A Mixed-Methods Study at a London Children's Centre

The research aim and purpose are to develop planting area with the children in the garden in an outdoor environment. The research will be conducted at the children’s centre in London; the research method chosen includes semi structure interviewing questionnaire and observation which will be carried out through observing the children while planting in the garden and having a discussion while observing them. For those seeking education dissertation help, this study aims to explore how outdoor activities like gardening can enhance children's learning experiences.

Hughes, P. (2010: P 35) explain paradigm as a process of seeing the world that supports the research topic and which relate to the way we think about the research question. It important to have an understanding when choosing a paradigm because it may have an effect on the chosen methodology. My perception and understanding of children eventually influence the paradigm in which my research is been arranged. For conducting this research, it is suitable to choose appropriate methodologies so that the researcher can follow suitable step for collecting and analysing the valid and relevant data and information for this study. In this study, the researcher selects the interview strategy for the parents, observation strategy for observing the children as well as develop proper questionnaire for the practitioners for collecting appropriate data and information.


Discussing the difference between qualitative and quantitative research the study explains their main differences. Qualitative and quantitative study both has their own motivation, strength and limitation, build on their own references. (Clough and Nutbrown, 2012) I can understand as a researcher that qualitative and quantitative study has specific suggestion in differences, for example qualitative is centred in meaning and deepness on approach by describing or observing what is existing or what is happening which applies to my research study observing how the children participate in planting flowers, foods and fruits in the garden. (Denscombe, 2010; 79). Qualitative research method has been chosen by the researcher to conduct in depth analysis after collecting proper information from the participants. In this regard, the qualitative data analysis is effective where the researcher can collect the data and information from the children through observations, from the parents through interview and from the practitioners through arranging appropriate questionnaires and analyse the data I qualitative perspectives by using suitable theories and practice related to the research topic. hereby, the qualitative research method is appropriate for this study where the researcher can analyse the collected information on the basis of the exiting theories and concept.

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Though choosing proper methodology, it is possible for the researcher to collect suitable data and information and analyse the information to meet the research questions. Methodological parading is hereby beneficial to follow an effective strategy for conduct the study proficiently by proper data analysis and collection method so that the research aims, and objectives can be met. In this study, qualitative data analysis technique has been chosen by the researcher to collect the relevant and valid information and analyse it on the basis of exiting theories and concept. The researcher in this regard also be concerned about the ethical consideration while conducting the research and treat the participants with honesty, showing empathy and integrity so that the researcher can manage the audiences successfully. Moreover, the researcher ensures that the collected information and data will be safe and secure and will only be utilised for this research purpose.

Since qualitative research method involves action research and observation. I will also include participant as researchers, for example I will work with other early year’s practitioners as teamwork to observe the children and make comparison of the observation gotten, working together with them to make improvement in the areas of our practices. Young children should be enlightened with new ideas, skills with the support of the setting garden children can learn all this skill on how to plants and grow different foods, fruits, and vegetables and learning good diet as they grow. Which my reading and argument will be draw from this book’s observation on modern garden, eat better, start better by action for children, promoting lifelong, Healthy eating Habit by Food and Agriculture Organization, children in the garden. Hereby, the researcher selects the primary data collection technique where he or she can collect the first hand information for supporting the research. in addition to this, the researcher selects the qualitative data analysis technique where he or she would be able to analyse the collected information on the basis of secondary data and information which are collected through searching secondary sources of information such as books, journals, online articles, newspapers and business letters.

I will be observing the children as they plant, through observation which require proper knowledge and understanding such as monitoring the children, their behaviour, their habits and their culture,

The researcher also favoured observation to interview, which will need questionnaire and depend on the information provided by the participant, who in this research are children, might not be in a position to give accurate information. Also, this is indirect methods and the researcher does not have any means to examine the accuracy of the data that will be supplied by the respondents. Rolfe and Emmett (2010; 309) However, with narrative observation, the researcher can directly check the accuracy from the observed. The researcher will apply various devices to test the reliability of the children behaviour when planting in the garden. Thus, very often data collected from observation can be said to be more reliable than that of obtain through interview or questionnaire. Fawcett and Watson (2016)

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Another challenge of the methodology using observation is lack of reliability and validity, the researcher can easily generalise our findings. Personal bias of the observer can also create difficulties when making valid generality in the observation. (Coffey, 1999). It is possible to avoid this challenge is that the researcher needs to observe the behaviour of the children and develop proper communication by positive interaction. without any biasness towards any children at the institution, the researcher needs to treat them equally and represent the actual data that are gathered during the observation of the children.

Faulty perception is high when using observation, it is a very technical job you can never be sure of what you’re observing is the same as it appears to your eyes. It is worth mentioning two people are likely to see same thing differently, while one person may find something useful and meaning when observing the children playing in the garden environment, another might find nothing. As a researcher in this study the observer can create personal bias, I might look at things in a particular way that often creates obstacle for making a valid generation. (Bjork et al, 2006).

Observation is time consuming, the time and process it will take observing children planting in the garden to make a, and conclusive finding is very short. Valid observation cannot be short; Investigation cannot be completed in a short period. It can also reduce the interest of the observer and observe to continue their observation process.

Other limitations of using observation are costly. It requires high cost, needs plenty of time and effort. Observation cannot be used in isolation; hence I therefore choose to combine it with semi-structure interview method. Developing proper questionnaire and get print out of it for distributing the questionnaire among the practitioners as well as arranging the telephonic interview with the parent of the children become costly for the researcher.

The semi-structured interview will allow the researcher to use open-ended list of questions which will allow a discussion with the practitioners rather than a straightforward question and answer format. The interviewer will prepare a list of question to ask the practitioners on the topic of the study. The use of pre-determined question will provide uniformity; can also provide valuable information from context of participants. The limitations of this method however, it can be time consuming for collecting the data, it also requires some level of training to avoid interviewer suggesting answers and it can be difficult to quantify. Simmons (2010; 2008).

Narrative observation would be carried out in my research which will involve writing down day to day activities or recording what the children are doing, Interacting and their interest in the activities. Narrative observation method is qualitative in nature. In this regard, in order to collect proper information directly from the practitioners, the researcher arranges questionnaires for the practitioners for collecting their practice as a team. Through the questionnaire it is possible to gather in depth information about the practice and working strategy of the practitioners as a team. According to Rolfe, S. and Emmett, S. (2010) indicates that in order to avoid uncertainty, the best ideal is to concentrate on the method of observation that involve the topic instead of the name.

According to Dunn, J. (2005) pointed out that research focus on young children in the context of their home environment. Observing the children at the school or other institution is one of the effective ways to gather experience and information directly front he children.

For example Piaget’s perspective experimental condition which stated how children was taking away from the environment which they were familiar with to carry out a test, Dunn, J. (2005; P.67) the need to carry out an observation of children in the context of everyday lives to study their responses to experimental situation. This is effective to identify the behaviour, attitude, culture and habits of the children through observing them in their daily life and it will contribute in this research to meet the pre-specified topic of the study.


According to Aubrey et al. (2000 P; 156) defines ethics as a moral philosophy or as a project ethics is very important in a research project. Ethic means moral consideration of human level.

The ethical issues in this research need to be put into consideration when involving young children directly can be notice if the research will be of beneficial to the participants. Robson, C. (2011). State that including children directly in research and listening to their point of view, we believe in them with no doubt that there is positive advantage the researchers has obtain their perspective of their stake holder groups in early childhood. More researchers have built more views of children as knowledgeable on their own lives, looking at the reaction of the children’s view point has possible, by taking their aims and ideas seriously. It is important to imporve involvement of the children in this research to conduct in depth analysis and research for meeting the objective of the study. In this regard, participation of the children is necessary where the researcher give importance to the children by observing them on a daily basis for gathering experience. O'Kane (2008) said that there is more positive good reason to listening to children. We should be Luscious of Woodhead, M. and Faulkner, D. (2008: p35) careful and respect for the children's position as their social actors does not decline adult’s responsibilities.

In this case this research involves children to be viewed as compose 'risky' activity. The early childhood research, the risks encounter is mostly social than physical. According to Allen, G. (2005 p20) a child is unlikely to come to physical harm, more so I will firstly consider the social and emotional harm that might cause unpleasant or pain upon the children participant. It is important for me to consider the risk assessment for identifying the risks factors for the children in engaging them into the research process and treat them with honesty and fairly as well as safely.

Furthermore, to support the children on how to grow food and improve their diet on healthy living and consumption of fruits, Horticultural skills in agriculture are the understanding of the environmental protection.

To carry out research about children is very important to act in a moral way. Grelget et al. (2007) State the word ‘Researcher’ means we must act in a way to be moral or ethical. More so I will make sure moral and ethical principle will be considered in carrying out my research with the children. As the researcher I will also need to consider young children are heavily represented among participant of research.

Consent in the context of early childhood research means getting letter of consent. The major words of research ethics are ‘informed consent’ this involves the participant in the research, given their consent to be a researcher, and understanding the purpose of my research and reason why I would like for them to take part in my research, and their involvement. What I would ask them to do group interview and ask for more time if the interview takes half an hour. I will make sure I give them right information about the research before and during the data collection.

I would also put into consideration that every individual involved in the setting will remain unknown and can be withdrawn from the research at any time if they feel uncomfortable. The data collected will be recorded and the data will be stored as confidentially and can share with parent and my school tutor as part of my project research, which I will ask parents and the practitioner to sign.

The acceptance of the consent letter gives every participant who has signed their consent letter and understands the information on the letter signed. According Robson, C. (2011) there is specific ethical issues that rise up in relation, to informed consent when we are working with vulnerable group of young children. The reason why is, it may be difficult for the children to understand all the area of the research in purpose of what is really happening. More so the consent letter is applied to adults and children when carrying out research. Christensen, P. and Prout, A. (2002) stated that ‘ethical symmetry’ extract from research as human being Researchers will adjust their research practice to suit the interests of research participants; children and adults. The major principle in research are the same way for children and adults, but different in practice. Adults that have read and signed the consent letter can withdraw that they don’t wish to participate in a research project, which they can do this on behalf of their children.

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If I find out that the research question is of little interest to the children’s normal forms of group interviewing may not be appropriate as this can be involved more of the setting for long time. The children may prefer to engage in playing with their peers or engage in other activities. In this case there may be power of imbalance with adults by deciding on what to discuss about, when am discussing with the children as a group, I would ensure that all the children have the chance to contribute to the discussion, rather than letting other voices to overpower their voice. It is effective for me to engage the children during their activities at the schools and observe them on a daily basis. Additionally, asking the children about their preferences and their habits during the activities will also be effective for conducting the research proficiently by gathering relevant information directly from the children. I will make sure the question asked would be think through to make sure all the children understand what is been asked from them. Given that children think they need to get every question asked right. when the question is asked by an adult, considering some children whose first language is not English or the children with communication difficulties in this case I would need to consider how the child feels if other children say something likely lashing at by the remaining groups. I would be aware of how to deal with this issue if it comes up, during research. According to Woodhead, M. and Faulkner, D. (2008) says whether the children in research can be viewed as subject or participants, each constitute to the changing and understandings of the ability of the children, in a way to change perspective relating to their level of responsiveness, according to children in the relation to their rights and welfare.

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