A Commitment to Ethical Conduct Continuous Development

Reflective account of professionalism and dual professionalism


I believe that professionalism is highly associated with the concept of being a teacher. Adhering to a responsible pattern of teacher's conduct and focusing on managing the student-teacher community is important. Consistently managing private affairs while the dignity of the profession is kept intact, is identified to be the best part of the teacher's code of conduct. I find it effective to set out high standards of organizational culture and innovative thinking. Continuity of self-development for myself and the learners is part of mine. Professionalism encourages integrity, confidentiality, objectivity, professional behavior, and professional competence. In my opinion, compliance with laws, which are relevant to employee rights, is going to outline some internal practices of professionalism in education dissertation help. This includes the practices such as managing appropriate dress codes, retention from the usage of drugs, and managing sexual harassment. This generates adequacy of professional behaviorism and mannerism

Comparison of professionalism and dual professionalism


In my case, professionalism applies to teaching nursing. This is one of the important subject areas to work with. Logical explanation and brainstorming effectively justify the process in my opinion. I have found out some basic differences on professionalism and dual professionalism that are associated with learners where they tend to learn more and practice important attributes. I also find it effective to gain success after a six-month training of professional formation and maintaining membership of the training process. Induction is given on newly qualified teachers' approach. “The qualified teacher status lasts up to 5 years from the start date of their first supply contract (Abdurashidovich, and Nigmanovna, 2019)”. Professionalism relates to training and education purposes. Professionalism is identified as a centralized concept that is applicable within education and training. “Dual Professionals are mainly the professionals in both of the areas of education and training and it is required by the teachers in recent times to a great extent to become a perfectionist”. I have found out the concepts of being trained in more than two subjects: vocational expertise and subject expertise which marks professionalism and manages personal growth. Maintaining subject specialism and skills strengthening are the two most important aspects of professionalism. Strong working ethics and community-building skills approach great teaching and contribute to professionalism in my opinion (Acost et al. 2019).

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Ways of influencing practice in the area of specialization

Vocational training helps in managing the efficacy of people as if various purposeful actions are taken while these trainings are processed. In my case, I have used my professional values to influence the practice of mathematics and follow the national rules. I would like to highlight certain areas that have helped me throughout to keep professional values intact. These are:

Code of conduct

Code of conduct for teachers helps in negotiating difficult timing during a person’s overall life cycle. It has been allowing a person to identify the right things which will encourage management of perspectives and ensure taking responsibility for a person (Ashnagohar, Sharifi, and Imani, 2017). Understanding and applying systematic laws and procedural guidelines underpin professional conduct. I find that a teacher should:

The express opinion which is free of any racism or demotivating content

Maintaining active membership within the class and managing extracurricular activities

Continuously allow oneself to seek opportunities to learn and accept constructive feedback

Student's dignity should be respected along with the right of expressing an opinion

Improve student attainments by developing interactive class components

Refrain from inciting students against each other (Eliseeva et al. 2019)

Aid students to develop an understanding of national goals

Being affectionate to students

Recognize the core differences of aptitude and capabilities

Treating other fellow members professionally is important

National bodies

National bodies of education include DFE in the UK which is responsible for children's service and education management. Higher and further educational policies and skills in association with the apprenticeships are associated with 17 other agencies and public bodies. There is another name that comes to mind when talking about education and that is Ofsted (Fedorov, Sedykh, and Mialkina, 2019). Children's services and skills are inspected and regulated by these particular bodies. Schools and teaching professionals are rated by Ofsted in four different categories including outstanding, good, inadequate, adequate. Schools are inspected and marked to see whether the schools are maintaining 3I's of education which is intent, implication, and impact.

It provides me an opportunity to be recognized as a renowned practitioner in a particular area. It allows teachers to focus on their CPD and particular areas of interest to enhance their knowledge. Professional teachers are highly respected and they are awarded the sequential learning efficacy. A recognition allows a teacher to build knowledge, skill, and qualities that improve the outcomes of students (Kozorez et al. 2020). PLM is identified as a professional learning model, which allows teachers to identify gaps in their teaching practices and gather some extra points on professionalism. This might help in gaining professional rewards.

Membership of professional bodies

Professional bodies that are associated with the teacher association in the UK, include ASET, AMA or assistant masters association, an association for science education, an association of assistant mistresses, an association of teachers and lecturers. I have found a general fit for the teachers in the UK which is generalized council or GTC. Its overall purpose is to work in the public interest to ensure standards of learning are improvised. I have preferred to enroll myself in the GTC category (Kushik, Yevtushenko, and Evtushenko, 2020). It includes a variety of social components to be associated with the professional development of teaching. Union and government legislations are required to be well implemented in this context.

Qualified teacher learning and skill status

Qualified teacher learning and skill status are recognized in the education sector which gains success after completion of 6-month professional formation. The society maintains adequacy of education and training where the newly qualified teacher has to participate in an induction program of 12 months (Liao, 2018). QTS is identified to be a legal requirement that is considered desirable in many schools. To gain this certification I have to achieve a current teaching skill in the post-14 sector.


It is often observed that the current policies encourage educational competency and managing the schools well. Educational training is extended to 18 years and as a teacher it is essential to cooperate with the learning mechanism of education systems. Current educational issues are associated with health and child development. School reformation is highly associated with the attainment of educational components largely. Lack of innovation and mobility in higher education is associated with a large number of private and public factors. Current problems in education are associated with classroom size and bullying. As professionals, I need to focus on student attributes and behaviorism so that world education is managed. The school divides and drop out rate is essential and enlarged. Hence, as professionals, it is essential to manage types that are formal, informal, and non-formal.

Discussion on the impact of national, local, and institutional policies Current educational Policies

A comprehensive national educational framework for teacher training helps manage institutional policies in a well-defined manner. Current educational policies encourage globalization on business needs and private sectors need to be incorporated into educational services (Liao, 2018). European Union and government legislation underpin national events for business development and growth. The economic efficacy should be managed within an evolving priority sector and demographics.

Social, political, and economic factors


Organizational policies and practices are associated with the employment or training launched as NEET. Engaging in community-based compositions and responding to the need is associated with the differentiation of minority groups. Government responsibility for economic, business, and skills development within the European Union is explained well here (Mosenkis et al. 2020). It represents groups and performance incorporation of local employment needs. Migration and immigration policies are associated with hiring teachers across the world. A person would be capable of managing professionalism while promoting employment opportunities and business skills. Promotional widening is associated with a definition of the economic needs of a person. A person should set a benchmark where quality assurance and improvement should be focused. New common inspection frameworks are being designed on an everyday basis to manage the impact of organizational pressure on teachers. The code of conduct and national bodies encourage the learning and development of people within sustainable measures. Addressing the needs of common students are required within qualified teacher learning.


Many of the students are not getting enough resources and they need to evolve the priority sectors and manage the impact of globalization. Changing the workforce is something that fuels the economical barriers. Different talented teachers from different country backgrounds are coming up at the encouragement of learning due to economic reasons. Teaching is another name of observation. In case there are no observation schedule pupils can shift their focus from their tracks. The teacher records verification process should be funded maximum (Najafi Doulatabad et al. 2019). This helps in a background check and identifying which of the people are not capable of the process management. Quality assurance and improvement qualify for this process. While multiple actions are there that help in effective learning modules it is essential to encourage effective alignment of records. The componential breakdown allows one to indulge in a partnership with employers and stakeholders.

Political factors

Consideration of economic growth and prosperity is largely associated with the certain needs of the educational components. European Union and government legislation is associated with the management of the educational workforce. There exist educational structures of the country which promote reformation. Transfer of power to the central government to subnational ranges by defining new schools and streets (Putra, and Putro, 2019). The Union Cabinet in July 2020 has approved the New Education Policy which aims at universalization of education from preschool to secondary level. The possibilities for the emergence of progressive agenda for schooling provide educators and social scientists for understanding and defining change of school process after the second world war. Political economy deals with trade and relations with law and government. The distribution of national income and wealth is identified as a part of multi-disciplinary action-taking. Holistic approaches should be taken for the integration of vocational education and defining multiple entries and exit points (Pylypenko et al. 2018). Appropriate certification under General Education Affairs Act 1984 is essential to look after employment standards and conditions of salaries.

Political factors have included areas that are tax policy, environmental laws, and political stability. Inflation rate and interest rate are important to be managed under the national educational policy reformation and emphasizing languages for improving foundational literacy and numeracy. The main types of education are formal, informal, and non-formal which is impacted through national educational policy development. Political factors that impact education are the environmental law and labor law which requires it to be processed.

Organizational policies and codes of practices

Organizational policies give an idea of the decision-making process that is having clear transparency along with accountability and stability. Uniformity within leaders defines the behaviorism of teachers. Specific rules and regulations that employees should follow to keep business updated encourage work health and safety risks. Confined spaces and noise prevention should be indulged within the school environment. There should not be any economic discretion occurring throughout (Sánchez-Cabrero et al. 2021). Local initiatives are taken into account for further assembly of economic and business skills.

The specific business areas to be focused on are associated with TNA and its researches on its curriculum areas and are compatible with developing technologies. Researching on own curriculum areas allows technology encouragement and taking part in discussions that are summarized in a satisfiable manner. It is important to work in partnerships with employers and other stakeholders since the senior management is awarding organizations and special staff on physical and human resources.

Case study analysis

Role of stakeholders and external bodies in education and training

Developing policy that is curriculum-based is usually developed by allowing the involvement of stakeholders and external bodies. External bodies to provide proof on the course being successfully managed and identification of a school system that is suitable to all people. Internal stakeholders are the groups such as teachers, students, parents, and assistants (Smirnova et al. 2020). The external stakeholders include government, local authority, trainers, suppliers, and agencies. Accountability of stakeholders is those who have an interaction in a range of ways in school where well-being is supported by pupils. Stakeholders do not meet the commitments at the same times where information is shared. A group email for all stakeholders needs to be created so that all relevant information can be shared for them to try joining the meeting.

By making everyone aware of their roles and responsibilities there should be verbal and non-verbal commitment created that need support to encourage positive outcomes. Daily, the communication systems used within schools need to encourage the staffing plans and organize the perceptions of work being done. Importing into the young adults' activity and making the staff feel valued is important for the process. The professionals need to give a different point of view of the situation that enables a person to perform well. There is information seeking and allowing people to provide the much-needed support. People are currently under n number of stress and individuals need to encourage learning. Younger people need to cope up with the work that has been given to them while professionals work in partnerships (Udartseva et al. 2018). Some colleagues allow employers to work in the best possible condition by learning for themselves and allowing them to learn more.

The area where professionalism specializes manages any unrealistic data essentials and children should move out from their comfort zones as well. They should be capable of getting rid of any unpleasant situation and the government should also associate learning with extracurricular activities. Young children could find out extra stress while they are given some extra load of work. Creative learning that is rigorous and associates improvement is essential to provide support for children. Children have to take tests and complete their attendance (Van Wart et al. 2019). This should be a permanent solution to be incorporated. Delivery and assessment in a person's area of specialism is essential for the management of low ability and achieving high grades.

“Some parents across the country took their children out of school for a day’s protest over the exams to demonstrate the benefits of creative learning away from rigorous testing". This is why stakeholders should come into action. Responsibility for quality improvement is associated with the implementation of change for self-declaration components. Sharing needs are essential in the case of learning and training need management. Confidentiality, transparency management aligns with an integrated approach and staff satisfaction.

Accountability to stakeholders and external bodies impacting organization

Stakeholders and external bodies are heavily involved within organizational development. In an organization, there is an important partnership shown between the stakeholders and external stakeholders. Leadership plays an essential role in the assessment and accountability management of the process. There are vital ingredients like designing a governing body to design a possible conflict between the stakeholders and paying high wages to staff. A possible method is to manage production to reduce staff costs. Easily and effectively people are working to invest in analyzing relationships and speeding up problem-solving components (Van Wart et al. 2021). The quality assurance model helps in the overall engagement of organizational competency and work-based learning. Integrating wider skills and developing new technologies allows assessment within rigorous management of occupational needs. Teachers need to be integrated with their work and they should move forward to the comprehensive learning aspects. As a quality assurance process, there should be alternative approaches to an assessment undertaken that work on the quality cycle and focus groups. Meeting targets and learner achievement records works on value-added rates and action planning.

Importance to work in partnership with employers and other stakeholders

Management is supposed to be entering into a long-term relationship with teachers. Stakeholders and management are working towards mutually agreeing upon objectives. Self-interests are sometimes pursued upon while they work against each other. Stakeholders need to address conflict as well that uncovers motivation behind the achievement of multiple information. Senior management is involved in soliciting agreement management and diverse stakeholder communication. Outcomes that are needed to be achieved are associated with resources that will need and close monitoring of objectives (Najafi Doulatabad et al. 2019). All stakeholders are needed to be informed as a participatory approach to defining the affected business. This is an acceptance of responsibility for honest and ethical conduct towards wider stakeholder management. Stakeholder problems can be solved by making the expectations clear and ensuring necessary resources to be indulged within. Providing constructive feedback is also aligned within this section.

Adaptability and work accountability securely manage a business. The working culture inside an organization works with meeting ledger needs, formal and informal learner feedback, and reviewing the status of the program. Learner surveys are mostly focused on the engagement of success data and learner achievement records. Student progression data is essential for the line manager to implement change and create a chart that will show the progressive alignments. Quality assessment programs encourage a line of responsibility within an organization's quality cycle. Minimization of risk associated with educational standards is also equally important to be acknowledged. Alternative approaches to assessments can be identified as open book exams, performance tests, retake policies, and adding the options to M-C tests (Mosenkis et al. 2020). Student portfolio designing helps in being creative with projects. Student-created visuals are associated with presentations and formative assessment criteria. Summative assessment helps in constructive review of educational goals achievement.

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Assessment has been playing an important role in the process of learning and motivation. The types of assessment tasks that are asked to students on how they engage in the behaviors of the study. Well-designed assessment forms involve a variety of tasks that use high-level thinking skills. Alternative assessments place components to provide insights into student performances. Journal entries allow reflective writing and defining a story and experiments. Students all across the world need to identify a range of contexts that teach and assess large numbers of students for managing the numbers firmly on the horizon. Focus alternative assessment takes individuals towards the consideration of proficiency measurement based on analytical, and logical thinking application. Students' learning is associated with tackling problems. There is students' historical literacy that needs to be managed within logical thinking skills and reasoning aspects. Diagnostic tools are associated with improvement with the identification of student strengths and weaknesses. "Performance appraisal is an appraisal done by observing the activities of learners in doing something". Appropriately using educator time and inaccurate student knowledge derivation is essential in designing tasks using grasps models (Fedorov, Sedykh, and Mialkina, 2019).

The context is to define a specific problem or goal that will be judged upon marking rubrics and success criteria. Traditional assessments allow authenticity and engage all learners to perform a significant evaluation of assessment components. Practicality, reliability, and authenticity are principles of assessments that have to be preserved.



It is essential to secure a position in the school as multiple talented people do not get enough opportunities to showcase their talents. Extracurricular activities need to be processed under current subjective analysis. All students should get equal opportunities to be evaluated and marked. The marking and grading system is all that is important to circulate decision-making components. As a part of identifying wider professional practice, it is essential to follow up the form of evaluation (Fedorov, Sedykh, and Mialkina, 2019). Self-evaluation components are based on student feedback and the learning opportunities that they get.

Continuos learning environment

Session evaluation

Session evaluation Session evaluation

Session evaluation helps in getting feedback that has a certain value to be added to the educational system. An understanding is developed as a part of managing the essential components where evaluation criteria are encouraged. Management of personal skills helps in getting a review of the essential student components. Student records, approved workplace practices, and areas of improvement have been encouraged.

Course/programme evaluation

Quality maintenance evaluation

Educational experience at schools can be


Very satisfactory-Yes



Very dissatisfied

Education experience rating

Education experience rating

Satisfactory components of educational experiences?

Satisfactory components of educational experiences

Rate the services at school

Rate the services at school

Share about the level of satisfaction with support services and facilities

The parking facilities could be improved and there should be the usage of sanitization tunnel post covid

Accessibility, equality management is associated with the course or program evaluation. Development of technologies and effective analysis of peer components allows the roles of stakeholders to be managed effectively (Pylypenko et al. 2021).

Self-evaluation by using Self Evaluation Review (SAR)

Self-evaluation by using Self Evaluation Review Self-evaluation by using Self Evaluation Review Self-evaluation by using Self Evaluation Review

It helps in identifying whether a teacher is giving a 100% contribution to their work. Sponsorship helps in the identification of adequate channels where accountability is observed and meeting the needs are done (Ashnagohar, Sharifi, and Imani, 2017). Staffing and work-based training evaluation is also mentioned in this particular review sheet. Building certain links within industry and staff updating and vocational training help in awarding organizational indulgence and progression.

Internal verification proforma of assignments and assessments

Internal verification proforma of assignments and assessments Internal verification proforma of assignments and assessments

Internal Verification-Assessment Decisions

Internal Verification-Assessment Decisions Internal Verification-Assessment Decisions

All this assessment helps in creating an understanding of how students' performance can be rated.


Feedback should be taken from internal stakeholders and other fellow teachers on the implementation of change. The quality assurance model has its significant lines of responsibilities which will work on quality improvement and self-assessment model.

The quality improvement plan will be as follows:

Indulgence of supervision and IQA modeling

A hierarchy of training managers should be created

Early review to check the list of attributes that are met

Meeting targets are essential to managing the educational services appropriately

Implementation of change in a well understood and appreciated manner

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Van Wart, M., Ni, A., Rose, L., McWeeney, T. and Worrell, R.A., 2019. A literature review and model of online teaching effectiveness integrating concerns for learning achievement, student satisfaction, faculty satisfaction, and institutional results. Pan-Pacific Journal of Business Research, 10(1), pp.1-22.

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