Blockbuster’s Digital Marketing Strategy

1. Introduction

Digital marketing is the marketing tools through which the conglomerates develop effective strategic planning for using digital technologies mainly internet as well as mobile application and display advertising technique for digitalise the business and promote the brands in the international market so that the managers and leaders of the organisations can improve brand visibility in the market (Ashley, and Tuten, 2015). Through digital technology, the multinational corporate firms focus on developing effective marketing strategic planning for promoting the organisational products and services in the market so that the customers can identify and access the products and services successfully (Berthon et al., 2012). Through digital marketing strategic planning, the organisations hereby are able to expand tehri business and strengthen their customer’s base successfully where they can secure future sustainable development and organisational growth. The aim of the study is to develop digital marketing strategic planning or the organisation Blockbuster so that it can expand the business and strengthen their customer’s base strategically through developing effective digital marketing strategic planning. It is possible to provide effective recommendations to the company for improving their sales volume and enhancing profitability so that Blockbuster can resolve the issue of bankruptcy through repay the debts to the creditors successfully within effective period of time. Through this study, it is possible to understand the benefits of utilising the digital marketing strategic planning for Blockbuster and different types of digital marketing such as content marketing, website optimisation techniques, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Social Media (SMM) and Email Marketing through which the organisation Blockbuster can develop their strategic planning and enhance business growth and opportunities for strengthening their customer’s base for long run which in turn provides a scope to run the business by resolving he problem of bankruptcy. Furthermore, seeking marketing dissertation help can offer additional insights and support for those navigating this complex topic.


2. Background of the organisation

Blockbuster LLC is an American based provider of video game and home movie through cinema theatre, DVD by mail, streaming, video on demand and video rental shop. the company was established in 1985 and it expanded their business in 1990s through providing video and movie services to the customers. At the peak of the business in business in 2004, the company employed 84300 people worldwide and had 9094 stores across the globe for running their operational activities efficiently worldwide. in 2000, Netflix offered Blockbuster to sell their business for US$50 million, however, the CEO of Blockbuster did not accept the opportunity due to losing money at that time, and now, Netflix had 103.95 million subscribers in 2017 and they are efficient in running their business worldwide where the revenue is approximately above US $ 8.8 billion. It is necessary for the company Blockbuster to develop effective digital marketing strategic planning to digitalise the business and gain the opportunity of expanding their business across the globe.

The company suffered for the issue of Bankruptcy as they failed to repay the debts volume to their creditors for which the reputation of the brand has deteriorated and it is a serious issue in the recent eyes, where the negative brand reputation and excess liabilities of the business over its assets deteriorate the performance of the organisation where they start losing their valuable customers. It is hereby necessary to develop effective strategic planning to digitalise the business and retain the customers for gaining high market share. In the recent era of globalisation and digitalisation, the digital marketing strategic planning would be effective for the organisation Blockbuster to gain competitive advantage as well as enhance their performance which in turn helps the organisation to enhance their profitability and improve sales volume that would be beneficial for repay the debts to the creditors and resolve the issue of bankruptcy.

3. Distinguish between traditional and digital marketing

The traditional marketing includes print media, broadcast media, direct mail and telemarketing through which the organisations share their views and information related to the brands, products and services they offered, price of the products and services, other activities and opportunities for the customers that they delivered (Thackeray et al., 2008). Through television marketing, pint media like newspapers, business letters, the organisations try to develop their marketing strategic planning for promoting their products and services and attract the audiences. in the recent era of globalisation and digitalisation, the organisations utilise the latest technology for upgradation of the organisational system and enhancing innovation and creativity for attracting more audiences worldwide and expand the business across the international countries. The digital media is one of the effective strategic planning for successful marketing and promoting the organisational products and services. Under the digital marketing tactics, the organisational website, mobile application, email marketing, content marketing, SEO and SMM are useful for promoting the brand in the international markets and share the brand in formation to a wide range pf people worldwide through single post om social media or company website (Campbell, Martin, and Fabos, 2018).

Differences in traditional media and digital media marketing

The traditional marketing media has a high success rate and it is a close system, where mass communication is posisbel, but it is not transparent. on the other hand, the digital media is an open system and it is transparency for developing one to one communication directly with the clients (Webster and Hume, 2018). Additionally, the traditional media is product oriented, but the digital marketing planning focuses on customers, where the organisations try to acknowledge the actual needs and preferences of the customers as well as develop tactics to meet the requirement of their clients for satisfying them in long run. In the traditional media, the messages are created by the organisational producer of leaders, but under digital media, the messages are created with proper participation of the customers where the business representatives try to empower the customers and gather their feedback for develop effective strategic planning to create values for all the clients. In the traditional marketing media, the communication needs to be paid and formal communication has been set, but under the digital marketing media, it is free to interact with the organisational representatives and information communication further helps to improve engagement with the customers where the customers can feel free to share their actual views ad experience. In this regard, the company Blockbuster needs to transfer the marketing tactics of the firm from traditional media to digital media by utilising different channels of digital marketing, where Blockbuster can retain and attract the audiences in different international markets and communicate with their clients directly. This is effective for the Blockbuster to improve digitalisation of the business and making their customers updated with latest news and information about the brand. This further helps the organisation to strengthen their customer’s base and improve organisational performance in the market. It in turn provides an opportunity to the organisation Blockbuster to improve their profitability and sales volume which is effective for repaying the debts to the creditors of the business and resolve the serious issue of Bankruptcy.

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4. Explaining the foundation principles of digital marketing

Digital marketing is an effective way in the recent years to develop effective marketing planning dn utilise the latest technology and innovation for promoting the organisations in the market (Chaffey, and Ellis-Chadwick, 2019). There are various channels through which it is possible to develop planning for digital marketing strategy for the companies which are Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Social Engine Marketing (SEM), Social Media Marketing (SMM), Content marketing, email marketing, online advertisement, Smartphone marketing and landing page marketing which are effective for promoting the organisational products and services tin the market.

Digital marketing tactics

The above-mentioned digital marketing techniques are beneficial for the brands in the recent era of globalisation, where the organisational representatives can directly interact with the customers and imporve the visibility of the organisation in the market. The content marketing, email marketing as well as SMM are effective to improve engagement with all the customers across the international nations through social media where the customers can get proper information about the organisational services. The website development and mobile application will also provide an opportunity to the customers to place their orders at one click option after acknowledging all the options of the organisational services. The SEM also provides a scope to the organisations to establish the brand and improve their visibility in the market, where the customers can identify the brands successfully. Through digital media, the organisations are able to engage with the clients and share all the information related to the brand across the international markets. Through the digital marketing strategy, it is possible to improve the experience of the audiences where the clients can interact with the business representatives directly through website and mobile application and share their feedback successfully. Digital platforms are effective for the business to improve customer’s loyalty and trust where the posts and contents in Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, Blogs and Twitter are beneficial to attract the audiences and strengthen their customer’s base successfully. In this regard, the company Blockbuster also would be beneficial for strengthening their customer’s base through developing effective digital marketing strategic planning, where they can improve their profitability which in turn helps the brand to repay the debts and resolve the issue of bankruptcy successfully. Social media campaign and email marketing as well as website development are hereby effective strategic planning through which Blockbuster can retain more loyal and long run customers for the organisational services so that they can improve their performnace in the entertainment industry worldwide.

5. relevant laws and guidelines pertaining to the different aspects of digital marketing

It is necessary for the e-business to follow the rules and guideline to utilise the social media network for promoting the brand and developing effective digital marketing strategic planning. In this regard, the major rules and legislations include managing privacy, accuracy of data management, Intellectual property rights and accessibility of the content which improves the digital marketing media strategic planning of the organisations (Saura, Palos-Sánchez, and Cerdá Suárez, 2017). Data Protection and privacy law must be followed, where the organisations need to manage the customer’s data and maintain privacy to keep the information secured where the customers can feel free to share their personal information with the organisation. Data Protection Act 1998 is applicable here to manage data protection in case of digital media marketing. Use of Cookies and tracking sights are effective for the business of Blockbuster to keep the customer’s information secured successfully. In addition to these, transparency and accountability in sharing the information needs to be managed, where the organisational representatives need to assure that the data and information are valid and accurate for the customers. Brand and trademark Protection, Copyrights and Intellectual property Rights are useful for protecting the brand information as well as reputation where the companies can avoid the risk of duplicity in the market. Transparency security and data protection as well as maintaining accuracy and fair treatment and intellectual property rights will provide proper guidelines of utilising internet and social media for successful development of the marketing planning of the organisation Blockbuster.

6. Applying digital marketing tactics to develop integrated and effective digital marketing approach across different digital domains

The digital marketing tactics are effective for the organisation Blockbuster in order to develop effective content for sharing their brand information with a huge number of customers across the globe. It is necessary for the organisation Blockbuster to manage the website optimisation technique through which it is posisbel to provide the information to the clients, through the website optimisation technique, it is also easy to share their views and the customers also can access the organisational website successfully by searching effective words. SEO is the process of affecting online visibility of a website or a web page in webs search engines. Blockbuster can increase the visibility of their service through frequent website appears in the search result lists where more visitors can receive the results from the search engine users where the visitors of Blockbuster can convert to its customers successfully. The conversation rate through SEO can also be improved through which Blockbuster can strengthen their customer base by converting the visitor to the customers. SEO mainly targets the image search, content search, video search focusing on optimisation of the business online presence so that the web pages can be displayed by search engine when the users enter a local search for its products and services. In order to improve the website optimisation process, the company Blockbuster needs to develop simple and easy website with proper headings and subheadings about the options of products and services that the organisation offered to the clients. The visualisation of the products and services with appropriate price could be effective to attract more audiences where the clients can be interested to use easy click option for enjoying the video or movie easily. In this regard, simple content with clear information and catchy words need to be developed to attract the customers where the clients can understand the options provided by the organisation and they can choose the right one over different option as per their preferences. On the other hand, tagging the old customers and daily changes in the company website are effective for improving SEO where the customers can identify the company’s website by searching the local words in the entertainment industry as effective SEO is beneficial to display the company’s website frequently after one search of the customers. In addition to these, for improving the content, the company needs to use key words so that the SEO of the company’s website can be improved, and the customers can identify the webpage of Blockbuster afar one search. On the other hand, network speed and image optimisation speed are also necessary where small images and creative content can be optimised well and the customers are able to understand the organisational information successfully.

SEO content for Blockbuster

Social sharing and tagging to the known customers are also effective for improving SEO where Block buster need to remind the old customers about their updates in company’s website. Easy on click options and creative and simple content are hereby beneficial for Blockbuster to develop effective digital media marketing strategy through improving the website optimisation technique. Layout and formatting also play crucial role in developing effective content and improving SEO and in this regard, Blockbuster neds to use headings and subheadings for offering the videos and movies, those actual name of the movies and updated videos so the client can choose the one that they prefer it and are searching for. User friendly website and partnership with the search engine Google would also be beneficial for Blockbuster to develop effective digital marketing strategy and imporve the company’s website optimisation.

7. Analysing the role of content within digital channels

Content marketing is the strategic planning of creating ad sharing of the online material such as videos, blogs, and social media posts that explicitly promote the brand to stimulate the interest in its products and services among the audiences in the market (Mohr, 2017). Through content marketing, it is posisbel for the company Blockbuster to develop effective tactics to attract the audiences and visitors to their website and turn them into the long run customers of Blockbuster. In this regard, for content management, Blockbuster needs to develop mini videos and with clipart to promote the brand through uploading the videos in YouTube. The search engine optimisation in YouTube also needs to be developed through posting different creative and funny videos which give entertainment to the customers and raise the interest among the audiences. creating content which can go viral and post it in social media such as Facebook will provide a scope to Blockbuster to share their activities and products and services with the customers through the social media platform. The opportunity of giving comments and tagging the users are effective for Blockbuster to manage content and attract more audiences. On the other hand, captivating headlines and developing small and creative notes for posting it on Twitter and Blogs are effective for retaining the customers and improve the performnace of the brand in the entertainment industry. encourage guest building blogs and online communication further helps Blockbuster to strengthen their customer’s base successfully.

Strategy of content marketing

In addition to these, e-mail marketing is another innovative strategic planning, where the organisation Blockbuster can develop proper content with easy language and catchy words and send personalise e-mails to the customers which provides a scope for direct interaction between the customers and the business representatives. This is also another content marketing technique which are effective for Blockbuster to manage the customers and build strong relationship with them by enhancing trust and loyalty. Managing customer’s data and sending email to them on their birthdays, anniversary on any special day as well as sending e-mail for any updates of Blockbuster and sharing views for launching it in a new international place will also provide an opportunity to the brand to promote the business and retain more audiences towards the business through e-mail marketing technique. Moreover, attractive pictures and small clipart in Instagram with catchy words and heading will also be effective for Blockbuster to utilise Instagram and attract the Instagram users. mobile marketing is another useful strategic planning in the recent years, where all the people use smartphones for getting updated and sharing their views with others over social media and company’s website. Hereby, Blockbuster needs to invest on developing effective mobile application where the users can download it directly from the Play store and manage the application for latest updates and watching videos and movies over the application. the application also needs proper and simple content where clear information can be shared by the business representatives of Blockbuster. The marketing department of Blockbuster in this regard needs to develop the smartphone application and provide daily updates and latest information so that it is possible for the organisation to interact with the customers directly through the mobile application.

Advantages of content marketing

Hereby, content marketing technique is beneficial for the organisation Blockbuster to mitigate its issue of bankruptcy, where the brand failed to repay the outstanding and debts to their creditors. Through the content marketing technique, the brand can utilise the digital marketing technique and attract amore audiences in the market. In addition to these, through content marketing technique, the brad Blockbuster can attract, retain and improve engagement with all the customers worldwide where online interaction can be possible between the customers and the business representatives of Blockbuster ad it is useful for developing trust and loyalty. Through this technique, the volume and profitability of Blockbuster can be enhanced, and the company can resolve their issue of bankruptcy as well as run the business efficiently in the entertainment industry across the globe.

8. Examining the value of ongoing analysis and measurement as a way of managing and evaluating their digital marketing efforts and budgetary spend

In order to utilise digital media advertising strategic planning, Pay Per Click (PPP) is another effective strategy for driving traffic to the company’s website in which the advertiser pays a publisher typically the search engine or the website when the advertisement is clicked. Through PPP, it is possible for Blockbuster to improve display and accessibility of the organisational services on the internet where the customers can access the information and make effective decision to utilise Blockbuster as an entertainment media. In this regard, social campaign lunch through internet with creative content is also beneficial for Blockbuster where it can attract more audiences by improving PPP. Landing page development, account set up and keyword search are the main activities through which Blockbuster can improve PPP and increase the obversion rate of the audiences.

Pay Per Click

As per the social metrics map, it is possible to evaluate the above-mentioned strategic planning for Blockbuster to utilise online activities and social media for developing effective digital marketing strategic planning. The objective of Blockbuster in creating effective digital marketing strategic planning are o create awareness, generate demand, drive the customers, delight them and inspire to use the services of Blockbuster. In this regard, the buyers can develop awareness, advocacy, consideration and make effective decision for using the products or the services delivered by Blockbuster. The social activities are effective for Blockbuster or retaining and attracting the audiences in the entertainment industry where the daily updates, creative content and post further inspire and influence the customers to make effective decision for using the services of the organisation Blockbuster. Customer’s interaction can be possible through the digital media marketing technique, where the content marketing technique, e-mail marketing, Facebook posts and bloggings are useful to develop one to one interaction which in turn helps to develop customer loyalty and reputation of the brand on the market.

Social metrics map Budget implications

The key performnace indicators for Blockbuster are such as generating positive impression enhancing cost per impression, improving engagement with the customers and managing cost per click through PPP, managing customer relationship through interaction and communication over social media and promoting the services of Blockbuster through increasing brand visibility in the global entertainment industry. As per the budgetary explanation, the company Blockbuster needs to be concerned about developing digital media marketing strategy over the traditional marketing tactics for improving the brand visibility where the customers can access the information and services of the company successfully. In this regard, the major cavities of the company Blockbuster are such as bloggings, managing Twitter account, positing through Facebook and Instagram, uploading videos on YouTube, managing PPP and SEO, which are effective activities for meeting the objectives of the company.

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It can be concluded that, the organisation Blockbuster needs to develop effective strategic planning to utilise latest technological upgradation and internet for promoting the company throughs social media and other digital media marketing tactics so that Blockbuster can retain and attract more audiences in the entertainment industry successfully. Through social media strategic planning and digitalisation of the business, the company can expand their business activities and promote their products and services at the international entertainment industry. In such an era of digitalisation, all the customers prefer online activities for booking, purchasing movies and music and other entertainment services and the above-mentioned strategic planning for increasing inline activities for the company Blockbuster would provide an opportunity to the organisation to strengthen their customers base and enhance profitability and sales volume. In addition to these, the comp-any can repay their outstanding and debt to their creditors for resolving the financial liabilities and expand their services globally sustainably. In this regard, Blockbuster needs to invest more on content marketing and social media advertisement where they can develop one to one communication directly with the customers and it further helps to build strong relationship with the service users for long run. Sending personalise email and managing the company’s website easily are also effective for improving trust and loyalty among the customers and through this process, the company Blockbuster would secure future sustainable development by retaining more long run customers. Moreover, in the recent years, for enhancing digital marketing tactics, the organisations focus on improving PPP and SEO and this strategy would also be effective for Blockbuster to retain their customers and increase their profit volume so that they can repay their debts to their creditors and improve trust among the shareholders and other stakeholders of the business. Lastly, the company needs to develop mobile application wit6h simple and concise content where they can provide 24*7 services to their customers and meet their requirements and preferences well which in turn provides an opportunity to Blockbuster to digitalise their business and improving profitability to mitigate their issue of repaying their debts to the creditors successfully.

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