Economics is often known as the "dismal science" because it studies how societies allocate limited resources to meet unlimited wants and needs. Economics delves deep into production, distribution, consumption of goods and services as well as factors like supply and demand, inflation and unemployment to better understand and improve functioning economies. Economists employ techniques like supply/demand ratio analysis as a tool to understand economy functioning while shaping government policies, business strategies, individual financial decisions as well as global trade analyses - economics offers us all an essential lens through which to view complex global financial systems!
Several economists and researchers in the past have predominately focussed on natural capital, human capital and physical capital as major determinants influencing the economic growth (Salahuddin et al., 2015; Iyer et al. 2005). Notably, a plethora of research studies has been conducted in the past examining this relationship. Though the scholars in the past have concentrated on these three broad types of capital in the process of driving economic growth
View More >>Globalization helps in free flow of information and also helps in the growing the business across the borders. Trade has become successful in the global world and globalization helps in enhancing this trade in different organizations.
View More >>The increasing level of productivity provides the scope of growth in pay for a majority of people. However, Sin, Stillman and Fabling (2017) pointed the potential has been squandered in recent times.
View More >>Unemployment refer to the numbers of the worker in the country, where the individuals are willing to work and they are unable to get proper job, which means that there is low economic output.
View More >>Economic growth is perceived to be among the most vital tools of poverty reduction and enhancing the quality of life in emerging economies. Different case studies, analytical analyses have given evidence that sustained economic growth.
View More >>The Euro crisis had significantly affected the economy and labour markets adversely, with unemployment rates in Spain and Greece escalating up to 27%, therefore, Euro crisis was to blame for subdued economic growth for both Eurozone and the entire European Union.
View More >>This is a financial statement that represents the proposed revenues and spending of a government for a given financial year. It is the overall difference between the revenues of a government and its spending.
View More >>Today’s economy revolves around data. As societies move into the digital age, more and more data is produced daily. The amount of data across the world is expected to increase further exponentially as data holds an enormous potential in various fields.
View More >>In theory, low minimum wages are associated with positive employment rate, this is due to the reduced burden of wage bill among employers, and therefore, employers can accommodate more workers.
View More >>Causality is being termed as a genetic connection of phenomena in which one thing (the cause) within certain conditions can influence some other things (the effect). The core of causality is identified as the creation and determination of specific phenomenon by another factor.
View More >>This case study relates to the use of sweatshop labour from developing countries as a part of a complex supply chain that sees suppliers from developing countries using sweatshops to provide cheap and competitive labour costs to the multinational corporations of the developed countries, thereby maximising their profits.
View More >>Economic analysis can be defined as the process in which an economic analyst determines and evaluates the factors that affect the operation and decision making of an organisation.
View More >>The Brundtland report of 1987 which is also referred to as ‘Our Common Future,’ alerts the world to the need to urgently make progress in terms of sustainable economic development without harming our environment or depleting the available natural resources (Humphreys, 2017). An international team of politicians
View More >>The UK is a great population country where the economic system is a supportive one to the people available and also to the business that is needed to be oriented properly. Various businesses such as textiles, chemical products or locomotives are the biggest one that is a part of business in the UK. Uk is said to have 6th nominal position in the economy and in the world for their GDP.
View More >>From the ancient time, it has been common that people move to another place for labour to support the economy of the area. Sometimes, it occurred non-voluntarily like African slavery labour in southern states of the United States of America
View More >>In a general manner, an audit can be defined as a systematic and independent investigation of books, accounts, statutory records, vouchers and documents of a firm. It is mainly done in order to ascertain the truth and fairness regarding financial and non-financial statements disclosure (Silveira and et,al., 2010). Moreover, auditing can be described as an unbiased inspection and evaluation of the firm’s financial statement.
View More >>he role of the state in a capitalist society has been a central concern in the philosophy of both FA Hayek as well as JM Keynes. However, the central premise for each was different.
View More >>The chosen international market of in this study is the European international market. This is an international market that has
View More >>Globalization, poverty, equality and economic growth are some of the highly debated topics in today`s literature.
View More >>Islamic economic theory and finance is deeply rooted in the concepts of ethics and morality. Due to this background, Islamic finance and banking activities are performed within ethical boundaries that are themselves embedded and prescribed
View More >>In the 21st century, there has been an increasing emphasis on environmental protection, which has often been framed within a discourse that links environmental degradation with industrial development.
View More >>ording to Ruane (2016), economic growth in a country can have both positive and negative impacts if not managed well. This research paper analyzes the merits and demerits of a high economic growth in nation where Ireland has been used as a country of reference
View More >>t is apparent that Brexit has a great impact on the Ireland. Specifically, the Irish economy is likely to have severe consequences as its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is anticipated to go down to 3.5 percent lower than it has been the case in the last five years. Basically, Taylor (2017) noted that the first effect will be witnessed in the trade sector since there will be a drop in the export to the UK market. This drop is equated to ten billion pounds in terms of lost output.
View More >>Given the current economic climate, a Masters in Local Economic Development holds tremendous interest for me.
View More >>The concerned description laid focus on recognizing the crucial financial signals or ratios playing a vital part
View More >>Investment funds are managed by investment companies that are considered to be financial intermediaries
View More >>The change in a market has its deeper impact on social phenomena as well as economic growth of a country
View More >>The term “despite” has been used in this extract to highlight the significance that even though the demand
View More >>The main aspect of microeconomics is the deterioration of air quality in London, which has been a matter of concern for everyone. However, the present restrictions on different modes of transportation due to lockdown owing to the global pandemic
View More >>Prof Andersen Mikael Skou explored Europe’s experience with carbon-energy taxation and studied the implications of carbon-energy taxation for CO2 emissions and energy consumption. He observes that carbon-energy taxes expectedly produces a demand effect that reduces the energy demand affected by increase price caused by tax and a substitution effect that replaces carbon fuels with low-carbon or carbon-neutral fuels taxable at lower rates. This may enabled to monitor energy intensity.
View More >>Taxation served as the main source of government finance and used for economic, social and political stabilities as well as for the well-being of the nation. In the modern society, the political and economic structure has turned complex. Alongside, government responsibilities have also risen which means taxation serves for far wider purposes.
View More >>Economic factors have both negative and positive impacts on the clothing industry. At the time of economic boom, an individual has more disposable income thus buy more clothing, resulting in an increased sale (Unger, 2016). Therefore,
View More >>This essay is divided into two tasks. First task presents the explain supply and demand principles applied to the UK food supply in 2020 using economics theories from Krugman & Wells (2017) supported by graphs. The second task discusses market
View More >>The quantity theory of money is a common theory often applied within the field of monetary economy and it generally premises that the average prices of goods and services within an economy fluctuate on account of the total money supply within the same economy or market (Friedman, 2010). According to Barone (2020), the theory stipulates that should money in an economy double up in supply so will the price levels of multiple products and services ultimately impacting an increase in inflation levels.
View More >>Economic globalization has largely affected the way nation states used to manage their economy. Economic globalization can be categorized
View More >>In assessment 1, the focus was based on in depth assessment of role technology plays on people and economic developments
View More >>Since the period beginning 1995, when the UN set a target of poverty reduction by 50% so as to lift people from absolute poverty by 2015, the liberal market economy model has come to be applied in many parts of the world (Thomas, 2001).
View More >>The novel COVID-19 pandemic brought the world to near stand-still. The pandemic has led to disruption of economic and social aspects of human life. According to UN News (2021), the employment globally rose to over 200 million globally.
View More >>The issue of Internet regulation is one that has been a part of discourse around Internet since the 1990s when Internet became increasingly accessible to the public and different viewpoints
View More >>This is a report based on a very prominent econometrics theory, and this theory revolves around the exchange rate and the consumer price index, as it is termed as the Purchasing power parity.
View More >>In the year 2016, United Kingdom is remembered for holding a referendum that saw 51.9% of the electorate supporting the move by UK to leave the European Union. The outcome of the referendum came as a shock with the results creating a short-lived turbulence
View More >>A market society refers to a society that is based around a market economy, especially one in which political and economic life is dominated
View More >>Islamic economics provides the underlying philosophical foundation of Islamic banking and finance (Abdullah, 2018). It is claimed to be the alternative
View More >>Globalisation and its mark on the world economy did not start in 1945 but can be traced all the way to the creation of the printing press in 1440. However, the major milestones in the world economy have been witnessed after the Second World War.
View More >>In order to approach the statement by Günsberg, it is indispensable to clarify that, what was and when took place the boom in Italy, as it will enable us to understand the socioeconomic context and identify possible reasons to which,
View More >>The past decade has seen a major growth in world economies; the extent of success can only be compared and measured in terms of socio-economic factors, institutional variables and their interactions, in order to understand why certain countries have grown at a faster rate as compared to others.
View More >>The creation of new businesses and entrepreneurship has developed to become a priority in the economic development of states, both for developing and developed countries, since such ventures are perceived to be crucial the development of the economy, job creation and the alleviation of poverty.
View More >>Scarcity is a fundamental issue in economics since it decides what to be produced based on limited resources. Every commodity has a cost and therefore to some extent all resources are scarce. The constant opportunity cost used to make economic decisions is essential for the economic growth hence helping to the problem of scarcity. By placing higher prices on the scarce products, the demand for the product is lowered, since it can only be afforded by few people; hence firms develop alternatives (Barnett and Morse 2013). With the scarcity of goods and .
View More >>In the light of China-Africa relations (especially Kenya – the topic of this study), here are the research aims and objectives. The researcher will also examine how the China-Kenya relationship
View More >>The research study will explore the primary forces responsible for shaping the governance of the global economy. The developed argument, in this context, is reflective of a specific notion. This notion is that the current
View More >>Every country is unique, but, it is feasible to ascertain many elements attributable to the development records of countries (Goldin, 2019). Many economic scholars have tried to link the configurations of resource endowments made possible by geographical
View More >>For the effectiveness of the financial market, traders need to have a close look at the monetary policies of the Central bank. It is essential as it might impact the interest rate and policy moves leading to Quantitative Easing that affects the assets prices,
View More >>This is a policy report which address the declining of advanced economies especially in India, China, Sub-Saharan Africa as well as Latin America. It also makes recommendations on how international trade can assist in reviving economic growth
View More >>Communication is effective way to share the experience and own understand with others and it further enhance the performance of the team members to achieve success in near
View More >>The globalization of business operations plays a key role to encourage the overseas expansion of corporate practices. Moreover, globalization has identified an important driver of overseas cash inflow and outflow because companies are always
View More >>While the most evident impacts of wars are the human loses through deaths and disability, wars also have serious economic impacts ranging from destruction of infrastructure and buildings, loss of working population, increased debt and interference with the normal economic activities.
View More >>Over the past years, the mass and value of international trade is experiencing a higher growth rate and the world economy has experienced substantial changes between and within countries. The developing countries are now participating in the international
View More >>Economic growth of any country defines an increase in production capacity. It is obtained by comparing the productions of two financial years. Economic growth also signifies that there is an increase in the productivity of the labour force. Generally, economic growth is the increased
View More >>According to Dixon & Monk (2014), democracy is one of the main constituents of economic development. However, Smith & Stirling (2018) contradicts this and states that democracy hinders the work of the economy and thus impedes its development.
View More >>The basic research idea is to challenge the mental accounting theory, which states that a consumer does not realize that their choice is not reasonable, caused by common human behavioral patterns.
View More >>The political economy refers to a social science interdisciplinary branch which is focused on the interrelationships among government, individuals as well as public policy (Dobb, 2012).
View More >>The recent system of private rental housing searches have been raising in demand in UK is because there is an improvement in the life expectancy rates of people and also there
View More >>Globalization can be explained as one of the important concepts that define the actual spread of the products, technology, and jobs across different countries as well as culture. It is an essential process that helps to improve the rate of unemployment by increasing job-opportunity
View More >>Rental properties are in high demand in the UK, which increasing in day-by-day. Numbers of the prospective tenants who are registered in this business have risen by 23% in the UK. Housing is one of the basic needs of human beings.
View More >>The impact of Corona virus infection in Chinese economy on South Korean economy is significant.This is because of the trade dependence on GDP growth in South Korea, which was 70 percent in third quarter in 2019, and it is third highest ranking in global dependence on export, next to Netherlands and Germany.
View More >>Born during the Industrial Revolution, Adam Smith's ideology is commonly known for its phrase, 'harmony of interest,' between the market and the individuals, whereby the 'invisible hand' of competition relays a self-centered behaviour into the cumulative social benefits.
View More >>Before the 2008 financial crisis, banks in Ireland embarked on an over-lending strategy, which finally led to the 2009 financial crisis in the country. Although other international factors were attributed to the crisis, one internal factor that stood out was over-lending.
View More >>Gerlach-Kristen and Merola (2019) posit that during times of financial crisis, permanent income is revised downwards resulting to a decline in household consumption. The small-scale DSGE model holds that in such times, households can finance their consumption
View More >>Brexit word is composed of two words British exit where it refers to the UK leaving Europe. This word Brexit defines the removal of UK from European Union. UK stepped out of being a member of the European country on 31st January 2020 when this Brexit
View More >>Scholars define globalization differently but all of them ae to some extent confined to a country’s integration into the international labour division as well as the integration of production factors in international scale. For example, according to Knox et al. (2014), globalisation is the incorporation of national economies into world economy
View More >>Globalization, as a term, can be used in two fronts. The first of which could refer to the reduction of the world to one ‘small village’ as a result of the developments in technology and communication. These developments have resulted in a temporal and spatial shrinkage of the world (Steger, 2009), making the world a smaller space as opposed to what it was earlier on. When looked at from this angle, globalization has led to the actions of people in one part of the globe impacting more quickly and strongly on humanity in the other parts.
View More >>The book aims at discussing the compelling drama going on in our minds with two different characters by including twist, drama and tensions which have crucial impacts on the thinking and decision-making skill in our lives. These characters are one the impulsive, intuitive system and automatic and other is calculating system. Our thought and actions depend on the two system which in tur control our brain at different times.
View More >>Household consumption refers to the amount which individuals spend on purchasing economic resources purchase their economy. It is normally exchanged with currency type in the market, which is a place where the interest of industries and consumers meet.
View More >>According to Khan, Alam and Alam (2015), Apple Inc. primarily manufactures, designs and markets an extensive service offering range of products consisting of mobile communication devices and personal computers along with the related software suits, accessories, services, applications and third party based digital content.
View More >>For more than half a century, SEZs have played a substantial role in the development of the economy, industrial growth, and international trade (Farole & Akinci, 2011). In the analysis literature, there are many different definitions of special economic zones (SEZ).
View More >>As per the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) in 2014, tourism earns more than 6.990 billion US dollars of economic transactions globally, wherein it employs 265.8 million people. It also stated that tourism had made more significant improvements in the figure, wherein from 1950 to 2013, the arrival of tourists had reached from 25.3 million to 1087 million and is expected to reach 1.8 billion by 2030.
View More >>Alstadsæter, Johannesen, & Zucman (2018) stated that it is very challenging to quantify the global wealth of rich families due to the existence of large offshore wealth management in the industry that was developed in Switzerland, Hong Kong, and the Bahamas among other financial centers in the 1980s. The policies in these countries allow banks to cater to the needs of wealthy individuals around the world.
View More >>Globalisation is the interaction and integration of the world people, companies, and governments. While the concept of globalization began a long ago, its massive impacts have been witnessed in the 21st century across the globe. The concept has implications for diverse areas in the society that ranges from economic, social, to cultural impacts.
View More >>The above examples of models represent the Random walk class. A random walk represents a succession of steps in a path. The steps are random and are described on a mathematical space. From the examples above, Yt = Yt-1 + Ut and Yt = 0.5Yt-1 + Ut are random walks, as they are made of a succession of integer steps, for example
View More >>In a liberal market, which is characterised by a perfect competition, the laws of demand and supply of goods and services determine the equilibrium point, or rather the equilibrium price of goods and services. In markets, equilibrium is attained at the price where the volume of demand and the quantities of supply are equivalent. In most cases the equilibrium point is epitomised in charts that show a point where the price and quantity where the supply and demand curves intersect.
View More >>Since the dawn of existence, there have been waves of disasters which have adversely affected humanity. As a result, people in groups and societies have united in developing ways to minimize their exposure to the critical effects of disasters by devising mechanisms of detecting and measuring both pre-disaster and post-disaster impacts and complementing them with response and recovery techniques.
View More >>Chinese economy has become the world’s second largest economy after United States. The economic reforms have started in the year of 1978 with an increase in manufacturing power, exports, technical advancements and tourism support (Whalley and Xian, 2010). The economic reforms stabilize the economy and also make the country capable of fighting with the internal instabilities.
View More >>This section presents the statistical analysis and findings on the relationship between refugee acceptance among European Union countries and their size, population, literacy rates, weighted conflict index and labour market. The labour market in each country has been split into two components: the work force in industry and the workforce in agriculture.
View More >>From 1980’s until the present time, one of the most significant economic transformations in developed countries has been that of Financialisation. After the Fordism era, advanced economies had transformed their growth model from virtuous cycle to vicious model, which average wage compromising but maintaining the productivity and consumption trend, which increased.
View More >>Literature about consumption theories is crucial in this chapter for discovering what would be a fundamental argument in conventional consumption theories. It starts with after World War 2, because Keynes was an academic who proposed macroeconomic concepts include consumption in one state economy, so-called aggregate earning.
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