading a book How did you do this? I tried to do laundry for the homeless people I was caring and I performed at an excellent level at this. I know this as the homeless people I was caring for mentioned that they are satisfied with the care I do their laundry. I am going to improve my performance by thinking about what better activities can be executed with the service users so that they have better living experience.
Methods of maintaining confidentiality How did you or deal with this or could do this? I tried to maintain confidentiality of the homeless people on the second day by keeping their named anonymous in the records documented to store their personal information. I did not perform well at the phase because I could not store all the data of each individual in an anonymous way. This is because it would lead me to get confused which service user's personal data I am going through to help. Thus, there was breach of confidentiality as anonymity could not be maintained. I will improve this performance next time by providing code to each service users against their names which would be stored in a secured folder by me to maintain confidentiality. It would also help me to avoid getting confused regarding whose personal data I am going through while offering care services to homeless people.
Understanding of development e.g. an elderly client-did you link your knowledge from the course to understand his/her needs How did you help to meet the needs of the service user e.g. therapy I found that one of the elderly homeless person out of the others we were caring for was suffering from diabetes. I immediately focussed on to change foods provided to them during breakfast so that his insulin level can be controlled. Further, I also informed about the alarming condition to the supervisor to ensure he is able to arrange any service for the person to ensure his good health. I perform effectively in this aspect which is evident as the elderly homeless person informed that our supervisor has recommended him to attain a charity hospital for his detailed check-up where he would also be provided free medicine to cope his illness. I am going to improve my performance by more intricately communicating with service users to understand their needs to be met.

Day Three

Skills and Tasks

How well did I perform this?

How do I know?

How will I improve performance next time?

Communication e.g. verbal, non-verbal

Dealing with different needs

How did you do this?

By the time I am able to communicate in a friendly, emphatic and clear manner with proper thinking before speaking to deal with the needs of the homeless people. However, I found that rather than listening more about the needs of the homeless people to deal with them during verbal communication I focussed on talking more often and interrupting them to share their details. I initially did this to have better understanding of the demands of the homeless people but later saw that it is posing difficulty for me to deal with their needs. Thus, I did not perform well in verbal communication on the third day. I know this as I found that due to interruption and me doing much of the talking the homeless people are facing less scope to mention their actual needs regarding filling up of housing benefits forms. It led me provide improper instruction that led many housing benefit forms submitted by the homeless people on the day to be rejected. This means I failed to properly deal with their needs of getting informed to properly fill housing benefit forms.

In relation to non-verbal communication, though by the time I was maintaining direct eye contact and speaking at service user’s level of understanding I found that people are facing issues with the posture I am maintaining. Even though on the previous day I tried to improve my posture during communication but I have still not excelled. It is evident as many homeless people reported that my closed posture makes them uncomfortable to talk with me as they feel I am not appropriately listening to them in turn leading me to face issues with dealing with their needs. This is because I was unable to effectively identify their needs as service users were avoiding to share information for me to deal with it means I failed to effectively perform in non-verbal communication on this day.

I would improve my performance by watching training videos regarding the way I can maintain an open posture during conversation to make people feel valued to share information. Moreover, I would try to talk less during verbal communication and focus on avoiding interruption to ensure better verbal communication with homeless people to deal with their needs.
Working as part of a team How did you do this? In order to effectively work as a team on this day, I questioned my team members regarding their practices which could not be understood by me by observing them. However, it made many team members feel that I am interfering in their work. However, my intention was to know why they are performing such practices so that I can understand when such strategies are to be used in effectively caring for homeless people. Thus, I was unable to work effectively on this day as a part of the team. It is evident as many team members reported to argue with me to avoid further communication with them and many reported I should mind my own work and not focus on others to ensure they tolerate me to work with them. I will improve my performance next time related to this by initially informing the team members why I am asking them questions regarding their work. This is to avoid miscommunication and avoid the rising conflict faced by me today while working as a part of the team.
Your understanding of policies My understanding regarding policies such as the Equality Act 2010 informed me that I require executing services without any form of discrimination of people at the workplace. The understanding led me to perform effectively. This is evident as none of the homeless people irrespective caste, race or others ever informed that I partially treated them over others in meeting their needs and demands. I am going to improve my performance regarding this next time by drawing information regarding other policy to be followed which may lead me to deliver better services to service users at the workplace. Moreover, I would also improve my performance the next time by asking my other colleagues to follow the equality policy at the workplace for framing a better working environment.
Any activities with service user e.g. game, reading a book How did you do this? In order to boost the homeless people to be financially strong, I focussed on the activities they could execute apart from applying to jobs that can help them to earn money. I performed considerably well at this aspect as I found that few of the homeless people by showcasing their talent on the streets was able to earn money. This also led to boost their confidence that they are able to earn with proper focus on life. In next time, I will improve my performance in this aspect by arranging ways in which homeless people can be trained to build certain handicrafts and toys which they can personally sale to arrange money for themselves.
Methods of maintaining confidentiality How did you or deal with this or could do this? This time I tried to maintain confidentiality of the homeless people by asking then whenever any information regarding them is being shared. This is the Data Protection Act 1998 informs that the data of the individual is to be used with their prior consent to ensure confidentiality. Thus, I was able to effectively ensure confidentiality as I never shared any information. I am going to improve my performance next time by further maintaining the guidelines mentioned in the Data Protection Act 1998.
Understanding of development e.g. an elderly client-did you link your knowledge from the course to understand his/her needs How did you help to meet the needs of the service user e.g. therapy In order to meet the nutrition need of the service users, I ensure they are offered breakfast without delay. This is because proper food helps to ensure better progress of the health. I performed the task in an excellent manner as none of the homeless people even informed that they receiving less food for breakfast that is not fulfilling their appetite or causing issues to their health. I will improve my performance next time by consulting with a nutritionist regarding the foods I could provide to the homeless people for breakfast for their better health condition.

Day Four

Skills and Tasks

How well did I perform this?

How do I know?

How will I improve performance next time?

Communication e.g. verbal, non-verbal

Dealing with different needs

How did you do this?

In order to deal with different needs of the homeless people, I used active listening skill while verbally communicating with the service users. This is because active listening helps to identify the specific individual needs of the people that are to be dealt with and fulfilled to ensure them quality services. I performed at an excellent level in this aspect and I know this because on the previous days of my work placement many service users reported that I did not listened to them properly regarding their needs due to which they were not satisfied with the way I dealt with their needs. However, today at the end of the work many service users reported that they found me I was listening attentively to their needs due to which while dealing with their needs I fulfilled the demands in the most appropriate ways in comparison to other three previous days. This made them feel more valued and satisfied with my service than other days.

During the verbal communication, I also ensured that I offer the homeless people most authenticated information for meeting their different needs. This is because authenticated information helps individual needs to be fulfilled in a genuine and transparent way. I excelled at this and I know it because while I was dealing with accomplishing the needs of the homeless people for making job application I informed few that the level of job they are wishing to apply for is not available for them due to their lower educational qualification. It helped me to genuinely inform why I am asking each homeless people to apply for different level of job ensuring that I was not intentionally discriminating them job ensuring that I was not intentionally discriminating them.

In relation to verbal and non-verbal communication, I will improve my performance next by developing better skills to execute similar duties. This would be done by participating in self-training where I will increase my knowledge and train myself in making better communication by taking assistance from communication improvement videos present in the internet.
Working as part of a team How did you do this? I worked as a part of the team today by developing effective communication among team members. It is done to clarify which one of us is performing which role for today so that duplication in services can be avoided. This is because duplication of services results in wastage of time and money. I performed with excellence regarding this aspect which is evident as no duplication of services was created for the day and each of the service users received effective care. However, the communication took increases time due to which we faced delay in executing services for dealing with the needs of the service users. I will improve my performance next time regarding teamwork by adopting ways in which the communication between team can be executed within less time. I will try to execute communication in a faster way with the team members by using different updated communication channels.
Your understanding of policies I effectively understand the policies to be followed within the workplace which led me to perform in an effective manner according to the professional standards. I know this as my supervisor mentioned that my behaviour and management of the homeless people while volunteering was appropriate as per the professional code of social workers. I will improve my performance next by understanding in more details about the other aspects in the code to be followed to maintain effective professional standards.
Any activities with service user e.g. game, reading a book How did you do this? I understood that policies at work make employees respond with consistency and better confidence. This is because the employees are able to get informed with the policies regarding the way they are to execute their work without facing any confusion. In regard to this, my performance was low because I lacked proper information about all the policies at work. I know this because I faced confusion of providing social assistance to one of the homeless people when asked as I was not confident whether in my post I was allowed to do so according to the workplace policy. Next time I am going to improve my performance by getting detailed information about all the workplace policies to be followed.
Methods of maintaining confidentiality How did you or deal with this or could do this? In order to ensure mental well-being, I arranged a game among the homeless people for today to make them relaxed. However, there were many people who avoided participate in the activity as they were too much depressed with their condition. This informs that I was unable to develop a proper gaming activity for the service users to ensure their well-being. I will improve my performance next time by reading books and taking information from the internet regarding the way effective gaming activities can be arranged to make homeless people participate without thinking of their depressed state. This is required to make them socialise that would lead to their effective mental well-being.
Understanding of development e.g. an elderly client-did you link your knowledge from the course to understand his/her needs How did you help to meet the needs of the service user e.g. therapy I help to meet the needs of the service users by arranging proper opportunities for them. I excellently perform this which is evident because today, when I asked a homeless person, was applying for a job he informed me that he has lost his education certificate and need services and assistance to make a new one. I immediately reported the fact to my supervisor and initiated the process of developing way in which is educational certificate can be remanded within next few days. I will improve my performance next time by maintaining a records book where the service users can inform about their needs to me through written format. This is required so that I can effectively remember which service users require what and fulfil their needs by implementing proper techniques.

Day Five

Skills and Tasks

How well did I perform this?

How do I know?

How will I improve performance next time?

Communication e.g. verbal, non-verbal

Dealing with different needs

How did you do this?

I developed verbal communication today with the homeless people regarding the way they can manage their financial stability in coming days. During conversation, I maintain humility so that the service users feel respected and do not think I am mocking their present financial condition to inform them how they are to maintain finances to ensure better living. I excellently performed at this aspect which is evident as none of the homeless people during the conversation left. Instead, they were seen to be attentively listening to my conversation and ask question to clarify about ways mentioned by me to adopt them in their life.

During communication in this phase, I maintained positive facial expressions when anyone asked me any question. This is because positive facial expression helps the other person trying to communicate to feel they are valued and actively listened. I performed at an excellent level in this aspect too which is evident as during the conversation I maintained a smiling face in condition even if the question asked were vague.

I will improve my performance next time by drawing more attention of the individuals I am communicating with so that better conversation can be created. Further, to include more individuals in making conversation regarding the topic I am communicat6ion I would personally ask each member whether or they have any question to ask. This makes the individuals attracted to speak their minds those are facing fear of communicating with me due to any reason.
Working as part of a team How did you do this? I worked as a part of the team by showing respect to all team members. This is because respecting the team members makes them feel encouraged to work collaboratively. I effectively performed working as a part of the team today which is evident because whenever I spoke with any team member I talked with them in a polite manner with lower voice tone to make them feel they are respected. I will improve the performance next time by developing better team player skills to be implemented at work.
Your understanding of policies My understanding of policies at the workplace is still at a lower stage. This is because I still have not been able to develop information and remembered all the policy guidelines to be maintained at work. It is evident as when few of the homeless people asked to offer selected items for the day on breakfast I was unable to determine whether or not I shall fulfil their demands. This is because I was confused whether doing so I may override policy at the workplace as I still do not remember all the policy guidelines to be abided by me at the workplace. I will improve my performance next time by writing down and marinating a list of policy guidelines to be followed at the workplace. This is because during rise of confusion I may check them and identify whether or not executing the work I am thinking of doing would lead to any overriding of policy framework at the workplace.
Any activities with service user e.g. game, reading a book How did you do this? I executed a book reading session for today where the homeless people were taken to a library for the day to feel free to read any books they wish. I executed this with the help of my team members and supervisor who supported me to arrange travelling of the homeless people to a charity library where the service users without any membership are able to read any book for the day. I effectively performed this activity for the day which is evident as all the homeless people we were caring for the day was seen to be able to get at least one book of their preference to read and spend the day. However, some reported that they were not given books of their first preference due to which they have to compromise to read other books which they less preferred. Thus, I could not reach excellence in relation to the activity. I will improve the performance next time by asking my supervisor to make a library of books to be accessed by the service users without any hindrance at the organisation.
Methods of maintaining confidentiality How did you or deal with this or could do this? In order to maintain confidentiality, I informed the homeless people each time regarding the way their personal information which is shared with us is going to be used. This is because without explaining and taking consent from the owner of the information it cannot be used publicly as it would led to breach in confidentiality. However, my performance was low in this aspect as I was unable to take consent from all the homeless people before publicly dealing with their personal data. I will improve my performance next time by developing ways in which within limited time consent of all service users can be taken before publicly dealing with their data to ensure confidentiality.
Understanding of development e.g. an elderly client-did you link your knowledge from the course to understand his/her needs How did you help to meet the needs of the service user e.g. therapy In order to make homeless people resolve their addiction to tobacco and other harmful substances, I arranged cognitive behaviour therapy for them. This is because the therapy is effective in solving problems and teaches service users easier way to resolve addiction of harmful substances. I have no information regarding how my performance was related to the activity as the results cannot be assumed regarding the efficiency of the therapy within one day. I have no concept this time regarding the way I can improve my performance the next time as I cannot examine the performance level according to which I can think of taking steps.

Day Six

Skills and Tasks

How well did I perform this?

How do I know?

How will I improve performance next time?

Communication e.g. verbal, non-verbal

Dealing with different needs

How did you do this?

Today while communicating with the service users to deal with their different needs I focused on the body language required to be maintained. This is because the body language acts as an effective medium during conversation to let others know whether or not they are dealt with respect and interest. I performed at a lower level in this aspect which is evident as while listening to the service users about their needs to deal with them I was unable to maintain proper body language. This is because my eyes were closing due to my lack of sleep and hectic work schedule the other day. It made the service users frown and feel they are disrespected as well as neglected leading me to be inefficient person to deal with their problem. However, I tried to assure them that I am not ignoring to deal with their problem and actively listening to them but none seemed to understand my perspective. This also made me face lack of confidence in talking with the service users to deal with their problems. It is evident as I often fumbled to reply in dealing with the needs of the service users during conversation which leads to dissatisfy the homeless people from my services on this day. I will improve my performance next time by avoiding making my health condition interfere while communicating. Moreover, in case I cannot control my health condition I require informing it to the supervisor so that for the day the person can offer me leave and allocate other service providers instead of me to communicate with the service users for the day to deal with meeting their needs.
Working as part of a team How did you do this? I worked as a part of the team today by defending one of my team members who was being considered responsible for a deed that way not done by him along with two other members. This leads to rise of conflict between team members because others thought that I was covering up the incident to prove the individual innocent. Further, others thought that I was trying to create discrimination between the team members by supporting one and not others. I performed at a poor level in this aspect which is evident as I cannot provide any evidence for supporting the member who is deemed to be guilty of act by others. This lead to increased chaos between team members which initiated a quarrel that could only be resolved after the intervention of our supervisor. I am going to improve my performance next time by keeping evidence to be showed while support or defending any team member within the team while the person is blamed by others.
Your understanding of policies By the time I still have not developed effective information about the policy guidelines to be followed at work. This led me to perform ineffectively. It is evident as when one of the homeless man accessing services under our organisation asked for financial assistance from me in a sole manner I provided him money. However, later I was charged with policy breach at work as I get to know that no personal help without the knowledge of the supervisor and management can be given to the service users even if asked by them. I will improve my performance next time by upgrading my knowledge regarding policy framework at workplace by asking my supervisor to assist me in remembering major policies to be keep in mind at work.
Any activities with service user e.g. game, reading a book How did you do this? In order to ensure physical well-being of the service users, I arranged a football match within our organisation today. This is to engage homeless people in physical activity. However, my performance regarding the management of the activity for the homeless people was low. This is evident as many homeless people were seen to get hurt during the match and there were no medical team available at the time to nurse them with caution thus the hurt service users have to nurse themselves. I will improve my performance next time by creating a list of the things I require to arrange and keep in mind before frantically arranging a game or activity for the service users.
Methods of maintaining confidentiality How did you or deal with this or could do this? In order to ensure confidentiality of the service users, I allowed them the ability to leave answering any question when asked which they feel may violet their confidentiality and expose their personal data in the public which would lead them to get harmed. I effectively dealt with the aspects which is evident as none of the service users reported that they were forced to share data regarding their personal aspect by me when they opposed to give such information. I will improve my performance next time by developing better skills through self-education to ensure more confidential and effective dealing of personal information of the service users.
Understanding of development e.g. an elderly client-did you link your knowledge from the course to understand his/her needs How did you help to meet the needs of the service user e.g. therapy I understand the needs of the service users by individually asking them each day their demands to be fulfilled. I failed to perform to understand the needs of development for the service users today. This is evident as one of the homeless people under my care reported that I ignored her continuous need of filling in a job application for the day which had the deadline the very day. It may have happened because I was not in good health on today which made me to be irresponsible. I will improve my performance next time by avoiding my health to interfere with my work. Thus, I would take medications to keep me healthy so that no such hindered consequences are faced.

Day Seven

Skills and Tasks

How well did I perform this?

How do I know?

How will I improve performance next time?

Communication e.g. verbal, non-verbal

Dealing with different needs

How did you do this?

In order to deal with different needs of the service users, I tried to try to communicate with them through emotional intelligence. This means that I tried to identify their emotions in regard to their asked demand as well as tried to manage my own emotion. In this respect, I showed performance with excellence. It is evident as out of the two service users who were applying for a job through emotional intelligence I understood that I require using simpler words to help her fill in the same job application that the other service user was filling up. This is because the emotion of the service users in respect to other informed that she is getting confused with the words which I am communicating to both of them in helping them fill in the job application. Thus, I changed to use simpler words to make them understand each aspect of the job application to the fulfilled which helped both of them to successfully apply for the job helping me to effectively deal with their needs. I will improve my performance next time by analysing prior to communication which nature of words is understood by the service users to make me effectively communicate with them to deal with their needs. This is because it would lead to take less time in fulfilling their different needs.
Working as part of a team How did you do this? I tried to work as a part of the team by avoiding my ego to come into action while executing my duties. This is because ego leads to create conflict between team members as one think they are better than the other. I performed at this in an excellent manner which is evident as I never let my ego to come into the way while working with the team. I know this from the instance when today a team member who is junior than me suggested to make a list and tick the names of the homeless people who are once served the breakfast in comparison to mentally remember their faces so that I can be ensured that all the service users receive breakfast for the day. I abided by the suggestion and avoided my ego that being senior to the member I may know more and do not require to listen to the individual. I am going to improve my performance next time by asking other members in the team to also drop their ego so that we can effectively work in a collaborative manner.
Your understanding of policies My understanding of the policies at work by the time has improved. I have developed effective knowledge about the do's and dont's at the workplace. I am assured of my excellent performance in this regard because today when I found one of the homeless members faced bully the other day I according to written guidelines in the policy, alerted the concerning authority about the fact. This led them to take immediate steps to avoid further bullying of the homeless person. I would improve my performance by arranging a list of policy guidelines that are frequently required to be followed at work. This is because it would help me to execute my work with perfection without violation of any rule.
Any activities with service user e.g. game, reading a book How did you do this? Today I arranged a short trip for the homeless people to a nearby park where they can enjoy for the day to get relived out of their emotional turmoil of being homeless. I executed this activity by arranging transport for the service users which will pick them up from the centre and drop them at the park where I and others would be present to receive them. There, they would be offered meal and would be able to take part in various fun activities. I performed well at this activity which is evident as many service users reported they feel relaxed and rejuvenated for the day to think in a positive manner to cope with their situations. However, few reported that they were satisfied with the services provided which acted as a barrier to led me determine performance to be of excellent level. I am going to improve my performance next time by developing better knowledge about the way of management of activities so that all the service users can be equally satisfied.
Methods of maintaining confidentiality How did you or deal with this or could do this? In order to maintain confidentiality, the consent of the homeless people is taken whenever any information regarding them is shared. Moreover, anonymity is maintained and the service users are informed regarding the way their information is to be used. I performed at an excellent level at this which is evident as neither of the homeless people regarding who information was shared reported they faced any abuse or harm or vulnerable situation due to such sharing. I am going to improve my performance next time by effectively abiding by the guidelines mentioned in the Data Protection Act 1998 to ensure confidentiality.
Understanding of development e.g. an elderly client-did you link your knowledge from the course to understand his/her needs How did you help to meet the needs of the service user e.g. therapy One of the elderly homeless person reported that he is unable to personally fill-in housing benefit from as his hand is shaking continuously. He asked if I could fill-in the benefits form instead of him and he would sign later. I helped him in this aspect by personally filling-in the housing benefit form by asking his personal information. I performed at an excellent level at this task as the elderly homeless person was satisfied with the way I assisted him as per his needs in executing the activity. I will improve my performance next time by asking homeless people the nature of services they need to be given so that it satisfies them with my way of service providence.

Day Eight

Skills and Tasks

How well did I perform this?

How do I know?

How will I improve performance next time?

Communication e.g. verbal, non-verbal

Dealing with different needs

How did you do this?

I tried to verbally communicate with the service users who are the homeless people without much use of complex words. This is because they are mostly not highly educated and using complex vocabulary would lead them to feel confused and lack understanding regarding what I informing them. I performed at an excellent level at this which is evident as none of the service users for the day reported they could not understand my information given to them for meeting their needs.

In order to maintain effective non-verbal communication, I used active listening for the day like previously. This is because active listening makes the service users feel that their needs are appropriately heard to be effectively met. I performed at an excellent level at this because I have previous training regarding the way to actively listen while others are communicating. I evidence regarding the success of my performance was that at the end of the day the service users who are the homeless people reported that they feel valued from me while communicating as they think I listen more minutely to their needs in an effective manner in comparison to other service providers.

I will improve by joining professional training courses for verbal and non-verbal communication so that I can learn better way of presenting myself during conversation to develop effective interaction between service users and me.
Working as part of a team How did you do this? I tried to work as a team by being helpful to others to assist them to understand their duties and resolve any raised issues. However, my performance regarding working as a team on the day did not performed well as I often lacked time to assure help to others when in need during team work. This is evident from the account where one of team member asked for help from me to inform him regarding the way certain part of the job application to be filled in by the homeless person he was assisting. However, I have no adequate time at that moment as I have other works to be performed due to which I ignored him and informed home to help later. However, while doing other duties I forgot the promise to help which made the team member think I was showing my ego and being selfish. This is because previously the team member even having huge work pressure helped me the other day and expected me to help in a similar manner. It led to development of conflict between us that hindered the teamwork to some extent. I will improve my performance next time by ensuring that I manage my time in such as manner even during workload so that I am able to assist team members when they ask for my help.
Your understanding of policies My understanding regarding policy is that they are to be well communicated to the employees so that the staffs are able to understand which rules they are to following at work to ensure proper working. I performed at an excellent level in understanding policies which is evident as on this day my supervisor reported that though I have lower understanding regarding policies previously but at the present she found me to be best employee who follows the policy guidelines up-to-the-mark to ensure quality working at the workplace. I will improve my performance next time by asking assistance from my supervisor regarding the way policy guidelines can be implemented at work in a better way to execute duties.
Any activities with service user e.g. game, reading a book How did you do this? I arranged a communicative session for the homeless people to share their feelings with one another. This is to make them develop proper social network to support them in coping with difficulties. I performed at a moderate level at the activity because the people whom I arranged to talk with the homeless people during the communicative session did not respond or listened well to them during interaction. This made the homeless people feel ignored and unable to initiate in developing a proper social support network for them. I will improve my performance next time by ensuring people who I arrange to communicate with the homeless people are self-motivated to do so. Moreover, I need to make sure next time the people arranged to form social support for the homeless people also are patient and have proper understanding of the way to effectively communicate with the homeless people.
Methods of maintaining confidentiality How did you or deal with this or could do this? In order to maintain confidentiality, no personal information of the service users is shared or exposed in public without need. I performed at an excellent level at this which is evident as none of the service users reported any breach of confidentiality regarding their personal information which they shared with me on the day. I will improve my performance next by following guidelines mentioned in the Data Protection Act 1998.
Understanding of development e.g. an elderly client-did you link your knowledge from the course to understand his/her needs How did you help to meet the needs of the service user e.g. therapy Today, while working within the organisation an elderly homeless person reported that the other day a member from the adjacent society bullied him, as a result, he fears to come here for asking services as he has come past the person’s house while coming here. He reported that he needs me to talk to the individual so that he does not further bully him. My performance regarding the fulfilment of the needs was excellent as I was able to talk to the person and make him understand why bullying is bad and the way he can avoid it. This led the person to say sorry to the homeless person which also made him assured of no harm from the person in future. I will improve my performance next by taking precautions prior to occurrence of such activities so that the service users never face such situations.

Day Nine

Skills and Tasks

How well did I perform this?

How do I know?

How will I improve performance next time?

Communication e.g. verbal, non-verbal

Dealing with different needs

How did you do this?

On the last day at work, I verbally communicated with the homeless people for dealing with their needs in a concise manner. This is executed so that proper services can be given within minimum time to increased number of service users. Moreover, concise manner of talking helps to avoid irritating the homeless people with delivery of useless information in dealing with their need. I performed at an excellent level at the aspect which is evident because none of the homeless people reported that they are given useless information to deal with their needs.

In regard to non-verbal communication, I ensure to provide proper respect to the homeless people while talking with them. This is to make them feel valued and dignified under my service. I performed at an excellent level at this because neither of the homeless people under my care ever reported on the day that they feel my gestures and expression to be disrespectful to them while they were communicating with me.

I am going to improve my performance next by executing self-reflection to identify the weakness I have to be resolved to become efficient in executing successful verbal and non-verbal communication.
Working as part of a team How did you do this? In order to work as a team, I took equal part in accomplishing the team goals along with my team members. However, when I saw some other members were not contributing at the same level I developed a argument with the supervisor regarding their performance. This led other team members to think I have ego of being able to provide best efforts within the team to work in the organisation leading to lack of collaboration from them to execute my duties. I performed at a lower level in this aspect which is evident as I developed quarrel with few team members during the work. I am going to improve my performance next time by previously taking training regarding the way to effectively work within a team.
Your understanding of policies My understanding regarding policies is at an efficient level as I have performed duties on the last day of work with any violation of policy guidelines. Thus, I performed excellent in this aspect. It is evident from the account when I avoided fulfilling the wish of a homeless service user to offer him money to smoke. This is because it is against the policy of the workplace. I will improve my performance next by developing knowledge regarding the consequences that can be faced by me if not abiding by the rules. This is because it would make me remain alert to avoid violating policies.
Any activities with service user e.g. game, reading a book How did you do this? I arranged an indoor game activity for the homeless to ensure they have fun and can enjoy for the day. I performed at an excellent level at the task which is evident as by the end of the game activity each of homeless people was seen to be smiling ensuring they have enjoyed the activity. Moreover, few others reported they wish to have more such activities arranged for them as it offers them mental satisfaction and joy to cope with their homeless situation. I will improve the performance by identifying various other indoor game activities to be included in this nature of session so that the service users have proper fun and enjoyment.
Methods of maintaining confidentiality How did you or deal with this or could do this? I ensured the confidentiality of the homeless people by storing their shared personal data in secured folders which can be accessed by me and supervisor. I performed at an excellent level in the task which is evident as none of the service users reported breach in their confidentiality while accessing services under me. I will improve by developing better ideas regarding the way data can be kept in a more secured way in comparison to present situation.
Understanding of development e.g. an elderly client-did you link your knowledge from the course to understand his/her needs How did you help to meet the needs of the service user e.g. therapy In order to understand the needs of the elderly, I communicated with them in a compassionate and empathetic manner. This is because in the course it was informed that elderly people are to communicate in an empathetic and compassionate way to make them feel valued and respected. I performed at an excellent level in this aspect which is evident as none of the elderly homeless people under my care ever reported they feel non-dignified due to my behaviour or way of communication with them. I will improve my performance next time by using strategies to more quickly understand and meet the needs of the elderly service users so that they have to wait for less time.
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Diary Notes

  • What tasks did you complete or observe?

    The tasks completed by me while working as a volunteer support worker at 999 Club include serving breakfast to the homeless people, doing their laundry, helping them to fill-in job application, assisting them to fill-in housing benefits forms, arranging social activities for them and others. My task was also to observe that all the homeless people receive proper care in equal manner and in case of any risk observed by I was entrusted to report it to concerned authorities. This experience has significantly shaped my understanding of social work practices and reinforces my commitment to pursuing further expertise in social work dissertation help.

  • What skills did you learn/experience?

    During the work placement, I was able to learn regarding the way verbal and non-verbal communication is to be developed with individuals, way to work as a part of the team, importance of understanding policies at work, ways to maintain confidentiality of the clients, deal and understand needs of elderly people and way to arrange social activities for the homeless individuals.

  • How can these be applied in your future career role?

    The learned experience regarding communication can be applied by me to establish successful interaction with any nature of service users in the social work field to deal with their needs. It would also help me to understand factors to be followed to establish effective communication in future. The knowledge of working as a part of the team in future is going to help me have information about the factors to be avoided to ensure establishment of quality collaboration with the team members without raising any conflict at work. Moreover, the understanding regarding the policies would later help me to abide by proper rules.

  • What is the impact of what you have learnt in the workplace?

    The impact of my learning at the workplace is that it has helped me to implement my theoretical knowledge in practice to understand how they actually work in the practical field. The learning has also helped me to understand the barriers I may face at work and way to deal with them so that I can perform in a better way. Further, the learning has impacted to help me understand importance of abidance for policies at work. It has also led me to get alert regarding the way confidentiality of the service users in the practical field are to be maintained.

  • What social and emotional skills have you learnt/experienced?

    I learnt regarding the way body language is to be maintained while verbally communicating with the service users so that it becomes socially acceptable and led to indicate respect towards the service users. I have also developed experiences regarding other basic communication skills that are required to be followed to develop quality interaction without much hindrance with the service users. I have also learned about the interpersonal skills such as sharing information, asking for permission, collaboration, listening and others to be maintained while working within a team as well with service users to increase collaboration and minimise conflict.

    I have learned regarding the importance of empathetic and friendly skills at work. I also learned regarding the need for regulating ego as well as personal behaviour in developing positive relationship with the service users and team members. During the work placement, I have also learnt about the way self-confidence can be boosted to make oneself work beyond their skills.

  • What have you learnt about your own self-awareness? Understanding your strengths and weaknesses?

    I have found that in regard to communication, team participation as well as executing activities there are various strength and weak points regarding me. I found that in respect to communication, I have strength of maintaining proper tone of my voice, facial expression, emotional understanding, active listening, clarity, emotional intelligence and others. Moreover, I have strength of executing work by abiding policies and maintain proper confidentiality of the patients. However, I lack effective information regarding the way to maintain eye contact, avoid interruption, proper posture and positive body language during interaction as a result of which they act as my weakness regarding communication. In regard to working within team, I have the strength to share ideas, maintain effective communication and respect other team members. However, my ego, rational debate, delegation and other aspects acts as my weakness to perform within team.

  • What can you do next time to improve your skills?

    Next time, I think of taking communication and team working skill training to resolve my weakness so that I am able to effectively communicate and perform as a successful team member. Moreover, I also think of developing self-knowledge by drawing information from books and articles to resolve the weakness related to communication and teamwork. I would also ask assistance from my supervisor next time to share information so that the weakness can be resolved.

  • Explain how skills/knowledge you have developed at this placement can contribute towards your career aspiration e.g. becoming a nurse, occupational therapist, social worker, teacher etc?

    The developed skills regarding communication are going to later help me as a social worker to effectively interact with the service users by upholding their dignity and respect. The knowledge regarding policies is going to help me as a social worker in future to act ethically without violation of any rules or procedures at the workplace. Moreover, the confidentiality skills would help me in future to ensure protection of the service users under care by avoiding illegal sharing of their personal data in the public. The knowledge learnt at the workplace would also help me in my career aspiration to have practical knowledge regarding the way to work within a team to ensure quality care for the service users.

  • What have you learnt about the safety and security of the environment?

    I have learnt that a safe and secured environment is able to safeguard the service user which ensures their well-being. This is because such an environment avoids any form of harm or abuse to the service users that offer them peace of mind to live properly without any kind of fear.

  • Explain communication skills used at this placement and how you used them.

    I used verbal as well as non-verbal communication skills to develop proper interaction with the service users. The verbal communication skills are the expertise required to talk and interact with individuals. The verbal communication skills uses are friendly speaking, avoiding interruption, authenticated presentation, concise speaking and others. I used friendly talking manner to make the service users feel open to talk about their needs so that I able to understand the needs to be dealt with to offer them service satisfaction. I maintained authenticated presentation of facts while replying to any questions rose by the service users so that they do not develop false hope regarding the services or opportunities they are able to access. I tried to speak without interruption while communicating with the service users to make them they are properly listened.

    In regarding non-verbal communication skills, I tried to maintain proper body language while talking so that the service users feel they are respected and their information is heard with value. I also tried to maintain direct eye contact while speaking to them so that they feel I am interested and is actively listening to them. Moreover, I maintained positive facial expression during communication to make the service users feel boosted to reveal more information regarding them which is going let me understand their actual needs and demands.

  • Describe your contribution to teamwork in your placement setting.

    In regarding teamwork in my placement setting, I always tried to work in a collaborative manner. I contributed within the team by sharing ideas related to work to help others and have taken stand for team members who are blamed for things they have not done. I developed effective communication with my team members at the workplace to ensure each of the members has knowledge regarding the roles they are to perform avoid duplication of services. Moreover, I took initiative to resolve conflict between team members and tried to raise rational debates to reach right decisions.

  • Explain why you carried out a criminal check before you started your placement

    I carried out a criminal check before I started my placement to assure the employer that I have never been involved in any criminal offence or vulnerable activity towards anyone. This is to ensure I am fit for the position and have no intentions to hurt the service users under any condition.

  • Explain your own contributions to data protection in your placement setting

    In order to protect data at my workplace, I stored all the information on the computer under a secured folder. The password for the folder was known to me and my supervisor and it would be shared with others to access data regarding homeless people if it in best interest for the service users. Moreover, before sharing any data the owner of the information is contacted to take prior permission from them to use them. In order to protect data, the guidelines mentioned in the Data Protection Act 1998 are also followed.

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